542 research outputs found
The article investigates the word formation system of modern English. The authors of the article are trying to identify new, modern trends of word formation that have been tracing for the last decades. In addition, an attempt is made to differentiate theoretical material, which is to be introduced more actively into training programs for the development of foreign language competence. The basic criteria of a compound word have been determined and the degree of word formation importance in the English vocabulary replenishment has been identified. A thorough analysis of contemporary research and publications conducted by the authors of the article shows that the issue of semantic analysis of compound words and their transformations is still being explored by foreign and domestic scientists, which indicates the relevance of the chosen topic.Key words: semantic analysis, word formation, compound words, transformations, derived words, morphology, language competence.
Educational research networks principles of organization
Relevance. Modern society has global transformations; as a result, the level characteristics of its system development are changing, new opportunities and new situations to implement a self-organizing system to solve problems of self-government appear. Thus, there is the need to organize the multiplicity of interactions in the new environment, including education. The success of the development mechanisms, organizing innovative activities in the educational systems of different levels is largely determined by the active development of interaction network forms and interaction effective management. The article is devoted to development of theoretical ideas about the processes of network interaction in education to justify and describe the principles of modern scientific-educational network on the basis of system-synergetic approach. A leading approach to study this problem can be considered as system-synergetic which allows studying network interaction within the scientific and educational network as a holistic entity consisting of interrelated elements, structured and complex. The results of the study showed that described principles of effective networking and the conditions of scientific and educational networks development allow you to combine and re-combine the accumulated actors of this knowledge and practical experience interaction, turning them into the means of its innovative activities. The article can be useful to heads of educational institutions of different levels, as well as researchers of innovative processes development problems in education. © 2018 Authors
Managing the development of network interaction of educational institutions and industrial enterprises
Рассмотрена необходимость изучения новых подходов к развитию интеграционных процессов в сфере образования, способствующих развитию среды, благоприятствующей созданию и активному использованию нововведений в данной системе. Представлены подходы к развитию научно-образовательной сети образовательных организаций и промышленных предприятий, в которой ведется системная деятельность по разработке образовательных инноваций, и рассматриваются условия, формы и виды взаимодействия субъектов совместной деятельности в условиях научно-образовательной сетиThe relevance of the research problem due to the need to explore new approaches to the development of integration processes in the field of education.of great interest for the development of an environment conducive to the creation and active use of innovations in the education system. The article presents approaches to the development of scientific-educational network between educational institutions and industrial enterprises, which conducted systematic work on the development of educational innovations, ensuring the formation of joint capital between educational institutions and industrial enterprises, and elaborates on the conditions, forms and types of interaction between subjects of joint activity in the scientific and educational networ
Formation of a cluster integration system of educational institutions within the region
The relevance of the investigated issue is caused by the need to explore new approaches to the development of integration processes in the field of education which are of great interest for the development of an environment conducive to the creation and the active use of innovations in the education system. The aim of this study is the development of organizational and pedagogical bases for the formation of a cluster integration system of educational institutions within the regional educational space. The basic guideline of the implemented scientific study is the system approach, which provides an integrated study of the cluster system of educational institutions as a highly organized and orderly object comprised of interrelated elements. This article presents organizational and pedagogical bases for the formation of a cluster integration system of educational institutions, which will allow adapting the internal processes of educational entities (participants in the interaction) to regional conditions and adapting particular features of cluster participants to external conditions and developments in the market-based educational environment. © 2016 Davydova et al
Loimologically significant pinniped helminths in Chukotka
The purpose of the research is study of pinniped helminth fauna in Chukotka, and the analysis of the fish of the main commercial families infected with pathogens of helminthozoonoses based on modern literature.Materials and methods. The helminths were collected in autumn of 2019 from pinnipeds caught in the Mechigmenskaya Guba of the Bering Sea in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug by the method of partial helminthological dissection per Skryabin (gastrointestinal tract). Samples were examined from 6 walruses and 26 seals (13 spotted seals and 13 ringed seals). The helminths found were fixed in 70% alcohol. The helminth species were identified at the Department of Parasitology and Veterinary and Sanitary Examination of the MVA named after K. I. Skryabin using reference literature.Results and discussion. All pinnipeds were infected with nematodes of the family Anisakidae. Mature Pseudoterranova desipiens were found in the walrus (Infection Prevalence = 16.7% with Infection Intensity = 3 specimens/animal), mature Ps. desipiens, as well as Contracoecum osculatum and Anisakis simplex larvae (IP = 30.8% with II from 5 to 57 specimens) were found in the spotted seal, and Ps. desipiens larvae and mature Ps. desipiens were found in the ringed seal (IP = 15.4% with II from 1 to 4 specimens). Thus, only Ps. desipiens were represented by mature stages (females and males), and two other species of anisakids, C. osculatum and A. simplex, were found in the seals in the larval stage
Сучасні підходи до викладання біоорганічної і біологічної хімії в медичних ВНЗ
The application of modern methodology and techniques (methods of brainstorming, discussions, roundtables, videos demonstrations, biochemical experiments, etc.) during practical classes for getting integrated and professional competences during studying of bioorganic and biological chemistry in higher medical educational establishments, was examined.Рассмотрено применение современных методических и технических приемов (использование методов мозгового штурма, дискуссий, круглых столов, демонстрации видеороликов, биохимического эксперимента и т. п.) во время практических занятий для усвоения интегральных и профессиональных компетенций при изучении биоорганической и биологической химии в высших медицинских учебных заведениях.Розглянуто застосування сучасних методичних і технічних прийомів (використання методів мозкового штурму, дискусій, круглих столів, демонстрації відеороликів, біохімічного експерименту тощо) під час практичних занять для засвоєння інтегральних та професійних компетенцій при вивченні біоорганічної і біологічної хімії у вищих медичних навчальних закладах
Effect of frictional treatment on the microstructure and surface properties of low-carbon steel
The microstructure of annealed low-carbon (0.17 wt% C) steel subjected to frictional treatment with a sliding hard-alloy indenter is studied by EBSD analysis, as well as its micromechanical characteristics. It has been found that frictional treatment results in high dispersity of the structure in the steel surface, down to the submicro- and nanocrystalline state. Instrumented microindentation has revealed that, under all the loads, the values of the contact elastic modulus E ∗ of low-carbon (0.17 wt% C) steel after frictional treatment are lower than those in the initial annealed state. Particularly, the mean value of E ∗ decreases from 208 to 168 GPa under a load of 1 gf on the indenter, from 213 to 176 GPa under a load of 25 gf and from 204 to 155 GPa under a load of 200 gf. It is for the first time that the effect of a decrease in the elastic modulus is observed for a carbon steel subjected to frictional treatment. It also follows from the microindentation data that frictional treatment increases the capability of the surface of annealed low-carbon (0.17 wt% C) steel to withstand higher contact loads prior to plastic deformation. © 2018 Author(s)
The article investigates some aspects of linguistic and stylistic analysis of a legal text. The authors of the article consider the legal text through the prism of legal discourse, reflecting its specifics and basic properties. In addition, emphasis is placed on the need to identify certain functions of legal discourse, which are interconnected and interdependent, finding their implementation in the actions of discourse participants and the meaning of communication. A thorough analysis of contemporary research and publications conducted by the authors of the article shows that the issue of law text linguistic and stylistic analysis is still being explored by foreign and domestic scientists, which indicates the relevance of the chosen topic.The article investigates some aspects of linguistic and stylistic analysis of a legal text. The authors of the article consider the legal text through the prism of legal discourse, reflecting its specifics and basic properties. In addition, emphasis is placed on the need to identify certain functions of legal discourse, which are interconnected and interdependent, finding their implementation in the actions of discourse participants and the meaning of communication. A thorough analysis of contemporary research and publications conducted by the authors of the article shows that the issue of law text linguistic and stylistic analysis is still being explored by foreign and domestic scientists, which indicates the relevance of the chosen topic
The article gives a generalized characteristic of innovative methods and foreign language teaching technologies at higher education institutions of the non-linguistic profile. The emphasis is given on the necessity of implementing an integrated approach when applying the innovative teaching methods. The efficiency of using the newest foreign language teaching technologies in the learning process has been proved. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the feasibility of using an integrated approach in introducing innovative methods and technologies of teaching foreign languages at the higher education institutions of the non-linguistic profile.Key words: innovative methods and teaching technologies, complex approach, web quest technology, case technology, technology of binary lessons, project method, Moodle platform.Давидова Н. В., Декусар Г. Г. Сучасні методологічні підходи до викладання другої мови / Дніпропетровський державний університет внутрішніх справ, Дніпро, УкраїнаУ статті подана узагальнююча характеристика інноваційних методів та технологій викладання іноземних мов у вищих закладах освіти нелінгвістичного профілю. Акцент зроблено на необхідності впровадження комплексного підходу при використанні інноваційних методів викладання. Доведено ефективність використання новітніх технологій викладання іноземної мови у процесі навчання. Метою статті є обґрунтування доцільності використання комплексного підходу при запровадженні інноваційних методів та технологій викладання іноземних мов у вищих закладах освіти немовного профілю.Ключові слова: інноваційні методи та технології викладання, комплексний підхід, технологія веб-квестів, кейс-технології, технологія бінарних занять, метод проектів, платформа Moodle
Immune changes at the injured sites in oxazolone-induced ulcerous colitis: Influence of ozone therapy
Impaired immunoregulation and development of autoimmune response to antigens of own intestinal microbiota and inflammation-altered antigens of colonic cells represent the key links in pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel diseases. Multimodal biological effects of ozone presunme the usage of local and systemic ozone therapy in complex treatment of many inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The aim of our work was to study effects of intraperitoneal and rectal ozone therapy upon immune parameters of the lesion focus in oxazolone-induced ulcerative colitis in the course of time. The study was carried out on 64 adult male inbred Wistar rats weighing 240±20 g. Experimental ulcerative colitis was produced by oxazolone treatment (4-ethoxymethylene-2-phenyl-2-oxazolin-5-one) (SigmaAldrich, USA). The ozone-oxygen mixture was injected intraperitoneally or rectally at a concentration of 1.0-1.2 mg/l, once a day, in a volume of 10 ml, at the 6-day course. The results of experiments were recorded on the days +2, +4 and +6. The concentrations of IL-17 and IL-23 was determined in a homogenate of intestinal tissues (Bender Medsystems, Austria) using a Personal LAB analyzer; expression of CD4 and FoxP3 on intestinal lymphocytes was determined by immunohistochemistry technique (ElisaKit, China). The observed tissue damage of large intestine showed an increase from day 2 to day 6 of oxazolone-induced ulcerative colitis. The total number of lymphocytes significantly increased upon development of experimental colitis, with parallel decrease in the number of CD4+ lymphocytes and FoxP3-positive T lymphocytes. IL-17 and IL-23 concentrations in the tissues increased with the severity of inflammatory changes in the lesion focus. Intraperitoneal ozone administration was associated with significant reduction of lymphocyte contents in the damaged tissues on the 6th day, whereas the numbers of CD4+ and FoxP3 positive T lymphocytes normalized by the 6th day. The levels of IL-17 and IL-23 increased from day 2 to day 6, with a lower IL-23 values on day 6 as compared with non-treated animals. Rectal administration of ACS led to the normalization of FoxP3 cells on the 6th day to the values of intact animals. The levels of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-17 and IL-23) significantly decreased on the 6th day as compared to the group of animals without treatment, which could be due to anti-inflammatory properties of ozone
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