39 research outputs found

    dignostic and

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    Endoscopic removal of pedunculated leiomyoma of the sigmoid colon (case report and literature review o

    The analysis of the broad hydrogen Balmer line ratios: Possible implications for the physical properties of the broad line region of AGNs

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    Aims: We analyze the ratios of the broad hydrogen Balmer emission lines (from H\u3b1 to H\u25b) in the context of estimating the physical conditions in the broad line region (BLR) of active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Methods: Our measurements of the ratios of the Balmer emission lines are obtained in three ways: i) using photoionization models obtained with a spectral synthesis code CLOUDY; ii) applying the recombination theory for hydrogenic ions; iii) measuring the lines in observed spectra taken from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey database. We investigate the Balmer line ratios in the framework of the so-called Boltzmann plot (BP), analyzing the physical conditions of the emitting plasma for which we could use the BP method. The BP considers the ratio of Balmer lines normalized to the atomic data of the corresponding line transition, and in that way differs from the Balmer decrement. Results: We find that for a certain range of thermodynamic parameters, there are objects that follow the BP. These AGNs may have a BLR consisting of mostly high density plasma

    Dermoscopy of the Month

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    Melanonychia refers to a brown or black coloration of the nail plate caused by numerous factors. Regarding the arrangement of pigmentation, we can differentiate between total melanonychia, when pigmentation involves the whole nail plate, or transverse or longitudinal melanonychia, when pigmentation involves the nail in a form of transverse or longitudinal band of pigmentation, respectively. Since longitudinal melanonychia can be a sign of numerous benign and malignant lesions, it often poses a diagnostic challenge for a dermatologist. Herein, we report a case of a 13-year-old girl who developed longitudinal melanonychia on multiple nails after receiving a therapy with azithromycin

    / PRIKAZ SLU^AJA UDK 616.718.5-001.5-057-089

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    Profesionalni traumatizam je jedan od naju~estaliji

    Crystal structure of monomeric retroviral protease solved by protein folding game players

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    Following the failure of a wide range of attempts to solve the crystal structure of M-PMV retroviral protease by molecular replacement, we challenged players of the protein folding game Foldit to produce accurate models of the protein. Remarkably, Foldit players were able to generate models of sufficient quality for successful molecular replacement and subsequent structure determination. The refined structure provides new insights for the design of antiretroviral drugs

    masivnog krvarenja uzrokovanog Dieulafoy lezijom fundusa ‘eluca

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    Dieulafoy lezija predstavlja redak, ali zna~ajan izvor gastrointestinalnog krvarenja, koje potencijalno ugro‘ava ‘ivot pacijenta. Procenjuje se da uzrokuje 3-4 % svih hemoragija iz gornjeg dela gastrointestinalnog trakta (GIT). Krvarenje nastaje iz abnormalne, velike i erodirane submukozne arterije, udru‘ene sa minimalnim mukoznim defektom. Lezija je naj~e{}e lokalizovana u proksimalnom delu ‘eluca. Pacijent star 42 godine upu}en je u na{u ustanovu iz regionalnog Zdravstvenog centra sa znacima krvarenja iz proksimalnih partija GIT-a. U prethodna 24 sata pre prijema u na{u ustanovu ima