8 research outputs found

    Cross-border cooperation as a mechanism of regional marketing in the Baltic region

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    The article offers a pragmatic approach to certain aspects of cross-border regionalisation. The marketing component of Euroregion development and the implementation of cross-border cooperation projects are considered as key directions of the joint activity of cross-border partner-regions. The authors analyse the opportunity to apply the territory brand model to research on the mechanisms of cross-border cooperation and to the elaboration of an efficient development strategy as a promising direction of further study of the cross-border cooperation and regionalisation phenomena

    Transgranichnoe sotrudnichestvo kak instrument regional'nogo marketinga v Baltijskom regione [Cross-border Cooperation as a Mechanism of Regional Marketing in the Baltic Region]

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    The article offers a pragmatic approach to certain aspects of cross-border regionalisation. The marketing component of Euroregion development and the implementation of cross-border cooperation projects are considered as key directions of the joint activity of cross-border partner-regions. The authors analyse the opportunity to apply the territory brand model to research on the mechanisms of cross-border cooperation and to the elaboration of an efficient development strategy as a promising direction of further study of the cross-border cooperation and regionalisation phenomena

    Cross-border Cooperation as a Mechanism of Regional Marketing in the Baltic Region

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    The article offers a pragmatic approach to certain aspects of cross-border regionalisation. The marketing component of Euroregion development and the implementation of cross-border cooperation projects are considered as key directions of the joint activity of cross-border partner-regions. The authors analyse the opportunity to apply the territory brand model to research on the mechanisms of cross-border cooperation and to the elaboration of an efficient development strategy as a promising direction of further study of the cross-border cooperation and regionalisation phenomena

    Kaliningrad: positive and negative aspects of the exclave location (Калининград: плюсы и минусы эксклавности)

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    Denis Davidov and Tatyana Chekalina discuss the trans-boundary cooperation as the factor and an effective tool for overcoming negative aspects of the exclave location of the Kaliningrad region. Authors consider the exclave as the particular case of the border region. Therefore there is an idea that the provisions of the border regions theory, which is better elaborated than the exclave one, could be applied for this case as well.

    Kaliningrad: positive and negative aspects of the exclave location (Калининград: плюсы и минусы эксклавности)

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    Denis Davidov and Tatyana Chekalina discuss the trans-boundary cooperation as the factor and an effective tool for overcoming negative aspects of the exclave location of the Kaliningrad region. Authors consider the exclave as the particular case of the border region. Therefore there is an idea that the provisions of the border regions theory, which is better elaborated than the exclave one, could be applied for this case as well.

    Kaliningrad: positive and negative aspects of the exclave location (Калининград: плюсы и минусы эксклавности)

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    Denis Davidov and Tatyana Chekalina discuss the trans-boundary cooperation as the factor and an effective tool for overcoming negative aspects of the exclave location of the Kaliningrad region. Authors consider the exclave as the particular case of the border region. Therefore there is an idea that the provisions of the border regions theory, which is better elaborated than the exclave one, could be applied for this case as well.