225 research outputs found

    Intención con la cual e intención hacia el futuro, una perspectiva davidsoniana

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    El propòsit d'aquest treball és el d'exposar el paper que la intenció pugui tenir en una nova teoria de l'explicació de l'acció, diferenciant entre la intenció amb la qual i la intenció de. Es demostrarà mitjançant l'anàlisi de l'evolució del concepte d'intenció en el pensament de Donald Davidson la seva rellevància, sense menysprear altres estats mentals com el desig o la creença. Finalment, s'exposarà la importància de la intenció mitjançant una hipòtesi per a la investigació futura i interdisciplinar.The aim of this paper is to show the role of intention in a new action theory, highlighting the differences between intention with which and intention of. This paper focuses on the importance of the role of intention despite other mental states such as desire and belief, by the analysis of its evolution in Davidson's account. Finally, we underline the relevance of the intention in relation to a future and interdisciplinary hypothesis of research

    Influence of Displacement Rate on Residual Shear Strength of Clays

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    Abstract This paper reports on the results of direct shear tests carried out under controlled displacement rate in the range of 10 -4 -10 2 mm/min, under different normal stresses, with different shear devices. The tests were carried out on a kaolin, a bentonite, their mixtures with sand at various percentages, and the clayey soil of the Costa della Gaveta earthflow. The tests were performed on specimens reconstituted with distilled water as well as with NaCl solutions at various concentrations. Positive rate effects were exhibited by mixtures with c.f. higher than 50% and, consistently, by the natural clayey soil the c.f. of which is about 50%. The residual shear strength increases significantly for shear displacement rate higher than about 1 mm/min. The rate effect increases with the pore solution concentration. The residual shear strength independence of displacement rate has been confirmed in the range 10 -6 - 10 -1 mm/min by the results of shear tests performed under controlled shear stress, with varying chemical conditions of the pore fluid

    Electrostatic and Structural Bases of Fe2+ Translocation through Ferritin Channels

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    Ferritin molecular cages are marvelous 24-mer supramolecular architectures that enable massive iron storage (>2000 iron atoms) within their inner cavity. This cavity is connected to the outer environment by two channels at C3 and C4 symmetry axes of the assembly. Ferritins can also be exploited as carriers for in vivo imaging and therapeutic applications, owing to their capability to effectively protect synthetic non-endogenous agents within the cage cavity and deliver them to targeted tissue cells without stimulating adverse immune responses. Recently, X-ray crystal structures of Fe(2+)-loaded ferritins provided important information on the pathways followed by iron ions toward the ferritin cavity and the catalytic centers within the protein. However, the specific mechanisms enabling Fe(2+) uptake through wild-type and mutant ferritin channels is largely unknown. To shed light on this question, we report extensive molecular dynamics simulations, site-directed mutagenesis, and kinetic measurements that characterize the transport properties and translocation mechanism of Fe(2+) through the two ferritin channels, using the wild-type bullfrog Rana catesbeiana H' protein and some of its variants as case studies. We describe the structural features that determine Fe(2+) translocation with atomistic detail, and we propose a putative mechanism for Fe(2+) transport through the channel at the C3 symmetry axis, which is the only iron-permeable channel in vertebrate ferritins. Our findings have important implications for understanding how ion permeation occurs, and further how it may be controlled via purposely engineered channels for novel biomedical applications based on ferritin

    Integrazione di tecniche di monitoraggio da terra e da satellite per lo studio di due frane a cinematica lenta

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    In questo lavoro è stata applicata una tecnica interferometrica sviluppata dal Departamento de Teoria del Senyal della UPC di Barcellona, basata sul principio dei Coherent Scatterers (Schneider et al., 2006), per la valutazione degli spostamenti superficiali nell’ambito del monitoraggio della frana di Costa della Gaveta (PZ). Tale algoritmo di tipo SBAS (Berardino et al., 2002, Lanari et al., 2004) denominato CPT (Coherent Pixels Technique – Mora et al., 2003) consente di calcolare le velocità medie di spostamento nell’intero periodo di osservazione. Il set di immagini utilizzato è quello relativo alla Track 086 Frame 798 in orbita ascending consistente in 24 immagini che coprono il periodo 2007- 2010. Tali risultati sono stati poi confrontati con le misure GPS effettuate in situ nello stesso periodo di monitoraggio

    Riflessioni sulla cinematica di una grande colata attiva della valle del Basento

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    La nota riporta alcune considerazioni sul meccanismo di spostamento di una grande e lenta colata attiva della valle del fiume Basento, in Basilicata. Le principali caratteristiche cinematiche sono: uniformità di spostamento nelle sezioni trasversali del canale, velocità sensibilmente decrescente da monte verso valle, modeste variazioni stagionali di velocità. Tra le potenziali cause di spostamento, qui si esamina il possibile ruolo dell’erosione al piede esercitata dal corso d’acqua con l’ausilio di analisi numeriche 2D basate su metodi dell’equilibrio limite e agli elementi finiti

    Relazione tecnica sulle attività della campagna oceanografica “Evatir 2016”

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    La presente relazione tecnica descrive tutte le attività svolte nella Campagna oceanografica “Evatir 2017” condotta a bordo della N/O “G. Dallaporta” (dal 25 luglio al 21 agosto 2016). La Campagna “Evati 2016” è parte integrante del Progetto "Estensione della Campagna acustica Medias (Mediterranean International Acoustic Survey) nelle sub aree geografiche (GSA) 9 (Mar Ligure e Mar Tirreno settentrionale) e 10 (Mar Tirreno centrale e meridionale)", finanziato dal Ministero delle politiche agricole alimentari e forestali (Mipaaf) nell'ambito del Fondo Europeo per gli Affari Marittimi e la Pesca (FEAMP). E’ la sesta campagna rivolta alla valutazione acustica e alla distribuzione spaziale delle popolazioni di piccoli pelagici, insieme allo studio delle condizioni ambientali dell’area di studio. Le specie target del progetto sono state l’acciuga europea (Engraulis encrasicolus) e la sardina (Sardina pilchardus), specie chiave sia a livello commerciale che ecologico. La gestione di tali risorse è abbastanza complessa a causa del loro breve ciclo di vita e dall’ampia oscillazioni inter-annuali nell’abbondanza dello stock, legata al successo o al fallimento del reclutamento annuale. Insieme alle attività di acquisizione acustiche sono stati realizzati campionamenti bilogici, misurazioni, misurazioni di parametri fisico-chimici, rilevamenti di variabili oceanografiche e campionamento di acque (nei Golfi di Salerno, Napoli e Gaeta), monitoraggio della rete da pesca e campionamenti di fitoplancton, zooplancton, solidi sospesi e rilievo delle principali variabili oceanografiche (in prossimità dello stabilimento SOLVAY di Rosignano)

    Comparing T Cell Subsets in Broncho-Alveolar Lavage (BAL) and Peripheral Blood in Patients with Advanced Lung Cancer

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    Background: Lung cancer (LC) tissue for immunological characterization is often scarce. We explored and compared T cell characteristics between broncho-alveolar lavage from tumor affected (t-BAL) and contralateral lung (cl-BAL), with matched peripheral blood (PB). Methods: BAL and PB were collected during bronchoscopy for diagnostic and/or therapeutic purposes in patients with monolateral primary lesion. Results: Of 33 patients undergoing BAL and PB sampling, 21 had histologically-confirmed LC. Most cases were locally-advanced or metastatic non-small cell LC. T cell characteristics were not significantly different in t-BAL vs. cl-BAL. Compared to PB, CD8 T cells in BAL presented features of immune activation and exhaustion (high PD-1, low IFN-g production). Accordingly, regulatory CD4 T cells were also higher in BAL vs. PB. When dichotomizing T cell density in t-BAL in high and low, we found that PD-L1 expression in LC was associated with T cell density in t-BAL. T-BAL with high T cell density had higher %IFN-g+CD8 T cells and lower %T-regs. Conclusion: In BAL from advanced LC patients, T cells present features of exhaustion. T cells in t-BAL could be the best surrogate of tumor-infiltrating T cell, and future studies should evaluate T cell phenotype and density as potential biomarkers for cancer immunotherapy outcome

    Improvement of ALT decay kinetics by all-oral HCV treatment: Role of NS5A inhibitors and differences with IFN-based regimens

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    Background: Intracellular HCV-RNA reduction is a proposed mechanism of action of direct-acting antivirals (DAAs), alternative to hepatocytes elimination by pegylated-interferon plus ribavirin (PR). We modeled ALT and HCV-RNA kinetics in cirrhotic patients treated with currently-used all-DAA combinations to evaluate their mode of action and cytotoxicity compared with telaprevir (TVR)+PR. Study design: Mathematical modeling of ALT and HCV-RNA kinetics was performed in 111 HCV-1 cirrhotic patients, 81 treated with all-DAA regimens and 30 with TVR+PR. Kinetic-models and Cox-analysis were used to assess determinants of ALT-decay and normalization. Results: HCV-RNA kinetics was biphasic, reflecting a mean effectiveness in blocking viral production >99.8%. The first-phase of viral-decline was faster in patients receiving NS5A-inhibitors compared to TVR+PR or sofosbuvir+simeprevir (p<0.001), reflecting higher efficacy in blocking assembly/secretion. The second-phase, noted \u3b4 and attributed to infected-cell loss, was faster in patients receiving TVR+PR or sofosbuvir+simeprevir compared to NS5A-inhibitors (0.27 vs 0.21 d-1, respectively, p = 0.0012). In contrast the rate of ALT-normalization, noted \u3bb, was slower in patients receiving TVR+PR or sofosbuvir+simeprevir compared to NS5A-inhibitors (0.17 vs 0.27 d-1, respectively, p<0.001). There was no significant association between the second-phase of viral-decline and ALT normalization rate and, for a given level of viral reduction, ALT-normalization was more profound in patients receiving DAA, and NS5A in particular, than TVR+PR. Conclusions: Our data support a process of HCV-clearance by all-DAA regimens potentiated by NS5A-inhibitor, and less relying upon hepatocyte death than IFN-containing regimens. This may underline a process of "cell-cure" by DAAs, leading to a fast improvement of liver homeostasis