253 research outputs found

    Pashto Border Literature as Geopolitical Knowledge

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    In this article I read a selection of Pashto literatures as critical thought about geopolitics. Drawing on Michael Shapiro’s concept of aesthetic subjects, as well as on border theory, I argue that the authors, the content, and the literary networks of these works all comment on global relations of power, ranging from the local bordering effects of geopolitics, to systems of knowledge embedded in the spatiality and temporality of empire. I argue that past and current imperial processes have led to fragmenting effects in Afghan society, and literature both reflects and analyzes this. Beyond that, I argue—through the examples of authors’ lives as well as their work—that literary activity in Pashto has actively negotiated such processes throughout its history, and offers strategies for countervailing notions of global connectivity in action as well as thought. The decentralized and multiperspective images of life in these works sit in counterpoint not only to the systems-oriented views that drive military and other policy in Afghanistan during the ongoing US moment, but also to universalist perspectives upon which disciplines like world history and geopolitics traditionally rely. Additionally, though, Pashto literary networks themselves also produce alternative structures. This contributes to the aesthetic turn in IR by arguing that it is not only the aesthetic vision in works that challenges dominant knowledge; the shape of the Pashto literary formation itself, organic with its content, is an alternate form of knowledge-in-practice about the contemporary world

    Sufism and Liberation across the Indo-Afghan Border: 1880-1928

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    How do we understand links between sufism and pro-egalitarian revolutionary activism in the early twentieth century; and how did upland compositions of self and community help constitute revolutionary activism in South Asia more broadly? Using Pashto poetry as my archive I integrate a history of radical egalitarian thought and political practice to a holistic study of self-making; of imperial spatiality; and of shifting gradients of power in the regions between Kabul and Punjab. Amid a chaotic rise of new practices of imperial and monarchic hegemony around the turn of the twentieth century, I argue, older sedimentations of ‘devotee selfhood’ in the high valleys of eastern Afghanistan gave rise, in social spaces preserved by self-reflexive poetic practice and circulation, to conscious desires for avoidance of all forms of hierarchy or sovereignty, in favour of a horizontal politics of reciprocity. Such inchoate drives for freedom later played a role in constituting anti-statist revolutionary subjectivities across great geographical and social distance. From upland sufi roots they rippled outward to intersect with the work of transnational socialist and anti-imperialist militants in Indian nationalist circles too; and even influenced scholars at the heart of the nascent Afghan nation-state

    II. Obituary Notices

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    Les Gloses françaises de Raschi dans la Bible [suite)

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    Darmesteter ArsÚne. Les Gloses françaises de Raschi dans la Bible [suite). In: Revue des études juives, tome 54, n°108, octobre-décembre 1907. pp. 205-235

    Les gloses françaises dans les commentaires talmudiques de Raschi

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    ArsĂšne Darmesteter et D.S. Blondhei

    Les Gloses françaises de Raschi dans la Bible

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    Darmesteter ArsÚne. Les Gloses françaises de Raschi dans la Bible. In: Revue des études juives, tome 54, n°107, juillet-septembre 1907. pp. 1-34

    Les Gloses françaises de Raschi dans la Bible (suite et fin)

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    Darmesteter ArsÚne. Les Gloses françaises de Raschi dans la Bible (suite et fin). In: Revue des études juives, tome 56, n°111, juillet-septembre 1908. pp. 70-98

    Les prophÚtes d'Israël

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    par James DarmesteterAus der Sammlung des Leo Baeck Institute, digitalisiert in Kooperation mit dem Center for Jewish History, N
