333 research outputs found

    Use of propolis in the feeding of weanling pigs as an additive and for prevention of diarrhea

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    Sixty recently weaned Large White pigs of both sexes were used to study the effects of feeding different concentrations of propolis in isonitrogenous diets (18% CP) on animal performance and disease prevention. The treatments (diets) were: T1 - 500 ppm of ethanol extract of propolis EEP; T2 – 1 500 ppm of EEP, T3 – 4 500 ppm of EEP, T4 – with neither EEP, growth promoter nor coccidiostat (negative control); and T5 - 500 ppm of copper sulphate and 120 ppm of oxytetracycline (positive control). The experimental design was completely randomized with four replications. The treatments had no significant effects on live weight gain, feed consumption or feed conversion ratio, the overall means being 10.55 kg, 24.4 kg, and 2.313 kg/kg, respectively; but there was a tendency toward poorer performance in the animals of T4


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    Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar quais as redes sociais e os aplicativos mais utilizadas entre os alunos (as) surdos (as) no Ensino Superior, como ferramenta de interação e quais os motivos destes investigados acessarem a Internet. Assim, utilizando-se da troca de mensagens de textos os alunos do Curso de Ciências Humanas do Campus Pinheiro, da Universidade Federal do Maranhão puderam contribuir para esta investigação. A pesquisa contou com 12 investigados, sendo 5 surdos usuários da Libras como primeira língua e tendo a Língua Portuguesa como segunda língua. Também participaram 7 alunos ouvintes, tendo como primeira língua a Língua Portuguesa e nenhum conhecimento da Libras. Os instrumentos utilizados para a coleta de dados foram um questionário, com questões fechadas e abertas e o diário de bordo das pesquisadoras com o intuito de descrever as observações para transcrever como produto final da pesquisa. Esta caracteriza-se como um estudo de caso, pois teve uma abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa, além de ser uma pesquisa exploratória. A teoria utilizada fundamenta-se nos estudos de Pierre Lévy (1999), Stumpf (2010), Vygotsky (1935 apud REGO, 1995) e Skliar (2015) dentre outros. Neste sentido, buscou-se refletir acerca do uso das redes sociais como ferramenta que proporcionam a inclusão social dos surdos, desta forma verificou-se que a comunicação entre os alunos surdos, bem como, com os alunos ouvintes, mediada pelas novas tecnologias digitais, contribuíram significativamente para inclusão social dos investigados. No que tange aos resultados, verificou-se que os surdos fazem uso da tecnologia, como facilitador da comunicação com alunos ouvintes, pois eles afirmam que a troca de mensagens de texto escritas em português e a utilização de vídeos em Libras contribui para a inclusão social, estabelecendo assim, a comunicação ainda que a distância com outras pessoas, pois navegando na internet os surdos podem vivenciar maior interação. ABSTRACT: This research aimed to investigate the most used social networks among deaf students in Higher Education as an interaction tool and the reasons of those investigated to access the Internet. Thus, using the text message exchange, the students of the Human Sciences Course Campus Pinheiro of the Federal University of Maranhão were able to contribute to this research. The research counted on 12 investigated, being 5 deaf users of Libras like first language and having the Portuguese Language like second language. There were also 7 listening students, having as their first language the Portuguese Language and no knowledge of Libras. The instruments used for the data collection were a questionnaire, with closed and open questions and the researchers' logbook with the intention of describing the observations to be transcribed as the final product of the research. This is characterized as a case study, since it had a quantitative and qualitative approach, besides being an exploratory research. The theory used is based on the studies of Pierre Lévy (1999), Stumpf (2010), Vygotsky (1935 apud REGO, 1995) and Skliar (2015) among others. In this sense, we sought to reflect on the use of social networks as a tool that provides the social inclusion of the deaf, in this way it was verified that the communication between the deaf students, as well as, with the hearing students, mediated by the new digital technologies, contributed significantly to the social inclusion of those investigated. Regarding the results, it was verified that the deaf make use of the technology, as a facilitator of the communication with hearing students, since they affirm that the exchange of text messages written in Portuguese and the use of videos in Pounds contributes to the social inclusion , thus establishing communication even if distance with other people, because browsing the Internet the deaf can experience greater interaction. KEYWORDS: Technology. Social interaction networks. Deaf people. Listeners. Social inclusio

    Plato's theory of punishment in book IX of Laws

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    The basis of moral responsibility is the central issue of Book IX of Laws, where Plato develops his theory of punishment, conciliating the Socratic thesis that no one is voluntarily bad (οὐδεὶς ἑκὼν κακοÌÏ‚), with the practical necessity for a gradation of penalties, the latter being derived from the traditional distinction between voluntary and involuntary offences. Distinguishing two independent aspects of crimes ”“ injury (βλάβη) and injustice (ἀδικίÌα) ”“ Plato argues that the former requires only restitution, whereas injustice calls for punishment, conceived as a measure to improve the soul, affected by disordered emotions or ignorance, causes of injustice

    Reproducibility and construct validity of three non-invasive instruments for assessing the trunk range of motion in patients with low back pain

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    Mismo con una gran variabilidad de métodos e instrumentos disponibles para evaluar la amplitud de movimiento de la columna, son raros los métodos cuantitativos precisos de mensuración. El objetivo de eso estudio fue verificar la reproductibilidad intra- e inter-examinadores y validad del constructo entre medidas de amplitud de movimiento de la columna en pacientes con dolor en la región lumbar, las cuales fueron obtenidas con los instrumentos goniómetro, inclinómetro y electrogoniómetro. La reproductibilidad y validad del constructo de instrumentos fueron testadas en 58 pacientes con dolor en la región lumbar en un diseño de test y re-test, en la línea de base y después de 24 a 72 horas. Todos los instrumentos presentaron buena correlación entre sí (r>;0,60), lo que reflete buena validad del constructo, y tuvieron buenos niveles de confiabilidades inter- e intra-examinadores. Entre todos los movimientos evaluados, el inclinómetro presentó un error absoluto inter- e intra-examinador que varió del 6,20 al 7,52 y 6,75 al 11,89 grados; y lo goniómetro mostró uno del 15 al 7,85 y 2,83 al 8,06 grados; y lo electrogoniómetro con uno entre 3,27 al 16,42 y 2,72 al 8,06 grados. Por lo tanto, los instrumentos aplicados pueden ser considerados con buenos niveles de validad del constructo y reproducibles para evaluación de la amplitud de movimiento en pacientes con dolor en la región lumbar.Although there is a wide variety of methods and instruments aiming to assess the trunk range of motion, there is uncertainty regarding their construct validity and reproducibility. The objective of this study was to verify the construct validity and intra and inter-rater reproducibility of the goniometer, inclinometer and electrogoniometer in measuring the trunk range of motion in patients with history of low back pain. The measurement properties of reliability, agreement and construct validity were tested in 58 patients with low back pain using a test-retest design at baseline and after 24 to72 hours. All instruments showed good construct validity (r>;0.60) as well as good levels of intra and inter-rater reliability with measurement errors ranging from 2.83 to 16.42 degrees. Among the assessed movements, the inclinometer, goniometer and electrogoniometer instruments can be considered as having good levels of construct validity and reproducibility for the assessment of trunk range of motion in patients with low back pain.Apesar da grande variabilidade de métodos e instrumentos disponíveis para avaliar a amplitude de movimento da coluna, são escassos os métodos quantitativos precisos de mensuração. O objetivo do estudo foi verificar a reprodutibilidade intra e interexaminadores e a validade de construto entre as medidas de amplitude de movimento da coluna em pacientes com dor lombar, obtidas com os instrumentos goniômetro, inclinômetro e eletrogoniômetro. A reprodutibilidade e a validade do construto dos instrumentos foram testadas em 58 pacientes com dor lombar num delineamento de teste-reteste, na linha de base e após 24 a 72 horas. Todos os instrumentos apresentaram boa correlação entre si (r>;0,60), refletindo boa validade do construto, e obtiveram bons níveis de confiabilidades inter e intraexaminadores. Entre todos os movimentos avaliados, o inclinômetro apresentou um erro absoluto inter e intraexaminador que variou de 6,20 a 7,52 e 6,75 a 11,89 graus respectivamente; o goniômetro mostrou um erro de 3,15 a 7,85 e 2,83 a 8,06 graus, respectivamente; e o eletrogoniômetro, entre 3,27 a 16,42 e 2,72 a 8,06 graus, respectivamente. Dessa forma, todos os instrumentos utilizados podem ser considerados com bons níveis de validade do construto e reprodutíveis para avaliação da amplitude de movimento em pacientes com dor lombar

    Productive performance and physicochemical quality of grapes for processing grown on different rootstocks

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho produtivo e as características físico-químicas das cultivares de uva (Vitis labrusca) para suco Isabel Precoce, BRS Carmem, BRS Cora e IAC 138-22 Máximo, enxertadas sobre os porta-enxertos 'IAC 572 Jales' e 'IAC 766 Campinas'. Utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos ao acaso, em arranjo fatorial 4×2. O desempenho produtivo foi avaliado por meio de: produção por planta; produtividade; número de cachos por videira; e características físicas de cachos, bagas e engaços. Também foram determinadas as características físico-químicas da composição do mosto por meio do teor de sólidos solúveis, açúcares redutores, acidez titulável, índice de maturidade e pH. Como não houve interação significativa entre as cultivares e os porta-enxertos para a maioria das características avaliadas, cada fator foi analisado separadamente. O porta-enxerto 'IAC 766 Campinas' proporcionou maior produtividade e características físico-químicas mais adequadas às quatro cultivares. No entanto, independentemente do porta-enxerto utilizado, as cultivares BRS Carmem, IAC 138-22 Máximo e Isabel Precoce foram mais produtivas que BRS Cora.The objective of this work was to evaluate the productive performance and physicochemical characteristics of the Isabel Precoce, BRS Carmem, BRS Cora, and IAC 138-22 Máximo grape (Vitis labrusca) cultivars for juice grafted onto the 'IAC 572 Jales' and 'IAC 766 Campinas' rootstocks. A randomized complete block design, in a 4×2 factorial arrangement, was used. Productive performance was evaluated through: production per plant; yield; number of clusters per vine; and physical characteristics of clusters, berries, and rachis. The physicochemical characteristics of must composition were also determined through the content of soluble solids, reducing sugars, titratable acidity, maturity index, and pH. Since there was no significant interaction between cultivars and rootstocks for most of the evaluated characteristics, each factor was analyzed separately. The 'IAC 766 Campinas' rootstock provided a higher yield and more suitable physicochemical characteristics for the four cultivars. However, regardless of the rootstock used, cultivars BRS Carmem, IAC 138-22 Máximo, and Isabel Precoce were more productive than BRS Cora


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    Tradicionais produtoras de uvas finas para mesa, as regiões de Pilar do Sul e São Miguel Arcanjo requerem estudos relacionados à evolução da maturação a fim de garantir a colheita de frutos que atendam as exigências de mercado. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a maturação da uva ‘Benitaka’ cultivada em clima subtropical. O experimento foi realizado em um vinhedo comercial da uva ‘Benitaka’ enxertada no porta-enxerto 420-A, em sistema de condução do tipo pérgola, no sétimo ano de produção, localizado em Pilar do Sul, SP, Brasil (23º 48’ S, 47º 42’ O e altitude de 689 m), no ciclo produtivo de 2014/15. A partir do início da maturação, aos 114 dias após a poda (DAP), realizou-se amostragem semanal das bagas para a determinação dos teores de sólidos solúveis (SS), pH, acidez titulável (AT), relação SS/AT e açúcares redutores (AR), se estendendo a amostragem de bagas até a colheita (156 DAP). A uva ‘Benitaka’ cultivada em região subtropical apresentou boas características físico-químicas aos 156 dias após a poda, com valores de SS de 15,99 ºBrix, AT de 0,49 % de ácido tartárico, pH 3,73, relação SS/AT de 32,68 e AR de 14,10 %

    The challenges of Consolidation of a Drought-Related Disaster Risk Warning System to Brazil

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    In Brazil, droughts are widespread and recurrent in the semiarid region, mainly due to its water vulnerability. Approximately 28 million people live in the region, which concentrates the highest proportion of people living in poverty in Brazil. If drought occurs intensively and extensively in densely populated areas, it can result in disaster when local capacities are insufficient to avoid significant damage. The risks associated with drought are related to the natural hazard, local vulnerabilities, response capacity, and mitigation policies. This study presents the challenges for the consolidation of a drought risk warning system in Brazil and proposes an initial structure for assigning responsibilities among the national institutions involved in the theme in order to guide actions for the risk mitigation.No Brasil, a seca é um fenômeno caracterizado pela sua ampla cobertura espacial e recorrência na região semiárida, principalmente devido à sua vulnerabilidade hídrica. Aproximadamente 28 milhões de pessoas vivem na região, a qual concentra a maior parte da população mais pobre do Brasil. Assim, a seca é uma ameaça natural à medida que ocorre de forma intensiva e extensiva em áreas densamente povoadas, podendo resultar em desastre quando as capacidades locais são insuficientes para evitar danos significativos. O risco de um desastre associado à seca está relacionado com a ameaça física, as vulnerabilidades locais, a capacidade de resposta e com as políticas de mitigação. O presente estudo apresenta os desafios para a consolidação de um sistema de alerta de risco de desastres associados às secas no Brasil e propõe uma estrutura inicial de atribuição de responsabilidades entre as instituições nacionais envolvidas com a temática com a finalidade de guiar ações para a mitigação dos riscos

    Metformin, but not glimepiride, improves carotid artery diameter and blood flow in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare the effects of glimepiride and metformin on vascular reactivity, hemostatic factors and glucose and lipid profiles in patients with type 2 diabetes. METHODS: A prospective study was performed in 16 uncontrolled patients with diabetes previously treated with dietary intervention. The participants were randomized into metformin or glimepiride therapy groups. After four months, the patients were crossed over with no washout period to the alternative treatment for an additional four-month period on similar dosage schedules. The following variables were assessed before and after four months of each treatment: 1) fasting glycemia, insulin, catecholamines, lipid profiles and HbA1 levels; 2) t-PA and PAI-1 (antigen and activity), platelet aggregation and fibrinogen and plasminogen levels; and 3) the flow indices of the carotid and brachial arteries. In addition, at the end of each period, a 12-hour metabolic profile was obtained after fasting and every 2 hours thereafter. RESULTS: Both therapies resulted in similar decreases in fasting glucose, triglyceride and norepinephrine levels, and they increased the fibrinolytic factor plasminogen but decreased t-PA activity. Metformin caused lower insulin and pro-insulin levels and higher glucagon levels and increased systolic carotid diameter and blood flow. Neither metformin nor glimepiride affected endothelial-dependent or endothelial-independent vasodilation of the brachial artery. CONCLUSIONS: Glimepiride and metformin were effective in improving glucose and lipid profiles and norepinephrine levels. Metformin afforded more protection against macrovascular diabetes complications, increased systolic carotid artery diameter and total and systolic blood flow, and decreased insulin levels. As both therapies increased plasminogen levels but reduced t-PA activity, a coagulation process was likely still ongoing

    Propolis production by differents methods

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    The goal of the study was to investigate the propolis production by differents methods (“intelligent” collector of propolis - CPI, plastic screen and scratching). Fifteen beehives of Apis mellifera africanizated were padronizated, being five beehives for each collector type. Propolis production was evaluated monthly, to May 2005 to April 2006. The results show that the means monthly propolis production not have statically difference among the CPI (114.870.6 g), plastic screen (120.949.8 g) and scratching (85.749.2 g). With respect to seasonality effect on the propolis production, in the spring season, the plastic screen showed significant differences (176.754.8 g) with relation to CPI (68.217.1 g) and scratching (42.813.3 g). In the autumn season, the CPI showed significative propolis production (212.947.7 g) in comparison with the plastic screen (87.56.0 g). The others seasons do not have significant differences on the propolis production. The monthly medium temperature (oC), precipitation pluviometer (mm), relative humidity of the air (%), heatstroke (hours) and speed of the wind (km/h), in the studied period, do not present correlation with the propolis production of the collectors. Its may conclude that the propolis production was not influenced by collector used (CPI, plastic screen and it scratching) and the seasonality interferes in the propolis production