47 research outputs found

    Aplicaciones de la termografia infrarroja y la espectrorradiometría en el estudio del deterioro del patrimonio arquitectónico nacional

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    It is well known the problems in ancient monumental buildings caused by atmospheric agents. Besides of natural causes, the rise in the atmospheric contamination levels has played an important role in the deterioration of the stones of our national heritage art. Regrettably the partial scientific knowledge of the causes that produced the called "stone disease", has taken to inappropriate restorations that far from solving the problem, they have increased the deterioration process. The need of finding quick and efficient diagnostic methods, specially non-destructive analysis techniques, has originated the use of Infrared Thermography and Spectroradiometry as support tools in the study of the deterioration of monumental stones. The first results are presented in this work.Son conocidos los problemas que la acción de los agentes atmosféricos causa a nuestro patrimonio monumental. Sin duda, el aumento de la contaminación atmosférica contribuye a aumentar las causas naturales del deterioro de las piedras que constituyen nuestro legado histórico. Lamentablemente, el conocimiento científico parcial de las causas que producen el denominado "mal de piedra", ha conllevado a restauraciones inapropiadas que, en no pocas ocasiones, lejos de solucionar el problema, han incrementado el proceso de deterioro o degradación. La necesidad de encontrar métodos de diagnóstico rápidos y eficientes, especialmente los denominados como técnicas de análisis no destructivos, ha dado lugar a la aplicación de la Termografía Infrarroja (TIR) y la Espectrorradiometría (ER) como herramientas de apoyo al estudio del deterioro de las piedras monumentales y cuyos primeros resultados presentamos en este trabajo

    Production of highly bioactive resveratrol analogues pterostilbene and piceatannol in metabolically engineered grapevine cell cultures

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    Summary Grapevine stilbenes, particularly trans-resveratrol, have a demonstrated pharmacological activity. Other natural stilbenes derived from resveratrol such as pterostilbene or piceatannol, display higher oral bioavailability and bioactivity than the parent compound, but are far less abundant in natural sources. Thus, to efficiently obtain these bioactive resveratrol derivatives, there is a need to develop new bioproduction systems. Grapevine cell cultures are able to produce large amounts of easily recoverable extracellular resveratrol when elicited with methylated cyclodextrins and methyl jasmonate. We devised this system as an interesting starting point of a metabolic engineering-based strategy to produce resveratrol derivatives using resveratrolconverting enzymes. Constitutive expression of either Vitis vinifera resveratrol O-methyltransferase (VvROMT) or human cytochrome P450 hydroxylase 1B1 (HsCYP1B1) led to pterostilbene or piceatannol, respectively, after the engineered cell cultures were treated with the aforementioned elicitors. Functionality of both gene products was first assessed in planta by Nicotiana benthamiana agroinfiltration assays, in which tobacco cells transiently expressed stilbene synthase and VvROMT or HsCYP1B1. Grapevine cell cultures transformed with VvROMT produced pterostilbene, which was detected in both intra- and extracellular compartments, at a level of micrograms per litre. Grapevine cell cultures transformed with HsCYP1B1 produced about 20 mg/L culture of piceatannol, displaying a sevenfold increase in relation to wild-type cultures, and reaching an extracellular distribution of up to 45% of total production. The results obtained demonstrate the feasibility of this novel system for the bioproduction of natural and more bioactive resveratrol derivatives and suggest new ways for the improvement of production yield

    A reliable protocol for the stable transformation of non-embryogenic cells cultures of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) and Taxus x media

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    One of the major intent of metabolic engineering in cell culture systems is to increase yields of secondary metabolites. Efficient transformation methods are a priority to successfully apply metabolic engineering to cell cultures of plants that produce bioactive or therapeutic compounds, such as Vitis vinifera and Taxus x media. The aim of this study was to establish a reliable method to transform non-embryogenic cell cultures of these species. The V. vinifera cv. Gamay/cv. Monastrell cell lines and Taxus x media were used for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation using the Gateway-compatible Agrobacterium sp. binary vector system for fast reliable DNA cloning. The Taxus x media and Vitis cell lines were maintained in culture for more than 4 and 15 months, respectively, with no loss of reporter gene expression or antibiotic resistance. The introduced genes had no discernible effect on cell growth, or led to extracellular accumulation of phytoalexin trans-Resveratrol (t-R) in response to elicitation with methylated cyclodextrins (MBCD) and methyl jasmonate (MeJA) in the grapevine transgenic cell lines compared to the parental control. The method described herein provides an excellent tool to exploit exponentially growing genomic resources to enhance, optimize or diversify the production of bioactive compounds generated by grapevine and yew cell cultures, and offers a better understanding of many grapevine and yew biology areas.This work has been supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (BIO2011-29856-C02-01, BIO2011-29856-C02-02 and BIO2014-51861-R), European Funds for Regional Development (FEDER) and Conselleria d’Educacio, Cultura i Sport de la Generalitat Valenciana (FPA/2013/A/074). J.M.C. holds a postdoctoral grant from SENESCYT-GOVERNMENT OF ECUADOR (006-IECESMG5-GPLR-2012)

    Graphene. Part II : processes and feasibility of its production

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    Ante el descubrimiento del grafeno, un material con propiedades de gran interés tecnológico, la industria busca optimizar sus mecanismos de producción con el objetivo de abordar un mercado para el cual se prevé un gran crecimiento. La síntesis de grafeno puede llevarse a cabo mediante diversos procesos, si bien para cada uno de ellos se pueden advertir diferencias respecto la calidad del producto final. Entre tales procesos, se distinguen dos grupos: aquellos que parten de átomos de carbono para sintetizar grafeno (métodos bottom-up), o aquellos que parten de estructuras más complejas (métodos top-down). En la primera parte de este trabajo se presentó una revisión sobre el estado actual del conocimiento de las propiedades del grafeno y sus aplicaciones posibles. En esta segunda parte se presentan diversas tecnologías para su producción, con el fin de determinar la viabilidad de una planta, desde los puntos de vista técnico y económico. Mediante un análisis multicriterio, se ha seleccionado como tecnología más viable el método de producción basado en la deposición química de vapor. También, se ha estimado la viabilidad económica de un planta que produjera unos 375 m2/año de grafeno monocapa.Postprint (published version

    Guía de cribado del cáncer de cuello de útero en España, 2014

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    Justificación de la Guía de cribado del cáncer de cuello de útero en España, 2014 El cáncer de cuello uterino (CCU) es la tercera neoplasia más frecuente en el mundo en las mujeres. El cribado de mujeres sanas mediante citología cervical ha demostrado claramente su eficacia, puesto que su aplicación de forma adecuada y sistemática en determinados países ha conseguido reducir en un 70-80% la incidencia y mortalidad por CCU. Este beneficio se debe a la detección de lesiones premalignas asintomáticas cuyo diagnóstico y tratamiento evita su progresión a carcinoma invasor..


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    La fonction de texture des particules de γ-Fe2O3 monodomaines constituant les bandes magnétiques a été déterminée quantitativement par l'exploitation des spectres d'absorption Mössbauer et des cycles d'hystérésis. Il a été vérifié que la contribution des termes d'ordre supérieur à 1 = 4 peut être négligée.The texture function of single domain γ-Fe2O3 particles belonging to magnetic tapes has been quantitatively evaluated by using data of Mössbauer spectroscopy and magnetic hysteresis loop measurements. It has been verified that the contribution of the terms having 1 > 4 can be neglected

    Numerical modelling of gas particle fluidised bed dynamics

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:DXN035029 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo