3,158 research outputs found

    On some recent trends in modelling of contact fatigue and wear in rail

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    Specific numerical methods for the computational analysis of damage induced in rail by repeated rolling are presented. The calculations of mechanical stabilized states (shakedown, ratchetting) of rail-like structures subjected to moving contact loads are performed using the “stationary methods”. An association of 2-D finite element method, Fourier expansion in the longitudinal direction of the rail and steady-state assumption reduces the computational cost of such procedures. These methods constitute the key for the quantitative prediction of fatigue. Three types of damage (low-, high-cycle fatigue and damage) are encountered. Special attention to high-cycle fatigue is paid, through the use of Dang Van multi-axial fatigue criterion. The 3-D simulations of rolling contact and investigation of rail high-cycle fatigue illustrate the applicability of the methodology

    Finite pure bending of curved pipes

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    We present an original treatment for the finite bending of curved pipes with arbitrary cross sections. The curved pipe is successively regarded as a three-dimensional continuum and a shell, and a formulation is proposed for each model. We show that, from a numerical point of view, the finite bending problem is reducible to an axisymmetric analysis augmented with 1 d.f. We also show how to take advantage of this analogy to solve the bending problem using standard axisymmetric FE routine

    Development of a fretting-fatigue mapping concept: The effect of material properties and surface treatments

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    Fretting-fatigue induced by combined localized cyclic contact motion and external bulk fatigue loadings may result in premature and dramatic failure of the contacting components. Depending on fretting and fatigue loading conditions, crack nucleation and possibly crack propagation can be activated. This paper proposes a procedure for estimating these two damage thresholds. The crack nucleation boundary is formalized by applying the Crossland high cycle fatigue criterion, taking into account the stress gradient and the ensuing #size##effect#. The prediction of the crack propagation condition is formalized using a short crack arrest description. Applied to an AISI 1034 steel, this methodology allows the development of an original material response fretting-fatigue map (FFM). The impact of material properties and surface treatments is investigated

    Surfaces of Revolution with Constant Gaussian Curvature in Four-Space

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    In this paper, we show that the constant property of the Gaussian curvature of surfaces of revolution in both R4\mathbb R^4 and R14\mathbb R_1^4 depend only on the radius of rotation. We then give necessary and sufficient conditions for the Gaussian curvature of the general rotational surfaces whose meridians lie in two dimensional planes in R4\mathbb R^4 to be constant, and define the parametrization of the meridians when both the Gaussian curvature is constant and the rates of rotation are equal.Comment: 8 paper

    Analysis of Viscoelastoplastic Behavior of Expanded Polystyrene under Compressive Loading: Experiments and Modeling

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    The use of expanded polystyrene (EPS) in road paving, where the soil exhibits special properties (for example, compressive soil), calls for the necessity of investigating the mechanical behavior of this material. In this work, a study of the EPS compressive behavior is presented. It is divided into two parts: experimental and modeling investigations. The experimental results show that the EPS global compression behavior is characterized by three stages. Analysis of the results shows that the density of EPS plays an important role. A phenomenological mechanical model is considered in order to simulate the EPS viscoelastoplastic behavior in the case of compressive loading. A numerical analysis has been made in order to describe the mechanical behavior of the EPS material. This investigation has revealed a good correlation with the experimental results.При использовании расширенного полистирена в случае прокладки дорог, когда почва имеет особые свойства (например, сжатое состояние), возникает необходимость изучения механических характеристик этого материала. В данной работе исследованы механические свойства расширенного полистирена при сжатии. Работа включает две части: экспериментальное исследование и моделирование. Экспериментальные данные показали, что поведение расширенного полистирена при сжатии характеризуется тремя стадиями. При анализе установлено, что плотность расширенного полистирена играет важную роль. Рассмотрена феноменологическая механическая модель для моделирования вязкоупругопластических свойств при сжатии. С помощью численного анализа описаны механические свойства, которые хорошо согласуются с полученными экспериментально.При використанні розширеного полістирену у випадку прокладання доріг, коли грунт має особливості (наприклад, стиснення), виникає необхідність у вивченні механічних характеристик цього матеріалу. У даній роботі досліджено механічні характеристики розширеного полістирену при стисненні. Робота складається з двох частин: експериментального дослідження і моделювання. Експериментальні дані свідчать, що поведінка розширеного полістирену при стисненні характеризується трьома стадіями. Аналіз показав, що щільність розширеного полістирену грає важливу роль. Розглянуто феноменологічну механічну модель для моделювання в'язкопружнопластичних властивостей при стисненні. За допомогою числового аналізу описано механічні характеристики, які добре узгоджуються з отриманими експериментально

    Predicting procedure duration of colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection at Western endoscopy centers

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    Background and study aims Overcoming logistical obstacles for the implementation of colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) requires accurate prediction of procedure times. We aimed to evaluate existing and new prediction models for ESD duration.Patients and methods Records of all consecutive patients who underwent single, non-hybrid colorectal ESDs before 2020 at three Dutch centers were reviewed. The performance of an Eastern prediction model [GIE 2021;94(1):133–144] was assessed in the Dutch cohort. A prediction model for procedure duration was built using multivariable linear regression. The model’s performance was validated using internal validation by bootstrap resampling, internal-external cross-validation and external validation in an independent Swedish ESD cohort.Results A total of 435 colorectal ESDs were analyzed (92% en bloc resections, mean duration 139 minutes, mean tumor size 39 mm). The performance of current unstandardized time scheduling practice was suboptimal (explained variance: R2=27%). We successfully validated the Eastern prediction model for colorectal ESD duration <60 minutes (c-statistic 0.70, 95% CI 0.62–0.77), but this model was limited due to dichotomization of the outcome and a relatively low frequency (14%) of ESDs completed <60 minutes in the Dutch centers. The model was more useful with a dichotomization cut-off of 120 minutes (c-statistic: 0.75; 88% and 17% of “easy” and “very difficult” ESDs completed <120 minutes, respectively). To predict ESD duration as continuous outcome, we developed and validated the six-variable cESD-TIME formula (https://cesdtimeformula.shinyapps.io/calculator/; optimism-corrected R2=61%; R2=66% after recalibration of the slope).Conclusions We provided two useful tools for predicting colorectal ESD duration at Western centers. Further improvements and validations are encouraged with potential local adaptation to optimize time planning