205 research outputs found

    The Democratic Paradox de Chantal Mouffe, Londres, Verso, 2000, 143 p.

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    Les pouvoirs des municipalités en matière de santé publique

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    Résumé: Le rôle des municipalités en matière de santé est généralement méconnu. L'histoire nous enseigne pourtant que leur intervention dans les domaines de l'hygiène sanitaire et de l'assainissement de l'eau a largement contribué à enrayer les épidémies et à prévenir les maladies infectieuses. Dans le contexte d'une définition élargie de la santé pour englober des notions comme la qualité de vie, le stress, la lutte à la pollution et la qualité de l'environnement, le présent ouvrage vise à démontrer comment les municipalités, par leurs politiques et le recours à leur pouvoir réglementaire, peuvent encore aujourd'hui exercer une incidence déterminante sur la santé et la qualité de vie urbaine.||Abstract: The role of municipalities in relation to health is generally misappreciated. However, history teach us that their intervention in matters such as public health and water treatment has widely contributed to control epidemic and prevent infectious diseases. In a context of a broadened definition of health including notions such as quality of life, stress, fight against pollution and quality of environment, the present work aims to demonstrate how municipalities, by their policies and the use of by-laws, can still exercise a determinant influence on health and quality of urban life

    Acciones del peróxido de hidrógeno en la conducción y el automatismo cardíacos : Estudio en corazón aislado de rata

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    Fac. de MedicinaTRUEProQuestpu

    Acciones del peróxido de hidrógeno en la conducción y el automatismo cardíacos : Estudio en corazón aislado de rata

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    Fac. de MedicinaTRUEProQuestpu

    Receipt Dataset for Fraud Detection

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    International audienceThe aim of this paper is to introduce a new dataset initially created to work on fraud detection in documents. This dataset is composed of 1969 images of receipts and the associated OCR result for each. The article details the dataset and its interest for the document analysis community. We indeed share this dataset with the community as a benchmark for the evaluation of fraud detection approaches

    Automatic Matching and Expansion of Abbreviated Phrases without Context

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    International audienceIn many documents, like receipts or invoices, textual information is constrained by the space and organization of the document. The document information has no natural language context, and expressions are often abbreviated to respect the graphical layout, both at word level and phrase level. In order to analyze the semantic content of these types of document, we need to understand each phrase, and particularly each name of sold products. In this paper, we propose an approach to find the right expansion of abbreviations and acronyms, without context. First, we extract information about sold products from our receipts corpus and we analyze the different linguistic processes of abbreviation. Then, we retrieve a list of expanded names of products sold by the company that emitted receipts, and we propose an algorithm to pair extracted names of products with the corresponding expansions. We provide the research community with a unique document collection for abbreviation expansion

    Find it! Fraud Detection Contest Report

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    International audienceThis paper describes the ICPR2018 fraud detection contest, its data set, evaluation methodology, as well as the different methods submitted by the participants to tackle the predefined tasks. Forensics research is quite a sensitive topic. Data are either private or unlabeled and most of related works are evaluated on private datasets with a restricted access. This restriction has two major consequences: results cannot be reproduced and no benchmarking can be done between every approach. This contest was conceived in order to address these drawbacks. Two tasks were proposed: detecting documents containing at least one forgery in a flow of documents and spotting and localizing these forgeries within documents. An original dataset composed of images and texts of French receipts was provided to participants. The results they obtained are presented and discussed

    Epithelial sodium channel is a key mediator of growth hormone-induced sodium retention in acromegaly.: Antinatriuretic action of growth hormone

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    International audienceAcromegalic patients present with volume expansion and arterial hypertension, but the renal sites and molecular mechanisms of direct antinatriuretic action of GH remain unclear. Here, we show that acromegalic GC rats, which are chronically exposed to very high levels of GH, exhibited a decrease of furosemide-induced natriuresis and an increase of amiloride-stimulated natriuresis compared with controls. Enhanced Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity and altered proteolytic maturation of epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) subunits in the cortical collecting ducts (CCDs) of GC rats provided additional evidence for an increased sodium reabsorption in the late distal nephron under chronic GH excess. In vitro experiments on KC3AC1 cells, a murine CCD cell model, revealed the expression of functional GH receptors and IGF-I receptors coupled to activation of Janus kinase 2/signal transducer and activator of transcription 5, ERK, and AKT signaling pathways. That GH directly controls sodium reabsorption in CCD cells is supported by: 1) stimulation of transepithelial sodium transport inhibited by GH receptor antagonist pegvisomant; 2) induction of alpha-ENaC mRNA expression; and 3) identification of signal transducer and activator of transcription 5 binding to a response element located in the alpha-ENaC promoter, indicative of the transcriptional regulation of alpha-ENaC by GH. Our findings provide the first evidence that GH, in concert with IGF-I, stimulates ENaC-mediated sodium transport in the late distal nephron, accounting for the pathogenesis of sodium retention in acromegaly
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