41 research outputs found

    Probabilistic Infinite Secret Sharing

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    The study of probabilistic secret sharing schemes using arbitrary probability spaces and possibly infinite number of participants lets us investigate abstract properties of such schemes. It highlights important properties, explains why certain definitions work better than others, connects this topic to other branches of mathematics, and might yield new design paradigms. A probabilistic secret sharing scheme is a joint probability distribution of the shares and the secret together with a collection of secret recovery functions for qualified subsets. The scheme is measurable if the recovery functions are measurable. Depending on how much information an unqualified subset might have, we define four scheme types: perfect, almost perfect, ramp, and almost ramp. Our main results characterize the access structures which can be realized by schemes of these types. We show that every access structure can be realized by a non-measurable perfect probabilistic scheme. The construction is based on a paradoxical pair of independent random variables which determine each other. For measurable schemes we have the following complete characterization. An access structure can be realized by a (measurable) perfect, or almost perfect scheme if and only if the access structure, as a subset of the Sierpi\'nski space {0,1}P\{0,1\}^P, is open, if and only if it can be realized by a span program. The access structure can be realized by a (measurable) ramp or almost ramp scheme if and only if the access structure is a GδG_\delta set (intersection of countably many open sets) in the Sierpi\'nski topology, if and only if it can be realized by a Hilbert-space program

    Infinite Secret Sharing -- Examples

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    The motivation for extending secret sharing schemes to cases when either the set of players is infinite or the domain from which the secret and/or the shares are drawn is infinite or both, is similar to the case when switching to abstract probability spaces from classical combinatorial probability. It might shed new light on old problems, could connect seemingly unrelated problems, and unify diverse phenomena. Definitions equivalent in the finitary case could be very much different when switching to infinity, signifying their difference. The standard requirement that qualified subsets should be able to determine the secret has different interpretations in spite of the fact that, by assumption, all participants have infinite computing power. The requirement that unqualified subsets should have no, or limited information on the secret suggests that we also need some probability distribution. In the infinite case events with zero probability are not necessarily impossible, and we should decide whether bad events with zero probability are allowed or not. In this paper, rather than giving precise definitions, we enlist an abundance of hopefully interesting infinite secret sharing schemes. These schemes touch quite diverse areas of mathematics such as projective geometry, stochastic processes and Hilbert spaces. Nevertheless our main tools are from probability theory. The examples discussed here serve as foundation and illustration to the more theory oriented companion paper

    Structure of program runs of non-standard time

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    Iterated grammars

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    Using multiobjective optimization to map the entropy region

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    Geometriai kódok

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    Optimal Information Rate of Secret Sharing Schemes on Trees

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    The information rate for an access structure is the reciprocal of the load of the optimal secret sharing scheme for this structure. We determine this value for all trees: it is (2 - 1/c)(-1), where is the size of the largest core of the tree. A subset of the vertices of a tree is a core if it induces a connected subgraph and for each vertex in the subset one finds a neighbor outside the subset. Our result follows from a lower and an upper bound on the information rate that applies for any graph and happen to coincide for trees because of a correspondence between the size of the largest core and a quantity related to a fractional cover of the tree with stars

    Entropy Region and Convolution

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    The entropy region is constructed from vectors of random variables by collecting Shannon entropies of all subvectors. Its shape is studied here by means of polymatroidal constructions, notably by convolution. The closure of the region is decomposed into the direct sum of tight and modular parts, reducing the study to the tight part. The relative interior of the reduction belongs to the entropy region. Behavior of the decomposition under self-adhesivity is clarified. Results are specialized and extended to the region constructed from four tuples of random variables. This and computer experiments help to visualize approximations of a symmetrized part of the entropy region. The four-atom conjecture on the minimal Ingleton score is refuted. © 2016 IEEE