44 research outputs found

    The Benefit of Wind Distribution Analysis for Coastal Construction Design in East Java Province

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    To create a safe and durable coastal structures design, a comprehensive data including minimum, maximum, and significant sea wave’s height are needed. Normally, to obtain such massive data, engineers need to elaborate specialized consultant to carry out direct measurement on site, which typically consumes enormous financial resources and involves exceptionally rare experts. In such case, engineers can use a set of 10 to 20 years wind data as a substitution. The suggested duration is expected to ensure that the set of data has sufficient information, which includes extreme wind speed and its fluctuation along the respective years. Therefore, it is common to adopt available data at the nearest wind stations, such as airports and harbors, to estimate the wind features on site. This paper presents a normative wind speed distribution model based on 16 years’ wind data at a location obtained from National Oceanic and Atmospheric U.S. Department of Commerce (NOAA). The outcomes of the research show that the maximum sea wave height prediction in Sidoarjo Regency East Java with respect to analytical and graphical method are 0,465 m and 0,840 m, respectively. The results are considered satisfactorily reliable to be used as primary data to design coastal structures

    The Benefit of Hydrodynamic Model As an Assessment of the Hydro-Environment Engineering in Decision Support System for the Sustainable Mariculture Development in Indonesia

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    Indonesia has a great potential for developing the mariculture industry. However, during the operation faced a lot of problems due to hydrodynamic environment engineering fields. The main case was the misplaced location of the mariculture development with respect to the weak sea current in the vicinity area. Meanwhile, the accomplishment of sustainable practices and management systems to preserve coastal environments is still in its infancy. Therefore, it is vital to improve aquaculture technology and to develop management tools. This problem can be determined by an implementation of the numeric mathematical model of the sea current flow which illustrates the physical process of domain area. At this manuscript, the assessment utilized 2-dimensional numerical models in Decision Support System (DSS) at the Ekas Bay, Lombok Indonesia. Simulations were carried out by applying the open source of Delft3D modeling system which was fully integrated with modeling framework for the simulation, among others of flow and waves. The outcomes prove that hydrodynamic model can be used as an initial assessment for decision maker for future development of sustainable mariculture industry in Indonesia


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    As the biggest archipelago country in the world, many places in Indonesia are potential for maritime economy industries but also suffered from negative impact of the global sea level rise. It was identified as one most contributing factors which is threatening Indonesia coastal water by coastal flood, including the research area where is in Sidoarjo Regency. To adopt the climate change, it is compulsory to have knowledge and technology along with data, unfortunately insufficient raw data in research area have identified as a major problem during years. The purpose of this research is to utilize synoptic data for coastal adaptation of climate changing design and construction. The data were collected from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for 16 years that will be processed into wind rose and fetch length. The outcomes are going to be obtained from the analysis of graphical and analytical calculations. The results prove that the using of synoptic data analysis give an accurate forecasting of maximum sea wave height at the research area in the range of 0.30 – 0.88 m, then it can be used to determine appropriate adaptation to the sea level rise due to global climate changing


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    Climate change caused by global warming has become an interesting study in recent years which is indicated by an increase in seawater temperature, sea-level rise and flooding. In the research area at Jabon District Sidoarjo was affected by sea flood in December 2017 within material loss about 5 billion rupiahs. This research aims to utilise the recent technology in construction era 4.0 with photogrammetric techniques using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and sonar tools to analyse flooding events by making bathymetry maps with low and affordable costs in watersheds, including the effects of tides was also carried out. The method in this research was carried out the right photogrammetric technique and processed to provide a 3-dimensional appearance. Also, sonar tools use as benchmarks with high accuracy in the bathymetry mapping and river sedimentation occurrence. The outcome of this study proves that the watershed at the study site was a tidal influence on the condition of the highest high water level, which caused seawater to pass through the river bank as high as 10 centimetres. Fur further to overcome this problem, it recommends to do dredging of the riverbed, and the appropriate construction of river banks/embankments are higher and more durable

    Game E-Learning Code Master dengan Konsep Mmorpg Menggunakan Adobe Flex 3

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    The research objective is to design a web-based e-learning game that could be used to be a learning facility of C language programming and as an online game so it could be enjoyed by everybody easily in internet. Flex USAge in this game online is to implement RIA (Rich Internet Application) concept in the game so e-learning process is hoped to be more interesting and interactive. E-learning game is also designed in MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) concept. The research method used is analysis and design method. Analysis method is done through literature study, user analysis, and similar game analysis. Meanwhile, design method is about monitor display, gameplay and system design. The conclution of this research is that this game provides an interesting learning media of C language program accordingly to subject material at class and also easier to use through website

    The utilisation of the numerical hydrodynamic model to face rob floods in coastal areas in the industrial revolution era 4.0 at east java Indonesia

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    Global warming which occurred has resulted in sea level rise resulting in Rob flooding in coastal areas. The research location is in Rob floods area in Tegalsari Hamlet, Jabon Subdistrict, Sidoarjo that have damaged seaweed cultivation, and estimated losses reached 5 billion rupiahs in early 2018. Therefore, it needs to do research numerical hydrodynamic models to prevent this flood. However, the devices for measurement data are too expensive. The purpose of this research is to utilise economical devices measurement based on the industrial revolution 4.0 with numerical hydrodynamic methods models in the field of civil engineering. This model is an approach to estimate the hydrodynamics of coastal waters such as tides, currents and water levels. To simulate the hydrodynamic model, for nearshore bathymetry data are gained from sonar and offshore bathymetry data from GEBCO. The simulations utilise open-source Delft3D software using the Navier-Stock formula. The outcomes prove that hydrodynamic simulation models can be used to estimate sea-level rise for the next few years in coastal areas. Thus, the determination of the type of construction of civil engineering buildings that are strong and environmentally friendly so that publics do not cause huge losses and make coastal communities resilient to disasters


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    Exploitation of stone use as the main component of concrete needs to be reduced. The presence of alternative rough aggregate substitute in concrete mixture needs to be applied. This research aims for the optimum percentage of the percentage of value of the addition of waste fibre woven bamboo to achieve a strong press of minimum and magnitude of absorption percentage. This research was conducted in Civil Engineering Laboratory of Kadiri University using trial and error method, sample used in cube dimension 15 x 15 x 15 cm with 20 pieces with planned quality K-225 or 18.675 MPa. Comparison of percentage of based on rough aggregate volumes on the mix of paving blocks. Compessive strength test at 28 days. The results showed Compessive strength on the bamboo fiber variation 0%, 5%, 15% and 25% for 20.7 MPa, 17.6 MPa, 12.3 MPa and 9.9 MPa obtained the optimum fibre woven bamboo percentage of in accordance with minimum limit of strong standard press paving block 17 MPa by 7%. The absorption test results showed an increase that was directly proportional to the percentage of the variation of the addition with an average of 0.1%, 0.1%, 0.2% and 0.3%, with optimal absorption of 0.103%.Eksploitasi penggunaan batu sebagai komponen utama beton perlu direduksi. Adanya alternatif pengganti agregat kasar dalam campuran beton perlu diterapkan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mencari nilai prosentase optimum penambahan serat limbah anyaman bambu agar mencapai kuat tekan minimal serta besarnya prosentase penyerapan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Laboratorium Teknik Sipil Universitas Kadiri menggunakan metode trial and error, sample yang digunakan berbentuk kubus dimensi 15 x 15 x 15 cm sebanyak 20 buah dengan mutu yang direncanakan K-225 atau 18,675 MPa. Perbandingan prosentase subtitusi berdasarkan volume agregat kasar pada campuran paving block. Pengujian kuat tekan dilakukan pada umur 28 hari. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan kuat tekan rata-rata pada variasi serat bambu 0%, 5%, 15% dan 25% sebesar 20,7 MPa, 17,6 MPa, 12,3 MPa dan 9,9 MPa sehingga didapatkan prosentase serat limbah anyaman bambu optimum sesuai batas minimal standar kuat tekan paving block 17 MPa sebesar 7%. Hasil uji absorpsi menunjukkan peningkatan yang berbanding lurus dengan prosentase variasi penambahan dengan rata-rata sebesar 0,1%, 0,1%, 0,2% dan 0,3%, dengan penyerapan optimum sebesar 0,103%


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    ABSTRAK Manajemen pemasaran merupakan seni dan ilmu untuk memilih pasar sasaran dan meraih, mempertahankan, serta menumbuhkan pelanggan dengan menciptakan, menghantarkan dan, mengkomunikasikan niai pelanggan yang unggul. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh brand image dan harga terhadap loyalitas pelanggan pada distro Hyb Supply Bandung baik secara parsial maupun simultan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dan verifikatif dengan jumlah sample 100 responde n. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dan menyebarkan kuisioner. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda, korelasi ganda dan koefisien determinasi, dan uji hipotesis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan besar pengaruh brand image dan harga terhadap loyalitas pelanggan pada distro Hyb Supply Bandung dapat dikatakan cukup baik. Brand image memberikan pengaruh yang lebih kecil pada loyalitas pelanggan dibandingkan dengan harga terhadap loyalita pelanggan. Kata Kunci : Brand Image, Harga dan Loyalitas Pelangga


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    The global sea level rise is rapidly increased as the result of climate change which indicated by the expansion of marine heat and ice melting. It was identified as one of the most contributing factors, which threatens coastal communities, even national economy of a country. The combination of groundwater flooding and coastal flood was reported to make a total loss of at least 5 billion rupiahs with respect to crop failure of tons of seaweed as well as fish lost. The aim of this research is to construct a topographic and bathymetric map using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)/drone series DJI Phantom 3 Advanced. The UAV is used in companion with other instruments, such as total station and geodetic station. The UAV is used mainly to take aerial images, which is further processed to obtain contour maps. The results indicate that the contour maps are accurate and can be used to help in making appropriate decision to the global climate change

    Analisis Sentimen Produk Herbal Jamu pada Media Sosial Instagram

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    Meningkatnya kapasitas dan jumlah industri dan usaha kecil yang bergerak pada bidang herbal jamu di Indonesia mengindikasikan peningkatan dan perubahan gaya hidup masyarakat untuk mengkonsumsi tanaman obat [1]. Produk herbal jamu bagi sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia telah dipercaya dan lebih aman dalam mengobati penyakit. Produk herbal jamu juga terbukti memberikan manfaat bagi perawatan penderita batu saluran kemih dan diabetes melitus [2][3]. Meski demikian, terdapat faktor lain seperti budaya dan kepercayaan dalam memilih obat herbal [4]. Pemasaran sebuah produk herbal jamu dengan memanfaatkan media sosial saat ini menjadi kebutuhan primer dan memiliki potensi untuk memperluas jangkauan pemasaran bahkan meningkatkan omset penjualan produk [5][6]. Pelaku usaha seperti UMKM juga telah menyertakan media sosial seperti facebook, dan instagram sebagai media pemasaran yang dirasa lebih mudah dalam penggunaannya [7]. Pelaku usaha dan industri herbal jamu dapat memanfaatkan kemudahan dan efisiensi dari media sosial dalam melakukan penjualan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap sentimen pengguna media sosial Instagram terhadap tren penjualan herbal jamu. Hasil penelitian akan mengungkap signifikansi penggunaan media sosial Instagram pada pemasaran produk herbal jamu