988 research outputs found

    The Cost of Coexistence between Bt Maize and Open Pollinated Maize Varieties in Lowland Coastal Kenya

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    Kenya is currently in the process of introducing genetically modified maize (Bt maize). A major concern is that the Bt gene might cross into local varieties through cross pollination. Current regulatory strategies to ensure coexistence of the two cropping systems at the farm level rely on spatial isolation measures-separation distances and/or buffer zones. However, the interaction of practical measures and costs of spatial isolation with the farmer’s economic incentive to plant a Bt maize crop have not been studied in Kenya. The purpose of this study was to analyze the technical and economic feasibility of the implementation of spatial coexistence measures. Using spatial geo-referenced data from the actual agricultural landscape in lowland coastal Kenya, the study finds that flexible separation distances hold the possibility of ensuring coexistence in the region, but will be difficult to implement. Rigid buffer strips on the other hand are not consistent with the producers’ economic incentive to plant a Bt maize crop.Coexistence, Regulatory, Spatial, Agro-ecological zone, GM crops, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Participatory Evaluation of Integrated Pest and Soil Fertility Management Options Using Ordered Categorical Data Analysis

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    During participatory rural appraisals, farmers at the Lake Victoria basin of Kenya and Uganda identified Striga, stemborer and declining soil fertility as three major constraints to maize production To reduce food insecurity, several innovative integrated technologies to address these constraints have been developed, including push-pull (maize intercropped with Desmodium and surrounded by napier grass), maize-soybean and maize-crotalaria rotations, and Imazapyrresistant (IR) maize seed coated with the herbicide. To let farmers evaluate the new technologies, 12 demonstration trials, comparing the different technologies, were established in four villages in Siaya and Vihiga districts (Western Kenya) and two villages in Busia (Uganda). These evaluations, where farmers' appreciation and feedback on the technology are captured, are an important step in technology development. During field days at the end of short rainy seasons of 2003 and 2004, 504 farmers individually observed and rated each treatment under the different cropping systems, with and without IR maize, and with and without fertilizer, with a maize continuous monocrop as control. Farmers scored each of the 16 treatments on an ordered scale of five categories: very poor, poor, average, good, and very good. The treatments were scored for each of the criteria farmers has previously determined (including yield, resistance to Striga and stemborer, and improvement of soil fertility). Analysis of the evaluation, using ordinal regression, show significant differences in farmers' preference by year and site. There was, however, little effect of farm and farmer characteristics such as farm size and gender of the observer. Ordinal regression of farmers' scores are not as intuitive and also bit cumbersome to use, but they have a better theoretical foundation than other methods, in particular the use of means. This paper shows how the method can be used, and concludes that, with some effort, it is a convenient way to analyse farmers' ranking of a large number of options.farmers' preference, technologies, ordinal regression, Crop Production/Industries,

    Consumer awareness and attitudes toward GM foods in Kenya

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    A survey of 604 consumers was conducted in Nairobi, Kenya, in November and December 2003, at three points of sale (supermarkets, kiosks, and posho mills) to determine consumer awareness and attitudes towards genetically modified (GM) foods. Above a third (38%) of the respondents were aware of GM crops, mostly from newspapers, television and radio. Others had learned about GM crops at school. Newspapers and television were more important to higher-income and more educated consumers. Consumers acknowledged the technology’s potential positive impacts, with more than 80% agreeing that it increases productivity. Sixty-eight percent said they would buy GM maize meal at the same price as their favorite brands, although many had concerns; half of the respondents feared that GM technology could lead to a loss of biodiversity and affect non-target insects; while more than one- third (37%) had concerns about the effects of GM food on human health. We conclude that GM technology has a role to play in food security in Kenya. However, consumers need more information about the technology, which can be provided through established sources of information. Finally, consumer attitudes should be studied regularly, and the survey population broadened to include rural consumers

    Hyperspherical Formulation Of Impurity-Bound Excitons In Semiconductors

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    A hyperspherical formalism is shown to be an appropriate approach for the investigation of the three-particle complex corresponding to an exciton bound to a Coulomb center in a semiconductor. The ground- and excited-state potential curves and binding energies are calculated as a function of the mass ratio of the hole and electron, and the concept of a critical mass is discussed. The results that we have obtained are in very good agreement with variational calculations for several semiconductor materials

    Developing Bt maize for resource-poor farmers – Recent advances in the IRMA project

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    This paper presents an overview of the advances in the IRMA project, which develops insect resistant maize varieties for resource-poor farmers, using both conventional breeding and genetic engineering. The project started in 1999 and is active in product development, impact assessment, andcommunication, all within the Kenya regulatory framework. So far, four application for introduction of tissue or commencement of field research were made to and approved by the National Biosafety Committee (NBC), and Bt maize leaves or seeds genes imported for testing against different stem borer species in bioassays on cut leaves in a biosafety laboratory, in potted plants in a Biosafety Greenhouse, and as whole plants in confined field trials in the Open Quarantine Station (OQS) at KARI Kiboko. All these biosafety facilities were specially built by the project for these evaluations. So far, good control has been realized against four of the five major stem borer species: Chilo partellus, Chilo orichalcociliellus, Eldana saccharina and Sesamia calamistis. Economic  impact assessment demonstrated that stem borers are major constraints and cause substantial losses. Resistant maizevarieties are likely to be adopted and to provide major returns to the investment if resistance against the economically most important species, Busseola fusca, can be found. Otherwise, returns would still be positive but small. Environmental impact research indicate that build-up of resistance against the Bt genes has not developed after that sufficient natural refugia exist in most areas, but suitable strategies acceptable to farmers need to be developed for some. Surveys, stakeholders meetings and other communications indicate that farmers, consumers and other stakeholders are cautiously optimistic about technology. Frequent interaction with the stakeholders and regulatory agencies assures a participative decision-making process and compliance with the strictest scientific and regulatorystandards

    A Type-Theoretic Account of Neg-Raising Predicates in Tree Adjoining Grammars

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    International audienceNeg-Raising (NR) verbs form a class of verbs with a clausal complement that show the following behavior: when a negation syntactically attaches to the matrix predicate, it can semantically attach to the embedded predicate. This paper presents an account of NR predicates within Tree Adjoining Grammar (TAG). We propose a lexical semantic interpretation that heavily relies on a Montague-like semantics for TAG and on higher-order types
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