23 research outputs found

    Women, War and Conflics in Indonesian Fiction: Muslim Women's Struggles for Religious Identity in Indonesia

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    In the literary era today, where identity is manifested in narratives, looking at written narrttives in literary works, one can see through the formation and construction of identity in the making and religion is one of many contributing factors of identity. Thus, this paper attempts to look at how women, in particular Muslim women are represented in the narratives written by one of prominent Muslim women writers in contemporary Indonesian literature, Helvy Tiana Rosa or simply called Helvy in order to see the making of religious idenfity in Indonesia. Helvy's stories often express how Muslim women are targeted and affected by religious conflicts that recently were and, in some cases, still are taking place in some regions in Indonesia

    Women in Indonesian Popular Fiction: Romance, Beauty, and Identity Politics in Metropop Novels

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    "Every culture lives inside its own dream”, says Richard Hoggart in The Uses of Literacy (1957, 208). Dreams are narratives, and in real life these dreams are often turned into fictional stories. Fiction appeals to faithful readers who believe in the dreams of their nation, which become ammunition for their lives. Dreams of sincerity, of love and, of course, dreams with a happy ending are the dreams that many readers love to pursue. Is there a more pleasant desire than projecting one’s own life onto an idyllic fantasy, a wishful thinking about life’s pleasures? Popular literature may just offer the dreams so many readers are craving for. Popular literature is an important medium for people to indulge in dreaming about their lives. Indonesia is no exception to this general rule. This genre is the mainstay of the books on sale in the biggest book retail chain, in supermarkets, and also of the pirated book market. This popularity suggests to what extent Indonesian readers like to dream away into the fantasy this genre has to offer. One type of popular literature that in recent years has been particularly popular is often referred to as chick lit: an oversimplified term to describe narratives centring on a woman’s or a girl’s life and her efforts to juggle attention between her career and love life. Chick lit rose to fame in the 1990s and is still going strong these days. The term is quite derogatory, and many criticise its use because it creates a distinction between specific female and male literature

    The Globalization of Beauty: The Face of Indonesian Girls in Contemporary Indonesian Teen Magazines

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    In contemporary Indonesia, globalization of media is inevitable. Ranging from advertisements to magazines, Indonesians can easily find both lndonesian editions of, for example, magazines and international editions. This especially works very well when talking about teen magazines. It is with respect to the world of female beauty that this paper will address the globalization and its effects to the representation of teen beauty in lndonesia. This paper examines the beauty industry in the media focusing on teen beauty in the teen magazines both in Indonesian editions and international editions circulated in Indonesia. By understanding how women, especially young women understand the concept ofbeauty and how the concept of beauty represented in the magazines, this paper also attempts to see whether there is a shift in the meaning of the concept or perception of beauty or it is merely formed by consumerism

    Sastera dan Gender: Memaknai Representasi Perempuan dalam Sastera Indonesia Kontemporer Melalui Kritik Sastera Feminis

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    All texts are literary to the precise extend that they are traversing with respect to the conscious ideologies that inform them. This is the underlying premise that underlines the relationship between literature and gender. The politics of ideology that is embodied within a particular literary work is inseparable from the cultural prejudices it encompasses and the ideologies its author carries

    Politicizing Piety: Women's Rights and Roles in the Tarbiyah Movement in Indonesia

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    The Tarbiyah (education) movement in Indonesia today is the best known and has the largest number of members amongst groups in the Dakwah (proselytising) movements that mostly work in Indonesian campuses. Using the notion of Islamic feminism, this study aims to explore the numerous and varieties of women’s activities in this movement, especially in relation to the ways women see their rights and roles within their notion of piety. Female and male activists of the Tarbiyah movement in six state universities in East Java are used as data. Participant observations and in-depth interviews are used as techniques of data collection. Data collection was done from April 2015 to September 2016. One important finding indicates that the Tarbiyah members conceive that male and female are segregated in nature (biological construction), yet in fact they subscribe to concepts of women’s rights and equality while maintaining sexual segregation

    Negotiating Polygamy: Women's Stories in Titis Basino's Works

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    The various strands of contemporary feminism call for more nuanced readines of the political, ideological construction of women's roles within which feminisi theorv. Practice and reading are situated. Muslim women are undeniably responsive to such calls and suggest various ways of engaging with their own social, cultural and political conditions. Through various discourses of their own they demonstrate their subject position and call for the "woman question" to be centred at the public level

    The 1965 Indonesian Killing Discourse by Generation 2000 Writers

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    The fall of Soeharto's authority in 1998 has indeed impacted numerous sides of Indonesian life: political, social and cultural. The shifting of authontative govemment to the state of "reformation" and "democratization" has forced the nation to redefine its authority to its members. This paper aims to look at these public responses which are narrated in contemporary Indonesian fiction. Although fiction may be seen as imaginative production, discursive ideologies can be examined clearly. By examining thematic significant of the narratives about G3OS/PKI and the killings-aftermath in the literary writings published in post 1998 by contemporary Indonesia writers, who are known as the Generation 2000 writers (who were mostly bom in 1970s-at least five years after the 1965 incident: also known as the millennials). this paper will attempt to answer whether or not this generation presents shift and creates its own notions of the incident

    Women, Islam and Their Rights: Adibah El Khalieqy and Her Literary Works

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    Raising the general awareness about issues concerning women and Islam can be chennelled through numerous ways, including book publication. Abidah El Kalieqy is famous for her engagement in disseminating awareness of the rights of women witthin the bounds of Islamic values. Her short stories and novels are commonly perceived as promoters of Muslim women's authenticity, intellectual ownership, identity and struggle within their community, in order to advocate equality for women in a male-dominated world, and her most famous fiction is Perempuan Berkalung Sorban (A Woman with a Turban) which was published in 2001, and in January 2009 has been turned into a movie directed by a highly acclaimed young director, Hanung Bramantyo. The publication of this novel was party funded by Yayasan Kesejahteraan Fatayat (YKF) Yogyakarta, and the Ford Foundation (FF)

    Les Femmes Indonesiennes Dans Les Nouvelles De Ratna Indraswari Ibrahim

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    Madame (Mbak) Ratna, comme on avait I'habitude d'appeler Ratna Indraswari Ibrahim, est une source d'inspiration pour moi. Le combat de Mbak Ratna, sa fidelite au monde de la litterature l'ont conduite a devenir un champion du monde litteraire indonesien. Les handicaps physiques de Ratna n'ont pas du tout gene ses efforts pour ecrire et agir

    Revitalization of Culture Heritage Tourism: Efforts to Enhance Local Economy

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    In this fast moving world where travel becomes not only a means to-transport from-one place to another but rather an industry that promises to result in many capitals such as cultural, social and economic, tourism may act as a powerful economic development tool. Tourism can create more jobs, providing new business opportunities while strengthening local economies at the same time. Nowadays, tourism has become one of the world's largest industries and one that grows so fast in economic sectors