22 research outputs found

    Gry miejskie w działalności edukacyjnej archiwów, red. H. Mazur, A. Rosa, Forum Edukatorów Archiwalnych, Kielce–Toruń 2017, ss. 100.

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    Gry miejskie w działalności edukacyjnej archiwów, red. H. Mazur, A. Rosa, Forum Edukatorów Archiwalnych, Kielce–Toruń 2017, ss. 100

    III Spotkanie Forum Edukatorów Archiwalnych. Warszawa, 23 VI 2016 r.

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    The Stimulation of Polymodal Sensory Perception by Skarżyński (SPPS-S): comparison of stationary and remote therapy results

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    Hearing is a sense, which has a significant impact on a child’s development. Disorders connected with hearing can have impact in a various form and affect each area of life. Hearing disorders may concern peripheral auditory system as well as its parts responsible for central processing. It is estimated that central auditory processing disorders in its isolated form concern 2-3% of the population of school-age children, however, the problem co-occurring with other disorders may affect even several dozen percents of children. According to the available recommendations, there are three main therapeutic approaches in the treatment of patients with auditory processing disorders: transforming the school environment, teaching the child strategies how to compensate his or her difficulties or using hearing trainings focused on a specific deficit. The main aim of the study is to present the results of SPPS-S therapy dedicated to patients with central auditory processing disorders who have completed the remote version of the method in comparison with patients performing therapy in a rehabilitation center. The Stimulation of Polymodal Sensory Perception by Skarżyński (original name in polish SPPS-S) is a treatment applicable for many different groups of disorders showing comorbidity with central auditory processing disorders. Solutions present in SPPS-S offer multifaceted therapy activating different perceptual modalities (hearing, vision and touch) at the same time, as well as their integration and coordination. Patient may receive the SPPS-S therapy either in the rehabilitation center or at home. The material used to assess the effectiveness of SPPS-S-based therapy included the results of 100 patients who received remote SPPS-S therapy compared to the results of 100 patients who performed therapy at a specialized center. Statistical analysis of the results obtained, which showed that the therapy used resulted in a statistically significant improvement in all auditory functions studied. Results confirm the high effectiveness of The Stimulation of Polymodal Sensory Perception by Skarżyński, both in stationary and remotely implemented form. The quality of telerehabilitation interventions was maintained at the same level as in therapeutic work at the therapeutic center, which was confirmed by the results of patients. Remote SPPS-S therapy as an effective telerehabilitation method has become an effective form of supporting patients in their own homes

    Proton beam irradiation inhibits the migration of melanoma cells

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    In recent years experimental data have indicated that low-energy proton beam radiation might induce a difference in cellular migration in comparison to photons. We therefore set out to compare the effect of proton beam irradiation and X-rays on the survival and long-term migratory properties of two cell lines: uveal melanoma Mel270 and skin melanoma BLM.Cells treated with either proton beam or X-rays were analyzed for their survival using clonogenic assay and MTT test. Long-term migratory properties were assessed with time-lapse monitoring of individual cell movements, wound test and transpore migration, while the expression of the related proteins was measured with western blot.Exposure to proton beam and X-rays led to similar survival but the quality of the cell colonies was markedly different. More paraclones with a low proliferative activity and fewer highly-proliferative holoclones were found after proton beam irradiation in comparison to X-rays. At 20 or 40 days post-irradiation, migratory capacity was decreased more by proton beam than by X-rays. The beta-1-integrin level was decreased in Mel270 cells after both types of radiation, while vimentin, a marker of EMT, was increased in BLM cells only.We conclude that proton beam irradiation induced long-term inhibition of cellular motility, as well as changes in the level of beta-1 integrin and vimentin. If confirmed, the change in the quality, but not in the number of colonies after proton beam irradiation might favor tumor growth inhibition after fractionated proton therapy

    A report on the 3rd Forum of Archival Educators (Warsaw, General Directory of State Archives, June 23, 2016)

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    Influence of ionizing radiation on cancer cells.

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    Radioterapia jest powszechną metodą leczenia nowotworów, która wykorzystuje promieniowanie jonizujące. Jedna z odmian radioterapii, terapia wiązką protonów, powoduje inne skutki biologiczne niż konwencjonalna fotonowa terapia, w wyniku biofizycznych właściwości protonów .W niniejszej pracy zbadano skuteczność promieniowania X oraz promieniowania wiązką protonów. Badania przeprowadzono na komórkach ludzkiego raka piersi (MCF-7) oraz ludzkiego czerniaka skóry (pochodzących z przerzutu do płuc, BLM). Komórki poddano promieniowaniu X oraz promieniowaniu wiązką protonów w dawkach 1, 3 lub 5 Gy. Przeprowadzono testy sprawdzające przeżywalność komórek, zmianę aktywności metabolicznej, zmianę zdolności do migracji oraz sprawdzenie obecności cząsteczek adhezyjnych. W wyniku przeprowadzonych eksperymentów stwierdzono, iż przeżywalność komórek po napromienianiu wiązką protonów oraz promieniowaniem X jest porównywalna. Zauważono, iż migracja komórek po napromieniowaniu wiązką protonów oraz promieniowaniem X została spowolniona. W komórkach BLM, 20 oraz 40 dni po napromieniowaniu komórek następuje spadek ekspresji integryny beta 1 oraz wzrost ekspresji wimentyny.Radiotherapy is a commonly applied cancer treatment that uses ionizing radiation. One type of radiation therapy, proton beam therapy, causes different biological effects due to superior proton biophysical properties. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of X-ray and proton beam radiation on breast cancer cells (MCF-7) and lung metastatic melanoma (BLM) cells. Cells were exposed to X and proton beam radiation at 1, 3, or 5 Gy. Several tests were conducted to examine cell survival, metabolic activity, migration, and the presence of adhesion molecules. Survival of cells after proton beam irradiation and X-radiation is comparable. The migration of cells after proton beam irradiation and X-radiation has been slowed down. Furthermore, both types of radiation caused decrease of beta-1-integrin level and increase of vimentin level for BLM cells 20 and 40 days post irradiation

    Social problems and social work in acting papers of Polish political parties

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    The paper analyses political parties’ programmes. Special attention is paid to these elements of their programme, which are strictly connected with social work and social policy. Social problems with different density are presented in the programmes of all political parties. An important task in the after voting period is the realization of political parties’ electoral promises in social matters, including different political and economic considerations

    „Co będziesz robić na emeryturze ?” - znaczenie pracy socjalnej wśród osób starszych

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    Parytety jako kwestia polityki społecznej

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    The article concerns problems of equal representation of women and men in Polish political life. Examines the process leading up to the current quota system. The author presents the general principles apply in different countries and the UN role in supporting the process of equality