346 research outputs found

    Proximidad del comercio e indicadores de accesibilidad: aplicación a la planificación y regulación en el marco normativo actual

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    El comercio en entornos de proximidad es un servicio básico para la población, con múltiples implicaciones para la ciudad, la vitalidad del espacio público y la equidad social. Este trabajo indaga sobre las posibilidades del concepto y las medidas de accesibilidad, para, en el actual marco normativo que regula la actividad comercial, poder llegar a construir indicadores cuantitativos que sirvan para la protección y fomento del comercio en entornos de proximidad. Para ello, se analiza el encaje del concepto de accesibilidad dentro de las “razones imperiosas de interés general”, las únicas que permite invocar la Directiva Europea 123/2006 “Bolkestein”. A continuación se valoran diversas propuestas de indicadores para el caso comercial, de objetivos y aproximaciones diversas, proponiéndose un marco de análisis basado en su utilidad y precisión, así como su potencial para la planificación y normativa urbanístico-comercial

    George Floyd's Last Breath: The Construction of the Black Body as a Threat.

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    Existe la idea de que Estados Unidos es un país post-racial, sin embargo, los recientes asesinatos policiales de hombres negros desarmados han demostrado lo contrario. La violencia racial de la policía reflejada en el vídeo de la muerte de George Floyd en 2020 desató protestas y disturbios no sólo en Estados Unidos, sino en todo el mundo. El expolicía blanco Derek Chauvin fue declarado culpable por el asesinato de Floyd. En este trabajo analizaremos cómo la brutalidad policial y los estereotipos son principios fundamentales para entender la profunda desigualdad racial en Estados Unidos. Además, explicaremos cómo las pruebas audiovisuales y las protestas son clave para impulsar un cambio. <br /

    Caracterización de la terminasa mayor del bacteriófago T7

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología Molecular. Fecha de lectura: 14-01-201

    Transport Interchange and Local Urban Environment Integration

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    Among the different interchange design aspects, integrated land use and infrastructure planning is maybe one of the most problematic fields in practice, given that a joint transport and urban planning spills over the regular scope of action of interchange developers, whereas it involves the cooperation and agreement of various authorities. Not only this, but the very issue of land use-transport integration seems to be a long-standing mantra in planning and transport research, lacking scientific evidence. This paper is an output of an ongoing European research project called ?NODES - New tOols for Design and OpEration of Urban Transport InterchangeS?. Its aim is to start re-focusing the academic-scientific evidence on the question and to foresee a specific and practical framework to approach the problem. The underlying hypothesis is that the interchange could be a catalyst of life and security in the city

    Criterios para la rehabilitacion sostenible del espacio público en la ciudad de bloque abierto : Criteria for the sustainable rehabilitation of public space in the open-block city

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    El articulo desarrolla una nueva metodologia de analisis, diagnosis y propuestas para la rehabilitacion sostenible del espacio público que aparece generosamente en los conjuntos residenciales de bloque abierto en muchas ciudades europeas. El espacio público, abandonado durante décadas, se convierte ahora en un espacio de oportunidad que sostiene acciones mediambientales, de nuevos usos, de ahorro de agua, de gestion de residuos, de movilidad ediciente y de organizacion de espacios con multiactividad, imprescindibles para la nueva vision de sostenibilidad de la ciudad consolidada. Este objetivo integrado se articula mediante el Plan Especial de Mejora de la Calidad Ambiental del Espacio Público en Moratalaz, en Madrid, España

    Learning for Parallel Virtual Urban Workshop: An Innovate Method for Teaching Planning

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    Since 2012 a Parallel Virtual Urban Workshop (PVW) has been developed at the Department of Urban and Regional Planning (School of Architecture of Madrid, UPM). It was created by a group of professors in the framework of the Postgraduate Program. In 2014 this project became a consolidated Group of Educational Innovation called Urban Net-Working Workshop supported by the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UNWW-UPM). The initial targets of this workshop were: (i) improving international cooperation among academic institutions based on a virtual network, (ii) the implementation of a quasi-professional practice approach on urban regeneration projects and (iii) the development of a comprehensive methodology to manage complex urban issues in diverse urban contexts. Up until today, there have been five workshops: in 2012, a joint workshop between UPM (Madrid) and MIT (Boston); in 2013 and 2014, a collaborative workshop between UPM (Madrid) and UCL (London); in 2015, between UPM (Madrid) and KNG (London); currently, a parallel workshop is in progress between UPM (Madrid) and AF (Zagreb). Even though, every edition of the Urban Parallel Workshop has been rather unique, it can be asserted that initial targets have been overcome throughout successive workshops. ITCs and digitals tools have been gradually incorporated

    Mobility and Urban Planning Integration at City-regional Level in the Design of Urban Transport Interchanges (EC FP7 NODES Project–Task 3.2.1.)

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    Urban buses propose a challenge for traditional four-steps models of ridership estimation, as they require a different, closer scale approach, including the consideration of multiple possible stop-choices by travelers within walking distance. Thus, any model based on zoning and the bias of associating population to the nearest stop does not seem coherent in the case of urban bus. This study empirically examines the potential of possible ?attraction? descriptors, such as spatial integration (as described by the Space Syntax methodology) and other urban environment factors in order to estimate urban buses ridership by a direct forecast model based on multiple linear regression. Common explanatory factors found in the literature include population and employment in the vicinity area, as well as transport system service and performance. Some authors have claimed the predictive power of built environment variables (summarized by Cervero and Kockelman's three Ds: Density, Diversity and Design), which are supposed to describe pedestrian accessibility and attractiveness. This paper proposes that spatial-configurational measures (e.g. Space Syntax) could play an important role, given that these factors have proved themselves synthetic proxies for many urban processes and in order to describe spatial-configurational hierarchy and consequent attraction power. A demand forecast model at a stop level is explored by means of multiple linear regressions. Bus transport ridership at 84 stops in Madrid is forecasted using urban environment and spatial integration variables, as well as transport network accessibility indicators. Results seem encouraging and support that Space Syntax and other network integration variables could be an important asset for urban bus demand forecast models at a station level

    Dinámicas espaciales de ocupación de suelo en torno a la burbuja inmobiliaria española (1990-2012)

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    Although the recent housing boom & bust in Spain has triggered significant transformations in its urban fabric, the geographical dimensions of this economic phenomenon and its spatial impacts on the local urban structure have not yet been described in depth. Following the latest published data from CORINE Land cover (2012), this study undertakes a dynamic multi-scale spatial analysis of data representing urban land cover over a 22-year span, contributing to the understanding of four main issues: (i) the total amount of change, (ii) its proportion in comparison with the initial stage of geographical distribution, and the (iv) the implications for the metropolitan and regional urban layout. This quantification describes the outlying regional structure of Spain’s urbanization process during the last decades in Europe, showing great acceleration and a significant transformation in land use patterns, as well as major differences in rates and components on smaller scales, using an integrated growth index.Utilizando los datos de ocupación de suelo de CORINE Land Cover (2012), este trabajo propone un análisis multiescalar, cuantitativo y espacial de las dinámicas de urbanización antes, durante y después de la burbuja inmobiliaria española, aportando una visión inédita del fenómeno en cuatro aspectos interrelacionados: (i) la magnitud absoluta del cambio, (ii) su proporción respecto al estado inicial, (iii) su variación temporal respecto a los usos del suelo, y (iv) sus implicaciones para los distintos componentes del sistema urbano español. El estudio precisa el lugar destacado del caso español en el continente europeo, y evidencia, a nivel provincial, una fuerte transformación del modelo de ocupación del territorio o las desigualdades en el ritmo y componentes del proceso, mediante la utilización de un índice integrado de crecimiento

    Métodos de aplicación del purín al suelo

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    Parallel Virtual Urban Workshops A “resasonable-cost” methodology for academic internationalization in problem-solving oriented postgraduate subjects

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    Descripción y análisis critic de una metodología de taller de posgrado a realizar entre dos universidades en idioma ingles y con el apoyo de las nuevas tecnología