22 research outputs found

    Mobile App in Health: Improving User Awareness Regarding Own Health

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    Knowledge is more and more a strategic resource for health organizations while information & communication technology earns an important role for sharing knowledge and information among people in and out organizations. these conditions satisfy specific demands related to the new emerging information needs, asking for a change in relationships and effective communication. so, the medicine apps represent an emerging and rapidly developing framework for health system, able to contribute to its quality and efficiency. The same u.s. supervisory authority activated in the last years an appropriate study in order to control the medical applications downloaded directly through mobile devices and able to influence health performance. this work - with a mixed approach - presents the results of the exploratory and descriptive studies in order to make clear the general dynamics and functionality of the medicine category apps

    Digitalize Work in Health Organization during pandemic Covid-19

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    Covid-19 has impacted many aspects of daily life. The behaviors of organizations had to adopt this evolution. The Covid-19 emergency has put Smart Working at the center of attention. Working remotely made it possible to cope with the limitations due to the current health emergency while guaranteeing business continuity. This new intelligent mode is increasingly leading to the spread of autonomous, subjective and decentralized forms of work. Technological progress offers rapid access to information and reduces space-time constraints. Modern technologies put at the service of a new way of working, as experienced during the pandemic, allow the worker to manage the organization of space and the execution time of his employment in complete autonomy. On this basis, the work in progress study seeks to provide useful information to improve practices in the field of smart work, to better investigate the phenomenon in the healthcare sector, a field that has not been explored and debated in the literature

    Digital (Re)Evolution In An Italian Public Administration: Some Implications In Pandemic Era

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    Nowadays, the COVID-19 pandemic condition has generated an acceleration of change in public administration. The challenges around the COVID‐19 pandemic have further spurred public organizations into action by increasing their awareness of the need to accelerate digital transformation. The digital revolution in public administration is defined as e-government . The context of public administration appears to be increasingly complex and requires skills able to better manage the digital transformation under-way. The role of the Human Resources Manager, in this particular historical phase, in which the work is digitalized, is transformed. The figure of the Human Resources Manager (HR Manager) overlaps with that of the Chief Digital Officier (CDO). In recent years, the role of the Chief Digital Officer has emerged and attracted scholars’ attention. However, the role of the CDO is still in its nascent and not well-defined stages, the role means different things for different organizations. On this basis, the main objective of the research is understanding if the HR manager is also a CDO in this historical phase in public organizations; trying to understand if the CDO is going to play the role of change agent in these organizations. This study is based on qualitative analysis

    Knowledge management in virtual community: some implications in COVID-19 pandemic

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    To reduce the COVID-19 contagion, the organizations have had to implement new organizational models based on the technology intensive, social distance and the reduction of face-to-face contacts. These conditions have led to the creation of virtual communities. A Virtual Community (VC) can be defined as a social entity which, using ICT, allows the sharing and transfer of knowledge between members of the community, bridging the geographical distance. VC are based on a Human-Device-Human interaction. For this reason, VC are based on the continuous and active participation of members, a rapid access to shared knowledge and reciprocity of information. Also in the healthcare sector, there has been the creation of VC. A VC in the healthcare sector aims to share knowledge related to the delivery of health services, provide support and discuss problems related to health and treatment, share documents and consult doctors. Few studies have focused on the VC in the healthcare sector, from the perspective of knowledge management. This study aims to identify and understand the elements of the VC in the healthcare sector. An explorative-qualitative methodology was used. Mobile applications (M-apps) created by public authorities in Italy were analyzed. The results highlighted that the VC, through the M-apps, is a complex system characterized by a reciprocal relationship between the members. Some aspects, such as trust and functionality of the M-app and speed of response, can allow the success of the virtual community. M-apps are a useful tool for KM and enable to support healthcare sector


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    This study aims to analyse and understand the use of Knowledge Visualisation (KV) in universities. Specifically, we want to understand how KV can support decision-making in universities and which KV formats are used in emergency management. This study uses a dual methodological approach: qualitative and exploratory. The collection of data and information is based on the analysis of two case studies, semi-structured interviews and observed participation. To understand the role of KV during the emergency, the two European countries most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic crisis (Italy and Spain) have been identified. Two teams of researchers (one Italian and one Spanish) carried out interviews with the universities’ communication managers. The results of this research offer food for thought for the academic debate on knowledge management in universities through a comparative analysis between two countries–Italy and Spain. The results highlight the flexibility of Knowledge Visualization formats and their ability to support decision-making in the emergency phase. This study is not without limitations. The results focus only on the role of Knowledge Visualization in the decision-making process during an emergency phase. Further insights are needed to understand the impact of KV in no-emergency phase. In addition, to understand its real impacts, it is necessary to explore how people in organisations act regarding KV by building sufficient awareness and also acquiring more knowledge, which we hope can be the next step of the investigation

    Digitalize Work in Pandemic Time: Practices for Remote Working and Job Redesign in Public Organization

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    Thisresearchisdeterminedbytheinfluencethattherecentandunforeseeablepandemiccrisisishavingonorganizationsandhumanresource managementinpublicadministrations(Das,2020b).Thechapterstarget toidentifythechangesthathavetakenplaceinpublicorganizationsthat haveinitiatedthedigitizationofproductionprocesses,thischapteraims toofferanoverviewofthemaintheoreticalreferencesonthephenomena ofthedigitalizationofworkprocessesandremoteworkinpublicorganizationsbyanalyzingtheremoteworkingscenarioinformofacase.The casestudyconcerningtheChamberofCommerceofCatanzaro(CCIAA) allowedustoanalyzethenatureandscopealongwithvariousdynamics ofdigitalplatform-basedremoteworking. Thechaptercaricatureflowsinasequentialhierarchy.Firstly,it describesthedetailedliteraturereviewofrelatedanalysisondigitizationin publicorganizationsandnewformsofwork.Subsequently,themethodologyandthechapter’sobjectiveareillustrated;then,acasestudyis presented,followedbydiscussion.Finally,conclusionsandfutureresearch areasaresuggested

    Conflict management styles in Medical Health Managers

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    Health care delivery occurs within a complex organization which have different professional figures. Competing priorities within this structure of health care often result in conflicts between the work teams. In order to better understand the conflict among Medical Health Manager and subordinates the approach requires a general comprehension of the context and the different impacting variables. Infact the workers are becoming more and more interdependent in their actions and responsible for more decision-making processes. These changes mean new types of conflicts may arise among different groups of workers than were experienced in bureaucratically structured organizations (Janssen, Van de Vliert & Veenstra, 1999). On this basis, the research question and the hypotheses that address this study arise from analysis of the literature. The first purpose is to know how conflict styles are defined in academic literature; the second purpose is to understand the conflict style in a sample of Medical Health Manager

    Knowledge Management and Mentoring in Public Organizations: A Narrative Case Study

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    Public organizations have based knowledge transfer processes on documents and archives only, leaving the benefits of other mechanism of knowledge transfer unexplored. In this context, the mentoring tool like a multifaceted and complex role consisting of interventional, training and support activities, can be successfully used in public sector. This tool promotes knowledge transfer through the interaction between mentor and new employee (mentee). The aim of the work is to analyse the relationship that is created between mentor and mentee in complex public organizations. The methodology used is qualitative, we observe the case study of an Italian public organization through the tool of the narrative interview with mentor and mentee. The collected narratives concern the process of introducing the new employee in the public organization and the process of transferring knowledge to them. The study is still at an early stage and the results achieved so far seek to offer a conceptual framework on how mentoring takes place in complex public organizations, focusing mainly on knowledge management. The use of narrative interviews can be useful to detect both the subjective perspective of the interviewees and to highlight the involvement of the various subjects in the process of knowledge transfer. The results obtained so far contribute to developing the academic debate on the characteristics of the mentoring role, the relationships and phases that occur in the mentoring processes and their implications in public organizations