4 research outputs found

    “Bridge of Spies” Analysis of the film from the perspective of International law

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    En la película "El puente de los espías" (Spielberg, 2015), basada en hechos reales, se refleja la realidad de las relaciones internacionales entre bloques al comienzo de la guerra fría, cuando el espionaje era parte de la actividad habitual de defensa. A través del proceso de enjuiciamiento y posterior liberación del espía soviético Rudolph Abel podemos examinar cuestiones trascendentales como la universalidad del derecho de defensa, la vigencia de los derechos humanos y la búsqueda de la personalidad internacional por parte de los estados emergentes.The film "The Bridge of Spies" (Spielberg, 2015), based on real events, reflects the reality of international relations between blocks at the beginning of the Cold War, when espionage was part of the usual defense activity.Through the process of prosecuting and subsequently releasing Soviet spy Rudolph Abel we can examine relevant issues such as the universality of the right of defence, the validity of human rights and the search for international personality by emerging states.Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociale

    La ejecución de sentencias dinerarias en las partidas

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    The «VII Partidas» called code, is the greatest legislative work of the ius commune. In them is collected, in Spanish language, the main precepts received from Roman and Canonical law forming a corpus that would result from regulatory application until the promulgation of the Civil Code in 1889. The object of this work is to analyse the considerations of items relating to the enforcement of monetary judgments and comparing them with the regulation of the pignus in causa iudicati captum established by Antoninus Pius for the Roman process. Consideration of the Glossae of Gregorio López analyzes reflections which, in his day, caused by the Alfonso’s Code. Las VII Partidas es la mayor obra legislativa del Derecho Común. En ellas se recoge, en lengua española, los principales preceptos recibidos del Derecho Romano y del Canónico conformando un corpus que resultaría de aplicación normativa hasta la promulgación del Código Civil en 1889. El objeto de este trabajo es analizar las consideraciones de las Partidas en relación con la ejecución de sentencias dinerarias y la comparación de las mismas con la regulación del pignus in causa iudicati captum establecido por Antonino Pío, en el proceso romano. La consideración de la Glosa de Gregorio López permite analizar las reflexiones que, en su día, ocasionaron las disposiciones alfonsinas al respecto.The «VII Partidas» called code, is the greatest legislative work of the ius commune. In them is collected, in Spanish language, the main precepts received from Roman and Canonical law forming a corpus that would result from regulatory application until the promulgation of the Civil Code in 1889. The object of this work is to analyse the considerations of items relating to the enforcement of monetary judgments and comparing them with the regulation of the pignus in causa iudicati captum established by Antoninus Pius for the Roman process. Consideration of the Glossae of Gregorio López analyzes reflections which, in his day, caused by the Alfonso’s Code

    History, meaning and social juridical usefulness of the Adrogatio and the Adoptio in Rome

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    La paternidad adoptiva romana es el antecedente de nuestro actual sistema normativo. Tanto la adoptio como la adrogatio permitían que un tercero ingresara artificialmente en la domus del adoptante bajo la potestas de un nuevo paterfamilias con la finalidad o función social de asegurar el culto de los dioses manes. Progresivamente, la adopción se generalizó en los usos y costumbres sociales y se convirtió en un instrumento para ascender en la escala social, adquirir herencias, evadir ciertas exclusiones que imponía la legislación, intercambiar el excedente de hijos entre los diferentes grupos familiares, establecer alianzas personales, de parentesco y de solidaridad dinástica inter-familiar y designar un sucesor político bajo la elección del optimus (principales prohombres e imperatores de la nobilitas romana). Durante la época justinianea se transforma la estructura familiar y se subdivide la adoptio en dos modalidades: adoptio plena y adoptio minus plena.Roman adoption is the antecedent of our current normative system. Both adoptio and adrogatio allowed someone to artificially form part of the domus of the adopter under the potestas of a new paterfamilias with the purpose or social function of securing the cult of the manes gods. Progressively, adoption became widespread in social customs and became a tool to ascend the social ladder, acquire inheritance, evade certain exclusions imposed by legislation, exchange surplus children among different family groups, establish personal alliances, of kinship and of inter-familial dynastic solidarity, and of designating a political successor under the election of the optimus (chief emperors and emperors of the Roman nobilitas). During the Justinian reign, the family structure is transformed and the adoptio is subdivided into two modalities: adoptio plena and adoptio minus plena.Ciencias ReligiosasDerech


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    Roman adoption is the antecedent of our current normative system. Both adoptio and adrogatio allowed someone to artificially form part of the domus of the adopter under the potestas of a new paterfamilias with the purpose or social function of securing the cult of the manes gods. Progressively, adoption became widespread in social customs and became a tool to ascend the social ladder, acquire inheritance, evade certain exclusions imposed by legislation, exchange surplus children among different family groups, establish personal alliances, of kinship and of inter-familial dynastic solidarity, and of designating a political successor under the election of the optimus (chief emperors and emperors of the Roman nobilitas). During the Justinian reign, the family structure is transformed and the adoptio is subdivided into two modalities: adoptio plena and adoptio minus plena