506 research outputs found

    Patterns of Occurrence from Spring Bird Counts at Oak Lake Field Station, Brookings County, South Dakota

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    Over 400 bird species have been recorded from South Dakota. Many of these birds simply pass through to other habitats. Others take residence seasonally while a few species are permanent residents. Recent studies suggest that spring migrants may be arriving earlier than previously recorded and these shifting migration times may be reflected in annual spring bird counts. The objective of this effort was to summarize patterns in bird occurrence from spring bird counts held at the Oak Lake Field Station, Brookings County, South Dakota (mid-May from 1995 to 2008). Tallies of bird species seen along a regular route were made over a period of 3-4 hours by groups of 4-15 individuals. Since 1994, 16 orders, 41 families, 110 genera and 168 species of birds have been recorded from formal observations at the station. During the period 1996-2000, 64 bird species were recorded during the spring bird counts (average = 29/yr). Accounts from the same route during the period 2004-2008 yielded 86 total species (average = 48/yr). The Jaccard Coefficient of similarity in occurrence between these two survey periods was 48.5%. Woodpeckers, swallows, wrens, gulls and terns were noted more frequently from later surveys. Consistently implemented spring tallies together with data on dates of first arrival and warmth sum accumulations may be useful in detecting early biotic effects from global climate change

    Electrostatic interactions contribute to the control of intramolecular thiol-disulfide isomerization in a protein

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    The roles of structural factors and of electrostatic interactions with the environment on the outcome of thiol–disulfide exchange reactions were investigated in a mutated immunoglobulin domain (I27*) under mechanical stress. An extensive ensemble of molecular dynamics trajectories was generated by means of QM/MM simulations for a total sampling of 5.7 μs. A significant number of thiol–disulfide exchanges were observed, and the Cys32 thiolate preferred to attack Cys55 over Cys24, in agreement with previous experimental and computational studies. The structural features as well as electronic structures of the thiol–disulfide system along the reaction were analyzed, as were the electrostatic interactions with the environment. The previous findings of better accessibility of Cys55 were confirmed. Additionally, the reaction was found to be directed by the electrostatic interactions of the involved sulfur atoms with the molecular environment. The relationships of atomic charges, which stem from the electrostatic interactions, lead to the kinetic preference of the attack on Cys55. Further, QM/MM metadynamics simulations of thiol–disulfide exchange in a small model system with varied artificial external electric potentials revealed changes in reaction kinetics of the same magnitude as in I27*. Therefore, the electrostatic interactions are confirmed to play a role in the regioselectivity of the thiol–disulfide exchange reactions in the protein

    Hepatitis C Virus RNA-dependent RNA Polymerase (NS5B) as a Mediator of the Antiviral Activity of Ribavirin

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    Ribavirin is administered in combination with interferon-α for treatment of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Recently, we demonstrated that the antiviral activity of ribavirin can result from the ability of a viral RNA polymerase to utilize ribavirin triphosphate and to incorporate this nucleotide with reduced specificity, thereby mutagenizing the genome and decreasing the yield of infectious virus (Crotty, S., Maag, D., Arnold, J. J., Zhong, W., Lau, J. Y., Hong, Z., Andino, R., and Cameron, C. E. (2000) Nat. Med. 6, 1375-1379). In this study, we performed a quantitative analysis of a novel HCV RNA polymerase derivative that is capable of utilizing stably annealed primer-template substrates and exploited this derivative to evaluate whether lethal mutagenesis of the HCV genome is a possible mechanism for the anti-HCV activity of ribavirin. These studies demonstrate HCV RNA polymerase-catalyzed incorporation of ribavirin opposite cytidine and uridine. In addition, we demonstrate that templates containing ribavirin support CMP and UMP incorporation with equivalent efficiency. Surprisingly, templates containing ribavirin can also cause a significant block to RNA elongation. Together, these data suggest that ribavirin can exert a direct effect on HCV replication, which is mediated by the HCV RNA polymerase. We discuss the implications of this work on the development of nucleoside analogs for treatment of HCV infection

    Spelling errors and shouting capitalization lead to additive penalties to trustworthiness of online health information: randomized experiment with laypersons

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    Background: The written format and literacy competence of screen-based texts can interfere with the perceived trustworthiness of health information in online forums, independent of the semantic content. Unlike in professional content, the format in unmoderated forums can regularly hint at incivility, perceived as deliberate rudeness or casual disregard toward the reader, for example, through spelling errors and unnecessary emphatic capitalization of whole words (online shouting). Objective: This study aimed to quantify the comparative effects of spelling errors and inappropriate capitalization on ratings of trustworthiness independently of lay insight and to determine whether these changes act synergistically or additively on the ratings. Methods: In web-based experiments, 301 UK-recruited participants rated 36 randomized short stimulus excerpts (in the format of information from an unmoderated health forum about multiple sclerosis) for trustworthiness using a semantic differential slider. A total of 9 control excerpts were compared with matching error-containing excerpts. Each matching error-containing excerpt included 5 instances of misspelling, or 5 instances of inappropriate capitalization (shouting), or a combination of 5 misspelling plus 5 inappropriate capitalization errors. Data were analyzed in a linear mixed effects model. Results: The mean trustworthiness ratings of the control excerpts ranged from 32.59 to 62.31 (rating scale 0-100). Compared with the control excerpts, excerpts containing only misspellings were rated as being 8.86 points less trustworthy, those containing inappropriate capitalization were rated as 6.41 points less trustworthy, and those containing the combination of misspelling and capitalization were rated as 14.33 points less trustworthy (P<.001 for all). Misspelling and inappropriate capitalization show an additive effect. Conclusions: Distinct indicators of incivility independently and additively penalize the perceived trustworthiness of online text independently of lay insight, eliciting a medium effect size

    Accounting for predator species identity reveals variable relationships between nest predation rate and habitat in a temperate forest songbird.

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    Nest predation is the primary cause of nest failure in most ground-nesting bird species. Investigations of relationships between nest predation rate and habitat usually pool different predator species. However, such relationships likely depend on the specific predator involved, partly because habitat requirements vary among predator species. Pooling may therefore impair our ability to identify conservation-relevant relationships between nest predation rate and habitat. We investigated predator-specific nest predation rates in the forest-dependent, ground-nesting wood warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix in relation to forest area and forest edge complexity at two spatial scales and to the composition of the adjacent habitat matrix. We used camera traps at 559 nests to identify nest predators in five study regions across Europe. When analyzing predation data pooled across predator species, nest predation rate was positively related to forest area at the local scale (1000 m around nest), and higher where proportion of grassland in the adjacent habitat matrix was high but arable land low. Analyses by each predator species revealed variable relationships between nest predation rates and habitat. At the local scale, nest predation by most predators was higher where forest area was large. At the landscape scale (10,000 m around nest), nest predation by buzzards Buteo buteo was high where forest area was small. Predation by pine martens Martes martes was high where edge complexity at the landscape scale was high. Predation by badgers Meles meles was high where the matrix had much grassland but little arable land. Our results suggest that relationships between nest predation rates and habitat can depend on the predator species involved and may differ from analyses disregarding predator identity. Predator-specific nest predation rates, and their relationships to habitat at different spatial scales, should be considered when assessing the impact of habitat change on avian nesting success

    Wikis, blogs and podcasts: a new generation of Web-based tools for virtual collaborative clinical practice and education

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    BACKGROUND: We have witnessed a rapid increase in the use of Web-based 'collaborationware' in recent years. These Web 2.0 applications, particularly wikis, blogs and podcasts, have been increasingly adopted by many online health-related professional and educational services. Because of their ease of use and rapidity of deployment, they offer the opportunity for powerful information sharing and ease of collaboration. Wikis are Web sites that can be edited by anyone who has access to them. The word 'blog' is a contraction of 'Web Log' – an online Web journal that can offer a resource rich multimedia environment. Podcasts are repositories of audio and video materials that can be "pushed" to subscribers, even without user intervention. These audio and video files can be downloaded to portable media players that can be taken anywhere, providing the potential for "anytime, anywhere" learning experiences (mobile learning). DISCUSSION: Wikis, blogs and podcasts are all relatively easy to use, which partly accounts for their proliferation. The fact that there are many free and Open Source versions of these tools may also be responsible for their explosive growth. Thus it would be relatively easy to implement any or all within a Health Professions' Educational Environment. Paradoxically, some of their disadvantages also relate to their openness and ease of use. With virtually anybody able to alter, edit or otherwise contribute to the collaborative Web pages, it can be problematic to gauge the reliability and accuracy of such resources. While arguably, the very process of collaboration leads to a Darwinian type 'survival of the fittest' content within a Web page, the veracity of these resources can be assured through careful monitoring, moderation, and operation of the collaborationware in a closed and secure digital environment. Empirical research is still needed to build our pedagogic evidence base about the different aspects of these tools in the context of medical/health education. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION: If effectively deployed, wikis, blogs and podcasts could offer a way to enhance students', clinicians' and patients' learning experiences, and deepen levels of learners' engagement and collaboration within digital learning environments. Therefore, research should be conducted to determine the best ways to integrate these tools into existing e-Learning programmes for students, health professionals and patients, taking into account the different, but also overlapping, needs of these three audience classes and the opportunities of virtual collaboration between them. Of particular importance is research into novel integrative applications, to serve as the "glue" to bind the different forms of Web-based collaborationware synergistically in order to provide a coherent wholesome learning experience

    Reproductive success of the wood warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix varies across Europe

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    Differences in population trends across a species’ breeding range are ultimately linked to variation in demographic rates. In small songbirds, demographic rates related to fecundity typically have strong effects on population trends. Populations of a forest songbird, the wood warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix, have been declining in many but not all regions of the European breeding range. We investigated if clutch size, hatching rate, nest survival and number of fledglings vary across Europe, and if nest survival is related to differences in the regionally dominant nest predator class (birds versus mammals). From 2009 to 2020, we monitored 1896 nests and used cameras at a subsample of 645 nests in six study regions: the United Kingdom (mid-Wales, Dartmoor, the New Forest), Germany (Hessen), Switzerland (Jura mountains) and Poland (Białowieża National Park). Number of fledglings was lowest in the New Forest (1.43 ± CI 0.23), intermediate in Jura (2.41 ± 0.31) and Białowieża (2.26 ± 0.24) and highest in mid-Wales (3.02 ± 0.48) and Dartmoor (2.92 ± 0.32). The reason for low reproductive success in the New Forest, Jura and Białowieża was low nest survival, and large clutch sizes in Białowieża did not compensate for high nest losses. High reproductive success in mid-Wales and Dartmoor was due to high nest survival and large clutch sizes. Overall predation rates were similar everywhere despite variation between the regions in the dominant nest predator class. Unsuccessful nests in mid-Wales were mainly predated by birds; in Dartmoor, the New Forest, Hessen and Jura similarly by birds and mammals; and in Białowieża exclusively by mammals. Regional reproductive success does not match the population trends recently reported for the wood warbler in the six study regions (i.e. high reproduction ≠ positive trend). Annual survival may be a decisive factor, but it is difficult to quantify for a nomadic species such as the wood warbler that rarely returns to the same breeding locations
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