48 research outputs found


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    Mt. Medvednica belongs to the western part of the Neogene rift-type North Croatian Basin that occupies the south-western Pannonian Basin System. The Lower to Middle Miocene continental to marine sedimentary complex was studied on Mt. Medvednica in order to interpret the early syn-rift depositional environment and reconstruct palaeogeography of the North Croatian Basin. Based on facies analysis, deposits are grouped into 16 facies based on their lithological characteristics. Six of the facies belong to the alluvial environment that is characterized by coarse-grained bedload siliciclastics. Nine facies are of lacustrine origin. They comprise: a) limestone of shallow lake carbonate bench with silty coal of vegetated marsh, b) deep lake and prodelta marl with sand and conglomerate intercalations deposited by gravity flows, and c) coarse-grained Gilbert-type delta conglomerate. The lacustrine deposits compose a transgressive-regressive sequence. The studied succession ends by facies of calcareous silt intercalated by conglomerates. These deposits belong to the marine offshore to prodelta as the consequence of establishment of the connection to the sea. The deposition was strongly controlled by allogenic factors, such as synsedimentary tectonics, climate, eustatic sea level changes and explosive volcanic activity. The alluvial deposits of Mt. Medvednica are the oldest syn-rift deposits and belong to the large alluvial plain that probably covered the entire North Croatian Basin in the Ottnangian and the Karpatian. These deposits are overlain by the lower Badenian lacustrine deposits, but the question of the existence of one large or several small lakes in the early Badenian North Croatian Basin remains open.Gora Medvednica pripada zapadnomu dijelu neogenskoga riftnog Sjevernohrvatskog bazena, koji zauzima jugozapadni dio Panonskoga bazenskog sustava. Donjomiocenski do srednjomiocenski kontinentalno-marinski taložni kompleks istražen je na području Medvednice, s ciljem interpretacije sin-riftnoga taložnog okoliÅ”a i paleogeografske rekonstrukcije ranoga Sjevernohrvatskoga bazena. Analizom facijesa, na temelju litoloÅ”kih karakteristika sedimenti su svrstani u 16 facijesa. Aluvijalnome taložnom okoliÅ”u pripada Å”est facijesa, koji su krupnozrnasti i rezultat su odlaganja vučnim mehanizmima. Jezerskog je postanka devet facijesa. Uključuju vapnenac plitkoga jezera tipa ā€œbenchā€ sa siltnim ugljenom vegetirane močvare, lapor s proslojcima pijeska i konglomerata odlaganih gravitacijskim tokovima u dubokome jezeru I prodelti te konglomerat krupnozrnaste delte tipa Gilbert. Ovi jezerski talozi formiraju transgresivno-regresivnu sekvenciju. Cijeli slijed zavrÅ”ava facijesom marinskoga vapnenačkog silta s proslojcima konglomerata, koji pripada pučinskome taložnom okoliÅ”u, odnosno prodelti, uslijed uspostave veze s morem. Taloženje je bilo pod snažnim utjecajem alogenih čimbenika, kao Å”to su sinsedimentacijska tektonika, klima, eustatske promjene razine mora i eksplozivna vulkanska aktivnost. Taložni je kompleks rezultat procesa riftanja koji su formirali Sjevernohrvatski bazen i odražavaju njegovu ranu sin-riftnu fazu. Aluvijalne naslage Medvednice su najstariji sin-riftni talozi i pripadaju prostranoj aluvijalnoj ravnici koja je zauzimala vjerojatno cijeli Sjevernohrvatski bazen u otnangu i karpatu. Prekriveni su donjobadenskima jezerskim naslagama, no pitanje o razvoju jednoga velikog jezera ili viÅ”e manjih ostaje otvoreno

    Possibilities of the Application of Fibre Reinforced Composites in Implantological Therapy

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    Vlaknima ojačani kompoziti (engl. fiber reinforced composites, FRC) posebna su skupina materijala sastavljena od kompozita u koji je uložena određena vrsta vlakana. Vlakna se razlikuju po kemijskome sastavu i po načinu izradbe. S obzirom na kemijski sastav, danas se u restaurativnoj i estetskoj stomatologiji najčeŔće rabe polietilenska i staklena vlakna (osim te dvije vrste mogu se naći ugljična i kevlar vlakna). Prema načinu izradbe vlakna mogu biti istosmjerna ili pletena. Pletena vlakna međusobno se razlikuju po veličini i načinu pletenja. Uporaba vlakana u svakodnevnom kliničkom radu posljednjih godina sve viÅ”e dobiva na važnosti. Svoju uporabu naÅ”la su u gotovo svim dijelovima stomatoloÅ”ke struke: parodontologiji, restaurativnoj stomatologiji, traumatologiji, ortodonciji, itd. Vlakna mogu biti izrađena u dva osnovna oblika: preimpregnirana i neimpregnirana. Preimpregnirana vlakna u posebnom su načinu pakiranja i već obložena kompozitnom osnovom, a kod neimpregniranih vlakana potrebna je predpriprema prije ulaganja u kompozitni materijal. Uporaba vlaknima ojačanih kompozita otvorila je nove mogućnosti u rjeÅ”avanju određenih problema koji mogu nastati tijekom implantoloÅ”koprotetske terapije. Cilj je predavanja prikazati mogućnosti upotrebe vlaknima ojačanih kompozita u različitim kliničkim slučajevima te uputiti na pogrjeÅ”ke tijekom kliničke izradbe.Fibre reinforced composites (FRC) are a specific group of materials consisting of composites in which determined types of fibre are inserted. The fibres differ according to their chemical composition and method of construction. With regard to the chemical composition, polyethylene and glass fibres are most frequently used today in restorative and aesthetic dentistry (apart from these two types, carbon and kevlar fibre can be found). According to the method of construction the fibres can be parallel or plaited. Plaited fibres differ mutually with regard to the size and method of plaiting. In the last few years application of fibres in daily clinical work has become increasingly important. Their application has been found in almost all areas of the dental profession: periodontology, restorative dental medicine, traumatology, orthodontics, etc. The fibres can be constructed in two basic forms: impregnated and unimpregnated. Impregnated fibres are packed in a special way and already coated with the composite base, while in the case of unimpregnated fibres prior preparation is necessary before insertion in the composite material. The application of fibre reinforced composites has opened up new possibilities in the treatment of specific problems which can occur during implantological-prosthetic therapy. The purpose of the lecture is to show the possibilities of the application of fibre reinforced composites in different clinical cases and to describe possible errors during clinical construction

    Late Pleistocene climate history of the Baranja loess plateau ā€“ evidence from the Zmajevac loess-paleosol section (northeastern Croatia)

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    The Zmajevac loess-palaeosol succession (LPS) of the northeastern Baranja loess plateau is exposed along the southern slope of Bansko Brdo, on the western bank of the Danube River. The investigated 17.5-m-thick section shows 4 palaeosol, 1 loess-like and 6 loess horizons. Their integrative palaeoenvironmental analysis combines quantified dana from the mollusc record, magnetic susceptibility, grain-size, calcimetry and mineral abundances to reconstruct the pattern of regional palaeoclimate evolution. This result combined with infrared optically stimulated luminescence age est CLEAL imates by GALOVIĆ et al. (2009) enabled correlation of the depositional units to Middle to the Late Pleistocene Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 6 to 2. Magnetic susceptibility measurements show strong peaks in the palaeosol horizons pointing to increased concentrations of pedogenic ferrimagnetic minerals. Sedimentological and mineralogical parameters are in good agreement with other Pannonian Basin LPS. Terrestrial gastropod palaeoecology based on 1705 specimens of 13 species counted from loess and loess-like horizons documents cyclic transitions between cryophilous to cold resistant and mesophilous to thermophilous assemblage types. Whereas Helicopsis striata, Arianta arbustorum and Chondrula tridens are common throughout the succession, the typical loess representatives Pupilla sp., Vallonia tenuilabris and Columella columella are abundant only in certain horizons. Nevertheless, species tolerating open and dry habitats are abundant throughout the succession. The faunal spectra for the samples prove the dominance of transitional palaeoecological assemblage types, whereas uniformly defined types are rare. One of these, the Columella columella assemblage from the base of the section proved to be indicative of the Penultimate Glacial Maximum.</p

    Surgical Treatment of Neuralgia as a Result of Ossification of the Mental Orifice

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    Prikazan je slučaj bolesnika s osteomom donje čeljusti koji je svojim rastom izazivao kompresiju mentalnoga živca i neuralgiformne boli. Intraoralnim pregledom nisu nađeni koÅ”tani deformiteti čeljusti, a dijagnoza je potvrđena rentgenskim nalazom, Å”to govori da se radi o enostozi ili srediÅ”njem osteomu. U prikazu je opisana i operativna tehnika eksterne dekompresije kojom je epineuralna ovojnica živca oslobođena od pritiska nastalog rastom benigne koĻ€tane tvorbe. Å est mjeseci nakon zahvata pacijent je bio bez simptoma, s normalnim senzibilitetom u donjoj čeljusti i urednim rentgenskim nalazom.A case of a patient with osteoma of the lower jaw is presented. Osteoma caused compression of the mental nerve and neuralgiform pain. During an intraoral examination, osseous deformity of the mandibula was not found. Diagnosis was confirmed by X-ray, which showed enostosis or a central osteoma. The presentation describes the surgical technique of external decompression by which the nerve epineural integument is released from the pressure caused by the benign osseous formation. Six months after the surgery the patient had no symptoms and had normal sensibility in the lower jaw and no irregularities

    Efficiency of Polylactide/Polyglycolide Copolymers Bone Replacements in Bone Defects Healing Measured by Densitometry

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    Healing of bone defects is the most frequent cause of failure in surgical treatments of an odontogenic ostitic processes. The aim of this study was to determine successfulness in healing of bone defects after implantation of alloplastic co-polymer-polyglycol bone implant. A group of 45 cases with periradicular ostitic processes were examined. The densitometric measurements were taken from radiovisiographic dental x-ray images. Patients were observed throughout a period of one year. The results obtained were analyzed and presented graphically. Thirty-eight patients (84%) were treated successfully, and seven patients (16%) showed unsuccessful healing of the bone defects. The results obtained indicate that polyglycol copolymer bone implants can be successfully used in a treatment of odontogenically caused bone defects. Their fundamental advantage is a slow biodegradation, which ensures a more suitable area for the apposition of a new bone in the defect, simple application in clinical work and the possibility of a mutual combination of all three available forms

    Postextraction pain treatment possibilities

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    Postekstrakcijska bol je komplikacija koja se javlja nakon vađenja zuba. NajčeŔće nastaje u molarnoj regiji donje čeljusti. U ovome radu uspoređene su dvije metode liječenja postekstrakcijske boli: konzervativna i kirurÅ”ko - konzervativna metoda. Svrha rada bila je odrediti najdjelotvorniji način liječenja te komplikacije. Istraživanje je provedeno na trideset pacijenata sa simptomima postekstrakcijske boli. Petnaest pacijenata liječeno je konzervativnom metodom, a petnaest kirurÅ”ko - konzervativnom metodom. Pacijenti su klinički praćeni do prestanka simptoma. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da je kirurÅ”ko - konzervativna metoda liječenja djelotvornija jer u kraćem vremenu smiruje simptome boli.Postextraction pain or alveolitis sicca dolorosa is a complication which appears after tooth extraction, usually in the molar region of the lower jaw. In this paper two methods were compared: conservative and surgical-conservative method. The research was carried in order to establish which method is more advantageous and more effective. The pain treatment lasted for one year. Thirty patients were treated and each of them were separately conducted during three weeks after the treatment. Fifteen patients were submitted to conservative therapy, and fifteen others to surgical-conservative therapy. The results (tables and charts) show that both methods are effective and that both methods lead to symptom termination. However, surgical- conservative method appeared to be more effective, because in the first seven days after the therapy, approximately 75% of the patients no longer had alveolitis symptoms

    Tidal deposits in the Early Miocene Central Paratethys: the Vučji Jarek and Čemernica members of the Macelj formation (NW Croatia)

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    The Macelj formation is an informal Eggenburgian-early Ottnangian lithostratigraphic unit that is established in the area of the Hrvatsko Zagorje Basin, which represented a marginal zone of the Early Miocene Central Paratethys Sea. Modern studies, as a part of the Geologic Map of the Republic of Croatia 1:50 000 project, yielded new data that improves the knowledge of the depositional and stratigraphic characteristics of the formation. The sedimentological research within this study was focused on the two older lithostratigraphic units of the Macelj formation: the Vučji Jarek member and the Čemernica member. The Vučji Jarek mb. is represented by three facies. The Facies of horizontally bedded sandstones is characterized by mostly medium-grained, moderately sorted sandstones that reflect deposition on the foreshore to the upper shoreface. The facies of horizontally and cross-bedded glauconitic sandstones is composed of fine- to coarsegrained, well-sorted sandstones that indicate foreshore to shoreface deposition under tidal influence. The Facies of horizontally and cross-bedded pyroclastics consists of tuff, pumice, lapilli and large blocks, showing a chaotic structure in places. Deposition occurred at the shoreface under tidal influence. The Čemernica mb. is represented by the Facies of structureless clayey-silty sands that are poorly sorted and bioturbated, and indicates deposition below the fairweather wavebase, in the offshore-transition zone. Deposits of the members include marine macro- and microfossil associations.K-Ar dating of separated glauconite mineral fractions yielded an early Eggenburgian age for the Vučji Jarek mb. glauconitic sandstones (19.2Ā±0.64 Ma) which is in accordance with biostratigraphical analyses. Sedimentological characteristics of the Eggenburgian Macelj fm., especially those that reflect the tidal influence, fit the general characteristics of the Central Paratethys Sea in the Early Miocene

    Middle Miocene (Upper Badenian/Sarmatian) Palaeoecology and Evolution of the Environments in the Area of Medvednica Mt. (North Croatia)

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    In the area of Medvednica Mt., the Upper Badenian and Sarmatian deposits are divided into four facies associations: (A) deposits of a small carbonate platform represented by breccia, conglomerates, biocalcirudites, biocalcarenites and biocalclutites; (B) open-sea deposits composed of marls with intercalations of clay; (C) nearshore deposits of reduced salinity composed of conglomerates, sandstones, biocalcarenites, biocalcirudites and biocalclutites, and (D) lagoonal deposits represented by spongitic calclutites with clay, marl and sand intercalations. Deposits of these facies associations contain numerous and very diverse fossil species with very different palaeoecological characteristics, from shallow- and deeper-water normal marine to shallow- and deeper-water environment of reduced salinity, even of fresh-water. The transition from Late Badenian to Sarmatian deposition was characterized by three different unconformities and one conformity. Unconformities are located between different lithologies reflecting an amount of uplifting and erosion at the end of the Badenian. The occurrence of an angular unconformity suggests the influence of local tectonics. The Middle Miocene deposition shows different local variations but generally fits with the evolution of Central Paratethys and the Pannonian Basin System

    Incidence of Odontogenic Keratocysts in Patients with Gorlin-Goltz Syndrome according to Age, Gender and Location

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    Svrha ovoga rada bila je prikazati nastanak odontogenih keratocista (OKC) i keratocistama sličnih lezija u oboljelih od Gorlin-Goltzova sindroma s obzirom na dob i spol bolesnika te na mjesto nastanka OKC-a (donja čeljust, gornja čeljust, meka tkiva i maksilarni sinusi). Od godine 1965. do 1998. u 30 je bolesnika s Gorlin-Goltzovim sindromom ustanovljeno 58 OKC-a koji su potvrđeni i histopatoloÅ”kom dijagnozom. Bolesnici su bili u dobi od 10 do 90 godina, prosječne dobi 33,71. Prosječna dob muÅ”kih bolesnika bila je 35,53 godina života, a ženskih 31,12 godina života. OKC je u sklopu Gorlin-Goltzova sindroma čeŔće dijagnosticiran u muÅ”karaca (58,62%) nego u (41,38%). NajčeŔća dob u kojoj je OKC nađen u bolesnika s Gorlin-Goltzovim sindromom bila je između 21. i 30. godine. S obzirom na lokalizaciju, većina OKC-a nalazila se u donjoj čeljusti (60,34%), zatim u gornjoj čeljusti (15,52%), u mekim tkvima (13,79%) te u maksilarnim sinusima (10,34%).The aim of this study was to determine the appearance of odontogenic keratocysts (OKC) and keratocyst-like lesions ( KLL) in patients with Gorlin-Goltz syndrome, according to age and gender of participants, and in relation to the place of origin (mandible, maxilla, soft tissues, which include the mucosa of the alveolar ridge, skin of the nose and face, parotid gland together with maxillary sinuses). From 1965 until 1998, 58 OKC were found in 30 patients with Gorlin Goltz syndrome and confirmed by histopathologic analysis. Patients were aged from 10 to 90 years. Average age of the patients with Gorlin-Goltz syndrome was 33.71 years. Average age in males was 35.53 years and in females 31.12 years. OKC connected with Gorlin Goltz syndrome were more frequently found in males (58.62%) compared to the females (41.38%). The peak incidence of OKC in patients with Gorlin-Goltz syndrome was between ages 21-30 years. According to the location, OKC were found predominantly in the mandible (60.34%), the maxilla (15.52%), soft tissues (13.79%), and in maxillary sinuses (10.34%)