3,777 research outputs found

    Extension of a task-based model to functional programming

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    Recently, efforts have been made to bring together the areas of high-performance computing (HPC) and massive data processing (Big Data). Traditional HPC frameworks, like COMPSs, are mostly task-based, while popular big-data environments, like Spark, are based on functional programming principles. The earlier are know for their good performance for regular, matrix-based computations; on the other hand, for fine-grained, data-parallel workloads, the later has often been considered more successful. In this paper we present our experience with the integration of some dataflow techniques into COMPSs, a task-based framework, in an effort to bring together the best aspects of both worlds. We present our API, called DDF, which provides a new data abstraction that addresses the challenges of integrating Big Data application scenarios into COMPSs. DDF has a functional-based interface, similar to many Data Science tools, that allows us to use dynamic evaluation to adapt the task execution in runtime. Besides the performance optimization it provides, the API facilitates the development of applications by experts in the application domain. In this paper we evaluate DDF's effectiveness by comparing the resulting programs to their original versions in COMPSs and Spark. The results show that DDF can improve COMPSs execution time and even outperform Spark in many use cases.This work was partially supported by CAPES, CNPq, Fapemig and NIC.BR, and by projects Atmosphere (H2020-EU.2.1.1 777154) and INCT-Cyber.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft


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    Abstract ∙ Little is known about the ecology and biology of the Red‐legged Seriema (Cariama cristata), a large territorial South American bird. This study aimed to describe aspects of the home range and territoriality of C. cristata in an anthropized region of the Cerrado in the western central Brazil. Based on georeferenced observations, the Minimum Convex Polygon 100% (MCP) and Kernel density (95% and 50%) methods were used to construct home‐range maps for five family groups of C. cristata. The mean (± SD) home‐range sizes were estimated as 24.34 ± 13.31 ha (100% MCP), 20.13 ± 6.69 ha (fixed Kernel 95%) and 18.98 ± 7.64 ha (fixed Kernel 50%). There was little overlap among the home ranges of the different groups. Territorial defense observed included duetting vocalizations and agonistic encounters. We conclude that the home ranges of C. cristata have little overlap, and that the entire home range is treated as a territory and defended against intruders.Resumo ∙ Territorialidade e área de vida de Seriemas (Cariama cristata) Pouco é conhecido sobre a biologia e ecologia da Seriema (Cariama cristata), uma ave territorial da América do Sul e de grande porte. O presente estudo descreve aspectos da área de vida e territorialidade de C. cristata em uma região antropizada de Cerrado no Centro‐Oeste do Brasil. Baseado em observações georreferenciadas, os métodos do Mínimo Polígono Convexo (100% MPC) e Densidade de Kernel (95% e 50%) foram utilizados para construir os mapas de área de vida de cinco grupos familiares de C. cristata. O tamanho médio (± desvio padrão) das áreas de vida foram estimados em 24,34 ± 13,31 ha (100% MPC), 20,13 ± 6,69 ha (Kernel 95%) e 18,98 ± 7,64 ha (Kernel 50%). Houve pouca sobreposição das áreas de vida dos diferentes grupos. As defesas territoriais observadas incluíram vocalizações em dueto e encontros agonísticos. Concluímos que a área de vida de C. cristata tem pouca sobreposição e que toda a área de vida é defendida como território contra intrusos

    A Resolution of Identity Technique to Speed up TDDFT with Hybrid Functionals: Implementation and Application to the Magic Cluster Series Au8n+4(SC6H5)4n+8 (n = 3–6)

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    The Resolution of Identity (RI) technique has been employed to speed up the use of hybrid exchange-correlation (xc) functionals at the TDDFT level using the Hybrid Diagonal Approximation. The RI has been implemented within the polTDDFT algorithm (a complex damped polarization method) in the AMS/ADF suite of programs. A speedup factor of 30 has been obtained with respect to a previous numerical implementation, albeit with the same level of accuracy. Comparison of TDDFT simulations with the experimental photoabsorption spectra of the cluster series Au8n+4(SR)(4n+8)(n = 3-6; R = C6H5) showed the excellent accuracy and efficiency of the method. Results were compared with those obtained via the more simplified and computationally cheaper TDDFT+TB and sTDDFT methods. The present method represents an accurate as well as computationally affordable approach to predict photoabsorption spectra of complex species, realizing an optimal compromise between accuracy and computational efficiency, and is suitable for applications to large metal clusters with sizes up to several hundreds of atoms

    Numerical Simulations of a Landing Gear with Flow Through Fairings for Noise Mitigation

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    This study presents a numerical investigation of the noise mitigation effect provided by several fairings placed upstream of a simplified two-wheel landing gear. The chosen configuration is equipped with detachable elements that mimic realistic components, e.g. brakes and torque link, to include representative landing gear noise sources. Several numerical simulations of the flow developing around this landing gear have been carried out, with or without an additional upstream fairing to control the noise generation processes. The chosen configurations match those from related experiments performed at the Delft University of Technology. Both the numerical and the experimental studies are conducted in the framework of the European Union Horizon 2020 research project INVENTOR (INnoVative dEsign of iNstalled airframe componenTs for aircraft nOise Reduction). The numerical method is based on the Zonal Detached Eddy Simulation approach, applied on a set of Cartesian octree grids with a specific immersed boundary wall treatment. Both solid and wire mesh fairings are considered, the latter being accounted for thanks to a specific wire mesh numerical model. Overall, the simulations show a nice agreement with the measurements and allow a thorough analysis of the flow modifications responsible for noise mitigation when the fairings are introduced. Previous Chapte


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    Objetivo: compreender como os profissionais de saúde que atuam no pré-hospitalar vivenciam a comunicação de más notícias à família na emergência pediátrica, bem como propor um protocolo de comunicação baseado nessas experiências. Método: pesquisa qualitativa com sustentação teórico-metodológica baseada no Interacionismo Simbólico e na Análise Temática Indutiva, mediante entrevistas semiestruturadas, no 2º semestre de 2019. Resultados: os profissionais vivenciaram o difícil processo de comunicação sob a influência do ambiente hostil. Eles estabeleceram ações para tentar cuidar e acolher a família. O cuidado com a família gerou reflexões e desejo de oferecer um atendimento adequado. Após a análise dessas experiências, foi proposto o Protocolo Acolher. Considerações finais: os profissionais de saúde que atuam no pré-hospitalar sentem-se pouco preparados e extremamente desconfortáveis diante da comunicação de más notícias. O protocolo desenvolvido pode colaborar no direcionamento aos profissionais do Atendimento Pré-hospitalar e ajudá-los no processo de comunicação de más notícias. Descritores: Comunicação em Saúde. Emergências. Socorristas. Enfermagem Familiar. Enfermagem Pediátrica

    Geophysical imaging of the Luhoi geothermal field, Tanzania

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    The Luhoi prospect is a coastal basin located within Rufiji Trough along the passive continental margin of western Indian Ocean of Tanzania, a sector extending south of the termination of the eastern branch of the African Rift System. The structural pattern is dominated by tectonic features belonging to the WNW-ESE Tagalala Trend and to the NE-SW Selous Trend that have been active until recent times. The thermal manifestations are mostly located along a WNW-ESE direction flowingfollowing the Ruhoi River, in the south-western sector of the focal study area. The Wingoyongo Hill, located in the north-eastern sector of the focal area, forms a morphological high where emissions of H2S and bituminous staining were observed. Here, an old well intersected 800 m of quartz sandstone with minor intercalations of siltstone and claystone (Kipatimu Series, Lower Cretaceous). Magnetotelluric (MT), time-domain electromagnetic (TDEM) and gravimetric geophysical surveys were carried as part of a geoscientific study funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iceland through Icelandic International Development Agency (ICEIDA) and the Nordic Development Fund (NDF). The goal of the survey was to advance the state of knowledge of the Luhoi geothermal prospect, in order to elaborate the conceptual model of the field. The survey area extends over a surface of approximately 75 km2, designed to include the Luhoi hot springs and the Wingoyongo fumaroles. The gravimetric data set is composed of 124 measurements collected on a regular grid at a nominal spatial sampling of 800 m, and 16 more to infer the regional field. The residual Bouguer anomaly map shows an elongated gravimetric high trending NE-SW with values up to 3 mGal, surrounded by gravimetric lows up to -2 mGal. Forward and inverse 2D/3D models image an asymmetrical horst like structure trending NE-SW. Both the thermal manifestations and the Wingoyongo Hill are aligned along the NW flank of the horst. Since the Wingoyongo well intersected sandstones for about 800 m, the horst like structure is interpreted as made by the Kipatimu sandstones. The two depressions bordering the horst like structure are filled with lower density materials, likely siltstones, claystones and/or mudstones, with an estimated maximum thickness of 1.1 km. The MT and TDEM data were acquired at 76 locations, with a nominal spatial sampling of 750 m. The static shift effect has been corrected by TDEM/MT phases joint inversion. MT impedances and tippers have been estimated by means of the remote reference technique with robust processing methods coupled with a coherence rejection scheme. Resistivity 3D inversion reveals two conductive anomalies coincident with the low-density sedimentary rocks bordering the horst structure. A clear updoming of resistivity marks the NW flank of the horst and it is interpreted as due to a combined effect of different alteration, lithology and fluid content and to reflect the main upflow of the geothermal system

    Three-dimensional geophysical modelling of Kiejo-Mbaka geothermal field, Tanzania

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    The Kiejo-Mbaka geothermal field is located close to the eastern margin of the Karonga Rift Basin and is part of the Rungwe volcanic province where the EARS splits up into its Western and Eastern branches in southern Tanzania. The area is characterised by a Precambrian gneiss metamorphic basement complex, outcropping along the NW-trending, SW-dipping Mbaka fault. Geothermal manifestations mainly consist of hot springs, flowing close to the Mbaka fault. An integrated geophysical survey was carried out over the Kiejo-Mbaka geothermal field by TGDC (Tanzania Geothermal Development Company), under the supervision of ELC-Electroconsult (Italy). The campaign included 76 Magnetotelluric (MT) and Transient Electromagnetic (TEM) soundings and 133 gravity measurements; a dense station grid allowed for a detailed geophysical 2D and 3D modelling. Two and 3D gravity modelling indicate that the positive residual Bouguer anomaly can be explained by a high density (3 g/cm3) body, constituting the gneiss basement, elongating NW-SE. NE and SW of it, lower density layers (2.5 g/cm3) are observable; the attitude of their bottoms is compatible with the Mbaka fault direction and the Livingstone fault trend (NNW). We found that 3D MT inversion was the only tool giving a reliable resistivity imaging in the Mbaka prospect. From the final 3D MT model, a very resistive body (>2000 Ohm m) deepening toward SE is visible; this body represent the gneiss basement, and the surfaces delimiting it are associated with the Mbaka fault and the Livingstone fault trend. Three conductive zones (less than 10 Ohm m) have been identified: two of them affect the Mbaka fault footwall, NE of the resistive basement, while another one is located beneath the plain, SE of it. This latter zone shows a thickness of about 1 km. It is apparent that the low-density regions well correspond with the high-conductivity zones imaged by the MT 3D inversion. The integrated geophysical interpretation then leads to two possible geological scenarios: these regions can be constituted by (post-rift) sediments (possibly affected by low-T geothermal alteration) or by intensively fractured and low-T altered basement; however, we stress that the possible geothermal alteration is not necessarily related to the present-day geothermal activity, and caution should be taken in result interpretation

    Focused Inversion of Gravimetric and Magnetotelluric Data for Geothermal Investigations

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    Focused inversion techniques may be applied to geophysical data inversion in order to image complex structures in the subsoil. These algorithms may image complex \u201cblocky\u201d structures giving useful information in geothermal exploration that may be smoothed out by standard inversion algorithms that use stabilizer that penalize sharp transitions. We have tested the modified total variation and the maximum gradient support stabilizers in the inversion of synthetic and field magnetotelluric and gravimetric data. The gravimetric data from the Luhoi geothermal prospect have been used to map the sharp density transition between the sandstone and the overlying claystone layers. The resulting horst structure imaged in 2D and 3D models by the maximum gradient support stabilizer solution allow to trace the main fault system that drives the up-flow of hydrothermal waters. The 1D magnetotelluric \u201cblocky\u201d models with lateral constrain (pseudo-3D) image the lithological contact between the claystone and sandstone far from the horst area and reveal resistivity variations in the claystone layer associated with sand lenses. In the horst area, resistivity models image hydrothermal alteration affecting the sandstone layer

    Ageing by the look of montage : or when the montage tells of ageing

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    Este ensaio se apresenta como um exercício do ver sobre o envelhecer na cidade contemporânea, apostando na montagem, conforme elaborada por Aby Warburg, como um procedimento de leitura da realidade urbana. A montagem, aqui neste texto, é produzida por fragmentos de obras literárias e registros fotográficos aleatórios sobre a cidade. Dessa forma nos perguntamos: pode a montagem dar a ver sobre o envelhecer na cidade? De que modo ela o faz? E ainda, como, dessa forma, isso contribuiria para um pensamento sobre a cidade contemporânea? Espera-se, através do procedimento, produzir uma reflexão sobre o envelhecer como um conjunto de fragmentos que permitam pautar novas questões. Essa reflexão toma como principais teóricos Walter Benjamin, Georges Didi-Huberman e Roland Barthes. Busca-se, através de um material textual e imagético, uma escrita que é um trabalho da imaginação, e, por isso, cheia de outros sentidos, estéticos e políticos, sobretudo.This essay proposes an exercise about seeing with the aging in the contemporary city, betting on montage, as elaborated by Aby Warburg, as a procedure for reading urban reality. The montage, here in this text, is produced by fragments from literary works and random photographic records about the city. So, in this way, we ask: can the montage show about aging in the city? How does it do? And yet, how, by this way, would the montage contribute to a thought about contemporary city? It is hoped, through the procedure, to produce a reflection on aging in the city as a set of fragments that allow new questions. This reflection takes as main theorists Walter Benjamin, Georges DidiHuberman and Roland Barthes. Through this textual and imagery material, we seek a text that is also a work of the imagination, and, therefore, full of other senses, aesthetic and political, above all