108 research outputs found

    Efeito de concentrações de sacarose e de meio de cultura (8s) sobre o crescimento de mandioca cultivar mico (bgm 1014) conservadas in vitro.

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    A produção de mandioca é uma atividade agrícola de alta relevância no Brasil por sua importância alimentícia e econômica. Porém, a baixa taxa de multiplicação associado os fatores biológicos, torna-se um limitante para uma melhor exploração desse cultivo.Diversas alternativas vêm sendo adotadas para superar esse problema, a micropropagação é uma delas que por sua vez apresenta as vantagens de prevenir a disseminação de pragas e doenças de uma geração para outra e proporcionar um número elevado de plantas num curto espaço de tempo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial de micropropagação da variedade Mico, coletada em Itajaí Santa Catarina, em diferentes concentrações de meio 8S e dosagens de sacarose. Os explantes apresentaram maior desempenho em meio 8S ½ na concentração de 0,4 g.L-1 de sacarose. Contudo, a taxa de sobrevivência para manutenção do material foi melhor quando utilizou-se o meio (8S) ¼ na concentração de 0,8 g.L-1

    Metabolic Profile and Cardiovascular Risk in a Population of Renal transplant recipients

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    Introduction. Cardiovascular disease is more common in renal transplant recipients (RTRs) than in the general population, and is the major cause of both graft loss and patient death in RTRs. Objectives. This study aimed to characterize the cardiovascular risk factors, calculate the 7-year risk for major adverse cardiac events and the 7-year risk for death in a population of RTRs using a cardiovascular risk calculator, and determine the main cardiovascular risk factors associated with increased prediction of major adverse cardiac event (MACE) and death. Patients. This is a retrospective review of clinical data from 121 RTRs who are in follow-up programs at our institution, and who had a functioning and stable graft for longer than 6 months. Results. Among 121 adult patients followed at our institution (59.5% males, mean age of 49.6 13.8 years, mean times for functioning grafts were 105 73.5 mo), 86.8% had hypertension, 19.8% had diabetes, 24.8% were current or former smokers, 61.9% had increased body mass index, and 71% had dyslipidemia. The 7-year risk for MACE was more than 10% in 38 (31.4%) patients with age, diabetes, and smoke being independent risk predictors. The 7-year risk for death was more than 10% in 56 (46.3%) patients with age, diabetes, blood pressure, smoking, and male gender being independent risk predictors. Conclusion. There is a high prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors in a population of RTRs, and there is increased risk for MACE and death. Accurate risk prediction is important for physician decision support and patient education, promoting improved cardiovascular health of RTRs, and thus prolonging the survival of both patients and graft.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Efeito de concentrações de sacarose e de meio de cultura (8s) sobre a taxa de crescimento de e mandioca cultivar olho roxo (bgm 0036) conservadas in vitro.

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    A mandioca é uma cultura de grande na alimentação humana e animal, sendo que esta pode ser cultivada em várias regiões do país. Com o advento do melhoramento, diferentes cultivares foram desenvolvidas e, com isso, há uma necessidade tanto de manutenção destas quanto de multiplicação em larga escala das mesmas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar concentrações 1/1, ½ e ¼ de meio 8S combinados com diferentes doses de sacarose na taxa de crescimento de mandioca cultivada in vitro, avaliando-se altura de plantas, número de folhas vivas e mortas, número de ápices vivos e mortos e número de gemas. Os explantes apresentaram maior desempenho em meio de cultura com ¼ de 8S e uma concentração de 0,4 g.L-1 de sacarose. Contudo, a taxa de sobrevivência para manutenção do material foi melhor quando utilizou-se o meio 8S em sua composição original, na concentração de 0,4 g.L-1

    Sementes de sorgo sacarino ao longo da maturação.

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    Edição dos Anais do XIX Congresso Brasileiro de Sementes, Foz do Iguaçu, 2015

    Desempenho de cultivares de sorgo sacarino em duas épocas de plantio no norte de Minas Gerais visando a produção de etanol.

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    Este trabalho avaliou o desempenho de 25 cultivares de sorgo sacarino desenvolvidos pelo programa de melhoramento do Centro Nacional de Pesquisa Milho e Sorgo (CNPMS) da Embrapa em Sete Lagoas/MG em duas épocas de cultivo, na seca (outono) e nas águas (verão). Os experimentos foram conduzidos na fazenda experimental do CNPMS - Embrapa, em Janaúba-MG. As características avaliadas foram: Produção de Massa Verde, Sólidos Solúveis Totais, Extração de Caldo, Altura de Plantas, Peso de Panícula e Florescimento. As análises estatísticas foram constituídas por análise conjunta dos ambientes, aplicou-7se o teste F e o teste de Scott-Knott (1974), por meio do programa Sisvar. Os resultados evidenciaram qualidade e potencialidade dos cultivares experimentais. As variedades CMSXS646, CMSXS629, BR507, CMSXS634, CMSXS631, CMSXS630, CMSXS639, CMSXS643, CMSXS647 e CMSXS642 apresentam-se com maior potencial agroindustrial para a região Norte de Minas Gerais. O sorgo sacarino apresenta-se como uma matéria prima bastante promissora para a produção de etanol

    Diffractive Dissociation In The Interacting Gluon Model

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    We have extended the Interacting Gluon Model (IGM) to calculate diffractive mass spectra generated in hadronic collisions. We show that it is possible to treat both diffractive and non-diffractive events on the same footing, in terms of gluon-gluon collisions. A systematic analysis of available data is performed. The energy dependence of diffractive mass spectra is addressed. They show a moderate narrowing at increasing energies. Predictions for LHC energies are presented.Comment: 12 pages, latex, 14 figures (PostScript Files included); accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D (Feb.97

    Diversity of epiedaphic fauna in long-term integrated croplivestock systems in the cerrado region.

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    ABSTRACT The epi-edaphic macrofauna are important for soil functioning and their populations are sensitive to soil management. In this study, the effect of integrated and continuous cropping systems on the edaphic macrofauna was evaluated in a long-term experiment at Embrapa Cerrados in Planaltina-DF, Brazil. Sampling took place in the wet and dry seasons of 2019, using pitfall traps in nine treatments with two replicates, including croplivestock integration with or without cover crops and with minimum cultivation or no-tillage; continuous pasture of pure grass or intercropped with legumes; continuous tillage with and without cover crops; and a fragment of native Cerrado vegetation. A strong seasonality was observed, with 56 indicator macrofauna morphospecies in the rainy season and 38 in the dry season. Integrated systems in the cropping phase had greater dominance of some groups of fauna, such as ants, beetles and moth catterpillars, leading to lower Shannon diversity values. No-tillage, integrated systems with cover-crops and the native Cerrado had the highest morpho-species richness, showing potential as repositories of local epi-edaphic macroinvertebrate biodiversity

    Diffractive Contribution to the Elasticity and the Nucleonic Flux in the Atmosphere

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    We calculate the average elasticity considering non-diffractive and single diffractive interactions and perform an analysis of the cosmic-ray flux by means of an analytical solution for the nucleonic diffusion equation. We show that the diffractive contribution is important for the adequate description of the nucleonic and hadronic fluxes in the atmosphere.Comment: 10 pages, latex, 2 figures (uuencoded PostScript

    Evaluation of novel 3D architectures based on knitting technologies for engineering biological tissues

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    Textile-based technologies are considered as potential routes for the production of 3D porous architectures for tissue engineering applications. We describe the use of two polymers, namely polybutylene succinate (PBS) and silk fibroin (SF) to produce fiber-based finely tuned porous architectures by weft and warp knitting. The obtained knitted constructs are described in terms of their morphology, mechanical properties, swelling ability, degradation behaviour and cytotoxicity. Each type of polymer fibers allow for the processing of a very reproducible intra-architectural scaffold geometry, with distinct characteristics in terms of the surface physicochemistry, mechanical performance and degradation capability, which has an impact on the resulting cell behaviour at the surface of the respective biotextiles. Preliminary cytotoxicity screening shows that both materials can support cell adhesion and proliferation. Furthermore, different surface modifications were performed (acid/alkaline treatment, UV radiation and plasma) for modulating cell behavior. An increase of cell-material interactions were observed, indicating the important role of materials surface in the first hours of culturing. Human Adipose-derived Stem Cells (hASCs) became an emerging possibility for regenerative medicine and tissue replacement therapies. The potential of the recently developed silk-based biotextile structures to promote hASCs adhesion, proliferation and differentiation is also evaluated. The obtained results validate the developed constructs as viable matrices for TE applications. Given the processing efficacy and versatility of the knitting technology, and the interesting structural and surface properties of the proposed polymer fibers, it is foreseen that our developed systems can be attractive for the functional engineering of tissues such as bone, skin, ligaments or cartilage and also for develop more complex systems for further industrialization of TE products.(undefined