
Surgical Treatment of Neuralgia as a Result of Ossification of the Mental Orifice


Prikazan je slučaj bolesnika s osteomom donje čeljusti koji je svojim rastom izazivao kompresiju mentalnoga živca i neuralgiformne boli. Intraoralnim pregledom nisu nađeni koštani deformiteti čeljusti, a dijagnoza je potvrđena rentgenskim nalazom, što govori da se radi o enostozi ili središnjem osteomu. U prikazu je opisana i operativna tehnika eksterne dekompresije kojom je epineuralna ovojnica živca oslobođena od pritiska nastalog rastom benigne koπtane tvorbe. Šest mjeseci nakon zahvata pacijent je bio bez simptoma, s normalnim senzibilitetom u donjoj čeljusti i urednim rentgenskim nalazom.A case of a patient with osteoma of the lower jaw is presented. Osteoma caused compression of the mental nerve and neuralgiform pain. During an intraoral examination, osseous deformity of the mandibula was not found. Diagnosis was confirmed by X-ray, which showed enostosis or a central osteoma. The presentation describes the surgical technique of external decompression by which the nerve epineural integument is released from the pressure caused by the benign osseous formation. Six months after the surgery the patient had no symptoms and had normal sensibility in the lower jaw and no irregularities

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