1,271 research outputs found

    Physical properties in young radio sources. VLBA observations of high frequency peaking radio sources

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    Multifrequency Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) observations were performed to study the radio morphology and the synchrotron spectra of four high frequency peaking radio sources. They are resolved in several compact components and the radio emission is dominated by the hotspots/lobes. The core region is unambiguously detected in J1335+5844 and J1735+5049. The spectra of the main source components peak above 3 GHz. Assuming that the spectral peak is produced by synchrotron self-absorption, we estimate the magnetic field directly from observable quantities and in half of the components it agrees with the equipartition field, while in the others the difference exceeds an order of magnitude. By comparing the physical properties of the targets with those of larger objects we found that the luminosity increases with the linear size for sources smaller than a few kpc, while it decreases for larger objects. The asymmetric sources J1335+5844 and J1735+5049 suggest that the ambient medium is inhomogeneous and is able to influence the evolution of the radio emission even during its first stages. The core luminosity increases with the linear size for sources up to a few kpc, while it seems constant for larger sources suggesting an evolution independent from the source total luminosity.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    High Frequency Peakers: young radio sources or flaring blazars?

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    We present new, simultaneous, multifrequency observations of 45 out of the 55 candidate High Frequency Peakers (HFP) selected by Dallacasa et al. (2000), carried out 3 to 4 years after a first set of observations. Our sub-sample consists of 10 galaxies, 28 stellar objects (``quasars'') and 7 unidentified sources. Both sets of observations are sensitive enough to allow the detection of variability at the 10% level or lower. While galaxies do not show significant variability, most quasars do. Seven of them no longer show the convex spectrum which is the defining property of Gigahertz Peaked Spectrum (GPS)/HFP sources and are interpreted as blazars caught by Dallacasa et al. (2000) during a flare, when a highly self-absorbed component dominated the emission. In general, the variability properties (amplitude, timescales, correlation between peak luminosity and peak frequency of the flaring component) of the quasar sub-sample resemble those of blazars. We thus conclude that most HFP candidates identified with quasars may well be flaring blazars.Comment: 20 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Proper motion and apparent contraction in J0650+6001

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    We present a multi-epoch and multi-frequency VLBI study of the compact radio source J0650+6001. In VLBI images the source is resolved into three components. The central component shows a flat spectrum, suggesting the presence of the core, while the two outer regions, with a steeper spectral index, display a highly asymmetric flux density. The time baseline of the observations considered to derive the source expansion covers about 15 years. During this time interval, the distance between the two outer components has increased by 0.28+/-0.13 mas, that corresponds to an apparent separation velocity of 0.39c+/-0.18c and a kinematic age of 360+/-170 years. On the other hand, a multi-epoch monitoring of the separation between the central and the southern components points out an apparent contraction of about 0.29+/-0.02 mas, corresponding to an apparent contraction velocity of 0.37c+/-0.02c. Assuming that the radio structure is intrinsically symmetric, the high flux density ratio between the outer components can be explained in terms of Doppler beaming effects where the mildly relativistic jets are separating with an intrinsic velocity of 0.43c+/-0.04c at an angle between 12 and 28 degrees to the line of sight. In this context, the apparent contraction may be interpreted as a knot in the jet that is moving towards the southern component with an intrinsic velocity of 0.66c+/-0.03c, and its flux density is boosted by a Doppler factor of 2.0.Comment: 7 pages, 5 pages. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    VLBA images of High Frequency Peakers

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    We propose a morphological classification based on the parsec scale structure of fifty-one High Frequency Peakers (HFPs) from the ``bright'' HFP sample. VLBA images at two adjacent frequencies (chosen among 8.4, 15.3, 22.2 and 43.2 GHz) have been used to investigate the morphological properties of the HFPs in the optically thin part of their spectrum. We confirm that there is quite a clear distinction between the pc-scale radio structure of galaxies and quasars: the 78% of the galaxies show a ``Double/Triple'' morphology, typical of Compact Symmetric Objects (CSOs), while the 87% of the quasars are characterised by Core-Jet or unresolved structure. This suggests that most HFP candidates identified with quasars are likely blazar objects in which a flaring self-absorbed component at the jet base was outshining the remainder of the source at the time of the selection based on the spectral shape. Among the sources classified as CSOs or candidates it is possible to find extremely young radio sources with ages of about 100 years or even less.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures; accepted for pubblication in A&A. Paper version with full resolution images is available at http://www.ira.inaf.it/~ddallaca/orienti.p

    A giant radio halo in the massive and merging cluster Abell 1351

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    We report on the detection of diffuse radio emission in the X-ray luminous and massive galaxy cluster A1351 (z=0.322) using archival Very Large Array data at 1.4 GHz. Given its central location, morphology, and Mpc-scale extent, we classify the diffuse source as a giant radio halo. X-ray and weak lensing studies show A1351 to be a system undergoing a major merger. The halo is associated with the most massive substructure. The presence of this source is explained assuming that merger-driven turbulence may re-accelerate high-energy particles in the intracluster medium and generate diffuse radio emission on the cluster scale. The position of A1351 in the logP1.4GHz_{1.4 GHz} - logLX_{X} plane is consistent with that of all other radio-halo clusters known to date, supporting a causal connection between the unrelaxed dynamical state of massive (>1015M⊙>10^{15} M_{\odot}) clusters and the presence of giant radio halos.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, proof corrections include

    Young radio sources: the duty-cycle of the radio emission and prospects for gamma-ray emission

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    The evolutionary stage of a powerful radio source originated by an AGN is related to its linear size. In this context, compact symmetric objects (CSOs), which are powerful and intrinsically small objects, should represent the young stage in the individual radio source life. However, the fraction of young radio sources in flux density-limited samples is much higher than what expected from the number counts of large radio sources.This indicates that a significant fraction of young radio sources does not develop to the classical Fanaroff-Riley radio galaxies,suggesting an intermittent jet activity. As the radio jets are expanding within the dense and inhomogeneous interstellar medium,the ambient may play a role in the jet growth, for example slowing down or even disrupting its expansion when a jet-cloud interaction takes place. Moreover, this environment may provide the thermal seed photons that scattered by the lobes' electrons may be responsible for high energy emission, detectable by Fermi-LAT.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures; 2011 Fermi Symposium proceedings - eConf C11050
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