4,078 research outputs found

    Implementation of Business Intelligence in Data Superstore Sales with Online Analytical Processing Method

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    Transaction data in superstore sales data are very useful for company development, can be used to describe and forecast or predict future sales transaction data and to study the past about business opportunities and challenges. The use of Business Intelligence (BI) technology can help analyze large amounts of data, in addition, BI is a powerful tool for quality analysis and company analysis. This study designed an information system using the BI approach to analyze transaction data on superstore sales data. The research focus is on report data, namely superstore sales data regarding sales transactions. This study uses the OLAP method to describe data visualization so that it provides benefits and competitive advantages. This system can improve the quality of decisions taken in solving the problem of abundant data accumulation, monitoring operational activities, fulfilling information needs and effective data management. Business intelligence is expected for company leaders to be able to understand the data that will have been processed in understanding visual forms and can easily absorb the information needed to make decisions for the company. In addition, with the design of website-based business intelligence that is effective and efficient to produce opportunities in making decisions to predict the increase or decrease that will occur in the coming years using the histories in the superstore sales data of the previous year

    Numerical methods and calculations for droplet flow, heating and ignition

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    A numerical method was devised and employed to solve a variety of problems related to liquid droplet combustion. The basic transport equations of mass, momentum and energy were formulated in terms of generalized nonorthogonal coordinates, which allows for adaptive griding and arbitrary particle shape. Example problems are solved for internal droplet heating, droplet ignition and high Reynolds number flow over a droplet

    Buoyancy-driven motion of a deformable drop toward a planar wall at low Reynolds number

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    The slow viscous motion of a deformable drop moving normal to a planar wall is studied numerically. In particular, a boundary integral technique employing the Green's function appropriate to a no-slip planar wall is used. Beginning with spherical drop shapes far from the wall, highly deformed and ‘dimpled’ drop configurations are obtained as the planar wall is approached. The initial stages of dimpling and their evolution provide information and insight into the basic assumptions of film-drainage theory

    01 New York Tunnel

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    The New York Tunnel system is based on the real-world transmission system in New York City and was created by Schaake & Lai in 1969 as part of a study to optimize the duplication of the existing system to meet demand increases. The system has a total demand of 1305 MGD, one reservoir and 21 tunnels with a total length of 69.2 miles. It is classified as distribution dense-grid by Hwang & Lansey (2017) and gridded by Hoagland et al. (2015).https://uknowledge.uky.edu/wdst_systems/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Factors influencing adoption of high tunnels for tomato production in northeast district, Botswana

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    The study was carried out to investigate constraints and determinants of high tunnels adoption for tomato production in the North-East District of Botswana, using household survey data sourced directly from 116 horticultural farmers during the months of May and June 2017. Descriptive statistics and a binary probit regression model were employed to analyze constraints and determinants of high tunnels adoption for tomato production. The prohibitive cost of high tunnels, inadequate knowledge on high tunnels, inadequate capital and markets were identified as major constraints that hinder high tunnels adoption. The adoption of high tunnels was found to be positively influenced by years of education, access to extension services and farm size. The findings suggest that encouraging tunnel designers to consider constructing the structure using local materials could be ideal to cut down on the startup cost. Strengthening extension service and re-engineering of the current extension system is necessary to improve the adoption rate of the technology. Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. Tech. 10(2): 100-109, December 202


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aspek aspek apa saja yang diperhitungkan dalam peraturan PSAK No. 24 dan ketentuan-ketentuan yang ada dalam Undang-undang No. 13 Tahun 2003 dalam menghitung beban manfaat karyawan, dimana beban manfaat karyawan ini wajib di adakan bagi setiap perusahaan sejak diberlakukannya pada tahun 2003, karena beban manfaat karyawan ini wajib didapatkan oleh karyawan yang bekerja di suatu perusahaan yang telah memberikan jasanya selama bekerja. Penelitian ini menggunakan munggunakan metode kualitatif, sumber datanya berupa sumber data primer, dimana sumber dari penelitian ini didapat dalam wawancara terhadap bebrapa karyawan perusahaan, tapi peneliti memfokuskan kepada bagian keuangan dalam penerapannya PSAK No. 24 dan Undang-undang No. 13 Tahun 2003 dan aktuaris yang memperhitungkan jumlah beban manfaat karyawan perusahaan, karena bagian inilah yang mempunyai andil besar dalam perhitungannya dan implementasinya kepada para karyawwan lainnya. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan nilai beban manfaat karyawan yang akan diterima oleh para karyawan yang bekerja di suatu perusahaan dengan ketentuan yang telah di atur adalam PSAK No. 24 dan Undang-undang No. 13 Tahun 2003 tentang ketenagakerjaan. Sehingga karyawan tahu berapa beban manfaat yang akan mereka terima pada saat berhenti bekerja dalam usia normal yang telah ditentukan oleh perusahaan. Keywords : PSAK NO. 24, Undang-undang No. 13 Tahun 200

    04 Jilin

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    The Jilin system is a synthetic system and was originally developed by Bi & Dandy in 2014 as part of a study on online retrained metamodels. The system has a total demand of 112,000 CMD, one reservoir, and 29 km of pipe. It is classified as distribution dense-grid by Hwanyg & Lansey (2017) and gridded by Hoagland et al. (2015).https://uknowledge.uky.edu/wdst_synthetic/1000/thumbnail.jp

    How long will business as usual be sustained?

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