297 research outputs found

    Az 1944 előtt munkálkodó állatorvos-történészeinkről

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    Modulation-frequency acts as a primary cue for auditory stream segregation

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    In our surrounding acoustic world sounds are produced by different sources and interfere with each other before arriving to the ears. A key function of the auditory system is to provide consistent and robust descriptions of the coherent sound groupings and sequences (auditory objects), which likely correspond to the various sound sources in the environment. This function has been termed auditory stream segregation. In the current study we tested the effects of separation in the frequency of amplitude modulation on the segregation of concurrent sound sequences in the auditory stream-segregation paradigm (van Noorden 1975). The aim of the study was to assess 1) whether differential amplitude modulation would help in separating concurrent sound sequences and 2) whether this cue would interact with previously studied static cues (carrier frequency and location difference) in segregating concurrent streams of sound. We found that amplitude modulation difference is utilized as a primary cue for the stream segregation and it interacts with other primary cues such as frequency and location difference

    Halogén- és kéntartalmú oxianionok reakcióinak kinetikája és mechanizmusa = Kinetics and Mechanism of the Reactions of Some Halogen and Sulfur containing Oxyanions.

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    A kutatási támogatás négy évében számos, eddig ismeretlen, rendszer kinetikáját és mechanizmusát tanulmányoztuk, vagy a korábbi ismereteket kiegészítettük, amellyel lehetővé vált az adott rendszer pontosabb leírása. Az elért eredmények mindegyike a projektjavaslat értelmében különböző, kéntartalmú szervetlen oxianion (szulfit, tioszulfát, tetrationát, pentationát) oxidációs reakcióinak kinetikai vizsgálatára korlátozódott. Mivel a vizsgált rendszerek java része modellreakcióként használatos nemlineáris dinamikai jelenségek tanulmányozására, az új ismeretek hozzájárulhatnak ezek pontosabb megismeréséhez is. | The kinetics of several reaction system either with so far unknown mechanism (or kinetic model) has been studied during this 4-year project. In other cases the information about the given reaction system has been supplemented that allowed us to refine the kinetic model available in the literature. All the results accomplished were based on studying the kinetics and the mechanism of different sulfur containing oxyanions such as sulfite, thiosulfate, tetrathionate and pentathionate. Since majority of the systems investigated are used as a tool for studying nonlinear dynamical phenomena, the new information achieved in the frame of this OTKA project may contribute to better understanding of these phenomena as well


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