125 research outputs found
Antifungal activity of ethanolic extract of Phlomis fruticosa L.
In the ethanolic extract of Phlomis fruticosa L. two flavonoid aglycones, luteolin and chrysoeriol were identified. Antifungal activity of the total ethanolic extract, extract hydrolyzed with Ī²-glucosidase and that hydro-lyzed with HCI against seven micromycetes: Aspergillus niger, A. ochraceus, Penicillium ochrochloron, Cladosporium cladosporioides, Thchoderma viride, Fusamim tricinctum and Phomopsis helianthi was tested. The ethanolic extract hydrolyzed with HCI possessed the greatest antifungal activity against all fungal species tested.U etanolnom ekstraktu vrste Phlomis fruticosa L. identifikovana su dva aglikona flavonoida, luteolin i hrizoeriol. Antifungaliia aktivnost ukupnog etapolnogekstrakta, etanolpog ekstrakta hidrolizovapog Ī²-glukozidazom i ekstrakta hidrolizovanog hlorovodoniÄnom kiselinom istraživana je na sedam mikromiceta: Aspergillus niger, A. ochraceus, Penicillium ochrochloron, Cladosporium cladosporioides, Trichoderma viride, Fusarium tricinctum i Phomopsis helianthi. Najosetljivije mikromicete cy P. helianthi i C. cladosporioides. Pomenute vrste pokazale su najmanju rezistentnost na sva tri ispitivana ekstrakta. Mikromicete koje su pokazale najveÄu rezistentnost na sva tri ispitivana ekstrakta su P. ochrochloron i T. viride. Ukupni etanolni ekstrakt pokazao je najmanji antifungalni potencijal. Etanolni ekstakt hidrolizovan enzimom pokazuje porast antifungalnog potencijala, dok etanolni ekstrakt hidrolizovan hlorovodoniÄnom kiselinom poseduje najveÄi antifugalni potencijal.Projekat ministarstva br. 03E08/1, 03E2
The rehabilitation of the experimental brain injury with hyperbaric oxygenation
Uvod: Traumatske povrede centralnog nervnog sistema (CNS)
predstavljaju Å”irom sveta veliki zdravstveni problem, jer spadaju meÄu vodeÄe
uzroÄnike smrtnosti i razliÄitih oblika invaliditeta u radno sposobnoj populaciji.
Äinjenica je da se samo u koordinisanim istraživanjima kako eksperimentalnim
i tako kliniÄnim, mogu razviti novi kolaborativni modeli i nove strategije za
sanaciju posledica moždane traume. U ovom kontekstu hiperbariÄna
oksigenacija (HBO) se izdvaja kako procedura koja može u sinergistiÄkom
dejstvu sa drugim terapijama dovesti do ubrzanja oporavka posle moždane
traume. Cilj ove studije je da utvrdi da li primena HBO može poboljŔati
oporavak pacova posle sukcione ablacije desnog senzomotornog korteksa.
Materijal i metode: Deset nedelja stari mužijaci pacova Wistar soja
rasporeÄeni su u sledeÄe grupe (n=8, po grupi): Kontrolna (K) intakne životinje,
Kontrolna + HBO (KHBO) intakne životinje koje su proŔle kroz HBO protokol,
Šam (Š) lažno operisane životinje, Šam + HBO (ŠHBO), Lezija (L) desni
sezomotorni korteks je uklonjen sukcionom ablacijom i L + HBO (LHBO). HBO
protokol: pritisak 2,5 apsolutne atmosfere, 60 minuta, jedanput dnevno, tokom
10 dana. Za evaluaciju procesa oporavka lokomotornih funkcija koriÅ”Äeni su test
prelaska preko grede i merenje snage stiska. KoliÄina malondialdehida (MDA),
aktivnost superoksid dismutaze (SOD) i glutation peroksidaze (GPX) su mereni
u uzorcima tkiva povreÄenog hemikorteksa. Postraumatski procesi su praÄeni
na uzorcima moždanog tkiva imunohistohemijskom metodom sa sledeÄim
antitelima: GFAP, ED1, SMI31, GAP43 i SYP. U cilju evaluacije efekata HBO na
proces neuronalne degeneracije sprovedeno je dovostruko imunofluorescentno
bojenje: neuroni u procesu degeneracije su bojeni fluoro žadom B, dok je NeuN
koriÅ”Äen kao marker tela neurona...Objectives: Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are one of the leading causes of
death and chronic disability especially among the working population, and
represent an important public health problem worldwide. It is proposed that
coordinated research efforts of basic and clinical scientists will provide the
opportunity to develop collaborative models for translational neuroscience and
rehabilitation research. In this view hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO) appeared
as an adjunctive therapy that has the synergistic effect with other treatments,
strongly suggesting that combining therapies with HBO could yield better
results than either alone. The aim of this study was to investigate whether HBO
can improve the neurological recovery of the rat after suction ablation of the
sensorimotor cortex.
Methods: The experiments were conducted on the male Wister rats, 10
weeks old. Animals were organized into following groups (n = 8, per group):
Control (C) intact animals, Control+HBO (CHBO) intact animals subjected to
HBO treatment, Sham control (S) animals that underwent surgical procedure
without damaging the brain tissue, Sham control+HBO (SHBO), Lesion group
(L)āthe right sensorimotor cortex was removed by suction ablation,
Lesion+HBO (LHBO). HBO protocol: pressure applied 2.5 absolute
atmospheres (ATA), for 60 minutes, once daily for 10 days. Beam walking test
and grip strength meter were used to evaluate the recovery of motor functions.
Malondialdehyde (MDA) content, activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and
glutathione peroxidase (GPX) sampled from injured hemicortex were
measured. The posttraumatic processes were evaluated on the brain tissue
preparations using the immunohistochemical method with antibodies: GFAP, ED1, SMI31, GAP43 and SYP..
Streamlining collection of training samples for object detection and classification in video
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Combination free replacement and pro-rata warranty policy optimization model
Rizik koji prati razvoj proizvoda raste iz dana u dan. Jedan od faktora koji utiÄu na ovaj rizik je garancija proizvoda. Garancija je moÄno marketinÅ”ko oružje za proizvoÄaÄa i istovremeno dobra zaÅ”tita za proizvoÄaÄa i kupca, ali uvek podrazumeva dodatne troÅ”kove za proizvoÄaÄa. Ovi troÅ”kovi zavise od karakteristika pouzdanosti proizvoda i parametara garancije. Ovaj rad se bavi optimizacijom ovih parametara za poznatu raspodelu otkaza proizvoda u cilju smanjivanja troÅ”kova garancije i istovremenog zadržavanja njene promotivne funkcije. Kombinacija garancije besplatne zamene i parcijalne garancije je izabrana kao model, pri Äemu su varirane dužine perioda besplatne zamene i perioda parcijalne garancije, kao i koeficijenti koji definiÅ”u funkciju parcijalnih troÅ”kova. Vrednosti troÅ”kova garancije dobijene su pomoÄu analitiÄkih jednaÄina i simulacije. Dobijeni rezultati su prikazani i razmotreni i izneta su zakljuÄna opažanja.Product development risk increases more and more every day. One of the factors that affect this risk is product warranty. Warranty is a powerful marketing instrument for the manufacturer and a good protection for both the manufacturer and the customer, but it always involves additional costs to the manufacturer. These costs depend on the product reliability and the warranty parameters. This paper deals with the optimization of these parameters for known product failure distribution to reduce the warranty costs to the manufacturer while retaining the promotional function of the warranty. Combination free replacement and pro-rata warranty policy is chosen as a model and the length of free replacement and pro-rata policy periods are varied, as well as the coefficients that define the pro-rata cost function. Warranty costs are obtained by using analytical equations and by simulation. The obtained results are shown and discussed and some concluding remarks are given
High fidelity simulations of ion trajectories in miniature ion traps using the boundary-element method
In this paper we present numerical modeling results for endcap and linear ion
traps, used for experiments at the National Physical Laboratory in the UK and
Innsbruck University respectively. The secular frequencies for Strontium-88 and
Calcium-40 ions were calculated from ion trajectories, simulated using
boundary-element and finite-difference numerical methods. The results were
compared against experimental measurements. Both numerical methods showed high
accuracy with boundary-element method being more accurate. Such simulations can
be useful tools for designing new traps and trap arrays. They can also be used
for obtaining precise trapping parameters for desired ion control when no
analytical approach is possible as well as for investigating the ion heating
rates due to thermal electronic noise.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, changes made to the text according to the
editor's and referee's comment
Risk Model for Integrated Management System
The purpose of this paper is to develop an integrated risk management model for standardized management systems: ISO 9001:2015 for quality management, ISO 14001:2015 for environmental management, ISO/IEC 27001:2013 for information security management, ISO 45001:2018 for Occupational Health and Safety Management, and ISO 22000:2005 for food safety management in order to enable organizations can manage their processes and associated risks versus requirements of each internal and external stakeholder through only one MS instead of several individual MSs defined and implemented in an isolated way according to a specific MSS and hence to decrease the number of resources employed and to enhance the organization performance
Heritabilitet, fenotipske i genetske korelacije intenziteta porasta i mesnatosti svinja
The five year study included two genotypes of gilts of performance tested gilts, Swedish landrace and crosses F1 generation SLxLY. Of total number (n=3600), 1709 animals were genotype SL and 1891 animals were genotype SLxLY. Measuring of back fat thickness in the loin part (FT1), between 3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae, 7cm laterally to the back line; back fat thickness (FT2) and depth of the musculus longissimus dorsi (MLD) between the 3rd and 4th rib from the rear, 7cm laterally to the back line. Assessment of meat yield was done using the ultrasonograph apparatus Piglog 105. In regard to meat yield indicators, medium heritability values were established for FT1 h2=0.461, and high values for FT2 h2=0.639, and for meat yield h2=0.633. Low heritability was established for depth of MLD (h2=0.105), life daily gain (h2=0.110) and age at the end of test (h2=0.103). Established phenotypic correlations between fat thickness FT1 and FT2 were strong (rp=0.638); between fat thickness and meat yield very strong (rp=-0.880 to -0.895), and between fat thickness and MLD very weak and negative (rg=-0.103 to -0.216). Genetic correlations were stronger than phenotypic, so between fat thickness FT1 and FT2 the correlation was complete/full (rg=0.930), also between fat thickness and meat yield (rg=-0.979 to -0.982), whereas the correlation between fat thickness and MLD was strong and negative (rg=-0.627 to -0.653). Heritability values for fat thickness and meat yield show that these traits have high level of heritability and are transfered to the progeny, whereas the level and strength of their dependance show that by decreasing the fat thickness positive influences is exhibited on meat yield, and that by increasing of depth of MLD also the meat yield is increased.PetogodiÅ”njim istraživanjem su bila obuhvaÄena dva genotipa nazimica Å”vedski landras i melezi F1 generacije Å LxVJ. Od ukupnog broja (n=3600) istraživanjem je obuhvaÄeno 1709 grla genotipa Å L i 1891 grla genotipa Å LxVJ. Merenje debljine leÄne slanine i dubine musculus longissimus dorsi (MLD) i procena mesnatosti je obavljeno ultrazvuÄnim aparatom Piglog 105. Za pokazatelje mesnatosti utvrÄeni su srednji heritabiliteti za SL1 h2=0,461, a visoki za SL2 h2=0,639, i za mesnatost h2=0,633. Nizak heritabilitet utvrÄen je za dubinu MLD-a (h2=0,105), životni dnevni prirast (h2=0,110) i za uzrast (h2=0,103). UtvrÄene fenotipske korelacije izmeÄu debljine slanine SL1 i SL2 su jake (rp=0,638); izmeÄu debljine slanine i mesnatosti korelacije su vrlo jake (rp=-0,880 do -0,895), dok su izmeÄu debljine slanine i MLD-a jako slabe i negativne (rg=-0,103 do -0,216). Genetske korelacije su jaÄe od fenotipskih, tako da je izmeÄu debljine slanine korelacija potpuna (rg=0,930), kao i izmeÄu debljine slanine i mesnatosti (rg=-0,979 do -0,982), dok je korelacija jaka i negativna izmeÄu debljine slanine i MLD-a (rg=-0,627 do -0,653). PR Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 31081
Povezanost osobina veliÄine legla
Heredity and correlation of litter size traits were observed in 3693 litters, i.e. in 1622 daughters of two genotypes Swedish Landrace genotype - SL; and F1 ā SLxLW. The study included daughters (minimum ten daughters per sire) of 24 sires. Heritability estimates for the total number of piglets per litter in the first, the first two parities, and for all three parities was 0.174; 0.167 and 0.135. Heritability estimates for the number of piglets born alive were 0.181; 0.160 and 0.121, and for the weight of litter at birth 0.166; 0.174 and 0.150. On the other hand, very low heritability was determined for the number of weaned piglets, litter weight of piglets reared, individual weight of born and reared piglets, i.e. for the traits that are under greater influence of the environment (from 0.004 to 0.037). Phenotypic and genetic correlations ranged from weak to complete (rp = 0.021 to rp = 0.973 and rg=0.188 to rg=0.999, respectively). Analysis of the significance of correlations showed that the genetic correlations were statistically highly significant (P (lt) 0.01).Naslednost i meÄusobna povezanost osobina veliÄine legla praÄene su za 3693 legla, odnosno kod 1622 kÄeri dva genotipa Å”vedski landras - Å L; i F1 āÅ LxVJ. Ispitivanjem su obuhvaÄene kÄeri (minimalno deset kÄeri po ocu) od 24 oca. Heritabiliteti za ukupan broj prasadi u leglu u prvom, prvom i drugom i za sva tri praÅ”enja iznosio je 0,174; 0,167 i 0,135. Za broj živoroÄene prasadi vrednosi heritabiliteta su iznosile 0,181; 0,160 i 0,121, dok su za masu legla pri roÄenju vrednosti 0,166; 0,174 i 0,150. Sa druge strane utvrÄen je jako slab heritabilitet za broj odgajene prasadi, masu legla odgajene prasadi, individualnu masu roÄene i odgajene prasadi odnosno za ispitivane osobine koje su pod veÄim uticajem okoline (od 0,004 do 0,037). Fenotipske i genetske korelacije kretale su se od slabih do potpunih (rp=0,021 to rp=0,973 odnosno rg=0,188 to rg=0,999). Testiranje znaÄajnosti korelacija pokazalo je da su genetske bile statistiÄki visoko znaÄajne (P (lt) 0,01)
Povezanost osobina veliÄine legla
Heredity and correlation of litter size traits were observed in 3693 litters, i.e. in 1622 daughters of two genotypes Swedish Landrace genotype - SL; and F1 ā SLxLW. The study included daughters (minimum ten daughters per sire) of 24 sires. Heritability estimates for the total number of piglets per litter in the first, the first two parities, and for all three parities was 0.174; 0.167 and 0.135. Heritability estimates for the number of piglets born alive were 0.181; 0.160 and 0.121, and for the weight of litter at birth 0.166; 0.174 and 0.150. On the other hand, very low heritability was determined for the number of weaned piglets, litter weight of piglets reared, individual weight of born and reared piglets, i.e. for the traits that are under greater influence of the environment (from 0.004 to 0.037). Phenotypic and genetic correlations ranged from weak to complete (rp = 0.021 to rp = 0.973 and rg=0.188 to rg=0.999, respectively). Analysis of the significance of correlations showed that the genetic correlations were statistically highly significant (P (lt) 0.01).Naslednost i meÄusobna povezanost osobina veliÄine legla praÄene su za 3693 legla, odnosno kod 1622 kÄeri dva genotipa Å”vedski landras - Å L; i F1 āÅ LxVJ. Ispitivanjem su obuhvaÄene kÄeri (minimalno deset kÄeri po ocu) od 24 oca. Heritabiliteti za ukupan broj prasadi u leglu u prvom, prvom i drugom i za sva tri praÅ”enja iznosio je 0,174; 0,167 i 0,135. Za broj živoroÄene prasadi vrednosi heritabiliteta su iznosile 0,181; 0,160 i 0,121, dok su za masu legla pri roÄenju vrednosti 0,166; 0,174 i 0,150. Sa druge strane utvrÄen je jako slab heritabilitet za broj odgajene prasadi, masu legla odgajene prasadi, individualnu masu roÄene i odgajene prasadi odnosno za ispitivane osobine koje su pod veÄim uticajem okoline (od 0,004 do 0,037). Fenotipske i genetske korelacije kretale su se od slabih do potpunih (rp=0,021 to rp=0,973 odnosno rg=0,188 to rg=0,999). Testiranje znaÄajnosti korelacija pokazalo je da su genetske bile statistiÄki visoko znaÄajne (P (lt) 0,01)
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