31 research outputs found


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    Rural economic development as a lergest part of agricultural development which could be\ud developed as an autonomous unit of government in rural area. Rural development could be done\ud by self-supporting through the strenghthening of local organization function with a set of norms\ud and supported by available resources.\ud Data used in this paper was the result of the research related to the strengthening of local\ud institutions that was carried out in the Martaya Village, West Sulawesi Province, Indonesia.\ud Research results shown that development of irrigation infrastructure, farmer group, and\ud rice mill business could be done based on farmer needs. Farmer group members were dominated\ud by from Bali as self-support transmigration. The development of farmer group encouraged\ud village roads and village regulations that support the government of autonomous village. The\ud community development activities could be done by local organization and supporting the village\ud development planning and sustainable agricultural development.\ud Local organizations could be functioned in the activities of joint discussion meeting\ud (Musrenbang) in the village level which was one of the stages in the system of national\ud development planning.\ud Key words: local community organization, farmer group sthrenthening, agricultural and rural\ud infrastructure development

    Landscape Ecological Changes and Livelihood Dilemma of the Rural Household around the Oil Palm Plantation

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    The pressure of global market demand for palm oil is driving a massive expansion of oil palm plantations in Indonesia. Although it provides benefits in economic terms, it also has social and environmental impacts. The impact is in the form of changes in the ecological landscape, conversion of agricultural land, rural household livelihood systems, reduced biodiversity, deformation, plant monoculturalization, and even a monostructuring of livelihood. This study aimed to provide an overview of changes in the ecological landscape that resulted from the expansion of oil palm plantations and the socio-economic impact of the expansion of oil palm plantations on farmers' household livelihood systems. The study was conducted in West Sulawesi, Indonesia. This study uses the livelihood survey method by selecting 30 farmer households selected by random sampling. The results of the study found the fact that oil palm plantations seemed to provide welfare for rural households, but what happened was a vulnerability and high livelihood dependence on income from the wages of oil palm plantations. The expansion of oil palm plantations has created the integration and dependence of rural economies on the global political economy of oil palm, but at risk to even undergoing household livelihood dilemmas due to the two villages’ deliberate divergence of livelihoods because of shifting ecosystems now leading by palm oil commodities

    Study on Stakeholders Position and Role in Supply Chain of Cocoa Commodities

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    The quality and continuity of cocoa beans supply is determined really stakeholders in related to the cocoa supply chain. In general, the activity of cocoa beans production has not been efficient yet to compete as raw materials for domestic and foreign industries. In order for cocoa commodities in West Sulawesi province can compete and increase the income of cocoa farmers, so it is necessary to increase the role of main stakeholders and to support the cocoa supply chain especially those support the improvement of cocoa beans productivity. The objective of study is to analyse the position and role of stakeholder in the cocoa bean supply chain. The method used to identify the stakeholders position / structure is Interpretative Structural Modelling (ISM) method, and the role of stakeholders by survey method is to identify the cocoa bean supply chain that becomes the object of research. The results of the study indicate that famers are the most important stakeholders who need to get the attention of other stakeholders in the sustainability of the cocoa supply chain. Marketing institutions (collectors, wholesalers, processing industries, exporters), government / agricultural extension workers, still have few roles in the supply chain of cocoa commodities. The roles as expected of marketing institutions are partnership especially price guarantees and costs support of increasing farmers' garden productivity. The expected roles of governmental extension institution, Non Governmental Organization, college, and banking are to improve the knowledge of farming management through intensive assistance and the capital fulfilment of farmer through soft loan facility, also determining the basic price (minimum price) of cocoa bean among actors who is regulated for and controlled by government

    Climate Change Adaptation in the Perspectives of Food, Energy Crisis and Environmental Degradation for Food Sovereignty in Indonesia

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    The influential factors that have been identified to influence the food crisis energy as well as climate changes are population growth, economic growth, and social conditions. Local food development and food industrialization movement is the approach to overcome food and energy crisis as well as to reduce the GHG emissions. Promoting food industrialization for food sovereignty is a strategic effort for the vulnerability in agricultural sector. Climate change due to the greenhouse effect is caused by the consumption of fossil fuel that continues to rise due to the increased use of vehicles and electrical energy driven by fuel and electricity price subsidies. Fossil fuel subsidy amounting to 19 % of total government spending was mostly or about 84 percent of total subsidies enjoyed by 40 % of high level income of fossil fuel consumers. Approximately 10 % of richest fuel consumers consumed nearly 40 percent of the total subsidized fuel. In contrast, less than 1 %t of the total subsidized fuel used by the poor. There was about 30 % of the fuel consumed is not efficient because of congestion on roads due to the increasing number of vehicles, damaged roads, and urbanization. In addition, the use of energy subsidy inhibits the programs of alternative energy diversification and the investment for renewable energy. Fossil fuel subsidies should be removed and transferred to food subsidy to encourage the increase of local food production that supports diversification and food sovereignty

    Supply Chain Performance of Cayenne Pepper in Gorontalo, Indonesia

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    The fluctuating price of cayenne pepper can be caused by the characteristics of agricultural commodities and also inefficient supply chain management arrangements. The research objective was to examine the performance of the cayenne supply chain with the approach of SCOR supply chain performance attributes based on reliability, responsiveness, agility, and assets in Gorontalo. The research method used was a survey method using purposive sampling technique. The study was conducted a year (July 2017-July 2018) in Gorontalo Province. Data were obtained from direct interviews with farmers, collectors, wholesalers, retailers. Data analysis utilized DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis). The results showed that the performance of the cayenne supply chain doer in Gorontalo was mostly efficient, only 5 farmers, 1 collecting trader, 1 large trader and 2 retailers whose performance was not efficient

    Agroforestry: An Indigenous Farming toward Sustainability and Inclusive Market

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    The Agroforestry and intercropping farming systems are carried out by farmers in managing their cocoa cultivations due to limited land and the availability of commodities to support household needs. This system is maintained because it impacts increasing farmers’ income, maintaining local horticulture commodities and fulfilling the social needs of these commodities.  This research uses a qualitative approach, with Focus Group Discussions involving farmers, NGOs, government, and other stakeholders. The results showed that agroforestry as an alternative to indigenous farming for cocoa farmers in Polewali Mandar Regency positively impacted farmer institutions, increasing income and meeting the needs of farmer households. The existence of farmer-NGO partnerships has helped change farmer institutions. Still, it has not altered local institutions that have become farmers' habits in managing farmland, including utilizing cocoa farms by intercropping. There has been a significant change on cocoa farmers from producing non-fermented cocoa to fermented and certified cocoa. Besides that, there is an increase in farmers' income by integrating cocoa - goats by utilizing shade trees in cocoa gardens as animal feed, producing organic fertilizers and pesticides from goat urine, and creating a market for inter-crop commodities such as cocoa, coconut, ginger, and locally grown fruits. all are in the same garden. Agroforestry as an alternative to indigenous farming must be maintained because it can increase farmers' income, also offers solutions to land degradation, and provides environmental services so it is expected to be able to guarantee sustainability and on the one hand, continue to support the achievement of an inclusive market for cocoa


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    This research has been done in Household Business “X”, which is located  in  Sidrap Regency, South Sulawesi. This research aims to: 1). Analyze the problems that happened in agrosystems case; 2). Analyze various solutions for problems in business development; 3). Formulate actions in achieving the objectives; 4). Implement selected actions. The whole data and information obtained in this research using the APPAS (Analysis of Agrosystem Design and Development) method and AHP (Analysis of Hierarchy Process). APPAS method is one of the learning methods that lead to overcome the problem in relation of the agrosystem case that used as the object of research and also directs to analyze the problem solving and AHP (Analysis Hierarchy Process) that is used to evaluate the alternative actions that must be done for the sake of development of agrosystem case. The result of the analysis shows that Household Business of “X” has the main problem that is Limited Marketing Area. The main problem happened due to the lack of promotion media, the manpower in the marketing department is unavailable, inadequate transportation, and limited equipment units. This main problem is the cause of low incomes, low demand, and low sales. To solve this problem, we have to set the main target that is increasing the revenue. The main target will be achieved if the media promotion increases, availability of manpower, transportation, and equipment units. Achieving the main targets will have an impact on increased of corporate revenue, the demand and the sales. Keywords: Strategy, Household Business,  AHP (Analysis of Hierarchy Process

    Changing Livelihood Strategies in a Conservation Area: Fishers, Farmers, and Sand Mining in Merauke, Indonesia

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    The Wasur National Park (WNP) includes the Ramsar Site, an important area for global conservation efforts in wetlands. This coastal area also supports the socio-economic activities of local and non-local communities who are highly dependent on natural resources. Conservation efforts in the area are sometimes at odds with the sustainability of local livelihoods and poverty alleviation initiatives for the community. The aim of this study is to describe the sources of community livelihoods in the Wasur Naukenjerai National Park area, specifically around agricultural, fisheries, and sand mining dynamics. Using a qualitative research design, this study uses a field survey to collect primary data sourced from key informants with in-depth interviews from 15 community respondents in three sample villages on the coast, and seven key informants from relevant government agencies. The results show that the main livelihood source for people in the protected area are as fishermen and farmers. Sand mining has emerged as an alternative source of livelihood but has caused degradation of beaches and land in the Wasur National Park area. In addition, there are activities of buying and selling agricultural land in protected areas. The protection of the rights of the community in the area and government support programs have been unable to guarantee the welfare of the community. For this reason, it is necessary to strengthen and further support local institutions livelihoods to ensure the sustainability of Wasur National Park area management


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    Various efforts have been made by the coffee processing industry to increase the added value of arabica coffee. The research was aimed to analyze the activity in the coffee processing industry which plays a major role in increasing the added value of arabica coffee and calculating the added value of arabica coffee in Tana Toraja Regency. This research was conducted in Mengkendek District, which is an area of Tana Toraja Regency. The sample in this study consisted of the coffee processing industry, namely the Unit Usaha Otonom (UUO) Agribisnis Toraja and Gandangbatu Coffee. Data collection uses survey methods and data is analyzed using qualitative and quantitative approaches. Theories used in data analysis include; (1) Porter method to analyze every activity in the coffee processing industry, (2) Hayami method to calculate the added value of arabica coffee. The results of this study conclude that activities that play a major role in increasing the added value of arabica coffee in Tana Toraja Regency are marketing and sales activities through cooperative relationships and operating activities through processing innovations. The added value of arabica coffee obtained by UUO Agribisnis Toraja is IDR 5,907/kg of green coffee beans and Gandangbatu Coffee gets an added value of IDR 25,729/kg of roasted or ground coffee. The added value obtained was significantly different in the processing of arabica coffee with the dry method and the wet method using the raw material in the form of cherry coffee.Keywords : Hayami method, Porter method, Value activitie


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kebijakan harga eceran tertinggi untuk pengecer beras yang dirilis oleh Menteri Perdagangan pada September 2017 terhadap laju inflasi beras, terutama di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan tiga kota yang dianggap mewakili Sulawesi Selatan dalam menghitung laju inflasi: Kota Makassar, Kota Pare-pare dan Kabupaten Bone. Semua variabel dianalisa menggunakan Regresi Linier Berganda. Variabel-variabel tersebut adalah stok beras, margin harga beras, nilai tukar riil, dan tingkat inflasi dari masing-masing daerah. Data diambil dari April 2016 hingga Desember 2018 dan menggunakan estimasi month-to-month. Kesimpulannya, kebijakan tersebut secara positif meningkatkan laju inflasi. Hal tersebut dibuktikan oleh 4 dari 6 persamaan yang secara harfiah dijelaskan oleh nilai variabel dummy tiap persamaan. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah harus mengevaluasi kembali kebijakan ini sehingga tingkat inflasi dapat dipertahankan di bawah target inflasi tahunan. Kata Kunci: harga eceran tertinggi; kebijakan harga beras; inflasi beras