45 research outputs found

    Surface Channeling of Charged and Neutral Beams in Capillary Guides

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    In this review work, the passage of charged and neutral beams through dielectric capillary guides is described from a uniform point of view of beams channeling in capillaries. The motion of beams into the hollow channels formed by the inner walls of capillaries is mainly determined by multiple small-angle scattering (reflection) and can be described in the approximation of surface channeling. It is shown that the surface interaction potential in the case of micro- and nano-capillaries is actually conditioned by the curvature of the reflecting surface. After presenting the analysis of previously performed studies on X-rays propagation into capillaries, which is valid for thermal neutrons, too, the surface channeling formalism is also developed for charged particle beams, in particular, moving in curved cylindrical capillaries. Alternative theories explaining experimental results on the beams passage through capillaries are based on simple thermodynamic estimates, on various diffusion models, and on the results of direct numerical simulations as well. Our work is the first attempt to explain the effective guiding of a charged beam by a capillary from the general standpoint of quantum mechanics, which made it possible to analytically explore the interaction potential for surface channeling. It is established that, depending on the characteristics of a projectile and a dielectric forming the channel, the interaction potential can be either repulsive or attractive; the limiting values of the potential function for the corresponding cases are determined. It has been demonstrated that the surface channeling behaviour can help in explaining the efficient capillary guiding for radiations and beams

    Channeling of Electrons in a Crossed Laser Field

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    In this article a new analytical description of the effective interaction potential for a charged particle in the field of two interfering laser beams is presented. The potential dependence on the lasers intensities, orientation and parameters of the particle entering the considered system is analyzed. It is shown for the case of arbitrary lasers crossing angle that for different values of projectile velocity the attracting potential becomes a scattering one so that the channel axes and borders interchange each other. In addition the projectile radiation spectral distribution is given and general estimations on the expected beam radiation yield are outlined

    X-ray propagation through hollow channel: PolyCAD - a ray tracing code (1)

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    A new CAD program, PolyCAD, designed for X-ray photon tracing in polycapillary optics is described. To understand the PolyCAD code and its results, the theoretical basis of X-ray transmission by a single cylindrical channel (monocapillary) is discussed first. Then the simplest cases of cylindrically and conically shaped polycapillary optics are examined. PolyCAD allows any type of X-ray source to be used: an X-ray tube of finite beam dimensions or an astrophysical object can be simulated in combination with the polycapillary optics. The radiation distribution images formed on a screen located at various focal distances are discussed. The good agreement of some of the PolyCAD results with those reported in earlier papers validate the code. This is the first paper of a series dedicated to the development of an exhaustive CAD program, work is in progress to develop the code to include other polycapillary-optics shapes, such as semi-lenses and full-lenses.Comment: Submitted to Applied Optic

    Advanced channeling technologies for X-ray applications

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    Recent studies have shown the feasibility of channeling phenomenology applications to describe various mechanisms of interaction of charged and neutral particle beams and radiations as well in solids, plasmas, laser fields - in general, in external electromagnetic fields. As proved, X-rays and thermal neutrons propagation in metamaterials composed by hollow multichannel substance can be much easily analyzed within channeling theory. Its utilization allows predicting some new peculiarities in the radiation distribution behind multichannel subjects that might create novel fine instruments and methods for future applied techniques

    Design study of a photon beamline for a soft X-ray FEL driven by high gradient acceleration at EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB

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    We are proposing a facility based on high gradient acceleration via x-band RF structures and plasma acceleration. We plan to reach an electron energy of the order of 1 GeV, suitable to drive a Free Electron Laser for applications in the so called "water window" (2 - 4 nm). A conceptual design of the beamline, from the photon beam from the undulators to the user experimental chamber, mainly focusing on diagnostic, manipulation and transport of the radiation is presented and discussed. We also briefly outline a user end station for coherent imaging, laser ablation and pump-probe experiments

    Computer simulation of electron-positron pair production by channeling radiation in amorphous converter

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    We consider the radiator-converter approach at 200 MeV channeled electrons (the SPARC_LAB LNF facility energies) for the case of using W crystalline radiator and W amorphous converter. A comparison of the positron production by the axial channeling radiation and the bremsstrahlung is performed. The positron stopping in the convertor is studied by means of computer simulations. It is shown that for the maximum yield of positrons the thickness of the W amorphous converter should be taken 0.35 cm in the case of using the axial channeling radiation resulting to total yield of positrons 5 10[-3]e+/e and 0.71 cm in the case of using the bremsstrahlung resulting to total yield of positrons 3.3 10[-3]e+/e-