56 research outputs found

    Levantamento da geoespacialização e estatística do sporothrix spp em plataformas digitais acadêmicas no brasil

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    Sporothrix consists of the dimorphic genus of fungi, among the species, S. schenckii, S. mexicana, S. globosa and S. brasiliensis. It can be found in soil and decaying plant matter around the world, especially in tropical and subtropical regions. Infections produced by the fungus result from the traumatic inoculation of fungal filaments through the skin. There are increasing occurrences of contamination between humans and domestic animals in Brazil. The objective was to reflect on research at the postgraduate level carried out in Brazilian universities, optionally considering doctoral theses. State-of-the-art and bibliographic methodologies were used, considering the time frame from 2011 to 2020, in the databases, CAPES and BDBTD platforms. With the data, statistical analysis of ANOVA and geospatialization with the QGIS software were used. With the results, 18 and 31 theses were retrieved respectively from the platforms, analyzed from the perspective of the thematic axes, public health, infection and treatment, pharmacology and veterinary sciences. It can be concluded that there are records of the presence of the fungus in the country since the 80s, and the treatment of the disease depends on the therapy, it is a zoonosis and, therefore, a public health issue in some states by mandatory notificationO Sporothrix consiste no gênero de fungos tipo dimórfico, dentre as espécies, S. schenckii, S. mexicana, S. globosa e S. brasiliensis. Pode ser encontrado no solo e em matéria vegetal em vias de decomposição no mundo, sobretudo, regiões tropicais e subtropicais. Infecções produzidas pelo fungo resultam da inoculação traumática de filamentos fúngicos através da pele. Há crescentes ocorrências de contaminação entre humanos e animais domésticos no Brasil. Objetivou-se refletir sobre pesquisas ao nível de pós-graduação realizadas em universidades brasileiras, considerando opcionalmente teses de doutoramento. Utilizou-se das metodologias Estado da Arte e bibliográfica, considerando o recorte temporal de 2011 a 2020, nos bancos de dados, plataformas CAPES e BDBTD. Com os dados fez-se uso da análise estatística da ANOVA e geoespacialização com o software QGIS. Com os resultados foram recuperadas 18 e 31 teses respectivamente das plataformas, analisadas sob a perspectiva dos eixos temáticos, saúde pública, infecção e tratamento, farmacologia e ciências veterinárias. Pode-se concluir que há registros da presença do fungo no país desde os anos 80, bem como o tratamento da doença depende da terapêutica, trata-se de uma zoonose e, portanto, questão de saúde púbica em alguns estados por notificação obrigatóri

    Phytoplankton biomass dynamics and environmental variables around the Rocas Atoll Biological Reserve, South Atlantic

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    The Rocas Atoll Biological Reserve is located in the Atlantic Ocean, at 3º 51' S and 33º 49' W. It lies 143 nautical miles from the City of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil). The purpose of this study was to analyze the hydrology, water masses, currents and chlorophyll a content to determine the dynamics of phytoplankton biomass around the Rocas Atoll. Samples were collected in July 2010 in the area around the Atoll, using the Research Vessel Cruzeiro do Sul of the Brazilian Navy. Two transects were established according to the surface currents, one of which at the southeast of the Atoll (SE) and the other at norwest (NW). Three collection points were determined on each of these transects. Samples were collected at different depths (surface and DCM - Deep Chlorophyll Maximum) and different times (day and night). According to PCA (Principal Component Analysis), the nutrients analyzed, DIN (dissolved inorganic nitrogen), DIP (dissolved inorganic phosphorus) and silicate, were inversely correlated with temperature and dissolved oxygen. Most environmental variables showed a significant increase due to the turbulence on the Northwest transect. There was an increase in the concentration of chlorophyll a and nutrients when the temperature and oxygen in the mixed layer was reduced due to the influence of the SACW (South Atlantic Central Water). Despite the increase observed in some variables such as nutrient salts and chlorophyll a, the temperature in the mixed layer attained a mean value of 23.23 ºC due to the predominance of Tropical Water. The increase of the phytoplankton biomass on the NW transect was, therefore, caused by the "island effect" and not by upwelling.A Reserva Biológica do Atol das Rocas situa-se no Oceano Atlântico, a 3º 51 'S e 33º 49' W, distante 143 milhas náuticas da cidade de Natal, estado do Rio Grande do Norte (Brasil). Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a hidrologia, massas de água, correntes e o teor de clorofila a para determinar a dinâmica da biomassa fitoplanctônica em torno do Atol das Rocas. As amostras foram coletadas em julho de 2010 na área em torno do atol, usando o navio Oceanográfico da Marinha do Brasil, Cruzeiro do Sul. Dois transectos foram estabelecidos de acordo com a corrente superficial, um transecto em direção sudeste (SE) e o outro, em direção noroeste (NO) do Atol das Rocas. Nestes transectos foram determinados três pontos de coleta para cada um. As amostras foram coletadas em diferentes profundidades (superfície e PMC - Profundidade Máxima de Clorofila) e diferentes períodos do dia (dia e noite). De acordo com a ACP (Análise de Componentes Principais), observou-se que os nutrientes analisados, NID (nitrogênio inorgânico dissolvido), PID (fósforo inorgânico dissolvido) e silicato, correlacionaram-se inversamente com a temperatura e oxigênio dissolvido. A maioria das variáveis ambientais apresentou aumento significativo em função da turbulência no transecto noroeste. Pode-se observar que houve aumento dos teores de clorofila a e nutrientes, e redução da temperatura e oxigênio na camada de mistura em função da influência da ACAS (Água Central do Atlântico Sul). Apesar do aumento observado em algumas variáveis, como sais nutrientes e clorofila a, a temperatura na camada de mistura esteve com valor médio de 23,23 ºC, devido ao predomínio da Água Tropical. Portanto, o aumento de biomassa fitoplanctônica no transecto NW foi provocado pelo "efeito ilha" e não pela ressurgência

    Application of indexes to evaluate the water quality of the Continguiba/Pindoba Irrigated Perimeter in Sergipe, Brazil

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    Irrigation makes food production viable, but the quality and quantity of water may be compromised as a result of inadequate management, which may lead to an increase in the concentration of nutrients, heavy metals and agrochemicals. This study aimed to characterize and monitor the water quality of the Continguiba/Pindoba Irrigated Perimeter in Sergipe, Brazil. Secondary data from the Water Quality Monitoring Program were used through the reports of monitoring campaigns carried out between 2013 and 2014. The Water Quality Index (WQI) and the Trophic State Index (TSI) were used in the water quality assessment. The results showed that there is an influence of seasonality, where the best indices were obtained in the rainy season, with the WQI characterized as regular to good, and the TSI characterized as oligotrophic. There was interference from the drainage of rice lots in the dry season, contributing to the increase of nutrients. There was no spatial influence for WQI, which may be related to the eclipse effect, which attenuated the negative impact of a certain variable given the aggregation of several variables. The TSI suffered spatial influence, the waters added to agricultural and fish lots were classified as oligotrophic or ultraoligotrophic, already in the drainage were found indexes of super-utrophic state

    Effect of indolebutyric acid on rooting and budding of cuttings of Glyicidium sepium

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    Studies carried out with the use of gliricidia biomass found that green manure contributes to increasing the productivity of forest crops when compared to the incorporation of other legumes. This study aimed to evaluate the viability of vegetative propagation by cuttings in the development of rooting and budding of Glyicidium sepium in different concentrations of indolebutyric acid (IBA). The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse with an entirely randomized block design and increasing concentrations of IBA 0, 625, 1250, and 3000 mg.L-1 with six replicates. The cuttings were standardized in length and diameter, then treated with sodium hypochlorite and immersed in different concentrations of IBA. The parameters plant evaluated were the sprouts number, sprouts length, sprouts diameter, sprouts dry weight, and roots dry weight. The concentration of IBA was shown to be effective in increasing all parameters studied at the IBA concentration of 2100 mg.L-1, and the higher concentrations did not offer any cost-benefit advantages for the production of gliricidia by cutting

    Aplicação da metodologia Box & Jenkins em dados de precipitação na região do sertão do estado de Pernambuco – Brasil

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    As mudanças climáticas têm chamado a atenção de muitos pesquisadores nos últimos anos. Sendo o estudo do comportamento da precipitação pluvial de suma importância para o planejamento de várias atividades econômicas, podendo ser realizado por meio de modelos de séries temporais. Assim, objetivou-se com este estudo, identificar padrões de comportamentos, usando a metodologia de Box & Jenkins, aos totais mensais de precipitação das cidades de Arcoverde, Ouricuri e Petrolina, descrevendo o comportamento da série por meio de seu modelo de decomposição, verificando a existência dos componentes de sazonalidade e de tendência para cada cidade estudada, e encontrar o modelo que melhor representa seu caráter preditivo. Os dados foram obtidos na estação meteorológica digital, Banco de Dados Meteorológicos para Ensino e Pesquisa (BDMEP), registradas no período de 1970 a 2017. No primeiro momento verificaram-se os gráficos da série histórica, no qual permite uma ideia do comportamento da série, esse comprovado através de testes estatísticos na seleção dos modelos o qual é importante fixar os critérios de seleção adotados ao longo desta etapa e por ultimo realizou-se a previsão da série. Com base nos resultados obtidos foi possível concluir que a precipitação teve um comportamento similar nas três cidades, em que os meses entre março e junho são chuvosos e entre julho e fevereiro são meses mais secos e os modelos ARMA (3,3), SARIMA (3,2)(1,1) e SARIMA (2,3)(1,1), são os que apresentaram melhores propriedades estatísticas para prever a precipitação pluviométrica nas cidades de Arcoverde, Oricuri e Petrolina, respectivamente

    Tratamento físico-químicos de efluente têxtil utilizando Sulfato de Alumínio, Carvão Ativado e Moringa Oleifera.

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    Os processos industriais de produção têxtil têm como característica o uso de grandes volumes de água durante as etapas de lavagem e tingimento dos tecidos, resultando em efluentes com enorme diversidade e complexidade química. Os efluentes descarregados em rios ou plantas de tratamento público são altamente contaminados e não são possíveis de serem removidos pela simples separação física sendo aplicados processos físico-químicos com o intuito de clarificar os efluentes. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência do processo de tratamento físico-químico com coagulação-floculação-decantação (CFD) frente ao tratamento com adsorção, usando como resposta os parâmetros cor, turbidez, pH e DQO (demanda química de oxigênio). O carvão comercial (ativado de origem comercial pulverizado em pó (CAT_P) foi utilizado como adsorvente e sulfato de alumínio (Al2(SO?)3), Carvão Ativado e Moringa Oleifera foram escolhidos como coagulantes. A aplicação dos ensaios indicaram valores dos parâmetros de controle dentro dos padrões de lançamento exigidos pela legislação brasileira e estatisticamente não houve diferença significativa. O uso do CFD com Al?(SO4)3 e CAT_P, seguidos de adsorção com CAT_P, demonstraram ser os mais eficazes com correlação aos três parâmetros, tendo uma melhor resposta aos outros tratamentos e os melhores resultados para a diminuição dos parâmetros analisados: DQO (76,99%), cor (95,40%) e turbidez (99,97%) na quantidade de carvão de 0,1 g e o tempo de agitação de 40 minutos

    Reuse of treated domestic sewage for biquinho pepper cultivation

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    This study aimed to evaluate the reuse of treated domestic sewage in biquinho pepper (Capsicum chinense L.) cultivation under different irrigation regimes. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, in a randomised block design with a 3 x 4 factorial scheme, with four replications. Forty-eight pepper plants were subjected to three treated domestic sewage concentrations (0, 50, and 100%) and four irrigation depths (75, 100, 125, and 150% of the crop evapotranspiration - ETc). Data for ETc estimation were obtained from an automatic meteorological station, which was installed in the greenhouse. The results showed that irrigation depths corresponding to 125 and 150% of the ETc at a concentration of 100% treated domestic sewage resulted in higher plants. Moreover, longer fruits were obtained when plants were subjected to 100% ETc at 100% treated domestic sewage. The studied irrigation depths influenced pepper fruit total weight and yield. No treated domestic sewage concentrations significantly influenced the variables analysed. Treated domestic sewage reuse can constitute an alternative for quality water saving and for chemical fertilisation of biquinho pepper crop. Highlights: The growing of beak pepper with domestic sewage treated can bring benefits in terms of providing nutrients to the crops; Adequate levels of water replacement with domestic sewage treated may promote good crop development. The use of treated domestic sewage can be an alternative to reduce the use of better quality water and chemical fertilization in the growing of beak pepper. Reduction of environmental impact may be possible with the replacement of chemical fertilizer by domestic sewage treated in the growing of beak pepper.This study aimed to evaluate the reuse of treated domestic sewage in biquinho pepper (Capsicum chinense L.) cultivation under different irrigation regimes. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, in a randomised block design with a 3 x 4 factorial scheme, with four replications. Forty-eight pepper plants were subjected to three treated domestic sewage concentrations (0, 50, and 100%) and four irrigation depths (75, 100, 125, and 150% of the crop evapotranspiration - ETc). Data for ETc estimation were obtained from an automatic meteorological station, which was installed in the greenhouse. The results showed that irrigation depths corresponding to 125 and 150% of the ETc at a concentration of 100% treated domestic sewage resulted in higher plants. Moreover, longer fruits were obtained when plants were subjected to 100% ETc at 100% treated domestic sewage. The studied irrigation depths influenced pepper fruit total weight and yield. No treated domestic sewage concentrations significantly influenced the variables analysed. Treated domestic sewage reuse can constitute an alternative for quality water saving and for chemical fertilisation of biquinho pepper crop. Highlights: The growing of beak pepper with domestic sewage treated can bring benefits in terms of providing nutrients to the crops; Adequate levels of water replacement with domestic sewage treated may promote good crop development. The use of treated domestic sewage can be an alternative to reduce the use of better quality water and chemical fertilization in the growing of beak pepper. Reduction of environmental impact may be possible with the replacement of chemical fertilizer by domestic sewage treated in the growing of beak pepper

    Atividade microbiológica do solo sob diferentes coberturas vegetais no Cerrado tocantinense

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    The microbial activity is very sensitive to changes in soil cover, making it an important indicator of soil quality. The study aimed to assess changes in soil microbiological activities under different vegetation coverings in the Cerrado biome of Tocantins state. The work was developed in areas of Eucalyptus sp., Pasture, agriculture and Cerrado sensu stricto in the experimental farm of the Federal University of Tocantins. The soil samples were collected in trenches of 70 x 70 cm at depths 0-10 and 10-20 cm, with six replications. The variables evaluated were: concentration and stock in the microbial biomass carbon, basal soil respiration, metabolic quotient and microbial quotient. The statistical analysis was performed using the normality test, analysis of variance and comparison of means by the Tukey test at 5% significance. The area with Eucalyptus sp. at 11 years of age, he had a stable soil microbiological activity, showing stocks in microbial biomass carbon 57.32% higher than that native forest vegetation, 84.29% that pasture and 290.91% that agriculture. The soil microbiological activities are affected by the variation of the soil vegetation cover, being efficient as an indicator of soil quality.A atividade microbiana se mostra bastante sensível a mudanças da cobertura, tornando-se um importante indicador de qualidade do solo. O estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as alterações nas atividades microbiológicas do solo sob as diferentes coberturas vegetais no cerrado do Tocantins. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em áreas de Eucalyptus sp., pastagem, agricultura e cerrado sensu stricto na fazenda experimental da Universidade Federal do Tocantins. As amostras de solo foram coletadas em trincheiras de 70 x 70 cm nas profundidades 0-10 e 10-20 cm, com seis repetições. As variáveis avaliadas foram: concentração e estoque de carbono na biomassa microbiana, respiração basal do solo, quociente metabólico e quociente microbiano. A análise estatística foi realizada por meio do teste de normalidade, análise de variância e comparação das médias pelo teste Tukey a 5% de significância. A área com Eucalyptus sp. com 11 anos apresentou uma atividade microbiológica do solo estável, apresentando estoques de carbono na biomassa microbiana superiores em 57,32 % aos da vegetação de mata nativa, 84,29 % ao da pastagem e 290,91 % ao da agricultura. As atividades microbiológicas do solo são afetadas pela variação da cobertura vegetal do solo, sendo eficiente como indicador de qualidade do solo

    Evaluation of 210Pb levels in the estuarine region of an industrial complex

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    Currently, the increase in the environmental radioactivity levels was due to anthropic activities, such as the oil industries that produce around 2.5x104 to 2.25x105 tons of contaminated materials per year. Thus, the study aimed to determine the 210Pb concentrations in the estuarine region of the SUAPE industrial complex in the state of Pernambuco. The 210Pb concentrations were determined in soil, sediment, fish, and leaf samples, using ion exchange and gamma spectrometry methods. 210Pb concentrations in soils, sediments, fish, and mangrove leaves ranged from less than LD (Detection Limit) to 992.35 Bq.kg-1. The results showed that the area related to the preoperational situation found values above those estimated for regions considered natural, presenting anthropogenic interference

    Application of statistical control on water quality in cisterns in the semiarid Pernambucano

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    In the Brazilian semi-arid region, it is necessary to use alternatives for the better use of water, since evapotranspiration rates exceed rainfall rates, which may favor salt accumulation in cistern systems. This work aimed to investigate the water quality of cisterns from communities in the semiarid region of Pernambuco state. Thus, the following physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of cistern water were monitored: color, turbidity, total dissolved solids (T.D.S.), salinity through electrical conductivity (EC), pH and total and fecal coliforms. For monitoring, statistical quality control techniques, control charts and process capacity indices were employed. Results were found with high values for microbiological, total and fecal coliforms in most samples. Control charts showed no abnormality in the process. The probable reasons for the contamination of cistern water is the lack of cleaning of the gutters that are part of the stored water catchment system. In the northeastern semi-arid population, people are looking for ways to use natural resources to ensure survival and water quality is seen as a guarantee for quality of life