1,125 research outputs found

    Beyond ‘ignorance’: using the cultural stereotypes of Americans studying in the UK as a resource for learning and teaching about British culture

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    A course introducing British culture is a standard component of many study abroad programmes running in this country that are aimed at international students who will be spending a limited amount of time in the United Kingdom. However, it is not often acknowledged that such students possess a range of strong pre-conceptions about British culture and society prior to their arrival. Conventional teaching strategies assume student ignorance of the subject. However, an alternative approach which makes us of pre-arrival stereotypes can be more productive in terms of engaging students in active processes of comparative analysis of their new and existing knowledge. A case study of American student stereotypes of the British monarchy is presented and it is suggested that these can be used as the basis for refining student understanding of cultural politics in the United Kingdom. International students, therefore, should not be treated as being culturally ignorant of Britain in the sense of having no knowledge or opinions at all. Rather, it should be understood that they possess a culturally mediated state of subjectivity which I refer to as ‘ignorance’ and that this can become a valuable resource for teaching and learning

    Phase and amplitude scintillations of microwave signals over an elevated atmospheric path

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    Phase and amplitude scintillations of microwave signals over elevated atmospheric path for obtaining atmospheric density profile

    Vertical Carbon Nanotube Devices With Nanoscale Lengths Controlled Without Lithography

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    Vertical single-walled carbon nanotubes (vSWCNTs) are synthesized within highly ordered porous anodic alumina (PAA) templates supported on Si substrates. A process for obtaining thin-film PAA with long-range ordered nanopores is presented in this paper. Each nanopore contains at most one v-SWCNT that is supported by a dielectric and addressed by electrochemically formed Pd nanowire source contacts and evaporated Pd drain contacts. Characteristics of these completely vertical, two-terminal nanotube devices are presented. Control of the v-SWCNT length is demonstrated using a straightforward etching process with lengths of less than 100 nm achieved without the need for complex/expensive lithography. This effective nanoscale length control of highly ordered v-SWCNTs provides a practical basis for the realization of CNT-based nanoelectronics

    Maximal entropy inference of oncogenicity from phosphorylation signaling

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    Point mutations in the phosphorylation domain of the Bcr-Abl fusion oncogene give rise to drug resistance in chronic myelogenous leukemia patients. These mutations alter kinase-mediated signaling function and phenotypic outcome. An information theoretic analysis of the correlation of phosphoproteomic profiling and transformation potency of the oncogene in different mutants is presented. The theory seeks to predict the leukemic transformation potency from the observed signaling by constructing a distribution of maximal entropy of site-specific phosphorylation events. The theory is developed with special reference to systems biology where high throughput measurements are typical. We seek sets of phosphorylation events most contributory to predicting the phenotype by determining the constraints on the signaling system. The relevance of a constraint is measured by how much it reduces the value of the entropy from its global maximum, where all events are equally likely. Application to experimental phospho-proteomics data for kinase inhibitor-resistant mutants shows that there is one dominant constraint and that other constraints are not relevant to a similar extent. This single constraint accounts for much of the correlation of phosphorylation events with the oncogenic potency and thereby usefully predicts the trends in the phenotypic output. An additional constraint possibly accounts for biological fine structure

    Design, fabrication, and characterization of a compact hierarchical manifold microchannel heat sink array for two-phase cooling

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    High-heat-flux removal is critical for the nextgeneration electronic devices to reliably operate within their temperature limits. A large portion of the thermal resistance in a traditional chip package is caused by thermal resistances at interfaces between the device, heat spreaders, and the heat sink; embedding the heat sink directly into the heat-generating device can eliminate these interface resistances and drastically reduce the overall thermal resistance. Microfluidic cooling within the embedded heat sink improves the heat dissipation, with two-phase operation offering the potential for dissipation of very high heat fluxes while maintaining moderate chip temperatures. To enable multichip stacking and other heterogeneous packaging approaches, it is important to densely integrate all fluid flow paths into the device; volumetric heat dissipation emerges as a performance metric in this new heat sinking paradigm. In this paper, a compact hierarchical manifold microchannel design is presented that utilizes an integrated multilevel manifold distributor to feed coolant to an array of microchannel heat sinks. The flow features in the manifold layers and microchannels are fabricated in silicon wafers using deep reactive-ion etching. The heat source is simulated via Joule heating using thin-film platinum heaters. The on-chip spatial temperature measurements are made using four-wire resistance temperature detectors. The individual manifold layers and the microchannel-bearing wafers are diced and bonded into a sealed stack via thermocompression bonding using gold layers at the mating surfaces. Thermal and hydrodynamic testing is performed by pumping the dielectric fluid HFE-7100 through the device at a known flow rate

    Characterization of Hierarchical Manifold Microchannel Heat Sink Arrays under Simultaneous Background and Hotspot Heating Conditions

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    A hierarchical manifold microchannel heat sink array is fabricated and experimentally characterized for uniform heat flux dissipation over a footprint area of 5 mm x 5 mm. A 3 x 3 array of heat sinks is fabricated into the silicon substrate containing the heaters for direct intrachip cooling, eliminating the thermal resistances typically associated with the attachment of a separate heat sink. The heat sinks are fed in parallel using a hierarchical manifold distributor that delivers flow to each of the heat sinks. Each heat sink contains a bank of high-aspect-ratio microchannels; five different channel geometries with nominal widths of 15 lm and 33 micrometers and nominal depths between 150 micrometers and 470 micrometers are tested. The thermal and hydraulic performance of each heat sink array geometry is evaluated using HFE-7100 as the working fluid, for mass fluxes ranging from 600 kg/m2 s to 2100 kg/m2 s at a constant inlet temperature of 59 degree C. To simulate heat generation from electronics devices, a uniform background heat flux is generated with thin-film serpentine heaters fabricated on the silicon substrate opposite the channels; temperature sensors placed across the substrate provide spatially resolved surface temperature measurements. Experiments are also conducted with simultaneous background and hotspot heat generation; the hotspot heat flux is produced by a discrete 200 micrometers x 200 micrometers hotspot heater. Heat fluxes up to 1020 W/cm2 are dissipated under uniform heating conditions at chip temperatures less than 69 degree C above the fluid inlet and at pressure drops less than 120 kPa. Heat sinks with wider channels yield higher wetted-area heat transfer coefficients, but not necessarily the lowest thermal resistance; for a fixed channel depth, samples with narrower channels have increased total wetted areas owing to the smaller fin pitches. During simultaneous background and hotspot heating conditions, background heat fluxes up to 900 W/cm2 and hotspot fluxes up to 2700 W/cm2 are dissipated. The hotspot temperature increases linearly with hotspot heat flux; at hotspot heat fluxes of 2700 W/cm2, the hotspot experiences a temperature rise of 16 degree C above the average chip temperature

    A Hierarchical Manifold Microchannel Heat Sink Array for High-Heat-Flux Two-Phase Cooling of Electronics

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    High-heat-flux removal is necessary for next-generation microelectronic systems to operate more reliably and efficiently. Extremely high heat removal rates are achieved in this work using a hierarchical manifold microchannel heat sink array. The microchannels are imbedded directly into the heated substrate to reduce the parasitic thermal resistances due to contact and conduction resistances. Discretizing the chip footprint area into multiple smaller heat sink elements with high-aspect-ratio microchannels ensures shortened effective fluid flow lengths. Phase change of high fluid mass fluxes can thus be accommodated in micron-scale channels while keeping pressure drops low compared to traditional, microchannel heat sinks. A thermal test vehicle, with all flow distribution components heterogeneously integrated, is fabricated to demonstrate this enhanced thermal and hydraulic performance. The 5 mm x 5 mm silicon chip area, with resistive heaters and local temperature sensors fabricated directly on the opposite face, is cooled by a 3 x 3 array of microchannel heat sinks that are fed with coolant using a hierarchical manifold distributor. Using the engineered dielectric liquid HFE-7100 as the working fluid, experimental results are presented for channel mass fluxes of 1300, 2100, and 2900 kg/m2 s and channel cross sections with nominal widths of 15 micrometers and nominal depths of 35 micrometers, 150 micrometers, and 300 micrometers. Maximum heat flux dissipation is shown to increase with mass flux and channel depth and the heat sink with 15 micrometers x 300 micrometers channels is shown to dissipate base heat fluxes up to 910 W/cm2 at pressure drops of less than 162 kPa and chip temperature rise under 47 degrees C relative to the fluid inlet temperature

    DichroMatch: a website for similarity searching of circular dichroism spectra

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    Circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy is a widely used method for examining the structure, folding and conformational changes of proteins. A new online CD analysis server (DichroMatch) has been developed for identifying proteins with similar spectral characteristics by detecting possible structurally and functionally related proteins and homologues. DichroMatch includes six different methods for determining the spectral nearest neighbours to a query protein spectrum and provides metrics of how similar these spectra are and, if corresponding crystal structures are available for the closest matched proteins, information on their secondary structures and fold classifications. By default, DichroMatch uses all the entries in the Protein Circular Dichroism Data Bank (PCDDB) for its comparison set, providing the broadest range of publicly available protein spectra to match with the unknown protein. Alternatively, users can download or create their own specialized data sets, thereby enabling comparisons between the structures of related proteins such as wild-type versus mutants or homologues or a series of spectra of the same protein under different conditions. The DichroMatch server is freely available at http://dichromatch.cryst.bbk.ac.uk

    Indium selenide nanowire phase-change memory

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    Nonvolatile memory device using indium selenide nanowire as programmable resistive element was fabricated and its resistive switching property was studied as functions of electrical pulse width and voltage magnitude. The nanowire memory can be repeatedly switched between high-resistance (similar to 10(11) Omega) and low-resistance (similar to 6x10(5) Omega) states which are attributed to amorphous and crystalline states, respectively. Once set to a specific state, the nanowire resistance is stable as measured at voltages up to 2 V. This observation suggests that the nanowire can be programed into two distinct states with a large on-off resistance ratio of similar to 10(5) with significant potential for nonvolatile information storage

    Review of Pioneers of Quantum Chemistry

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    There is little doubt that reading books other than textbooks represents an important component of maintaining knowledge for many chemistry educators. Nonetheless, with 30 or more books a year being produced by the ACS Symposium Series alone, how can choices be made about what merits reading time? Certainly, the presentation of current research trends that might influence the chemistry taught in courses represents one metric, but there are many additional worthy books. In terms of potential teaching treasures to be mined, time spent reading history of science presents a strong possibility