
Incidence of Odontogenic Keratocysts in Patients with Gorlin-Goltz Syndrome according to Age, Gender and Location


Svrha ovoga rada bila je prikazati nastanak odontogenih keratocista (OKC) i keratocistama sličnih lezija u oboljelih od Gorlin-Goltzova sindroma s obzirom na dob i spol bolesnika te na mjesto nastanka OKC-a (donja čeljust, gornja čeljust, meka tkiva i maksilarni sinusi). Od godine 1965. do 1998. u 30 je bolesnika s Gorlin-Goltzovim sindromom ustanovljeno 58 OKC-a koji su potvrđeni i histopatološkom dijagnozom. Bolesnici su bili u dobi od 10 do 90 godina, prosječne dobi 33,71. Prosječna dob muških bolesnika bila je 35,53 godina života, a ženskih 31,12 godina života. OKC je u sklopu Gorlin-Goltzova sindroma češće dijagnosticiran u muškaraca (58,62%) nego u (41,38%). Najčešća dob u kojoj je OKC nađen u bolesnika s Gorlin-Goltzovim sindromom bila je između 21. i 30. godine. S obzirom na lokalizaciju, većina OKC-a nalazila se u donjoj čeljusti (60,34%), zatim u gornjoj čeljusti (15,52%), u mekim tkvima (13,79%) te u maksilarnim sinusima (10,34%).The aim of this study was to determine the appearance of odontogenic keratocysts (OKC) and keratocyst-like lesions ( KLL) in patients with Gorlin-Goltz syndrome, according to age and gender of participants, and in relation to the place of origin (mandible, maxilla, soft tissues, which include the mucosa of the alveolar ridge, skin of the nose and face, parotid gland together with maxillary sinuses). From 1965 until 1998, 58 OKC were found in 30 patients with Gorlin Goltz syndrome and confirmed by histopathologic analysis. Patients were aged from 10 to 90 years. Average age of the patients with Gorlin-Goltz syndrome was 33.71 years. Average age in males was 35.53 years and in females 31.12 years. OKC connected with Gorlin Goltz syndrome were more frequently found in males (58.62%) compared to the females (41.38%). The peak incidence of OKC in patients with Gorlin-Goltz syndrome was between ages 21-30 years. According to the location, OKC were found predominantly in the mandible (60.34%), the maxilla (15.52%), soft tissues (13.79%), and in maxillary sinuses (10.34%)

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