116 research outputs found

    G-quadruplex induced stabilization by 2′-deoxy-2′-fluoro-d-arabinonucleic acids (2′F-ANA)

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    The impact of 2′-deoxy-2′-fluoroarabinonucleotide residues (2′F-araN) on different G-quadruplexes derived from a thrombin-binding DNA aptamer d(G2T2G2TGTG2T2G2), an anti-HIV phosphorothioate aptamer PS-d(T2G4T2) and a DNA telomeric sequence d(G4T4G4) via UV thermal melting (Tm) and circular dichroism (CD) experiments has been investigated. Generally, replacement of deoxyguanosines that adopt the anti conformation (anti-guanines) with 2′F-araG can stabilize G-quartets and maintain the quadruplex conformation, while replacement of syn-guanines with 2′F-araG is not favored and results in a dramatic switch to an alternative quadruplex conformation. It was found that incorporation of 2′F-araG or T residues into a thrombin-binding DNA G-quadruplex stabilizes the complex (ΔTm up to ∼+3°C/2′F-araN modification); 2′F-araN units also increased the half-life in 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) up to 48-fold. Two modified thrombin-binding aptamers (PG13 and PG14) show an approximately 4-fold increase in binding affinity to thrombin, as assessed via a nitrocellulose filter binding assay, both with increased thermal stability (∼1°C/2′F-ANA modification increase in Tm) and nuclease resistance (4–7-fold) as well. Therefore, the 2′-deoxy-2′-fluoro-d-arabinonucleic acid (2′F-ANA) modification is well suited to tune (and improve) the physicochemical and biological properties of naturally occurring DNA G-quartets

    Synthesis and hybridization studies of oligonucleotides containing 1-(2-deoxy-2-α-C-hydroxymethyl-β-d-ribofuranosyl)thymine (2′-α-hm-dT)

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    We report the first investigation of oligoribonucleotides containing a few 1-(2-deoxy-2-α-C-hydroxymethyl-β-d-ribofuranosyl)thymine units (or 2′-hm-dT, abbreviated in this work as ‘H’). Both the 2′-CH(2)O-phosphoramidite and 3′-O-phosphoramidite derivatives of H were synthesized and incorporated into both 2′,5′-RNA and RNA chains. The hybridization properties of the modified oligonucleotides have been studied via thermal denaturation and circular dichroism studies. While 3′,5′-linked H was shown previously to significantly destabilize DNA:RNA hybrids and DNA:DNA duplexes (modification in the DNA strand; ΔT(m) ∼ −3°C/insert), we find that 2′,5′-linked H have a smaller effect on 2′,5′-RNA:RNA and RNA:RNA duplexes (ΔT(m) = −0.3°C and −1.2°C, respectively). The incorporation of 3′,5′-linked H into 2′,5′-RNA:RNA and RNA:RNA duplexes was found to be more destabilizing (−0.7°C and −3.6°C, respectively). Significantly, however, the 2′,5′-linked H units confer marked stability to RNA hairpins when they are incorporated into a 2′,5′-linked tetraloop structure (ΔT(m) = +1.5°C/insert). These results are rationalized in terms of the compact and extended conformations of nucleotides

    Structure–function analysis of yeast RNA debranching enzyme (Dbr1), a manganese-dependent phosphodiesterase

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    Saccharomyces cerevisiae Dbr1 is a 405-amino acid RNA debranching enzyme that cleaves the 2′-5′ phosphodiester bonds of the lariat introns formed during pre-mRNA splicing. Debranching appears to be a rate-limiting step for the turnover of intronic RNA, insofar as the steady-state levels of lariat introns are greatly increased in a Δdbr1 strain. To gain insight to the requirements for yeast Dbr1 function, we performed a mutational analysis of 28 amino acids that are conserved in Dbr1 homologs from other organisms. We identified 13 residues (His13, Asp40, Arg45, Asp49, Tyr68, Tyr69, Asn85, His86, Glu87, His179, Asp180, His231 and His233) at which alanine substitutions resulted in lariat intron accumulation in vivo. Conservative replacements at these positions were introduced to illuminate structure–activity relationships. Residues important for Dbr1 function include putative counterparts of the amino acids that comprise the active site of the metallophosphoesterase superfamily, exemplified by the DNA phosphodiesterase Mre11. Using natural lariat RNAs and synthetic branched RNAs as substrates, we found that mutation of Asp40, Asn85, His86, His179, His231 or His233 to alanine abolishes or greatly diminishes debranching activity in vitro. Dbr1 sediments as a monomer and requires manganese as the metal cofactor for debranching

    Modulation of 5' splice site selection using tailed oligonucleotides carrying splicing signals

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    BACKGROUND: We previously described the use of tailed oligonucleotides as a means of reprogramming alternative pre-mRNA splicing in vitro and in vivo. The tailed oligonucleotides that were used interfere with splicing because they contain a portion complementary to sequences immediately upstream of the target 5' splice site combined with a non-hybridizing 5' tail carrying binding sites for the hnRNP A1/A2 proteins. In the present study, we have tested the inhibitory activity of RNA oligonucleotides carrying different tail structures. RESULTS: We show that an oligonucleotide with a 5' tail containing the human β-globin branch site sequence inhibits the use of the 5' splice site of Bcl-xL, albeit less efficiently than a tail containing binding sites for the hnRNP A1/A2 proteins. A branch site-containing tail positioned at the 3' end of the oligonucleotide also elicited splicing inhibition but not as efficiently as a 5' tail. The interfering activity of a 3' tail was improved by adding a 5' splice site sequence next to the branch site sequence. A 3' tail carrying a Y-shaped branch structure promoted similar splicing interference. The inclusion of branch site or 5' splice site sequences in the Y-shaped 3' tail further improved splicing inhibition. CONCLUSION: Our in vitro results indicate that a variety of tail architectures can be used to elicit splicing interference at low nanomolar concentrations, thereby broadening the scope and the potential impact of this antisense technology

    Stabilization of i-motif structures by 2'-β-fluorination of DNA

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    i-Motifs are four-stranded DNA structures consisting of two parallel DNA duplexes held together by hemi-protonated and intercalated cytosine base pairs (C:CH). They have attracted considerable research interest for their potential role in gene regulation and their use as pH responsive switches and building blocks in macromolecular assemblies. At neutral and basic pH values, the cytosine bases deprotonate and the structure unfolds into single strands. To avoid this limitation and expand the range of environmental conditions supporting i-motif folding, we replaced the sugar in DNA by 2-deoxy-2-fluoroarabinose. We demonstrate that such a modification significantly stabilizes i-motif formation over a wide pH range, including pH 7. Nuclear magnetic resonance experiments reveal that 2-deoxy-2-fluoroarabinose adopts a C2'-endo conformation, instead of the C3'-endo conformation usually found in unmodified i-motifs. Nevertheless, this substitution does not alter the overall i-motif structure. This conformational change, together with the changes in charge distribution in the sugar caused by the electronegative fluorine atoms, leads to a number of favorable sequential and inter-strand electrostatic interactions. The availability of folded i-motifs at neutral pH will aid investigations into the biological function of i-motifs in vitro, and will expand i-motif applications in nanotechnology.Funding for open access charge: NSERC Discovery grant (to M.J.D., A.K.M.); CIHR DDTP Training Grant (to H.A., R.H.V.); MINECO [BFU2014-52864-R to C.G.]; CSIC-JAE contract (to N.M.P.).Peer Reviewe

    Stabilization of i-motif structures by 2'-β-fluorination of DNA

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    i-Motifs are four-stranded DNA structures consisting of two parallel DNA duplexes held together by hemi-protonated and intercalated cytosine base pairs (C:CH(+)). They have attracted considerable research interest for their potential role in gene regulation and their use as pH responsive switches and building blocks in macromolecular assemblies. At neutral and basic pH values, the cytosine bases deprotonate and the structure unfolds into single strands. To avoid this limitation and expand the range of environmental conditions supporting i-motif folding, we replaced the sugar in DNA by 2-deoxy-2-fluoroarabinose. We demonstrate that such a modification significantly stabilizes i-motif formation over a wide pH range, including pH 7. Nuclear magnetic resonance experiments reveal that 2-deoxy-2-fluoroarabinose adopts a C2'-endo conformation, instead of the C3'-endo conformation usually found in unmodified i-motifs. Nevertheless, this substitution does not alter the overall i-motif structure. This conformational change, together with the changes in charge distribution in the sugar caused by the electronegative fluorine atoms, leads to a number of favorable sequential and inter-strand electrostatic interactions. The availability of folded i-motifs at neutral pH will aid investigations into the biological function of i-motifs in vitro, and will expand i-motif applications in nanotechnology.This work is dedicated to the Memory of Alfredo Villasante, valuable collaborator and friend. FUNDING Funding for open access charge: NSERC Discovery grant (to M.J.D., A.K.M.); CIHR DDTP Training Grant (to H.A., R.H.V.); MINECO [BFU2014-52864-R to C.G.]; CSIC-JAE contract (to N.M.P.). Conflict of interest statement. None declaredS

    Synergistic effects between analogs of DNA and RNA improve the potency of siRNA-mediated gene silencing

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    We report that combining a DNA analog (2′F-ANA) with rigid RNA analogs [2′F-RNA and/or locked nucleic acid (LNA)] in siRNA duplexes can produce gene silencing agents with enhanced potency. The favored conformations of these two analogs are different, and combining them in a 1–1 pattern led to reduced affinity, whereas alternating short continuous regions of individual modifications increased affinity relative to an RNA:RNA duplex. Thus, the binding affinity at key regions of the siRNA duplex could be tuned by changing the pattern of incorporation of DNA-like and RNA-like nucleotides. These heavily or fully modified duplexes are active against a range of mRNA targets. Effective patterns of modification were chosen based on screens using two sequences targeting firefly luciferase. We then applied the most effective duplex designs to the knockdown of the eIF4E binding proteins 4E-BP1 and 4E-BP2. We identified modified duplexes with potency comparable to native siRNA. Modified duplexes showed dramatically enhanced stability to serum nucleases, and were characterized by circular dichroism and thermal denaturation studies. Chemical modification significantly reduced the immunostimulatory properties of these siRNAs in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells

    Synthesis and Properties of 2′-Deoxy-2′,4′-difluoroarabinose-Modified Nucleic Acids

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    We report the synthesis, thermal stability, and RNase H substrate activity of 2′-deoxy-2′,4′-difluoroarabino-modified nucleic acids. 2′-Deoxy-2′,4′-difluoroarabinouridine (2,′4′-diF-araU) was prepared in a stereoselective way in six steps from 2′-deoxy-2′-fluoroarabinouridine (2′-F-araU). NMR analysis and quantum mechanical calculations at the nucleoside level reveal that introduction of 4′-fluorine introduces a strong bias toward the North conformation, despite the presence of the 2′-βF, which generally steers the sugar pucker toward the South/East conformation. Incorporation of the novel monomer into DNA results on a neutral to slightly stabilizing thermal effect on DNA-RNA hybrids. Insertion of 2′,4′-diF-araU nucleotides in the DNA strand of a DNA-RNA hybrid decreases the rate of both human and HIV reverse transcriptase-associated RNase H-mediated cleavage of the complement RNA strand compared to that for an all-DNA strand or a DNA strand containing the corresponding 2′-F-araU nucleotide units, consistent with the notion that a 4′-fluorine in 2′-F-araU switches the preferred sugar conformation from DNA-like (South/East) to RNA-like (North)

    Synthesis and properties of 2′-deoxy-2′,4′-difluoroarabinose-modified nucleic acids

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    © 2015 American Chemical Society. We report the synthesis, thermal stability, and RNase H substrate activity of 2′-deoxy-2′,4′-difluoroarabino-modified nucleic acids. 2′-Deoxy-2′,4′-difluoroarabinouridine (2,′4′-diF-araU) was prepared in a stereoselective way in six steps from 2′-deoxy-2′-fluoroarabinouridine (2′-F-araU). NMR analysis and quantum mechanical calculations at the nucleoside level reveal that introduction of 4′-fluorine introduces a strong bias toward the North conformation, despite the presence of the 2′-βF, which generally steers the sugar pucker toward the South/East conformation. Incorporation of the novel monomer into DNA results on a neutral to slightly stabilizing thermal effect on DNA-RNA hybrids. Insertion of 2′,4′-diF-araU nucleotides in the DNA strand of a DNA-RNA hybrid decreases the rate of both human and HIV reverse transcriptase-associated RNase H-mediated cleavage of the complement RNA strand compared to that for an all-DNA strand or a DNA strand containing the corresponding 2′-F-araU nucleotide units, consistent with the notion that a 4′-fluorine in 2′-F-araU switches the preferred sugar conformation from DNA-like (South/East) to RNA-like (North).Peer Reviewe