2,623 research outputs found

    In Richtung der Zivilisation der Liebe: Vorschlag der Soziallehre der Kirche der heutigen Welt

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    Društveni nauk Crkve uvijek je naglašavao važnost izobrazbe i odgoja, kao što svjedoče i nauk i dokumenti papa, npr. Lava XIII, Pavla VI, Ivana Pavla II. i Benedikta XVI. Za ispravno shvaćanje građanskog prijateljstva važno je istinski poštovati dostojanstvo svake osobe. U odgoju i obrazovanju važnu i neodrecivu ulogu ima obitelj. Kao što naglašava Benedikt XVI, jedino sveobuhvatno prihvaćanje središnjeg mjesta ljudske osobe može ostvariti istinski napredak čovječanstva. U odgoju i obrazovanju valja naglašavati temu dara kako bi se u dimenziji relacionalnosti mogao izraziti rast osobnosti. Istinska i djelatna kršćanska ljubav potiče rast osobnosti. Stoga svaki nastavnik treba gajiti ljubav koja mora biti temelj njegova djelovanja. Ispravno shvaćeno učenje ne ograničava se na dublje poznavanje stvarnosti, nego potiče na služenje čovjeku. Mladom čovjeku treba pomoći da se uputi u religiozno traženje i otvori prema Transcendentnome. Uz obrazovanje i ekonomiju utemeljenu na znanju važni su sloboda podučavanja, obrazovna odgovornost i pravo na učenje. U odgojno-obrazovnim nastojanjima valja započeti od mladih i pritom ih promatrati Kristovim očima. U obrazovanju valja njegovati mir, demokraciju i interkulturalnost. Mladima treba pomoći i osposobiti ih za odgovorno sučeljavanje s izazovima smisla života i istine.The Church\u27s social teaching has always stressed the importance of training and education, as witnessed by the teachings and documents of the Popes, such as Leo XIII, Paul VI, John Paul II and Benedict XVI. For a proper understanding of civic friendship it is important to truly respect the dignity of each person. In education and formation the family has an important and irreplaceable role. As emphasized by Benedict XVI, a true progress of mankind can be achieved only if the the centrality of the human person is recognized. Within education and formation the theme of gift should be emphasized in order so that within the dimension of relationality the growth of personality could be expressed. True and active Christian love stimulates the growth of personality. Therefore, every teacher should cultivate a love that should be the basis of his activities. Properly understood, learning is not limited to the deeper understanding of reality, but encourages service to humanity. The youth need help motivating them in their religious quest and openness to the transcendent. With education and knowledge-based economy, freedom of teaching, educational responsibility and the right to study are significant. Within the educational work one needs to start from young people and view percieve them with the eyes of Christ. Education should foster peace, democracy and interculturalism. Young people need help and empowerment in responsibly addressing the challenges of the meaning of life.Die Soziallehre der Kirche hat immer die Wichtigkeit von Bildung und Erziehung betont, was die päpstlichen Lehren und Dokumente bezeugen, wie z.B. Leo XIII., Paulus VI., Johannes Paulus II. und Benedikt XVI. Für richtige Auffassung der bürgerlichen Freundschaft ist es wichtig, wirklich die Würde jeder menschlichen Person zu achten. In der Erziehung und Bildung hat die Familie eine wichtige und unverzichtbare Rolle. Wie es der Papst Benedikt XVI. betont, einen wahren Fortschritt der Menschheit kann nur eine universelle Annahme der zentralen Stelle der menschlichen Person verwirklichen. In der Bildung und Erziehung soll das Thema der Gabe betont werden, damit in der Dimension der gegenseitigen Beziehungen Wachstum der Persönlichkeit zum Ausdruck gebracht werden kann. Wahre und tätige christliche Liebe fördert das Wachstum der Persönlichkeit. Deswegen soll jeder Lehrer Liebe pflegen, die das Fundament seiner Tätigkeit sein muss. Richtig verstandenes Lernen begrenzt sich nicht auf tiefere Erkenntnis der Wirklichkeit, sondern regt zum Dienst am Menschen an. Den Jungen soll geholfen werden, dass sie sich in die Suche nach Gott begeben und sich für das Transzendente öffnen. Neben der Bildung und der Ökonomie, basiert auf dem Wissen, sind auch Freiheit zum Unterrichten, Bildungsverantworlichkeit sowie Recht auf Lernen wichtig. In den Bildungs- und Erziehungs-Bestrebungen ist von den Jugendlichen auszugehen; dabei sollen sie mit Augen Christi betrachtet werden. In der Bildung sollen Frieden, Demokratie und interkulturelle Beziehungen gepflegt werden. Den Jugendlichen soll geholfen werden und sie für verantwortliche Auseindersetzung mit den Herausforderungen des Lebenssinns und der Wahrheit befähigen

    Early impairment of endothelial structure and function in young normal-weight women with polycystic ovary syndrome

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of early vascular damage in young normal-weight women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).Thirty young normal-weight women with PCOS, who had no additional metabolic or cardiovascular diseases, and 30 healthy women (controls) matched for age and body mass index were studied. A complete hormonal assay was performed in each subject. Serum insulin and glucose levels were measured at baseline and after the oral glucose tolerance test. Plasma endothelin-1 levels and serum lipid profile were also assessed. The endothelial function was studied by flow-mediated dilation on the brachial artery, and arterial structure was evaluated by intima-media thickness measurement using Doppler ultrasound of both common carotid arteries.A significant (P < 0.05) difference in flow-mediated dilation (14.3 +/- 1.9% vs. 18.1 +/- 2.0% for PCOS patients and controls, respectively) and in intima-media thickness (0.53 +/- 0.09 mm vs. 0.39 +/- 0.08 mm for PCOS patients and controls, respectively) was found between PCOS and control subjects. Serum endothelin-1 levels were also significantly (P < 0.05) higher in PCOS patients compared with controls (1.1 +/- 0.4 pmol/liter vs. 0.5 +/- 0.2 pmol/liter for PCOS patients and controls, respectively).In conclusion, our data show that young, normal-weight, nondyslipidemic, nonhypertensive women with PCOS have an early impairment of endothelial structure and function

    Inside the Phenomenological Aspects of Wet Granulation: Role of Process Parameters

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    Granulation is a size-enlargement process by which small particles are bonded, by means of various techniques, in coherent and stable masses (granules), in which the original particles are still identifiable. In wet granulation processes, the powder particles are aggregated through the use of a liquid phase called binder. The main purposes of size-enlargement process of a powder or mixture of powders are to improve technological properties and/or to realize suitable forms of commercial products. A modern and rational approach in the production of granular structures with tailored features (in terms of size and size distribution, flowability, mechanical and release properties, etc.) requires a deep understanding of phenomena involved during granules formation. By this knowledge, suitable predictive tools can be developed with the aim to choose right process conditions to be used in developing new formulations by avoiding or reducing costs for new tests. In this chapter, after introductive notes on granulation process, the phenomenological aspects involved in the formation of the granules with respect to the main process parameters are presented by experimental demonstration. Possible mathematical approaches in the granulation process description are also presented and the one involving the population mass balances equations is detailed

    On the Hubble constant tension in the SNe Ia Pantheon sample

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    The Hubble constant (H0H_0) tension between Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia) and Planck measurements ranges from 4 to 6 σ\sigma. To investigate this tension, we estimate H0H_{0} in the Λ\LambdaCDM and w0waw_{0}w_{a}CDM models by dividing the Pantheon sample, the largest compilation of SNe Ia, into 3, 4, 20 and 40 bins. We fit the extracted H0H_{0} values with a function mimicking the redshift evolution: g(z)=H0(z)=H~0/(1+z)αg(z)={H_0}(z)=\tilde{H}_0/(1+z)^\alpha, where α\alpha indicates an evolutionary parameter and H~0=H0\tilde{H}_0=H_0 at z=0z=0. We set the absolute magnitude of SNe Ia so that H0=73.5km s1Mpc1H_0=73.5\,\, \textrm{km s}^{-1}\,\textrm{Mpc}^{-1}, and we fix fiducial values for Ω0mΛCDM=0.298\Omega_{0m}^{\Lambda CDM}=0.298 and Ω0mw0waCDM=0.308\Omega_{0m}^{w_{0}w_{a}CDM}=0.308. We find that H0H_0 evolves with redshift, showing a slowly decreasing trend, with α\alpha coefficients consistent with zero only from 1.2 to 2.0 σ\sigma. Although the α\alpha coefficients are compatible with 0 in 3 σ\sigma, this however may affect cosmological results. We measure locally a variation of H0(z=0)H0(z=1)=0.4km s1Mpc1H_0(z=0)-H_0(z=1)=0.4\, \textrm{km s}^{-1}\,\textrm{Mpc}^{-1} in 3 and 4 bins. Extrapolating H0(z){H_0}(z) to z=1100z=1100, the redshift of the last scattering surface, we obtain values of H0H_0 compatible in 1 σ\sigma with Planck measurements independently of cosmological models and number of bins we investigated. Thus, we have reduced the H0H_0 tension from 54%54\% to 72%72\% for the Λ\LambdaCDM and w0waw_{0}w_{a}CDM models, respectively. If the decreasing trend of H0(z)H_0(z) is real, it could be due to astrophysical selection effects or to modified gravity.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, 1 table; Accepted, to be published in Ap

    Efficacy of Low-Dose Paroxetine for the Treatment of Hot Flushes in Surgical and Physiological Postmenopausal Women: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trials

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    Background and Objectives: Hot flushes and sleep disturbances are the most common vasomotor symptoms (VMS) reported by postmenopausal women. Hormonal treatment is to date referred to as the gold standard approach but not suitable for all the patients. Alternative treatments are needed in case of a contraindication to menopausal hormone therapy (MHT), adverse side effects, and poor compliance. Paroxetine salt is the only nonhormonal medication approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for the management of VMS. Nonetheless, few trials with low consensus are available about this topic. In this review, we aimed to evaluate the efficacy of low-dose paroxetine therapy in the treatment of vasomotor hot flushes and night sleep disturbances in postmenopausal women. Materials and Methods: We performed an electronic search from the beginning of all databases to July 2019. All results were then limited to a randomized trial. Restrictions for language or geographic location were not utilized. Inclusion criteria were randomized clinical trials of physiological or surgical postmenopausal women experiencing hot flushes and sleep disturbances who were randomized to either low-dose paroxetine or placebo (i.e., formulations without active ingredients). The primary outcome evaluated was the mean weekly reduction of hot flushes. Results: Five randomized clinical trials, including 1482 postmenopausal women, were analyzed. Significant heterogeneity (I2 = 90%) between studies was noted. Hot flushes episodes were significantly reduced in the treatment arm compared to placebo (mean difference (MD) -7.97 [-10.51, -5.92] episodes/week). Results on the improvement on sleep were limited by being reported in only two studies; however, no significant reduction of night-time awakenings was observed (MD, -0.40 awakenings/night [-1.38, 0.58 CI]). Conclusions: Low-dose paroxetine is an effective treatment for vasomotor menopause symptoms, including hot flushes

    Coexistence of endometriosis and thyroid autoimmunity in infertile women: impact on in-vitro fertilization and reproductive outcomes

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    Objective: To evaluate the prevalence and impact of impaired thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels on the reproductive outcomes of in vitro fertilization patients diagnosed with endometriosis and compared to controls without endometriosis. Design: Retrospective cohort study on prospectively collected data Setting: Tertiary care University Hospital Participants: Infertile women with histopathological diagnosis of endometriosis. Methods: for 12 months (January 2018 to January 2019), women were deemed suitable and subsequently divided according to serum thyroid-stimulating hormone levels above or below 2.5 mIU/L and compared to patients without endometriosis. Needed sample size was at least 41 patients for each cohort of women. Co-primary outcomes were the live birth rate (LBR), clinical pregnancy rate (CPR) and pregnancy loss rate (PLR). Results: 226 women (45 with endometriosis and 181 controls without endometriosis) were included. Diagnoses of Hashimoto thyroiditis were significantly more frequent in women with rather than without endometriosis (14/45 (31.1%) vs 27/181 (14.9%); p=0.012). Similarly, in women with endometriosis, Hashimoto diagnosis rates were higher with TSH ≥2.5 mIU/L compared to TSH <2.5 mIU/L (9/15 (60%) vs 5/30 (16.6%); p=0.001), so were the Hashimoto diagnosis rates in control group (women without endometriosis) with TSH ≥2.5 mIU/L compared to TSH <2.5 mIU/L (17/48 (35.4%) vs 10/133 (7.5%), respectively; p=0.001). Effect size analysis confirmed an increased risk of Hashimoto thyroiditis in women with endometriosis and TSH ≥2.5 mIU/L compared to women with endometriosis and TSH <2.5 mIU/L ((risk ratio (RR) 3.60 (95% CI 1.46 to 8.86)) and in women with endometriosis and TSH ≥2.5 mIU/L compared to non-endometriotic euthyroid patients (RR 7.98 (95% CI 3.86 to 16.48)). Dysmenorrhea risk was higher in endometriotic euthyroid women compared to euthyroid patients with no endometriosis (RR 1.87 (95% CI 1.21 to 2.87)). The risk was still increased in euthyroid women with endometriosis relative to dysthyroid women with no endometriosis (RR 1.97 (95% CI 1.11 to 3.50)). There were no significant differences between the four groups for CPR, LBR, PLR and retrieved oocytes, immature oocytes, degenerated and unfertilized oocytes, cultured blastocysts, embryos and transferred embryos. Limitations: Retrospective design, limited sample size and use of different ovarian stimulation protocol. Conclusions: Thyroid autoimmunity seems more common in women with endometriosis and thyroid-stimulating hormone over 2.5 mIU/L. However, there was no significant impact on in vitro fertilization and reproductive outcomes related to the coexistence of endometriosis, Hashimoto disease and higher thyroid-stimulating hormone levels. Due to limitations of the study, additional evidence is required to validate the abovementioned findings

    Chronic graft-versus-host-disease-related polymyositis: a 17-months-old child with a rare and late complication of haematopoietic stem cell transplantation

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    Background: Chronic graft versus host disease (cGVHD) occurs in 20-30% of paediatric patients receiving haemopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Neuromuscular disorders such as polymyositis are considered a rare and distinctive but non-diagnostic manifestation of cGVHD and, in the absence of other characteristic signs and symptoms, biopsy is highly recommended to exclude other causes. Case report: We report a case of a 17-months-old child affected by hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis who underwent a matched unrelated donor haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). She developed severe cGVHD-related polymyositis that was successfully treated with high-dose steroid therapy, rituximab and sirolimus. Conclusions: This is the first case of cGVHD-related-polymyositis described in a pediatric patient which was successfully treated with rituximab

    Rapid Quantification of SARS-Cov-2 Spike Protein Enhanced with a Machine Learning Technique Integrated in a Smart and Portable Immunosensor

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    An IoT-WiFi smart and portable electrochemical immunosensor for the quantification of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein integrated with machine learning features was developed. The immunoenzymatic sensor is based on the immobilization of monoclonal antibodies directed to SARS-CoV-2 S1 subunit on Screen-Printed Electrodes functionalized with gold nanoparticles, the analytical protocol involving a single-step sample incubation. Immunosensor performance was assessed by validation carried out in viral transfer medium, which is commonly used for de-sorption of nasopharyngeal swabs. Remarkable specificity of the response was demonstrated by testing H1N1 Hemagglutinin from swine-origin influenza A virus and Spike Protein S1 from Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus. Machine learning was successfully used for data processing and analysis: different support vector machine classifiers were evaluated proving that algorithms affect the classifier accuracy. The test accuracy of the best classification model in terms of true positive/true negative sample classification was 97.3%. In addition, ML algorithm can be easily integrated into the developed cloud-based portable Wi-Fi device. Finally, the immunosensor was successfully tested using a third generation replicating incompetent lentiviral vector pseudotyped with SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein, thus proving the applicability of the immunosensor to whole virus detection

    Increased beat-to-beat variability of cerebral microcirculatory perfusion during atrial fibrillation: a near-infrared spectroscopy study

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    Aims Atrial fibrillation (AFib) is associated with cognitive decline/dementia, independently from clinical strokes or transient ischaemic attacks (TIA). Recent in silico data suggested that AFib may induce transient critical haemodynamic events in the cerebral microcirculation. The aim of this study is to use non-invasive spatially resolved cerebral near-infrared spectroscopy (SRS-NIRS) to investigate in vivo beat-To-beat microcirculatory perfusion during AFib and after sinus rhythm (SR) restoration. Methods and results Cerebral SRS-NIRS with high-frequency sampling (20 Hz) and non-invasive systemic haemodynamic monitoring were recorded before and after elective electrical cardioversion (ECV) for AFib or atrial flutter (AFL). To assess beat-To-beat effects of the rhythm status, the frequency distribution of inter-beat differences in tissue haemoglobin index (THI), a proxy of microcirculatory cerebral perfusion, was compared before and after SR restoration. Fiftythree AFib/AFL patients (mean age 69 ± 8 years, 79% males) were ultimately enrolled. Cardioversion was successful in restoring SR in 51 (96%) patients. In front of a non-significant decrease in arterial blood pressure extreme events between pre-and post-ECV measurements, a significant decrease of both hypoperfusive and hyperperfusive/hypertensive microcirculatory events was observed after SR restoration (P<0.001 and P = 0.041, respectively). Conclusion The present is the first in vivo demonstration that SR restoration by ECV significantly reduces the burden of extreme single-beat haemodynamic events in cerebral microcirculation. Future studies are needed to assess whether SR maintenance might slow long-Term AFib-correlated cognitive decline/dementia