229 research outputs found

    Beam-induced backgrounds in the CLIC 3 TeV CM energy interaction region

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    Luminosity spectrum and accelerator background levels strongly influence the experimental conditions and have an important impact on detector design. The expected rates of the main beam-beam products at CLIC 3 TeV CM energy, taking into account for machine imperfections, are computed. Among the other machine-induced background the photon fans from the Incoherent Synchrotron Radiation (ISR) photons emitted in the final doublet are evaluated.Comment: Proceedings of LCWS1

    First Evaluation of Dynamic Aperture at Injection for FCC-hh

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    In the Hadron machine option, proposed in the context of the Future Circular Colliders (FCC) study, the dipole field quality is expected to play an important role, as in the LHC. A preliminary evaluation of the field quality of dipoles, based on the Nb3_{3}Sn technology, has been provided by the magnet group. The effect of these field imperfections on the dynamic aperture, using the present lattice design, is presented and first tolerances on the b3_3 and b5_5 multipole components are evaluated

    Status report of the baseline collimation system of CLIC. Part II

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    Important efforts have recently been dedicated to the characterisation and improvement of the design of the post-linac collimation system of the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC). This system consists of two sections: one dedicated to the collimation of off-energy particles and another one for betatron collimation. The energy collimation system is further conceived as protection system against damage by errant beams. In this respect, special attention is paid to the optimisation of the energy collimator design. The material and the physical parameters of the energy collimators are selected to withstand the impact of an entire bunch train. Concerning the betatron collimation section, different aspects of the design have been optimised: the transverse collimation depths have been recalculated in order to reduce the collimator wakefield effects while maintaining a good efficiency in cleaning the undesired beam halo; the geometric design of the spoilers has been reviewed to minimise wakefields; in addition, the optics design has been optimised to improve the collimation efficiency. This report presents the current status of the the post-linac collimation system of CLIC. Part II is mainly dedicated to the study of the betatron collimation system and collimator wakefield effects.Comment: 25 pages, 13 figure

    Observation of mesoscopic conductance fluctuations in YBaCuO grain boundary Josephson Junctions

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    Magneto-fluctuations of the normal resistance R_N have been reproducibly observed in high critical temp erature superconductor (HTS) grain boundary junctions, at low temperatures. We attribute them to mesoscopic transport in narrow channels across the grain boundary line. The Thouless energy appears to be the relevant energy scale. Our findings have significant implications on quasiparticle relaxation and coherent transport in HTS grain boundaries.Comment: Revised version, minor changes. 4 pages, 4 figure

    Magnetic moment non-conservation in magnetohydrodynamic turbulence models

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    The fundamental assumptions of the adiabatic theory do not apply in presence of sharp field gradients as well as in presence of well developed magnetohydrodynamic turbulence. For this reason in such conditions the magnetic moment μ\mu is no longer expected to be constant. This can influence particle acceleration and have considerable implications in many astrophysical problems. Starting with the resonant interaction between ions and a single parallel propagating electromagnetic wave, we derive expressions for the magnetic moment trapping width Δμ\Delta \mu (defined as the half peak-to-peak difference in the particle magnetic moment) and the bounce frequency ωb\omega_b. We perform test-particle simulations to investigate magnetic moment behavior when resonances overlapping occurs and during the interaction of a ring-beam particle distribution with a broad-band slab spectrum. We find that magnetic moment dynamics is strictly related to pitch angle α\alpha for a low level of magnetic fluctuation, δB/B0=(103,102)\delta B/B_0 = (10^{-3}, \, 10^{-2}), where B0B_0 is the constant and uniform background magnetic field. Stochasticity arises for intermediate fluctuation values and its effect on pitch angle is the isotropization of the distribution function f(α)f(\alpha). This is a transient regime during which magnetic moment distribution f(μ)f(\mu) exhibits a characteristic one-sided long tail and starts to be influenced by the onset of spatial parallel diffusion, i.e., the variance grows linearly in time as in normal diffusion. With strong fluctuations f(α)f(\alpha) isotropizes completely, spatial diffusion sets in and f(μ)f(\mu) behavior is closely related to the sampling of the varying magnetic field associated with that spatial diffusion.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, submitted to PR

    BDS tuning and Luminosity Monitoring in CLIC

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    The emittance preservation in the Beam Delivery System (BDS) is one of the major challenges in CLIC. The fast detuning of the final focus optics requires an on-line tuning procedure in order to keep luminosity close to the maximum. Different tuning techniques have been applied to the CLIC BDS and in particular to the Final Focus System (FFS) in order to mitigate static and dynamic imperfections. Some of them require a fast luminosity measurement. Here we study the possibility to use beam-beam backgrounds processes at CLIC 3 TeV CM energy as fast luminosity signal. In particular the hadrons multiplicity in the detector region is investigated.Comment: Proceedings of LCWS1

    Halo and tail simulations with applications to the CLIC drive beam

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    We report about generic halo and tail simulations and estimates. Previous studies weremainly focused on very high energies as relevant for the beam delivery systems of linear colliders. We have now studied, applied and extended these simulations to lower energies as relevant for the CLIC drive beam

    Coherent quasiparticle transport in grain boundary junctions employing high-Tc superconductors

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    Magneto-fluctuations of the normal resistance RN have been reproducibly observed in YBa2Cu3O7-d biepitaxial grain boundary junctions at low temperatures. We attribute them to mesoscopic transport in narrow channels across the grain boundary line, occurring in an unusual energy regime. The Thouless energy appears to be the relevant energy scale. Possible implications on the understanding of coherent transport of quasiparticles in HTS and of the dissipation mechanisms are discussed.Comment: Submitted on behalf of TIMA Editions (http://irevues.inist.fr/tima-editions

    First determination of the one-proton induced Non-Mesonic Weak Decay width of p-shell {\Lambda}-Hypernuclei

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    Previous studies of proton and neutron spectra from Non-Mesonic Weak Decay of eight Lambda-Hypernuclei (A = 5-16) have been revisited. New values of the ratio of the two-nucleon and the one-proton induced decay widths, Gamma_2N/Gamma_p, are obtained from single proton spectra, Gamma_2N/Gamma_p = 0.50 +/- 0.24, and from neutron and proton coincidence spectra, Gamma_2N/Gamma_p = 0.36 +/- 0.14stat +0.05sys -0.04sys , in full agreement with previously published ones. With these values, a method is developed to extract the one-proton induced decay width in units of the free Lambda decay width, Gamma_p/Gamma_Lambda, without resorting to Intra Nuclear Cascade models but by exploiting only experimental data, under the assumption of a linear dependence on A of the Final State Interaction contribution. This is the first systematic determination ever done and it agrees within the errors with recent theoretical calculations.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, 2 table


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    Accelerator physics needs advanced modeling and simulation techniques, in particular for beam stability studies. A deeper understanding of the effects of magnetic fields non-linearities will greatly help in the improvement of future colliders design and performance. In previous papers, a new tracking method was proposed to study the effect of the longitudinal dependency of the harmonics on the beam dynamics. In this paper, the study will focus on the effects on observable quantities in beam based measurements, for the case of HL-LHC Inner Triplet and with possible tests in LHC