4,812 research outputs found

    Optimization of a low weight electronic differential for LEVs

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    It is presented a performance analysis of an Electronic Differential (ED) system designed for Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs). We have developed a test tricycle vehicle with one front steering wheel and two rear fixed units is a same axis with a brushless DC integrated in each of them. Each motor has an independent controller unit and a common Arduino electronic CPU based that can plan specific speeds for each wheels as curves are being traced. Different implementations of sensors (input current/torque, steering angle and speed of the wheels) are discussed related to hardware complexity, and performance obtained based on speed level requirements and slipping on the traction wheels.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    An advanced symbolic analyzer for the automatic generation of analog circuit design equations

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    A tool for symbolic analysis of analog integrated circuits is presented featuring accurate simplification, pole/zero extraction, and tools for parametric AC circuit characterization. The program, called ASAP, uses signal flowgraph methods and has been written in C for portability. In its current version, ASAP is able to deal with the complexity levels arising in typical analog building blocks when described by device-level models. The ASAP inputs and outputs, the architecture, and the graphical interface are discussed

    En torno al proceso de caracterización barroca del retablo toledano del siglo XVII

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    With this work is to put the time in which the toledan altarpiece of mediated of the XVIIth century adopts the typological features and formal of the baroque altarpiece of Madrid, a change than customs the architect Juan Gómez Lobo constituting a well-defined art of which is exponent the altarpiece of Ntra. Sra. de la Esperanza in the church of San Lucas, an example the baroque standardization of the altarpiece in Toledo in the sixties.Con este trabajo se trata de situar el momento en el que el retablo toledano de mediados del siglo XVII adopta las características tipológicas y formales del retablo barroco madrileño, cambio que personaliza el arquitecto Juan Gómez Lobo constituyendo un arte bien definido del que es exponente el retablo de Ntra. Sra. de la Esperanza de la iglesia de San Lucas, ejemplo de la normalización barroca del retablo en Toledo en la década de los sesenta

    Neurobiología del Trastorno por Estrés Postraumático

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es hacer una revisión bibliográfica sobre las alteraciones que presentan los sujetos con Trastorno por Estrés Postraumático (TEPT) a nivel de cambios neuroanatómicos estructurales y funcionales, sistema endocrino y sistema inmunológico. Para ello, se usará la herramienta de búsqueda PudMed en las que se buscarán estudios acerca de los diferentes aspectos citados anteriormente. En la introducción se justifica brevemente la elección del tema y se aportan datos epidemiológicos sobre el TEPT a nivel mundial y nacional, sobre todo. En la primera parte se aporta el desarrollo histórico de forma breve y la definición de TEPT y estrés. En la segunda parte se detallan los cambios que encontramos en el TEPT a nivel neuroanatómico, desequilibrio neuroquímico, alteraciones en el sistema endocrino, en concreto, en el eje hipotálamo-hipofisario-adrenal y en el eje simpático-adrenomedular, y, por último, en el sistema inmunológico, comparados todos ellos con el funcionamiento normal. En el último apartado se expondrán las conclusiones tras analizar todos los resultados

    See5 Algorithm versus Discriminant Analysis. An Application to the Prediction of Insolvency in Spanish Non-life Insurance Companies

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    Prediction of insurance companies insolvency has arised as an important problem in the field of financial research, due to the necessity of protecting the general public whilst minimizing the costs associated to this problem. Most methods applied in the past to tackle this question are traditional statistical techniques which use financial ratios as explicative variables. However, these variables do not usually satisfy statistical assumptions, what complicates the application of the mentioned methods.In this paper, a comparative study of the performance of a well-known parametric statistical technique (Linear Discriminant Analysis) and a non-parametric machine learning technique (See5) is carried out. We have applied the two methods to the problem of the prediction of insolvency of Spanish non-life insurance companies upon the basis of a set of financial ratios. Results indicate a higher performance of the machine learning technique, what shows that this method can be a useful tool to evaluate insolvency of insurance firms.Insolvency, Insurance Companies, Discriminant Analysis, See5.

    The supply of transports in the european atlantic arc: a strength of infrastructures transeuropeas for the development of the regional economies.

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    Transport and communication infrastructures constitute one of the mainstays of regional development. The practice of this service attributed to transport and communication networks results in the genesis of a free flux of goods, capital, work and information throughout those regions which are enjoying the best territorial structuring. This way, investment in connectivity tends to encourage the creation of territorial access patterns which give rise, in their turn, to comparative advantages with regard to tertiary regional economies. This investment effort operates within the regional economies as a sort of drive motor. Firstly, it triggers the arrival of foreign capital, considered in terms of Direct Foreign Inversion (DFI). Secondly, the modernization of the transport network tends to have an effect on the industrial re-localization processes as well as on the steadily increasing diversification of the regional productive system. And thirdly, fixed social capital investment in transport tends to boost the action of two factors which are of the utmost importance. On the one hand, we can appreciate the increase of equal opportunity as well as of public property (general interest). On the other, we can see the territorial expansion of inter-territorial solidarity. This all would have a direct effect on regional economies, which would ultimately meet a steadily increase in social an economical cohesion rates. Keywords: Crowding-in, crowding-out, trade-off, fixed social capital, territorial connectivity, territorial accessibility, hinterland, public capital stock, inter-modality, modal chain, multimodality, operativity, Trans-European Transport Network (TEN), spillover effects, potential mobility demand.