11 research outputs found

    House prices and the proposed expansion of Chicago's O'Hare Airport

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    Quieter aircraft are causing the 65-db noise contour band around O'Hare Airport to shrink over time, even in the event that air traffic increases by nearly 60 percent after the proposed expansion of the airport. Forecasts imply that home prices will increase by nearly $280 million (in 1997 dollars) between 1997 and the time after the expansion of the airport as the number of homes subject to severe noise falls.Chicago (Ill.) ; Housing - Prices

    Cognitive and Psychological Reactions of the General Population Three Months After the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami

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    BACKGROUND: The largest earthquake on record in Japan (magnitude 9.0) occurred on March 11, 2011, and the subsequent tsunami devastated the Pacific coast of Northern Japan. These further triggered the Fukushima I nuclear power plant accidents. Such a hugely complex disaster inevitably has negative psychological effects on general populations as well as on the direct victims. While previous disaster studies enrolled descriptive approaches focusing on direct victims, the structure of the psychological adjustment process of people from the general population has remained uncertain. The current study attempted to establish a path model that sufficiently reflects the early psychological adaptation process of the general population to large-scale natural disasters. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Participants from the primary disaster area (n = 1083) and other areas (n = 2372) voluntarily participated in an online questionnaire study. By constructing path models using a structural equation model procedure (SEM), we examined the structural relationship among psychological constructs known related to disasters. As post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTS) were significantly more present in people in the primarily affected area than in those in secondary- or non-affected areas, the path models were constructed for the primary victims. The parsimoniously depicted model with the best fit was achieved for the psychological-adjustment centered model with quality of life (QoL) as a final outcome. CONCLUSION: The paths to QoL via negative routes (from negative cognitive appraisal, PTS, and general stress) were dominant, suggesting the importance of clinical intervention for reducing negative cognitive appraisal, and for caring for general stress and PTS to maintain QoL at an early stage of psychological adaptation to a disaster. The model also depicted the presence of a positive route where positive cognitive appraisal facilitates post-traumatic growth (PTG) to achieve a higher QoL, suggesting the potential importance of positive psychological preventive care for unexpected natural disasters

    Maternal fluoxetine infusion does not alter fetal endocrine and biophysical circadian rhythms in pregnant sheep

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    ObjectiveDepression during pregnancy is frequently treated with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), fluoxetine (FX), commonly known as Prozac (Eli Lilly & Co, Indianapolis, IN). FX potentiates serotoninergic neurotransmission and serotonin has been implicated in the regulation of circadian rhythms. We have therefore investigated the effect of chronic administration of FX on maternal and fetal circadian rhythms in sheep.MethodsFollowing an initial bolus dose of 70 mg FX, an 8-day continuous infusion of FX (n = 11, 98.5 microg/kg x d) was performed. Controls (n = 13) were treated with sterile water vehicle only. Maternal and fetal plasma melatonin and prolactin concentrations were determined every 3 hours for 24 hours and then every 6 hours for 24 hours beginning on the fourth day of infusion.ResultsFX treatment did not alter either the basal or circadian rhythms of either maternal or fetal plasma melatonin and prolactin concentrations. Fetal cardiovascular and behavioral state parameters were measured continuously. While the incidence of low-voltage (LV) electrocortical (ECOG) activity was significantly reduced in fetuses in the FX group, there was no effect of FX on the diurnal rhythms in fetal arterial pressure, heart rate, breathing movements, or behavioral state.ConclusionThese results show that maternal FX treatment does not result in significant alterations in maternal and fetal hormonal and behavioral circadian rhythms.Janna L. Morrison, Dan W. Rurak, Caly Chien, David J. Kennaway, Nancy Gruber, I. Caroline McMillen, and K. Wayne Rigg

    Chronic maternal fluoxetine infusion in pregnant sheep: effects on the maternal and fetal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axes

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    Depression during pregnancy is frequently treated with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, fluoxetine (FX). FX increases serotonergic neurotransmission and serotonin plays a role in the regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. We have therefore investigated the effect of chronic administration of FX to the pregnant ewe on the maternal and fetal HPA axes. Nineteen late-gestation sheep were surgically prepared for chronic study of the fetus. FX (n = 7, 98.5 Β΅g/kg/d) or sterile water (control, n _ 8) was administered to the ewe for 8 d by constant rate i.v. infusion with an initial FX bolus dose of 70 mg. Maternal and fetal plasma ACTH and cortisol concentrations were determined at 0700 h each day. Maternal plasma ACTH concentrations fell on infusion d 2, but no changes were observed in maternal plasma cortisol concentrations. Fetal plasma ACTH concentrations increased on infusion d 7, and fetal plasma cortisol concentrations increased on infusion d 6, 7, and 8 in the FX group. In addition, the regression coefficient for the relationship between fetal ACTH and cortisol levels was significantly greater in the FX group compared with the control group. Thus, maternal FX treatment increased fetal plasma cortisol concentration. These results are of particular interest in the context that exposure of the fetus to excess glucocorticoids at critical windows during development has been shown to increase the risk of poor health outcomes in later life.Janna L. Morrison, K. Wayne Riggs, Caly Chien, Nancy Gruber, I. Caroline McMillen and Dan W. Rura

    Increased rat neonatal activity influences adult cytokine levels and relative muscle mass.

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    Little is known about the effect of physical activity in early life on subsequent growth and regulation of inflammation. We previously reported that exposure of muscles in growing rats to IL-6 results in decreased muscle growth apparently due to a state of resistance to growth factors such IGF-I and that running exercise could ameliorate this growth defect. Herein we hypothesized that increased activity, for a brief period during neonatal life, would pattern the adult rat towards a less inflammatory phenotype. Neonatal rats were induced to move about their cage for brief periods from day 5 to day 15 postpartum. Additional groups were undisturbed controls (CON) and handled (HAND). Sub-groups of rats were sampled at 30 and 65 days of age. Relative to CON and HAND, neonatal exercise (EX) results in decreased circulating levels of TNFΞ±, IL-6 and IL-1Ξ² in adulthood, primarily in male rats. In addition, adult male EX rats had lower body mass and increased skeletal muscle mass suggesting a leaner phenotype. The results of this study suggest that moderate increases in activity early in life can influence the adult toward a more healthy phenotype with regard to inflammatory mediators and relative muscle mass