480 research outputs found

    Minimal subtraction and the Callan-Symanzik equation

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    The usual proof of renormalizability using the Callan-Symanzik equation makes explicit use of normalization conditions. It is shown that demanding that the renormalization group functions take the form required for minimal subtraction allows one to prove renormalizability using the Callan-Symanzik equation, without imposing normalization conditions. Scalar field theory and quantum electrodynamics are treated.Comment: 6 pages, plain Te

    Abelian 3-form gauge theory: superfield approach

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    We discuss a D-dimensional Abelian 3-form gauge theory within the framework of Bonora-Tonin's superfield formalism and derive the off-shell nilpotent and absolutely anticommuting Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin (BRST) and anti-BRST symmetry transformations for this theory. To pay our homage to Victor I. Ogievetsky (1928-1996), who was one of the inventors of Abelian 2-form (antisymmetric tensor) gauge field, we go a step further and discuss the above D-dimensional Abelian 3-form gauge theory within the framework of BRST formalism and establish that the existence of the (anti-)BRST invariant Curci-Ferrari (CF) type of restrictions is the hallmark of any arbitrary p-form gauge theory (discussed within the framework of BRST formalism).Comment: LaTeX file, 8 pages, Talk delivered at BLTP, JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russi

    Gluon Fragmentation into Heavy Quarkonium

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    The dominant production mechanism for heavy quark-antiquark bound states in very high energy processes is fragmentation, the splitting of a high energy parton into a quarkonium state and other partons. We show that the fragmentation functions D(z,ÎĽ)D(z,\mu) describing these processes can be calculated using perturbative QCD. We calculate the fragmentation functions for a gluon to split into S-wave quarkonium states to leading order in the QCD coupling constant. The leading logarithms of ÎĽ/mQ\mu/m_Q, where ÎĽ\mu is the factorization scale and mQm_Q is the heavy quark mass, are summed up using Altarelli-Parisi evolution equations.Comment: LateX 11 pages (3 figures available upon request). NUHEP-TH-92-2

    Predictive Values of Transcutaneous Oxygen Tension for Above-the-ankle Amputation in Diabetic Patients with Critical Limb Ischemia

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    ObjectiveTo assess the values of transcutaneous oxygen tension (TcPO2) capable of predicting above-the-ankle amputation in diabetic patients diagnosed for critical limb ischemia (CLI) according to the criteria of the TransAtlantic Inter-Society Consensus.DesignRetrospective study.MethodsFrom January 1999 to December 2003, 564 diabetic patients were consecutively hospitalized for CLI in one limb. Revascularization with angioplasty or bypass graft was performed when possible and, if not possible, prostanoid therapy was used. In patients in whom therapies did not relieve the rest pain or the gangrene was extended above the Chopart joint, an above-the-ankle-amputation was performed. After treatment TcPO2 values were evaluated in all patients at the dorsum of the foot.ResultsFifty-five (9.8%) patients underwent an above-the-ankle amputation: 22 of 420 patients who underwent angioplasty, 17 of 117 patients who underwent bypass (14.5%) and 16 of 27 patients in whom revascularization was not possible. Post-treatment TcPO2, measured by a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, showed a value 34mmHg as the best threshold for determining the need for revascularization, with an area under the curve of 0.89 (95%CI 0.85–0.94).Using logistic regression analysis the probability of above-the-ankle amputation for this threshold is 9.7% and reduces to 3% for TcPO2>40mmHg.ConclusionTcPO2 levels<34mmHg indicate the need for revascularization, while for values ≥ 34<40mmHg this need appears less pressing, although there remains a considerable probability of amputation. TcPO2 levels greater than 40mmHg suggest that revascularization is dependent on the severity of tissue loss and possible morbidity caused by the procedure

    Pré-compostagem de cadáveres de bovinos acometidos pelo botulismo.

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    Foram pré-compostados, em células individuais e isoladas, cinco cadáveres de bovinos acometidos pelo botulismo com a finalidade de monitorar a presença de esporos de Clostridium botulinum e de toxina botulínica antes e após o processo de decomposição em leira estática com fonte de carbono. O diagnóstico da intoxicação nos animais foi baseado nas características clínico-patológicas, epidemiológicas ou laboratoriais. Dos cinco bovinos com evolução clínica crônica de botulismo, cujos cadáveres foram pré-compostados, três foram acometidos pela toxina tipo D, um pelo complexo CD e um dos animais foi negativo na tentativa de detecção da toxina e de esporos da bactéria nas vísceras pelo bioensaio e neutralização em camundongo. O processo de pré-compostagem foi realizado em leira estática, com o uso de material carbonáceo umidificado como substrato e esquartejamento do animal, vedado individualmente com lona plástica e sem aeração por um período de 50 dias. A temperatura das leiras foi monitorada durante o período e oscilou de 40,5-52,4ºC. Após a abertura das leiras, pôde-se constatar a completa decomposição de todo material mole, com redução significativa do seu peso (de 26,5-44,5%), restando apenas os ossos. Não foi detectado esporo ou toxina botulínica no interior dos ossos (n=5 para cada cadáver). Nas 200 amostras examinadas do homogeneizado restante (n=40 para cada cadáver), em apenas duas amostras de uma leira foram detectados esporos de C. botulinum tipo C, enquanto que todas foram negativas para a tentativa de detecção da toxina botulínica pelo bioensaio em camundongo. Da forma como foi avaliado o processo de pré-compostagem de bovinos mortos pela intoxicação botulínica não contribuiu para a proliferação de C. botulinum. Five carcasses of cattle that died from botulism were composted in individual isolated beds with the purpose of monitoring the effect on spores of Clostridium botulinum and of botulinum toxin. The diagnosis of botulinum poisoning was based on clinical and pathological, epidemic and/or laboratorial characteristics. Of the five bovines with clinical signs of chronic botulism, three were affected by the type D toxin, one by the CD complex, and one was negative for toxin and spores of C. botulinum in the viscera using a mouse bioassay. The composting process was carried out in beds with carcasses cut up and mixed with sawdust as a carbon source. They were kept anaerobic under a plastic sheet for 50 days. The temperature of the beds was monitored during the period and oscillated from 40.5 to 52.4ºC. After this time, soft tissue had complete decomposed with a significant loss of weight (26.5-44.5%). The remaining bones no longer contained spores or botulinum toxin in the 5 samples taken from each carcass. Only 2 of the 200 samples of homogenized remaining (40 for each carcass) contained spores of C. botulinum type C. All samples were negative for botulinum toxin using the mouse bioassay. Composting carcasses of cattle that died from botulism eliminated botulinum spores and toxin from the remains

    Interacting Vector-Spinor and Nilpotent Supersymmetry

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    We formulate an interacting theory of a vector-spinor field that gauges anticommuting spinor charges \{Q_\alpha{}^I, Q_\beta{}^J \} = 0 in arbitrary space-time dimensions. The field content of the system is (\psi_\mu{}^{\alpha I}, \chi^{\alpha I J}, A_\mu{}^I), where \psi_\mu{}^{\alpha I} is a vector-spinor in the adjoint representation of an arbitrary gauge group, and A_\mu{}^I is its gauge field, while \chi^{\alpha I J} is an extra spinor with antisymmetric adjoint indices I J. Amazingly, the consistency of the vector-spinor field equation is maintained, despite its non-trivial interactions.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    Zur Personenwahrnehmung im Attributionsgeschehen: Eine Replikation der klassischen Arbeit von Heider und Simmel (1944)

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    Als zentraler Befund der einflussreichen Arbeit von Heider und Simmel [American Journal of Psychology, 57, 243-259 (1944)]zeigte sich, dass bewegte geometrische Objekte ganz überwiegend als intentional handelnde Lebewesen wahrgenommen werden und diese wiederum mehrheitlich als Personen. Da die Originaluntersuchung ausschließlich Frauen miteinbezog und die Darstellung der Ergebnisse mitunter keine genauen Angaben zur Häufigkeit personaler Kausalität erlaubt, wird eine Replikation durchgeführt, um die Befunde auf eine breiter generalisierbare Basis zu stellen. Unter Verwendung des Originalversuchsmaterials zeigt sich auch bei konservativer Analyse der Ergebnisse, dass geschlechtsunabhängig weniger als 35 % der Teilnehmenden die geometrischen Objekte als Lebewesen beschrieben. Von denjenigen, die die Objekte als beseelt wahrnahmen, wurden diese in etwa 80 % der Fälle als Menschen bezeichnet. Mögliche Erklärungen dieser Abweichungen von den Originalbefunden werden diskutiert

    Quantum properties of a non-Abelian gauge invariant action with a mass parameter

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    We continue the study of a local, gauge invariant Yang-Mills action containing a mass parameter, which we constructed in a previous paper starting from the nonlocal gauge invariant mass dimension two operator F_{\mu\nu} (D^2)^{-1} F_{\mu\nu}. We return briefly to the renormalizability of the model, which can be proven to all orders of perturbation theory by embedding it in a more general model with a larger symmetry content. We point out the existence of a nilpotent BRST symmetry. Although our action contains extra (anti)commuting tensor fields and coupling constants, we prove that our model in the limit of vanishing mass is equivalent with ordinary massless Yang-Mills theories. The full theory is renormalized explicitly at two loops in the MSbar scheme and all the renormalization group functions are presented. We end with some comments on the potential relevance of this gauge model for the issue of a dynamical gluon mass generation.Comment: 17 pages. v2: version accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.
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