4,654 research outputs found

    Bryant\u27s Eye on Pride

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    Lindenwood General Biology-Measuring Achievement and Progression in Science (GenBio-MAPS)

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    The General Biology-Measuring Achievement and Progression in Science (GenBio-MAPS) serves as a tool for monitoring and directing departmental progress by assessing student comprehension throughout the duration of undergraduate biology programs (Couch et al., 2019). According to the Vision and Change national report, a biology student should have a firm grasp of the concepts of (1) evolution, (2) structure and function, (3) information flow, exchange, and storage, (4) pathways and transformations of energy and matter, and (5) systems (Aguirre et al., 2013). In turn, the Biological Sciences department at Lindenwood University implemented ways to evaluate how well they are imparting the fundamental ideas of the Vision and Change report. Lindenwood undergraduate students were presented with the GenBio-MAPS survey (75 questions). Analysis of the data (n=940) from August 2018 to January 2023 is ongoing; preliminary results will be presented at the Lindenwood Student Academic Showcase 2023

    Well-posedness and asymptotic behaviour for the Bousinessq system in Rn

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    We analyze the well-posedness of the initial value problem for a Convection Problem. Mild solutions are obtained in the weak-L p (R n) spaces and the existence of self-similar solutions is showed, while the only small self-similar solution in the Lebesgue space L p (R n) is the null solution. The asymptotic stability of solutions is analyzed and, as a consequence, a criterium of self-similarity persistence at large times is obtained.Colciencias (Presidencia de Colombia)Coordenação de aperfeiçoamento de pessoal de nivel superior (CAPES). Ministerio de Educación (Brasil

    Youth and Rural Development: Evidence from 25 School-to-Work Transition Surveys

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    In June 2012, the International Labour Conference of the ILO resolved to take urgent action to tackle the unprecedented youth employment crisis through a multi-pronged approach geared towards pro-employment growth and decent job creation. The resolution "The youth employment crisis: A call for action" contains a set of conclusions that constitute a blueprint for shaping national strategies for youth employment. It calls for increased coherence of policies and action on youth employment across the multilateral system. In parallel, the UN Secretary-General highlighted youth as one of the five generational imperatives to be addressed through the mobilization of all the human, financial and political resources available to the United Nations (UN). As part of this agenda, the UN has developed a System-wide Action Plan on Youth, with youth employment as one of the main priorities, to strengthen youth programmes across the UN system

    Bodily regimes and meaning production in bolsonaro's visual discourse: A sociosemiotic perspective

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    In this paper, we analyze the semiotic strategies through which Jair Bolsonaro's body is represented in his Instagram profile. In order to do that, we build upon Landowski's elliptic semiotic square, through which we display Bolsonaro's different bodily postures and lifestyles. The diagram shows four bodily regimes through which the body of the current Brazilian president is portrayed: 1) the military body, 2) the buffoonish body, 3) the institutional body, 4) the popular body. The results show that the institutional body is the least present, while the other three reinforce Bolsonaro's non-political identity and anti-establishment discourse

    The word problem distinguishes counter languages

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    Counter automata are more powerful versions of finite state automata where addition and subtraction operations are permitted on a set of n integer registers, called counters. We show that the word problem of Zn is accepted by a nondeterministic m-counter automaton if and only if m >= n

    Pattern Selection in a Phase Field Model for Directional Solidification

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    A symmetric phase field model is used to study wavelength selection in two dimensions. We study the problem in a finite system using a two-pronged approach. First we construct an action and, minimizing this, we obtain the most probable configuration of the system, which we identify with the selected stationary state. The minimization is constrained by the stationary solutions of stochastic evolution equations and is done numerically. Secondly, additional support for this selected state is obtained from straightforward simulations of the dynamics from a variety of initial states.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Physica


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    O Movimento Sindical dos Trabalhadores Rurais no Acre completa três décadas de existência em 2005. Assumindo a condição de protagonista da luta de resistência pela terra, conquistou êxitos relevantes no reordenamento da estrutura fundiária no território acreano. Em razão dessas conquistas e da ascensão ao poder executivo estadual de uma coalizão partidária liderada pelo Partido dos Trabalhadores, identificado historicamente com esse sindicalismo, construiu-se no período recente, um vigoroso consenso em torno da idéia de triunfo no que se refere tanto aos problemas relativos à regulamentação da posse e uso da terra, quanto na adoção de inovações produtivas O objetivo deste artigo é questionar essa visão triunfalista, colocando em relevo não só as conquistas como também, os retrocessos que têm se aprofundado neste período


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    O objetivo do estudo é identificar as concepções que estruturam a compreensão de gestores de uma universidade pública federal brasileira sobre o que define uma universidade inovadora. Para tanto, aplicou-se um questionário contento questões abertas e fechadas sendo que para alcançar o objetivo da presente pesquisa utilizou-se as respostas de uma das questões abertas que investigou a concepção de universidade inovadora. Participaram do estudo uma amostra de 114 gestores ocupantes de cargos de direção, coordenação ou chefia, tanto das áreas acadêmicas quanto administrativas da universidade. As respostas a questão aberta foram analisadas por meio do procedimento de análise de conteúdo, identificando-se grandes categorias de conteúdos assim como as subcategorias correspondentes. Como resultado, concluiu-se que os gestores apresentam quatro grandes ideias acerca do que significa ser uma universidade inovadora: é aquela que apresenta intensa interação com a sociedade; que possui infraestrutura básica de condições de trabalho; que dispõe de tecnologias de ponta e que apresenta processo de avaliação do seu desempenho. Tais resultados ilustram um entendimento coerente com aquilo que a literatura sobre o tema da inovação em organizações públicas destaca como sendo características inovadoras. Cabe ressaltar que algumas ideias importantes não fazem parte do repertório dos gestores quando identificam as características inovadores no contexto universitário, tais como as relacionadas com o modelo de gestão organizacional e de pessoas