11 research outputs found

    La internacionalización como objetivo explícito en la visión y misión declaradas de las 500 empresas más grandes en Colombia

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    The present study is of empirical nature and aims at establishing, through a content analysis of the corporate vision and mission statements of the top 500 companies in Colombia, whether internationalization is considered amongst the strategic objectives of such organizations. For this purpose, the vision and mission statements of 398 companies were classified to determine if internationalization can be considered an end, that is beingn explicitly included in the vision statement; or if internationalization can be considered a mean, that appears to be clearly included in the mission statement. As a result, it was found that internationalization has been clearly included in the vision statement of 151 companies (37,9%), in the mission statement of 70 companies (17,6%), and for 44, out of the 398 analyzed cases, it has been included in both types of statements (11,1%).El presente estudio es de carácter empírico y busca establecer ―mediante el análisis de contenido de la visión y la misión de las 500 empresas más grandes de Colombia― si la internacionalización hace parte o no de los planteamientos estratégicos de dichas organizaciones. Para ello se analizó la visión y la misión de 398 empresas determinando si la internacionalización es para éstas un fin, que aparece explícitamente en la visión, o si es un medio, y por lo tanto aparece claramente incluida en la misión. Como resultado de dicho análisis se encontró que la internacionalización aparece en la visión de 151 empresas (37,9%), en la misión de 70 empresas (17,6%), y para 44 de los 398 casos analizados, aparece incluida tanto en la visión como en la misión (11,1%)

    La internacionalización como objetivo explícito en la visión y misión declaradas de las 500 empresas más grandes en Colombia

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    The present study is of empirical nature and aims at establishing, through a content analysis of the corporate vision and mission statements of the top 500 companies in Colombia, whether internationalization is considered amongst the strategic objectives of such organizations. For this purpose, the vision and mission statements of 398 companies were classified to determine if internationalization can be considered an end, that is beingn explicitly included in the vision statement; or if internationalization can be considered a mean, that appears to be clearly included in the mission statement. As a result, it was found that internationalization has been clearly included in the vision statement of 151 companies (37,9%), in the mission statement of 70 companies (17,6%), and for 44, out of the 398 analyzed cases, it has been included in both types of statements (11,1%).El presente estudio es de carácter empírico y busca establecer ―mediante el análisis de contenido de la visión y la misión de las 500 empresas más grandes de Colombia― si la internacionalización hace parte o no de los planteamientos estratégicos de dichas organizaciones. Para ello se analizó la visión y la misión de 398 empresas determinando si la internacionalización es para éstas un fin, que aparece explícitamente en la visión, o si es un medio, y por lo tanto aparece claramente incluida en la misión. Como resultado de dicho análisis se encontró que la internacionalización aparece en la visión de 151 empresas (37,9%), en la misión de 70 empresas (17,6%), y para 44 de los 398 casos analizados, aparece incluida tanto en la visión como en la misión (11,1%)

    Responding to the challenges of Water and Global Warming: Environmental Hydrogeology and Global Change Research Group (HYGLO-Lab)

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    [EN] The current Global Warming of planet Earth is probably the most important geological phenomenon in the last 20,000 years of its history and for human race. This process is having nowadays notable effects on the climate, ecosystems and natural resources. Possibly the most important renewable geological resource is water. One of the most strategic phases of the water cycle is groundwater. Despite its low visibility, quantitatively (and qualitatively too) it is essential for life on Planet Earth. Foreseeable consequences on groundwater due to climate change and sea level rise will be very significant. Hydrogeology can provide answers to many of the questions that are beginning to be raised in relation to these impacts and their effects. Environmental hydrogeology is a way of understanding the set of disciplines mixed in Hydrogeology as a Science of Nature. The HYGLO-Lab Research Group of the IGME-CSIC National Center attempts, through its lines of research, with a double global and local component, to provide answers to some of these questions.Peer reviewe

    Inducascos S.A.: International Operations for Local Market Leadership

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    Inducascos S.A. was first established in 1998 in the city of Medellín, Colombia. After a decade of instability and financial bankruptcy due to lack of capital, scarce infrastructure, and insufficient labor not only in number but also in terms of the qual

    Plan padrino para la fundación social Angel de la Guarda

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    79 páginasRESUMEN: Con la elaboración de este trabajo, se presenta una propuesta de implementación del Plan Padrino como manera principal de obtención de recursos fijos y periódicos para la Fundación Angel de la Guarda, una organización sin ánimo de lucro, que le brinda una formación integral a niñas desplazadas por la violencia. La implementación de esta estrategia, busca lograr cubrir los gastos de mantenimiento del hogar mes a mes a través de la contribución de padrinos, para que así los miembros de la fundación puedan continuar su labor de brindar educación y bienestar a niñas desplazadas. Por medio de un Plan Padrino como forma de donación y contribución a la fundación se pretende cubrir los principales gastos de las niñas que incluyen: educación, alimentación, vivienda, salud y recreación. De esta manera, se proporcionaría una estabilidad económica a esta entidad, sin que ella este dependiendo de donaciones esporádicas de eventuales colaboradores. Con la implementación de este Plan Padrino, y a través de la estabilidad y seguridad que el mismo proporciona, se busca asegurar la permanencia en el tiempo de esta obra que beneficia a la sociedad y que busca un mejor futuro para la comunidad por medio de estas niñas, así como también se busca extender esta obra en el momento en que se consigan recursos suficientes.ABSTRACT: This work aims to present a proposal of a Plan to Foundation Ángel de la Guardia to obtain on a regular basis the economic resources it need every month to perform its objectives of giving an integral formation to girls who have been misplaced by the violent episodes on the rural areas they used to live. By implementing this strategy, the Foundation should be able to acquire the resources through the contribution of people who “adopts” a girl enabling the Foundation to continue working for a better society. The Plan as a mean of finding donors who contribute to finance the activities of the Foundation, will cover all the expenses of the girls: education, housing, health, food and recreation. This way, Ángel de la Guarda will reach an economical stability as it won’t depend on sporadic donations since the Plan will allow it to create links with donors who will commit to the future of the girls. The implementation of the plan will ensure that the Foundation will last in time to finish the work it has started and to expand its benefits to other girls.PregradoIngeniero(a) Administrativo(a

    Inducascos S.A.: International Operations for Local Market Leadership

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    Inducascos S.A. was first established in 1998 in the city of Medellín, Colombia. After a decade of instability and financial bankruptcy due to lack of capital, scarce infrastructure, and insufficient labor not only in number but also in terms of the quality... For the last decade, the company's strategy has focused on the internationalization of the manufacturing process and the updating of the commercial strategy in order to consolidate an attractive product portfoliowhich manages to offer differentiated products for a segmented market at competitive prices. This chapter explores Inducascos S.A

    La internacionalización como objetivo explícito en la visión y misión declaradas de las 500 empresas más grandes en Colombia

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    The present study is of empirical nature and aims at establishing, through a content analysis of the corporate vision and mission statements of the top 500 companies in Colombia, whether internationalization is considered amongst the strategic objectives of such organizations. For this purpose, the vision and mission statements of 398 companies were classified to determine if internationalization can be considered an end that is being explicitly included in the vision statement; or if internationalization can be considered a mean, that appears to be clearly included in the mission statement. As a result, it was found that internationalization has been clearly included in the vision statement of 151 companies (37, 9%), in the mission statement of 70 companies (17, 6%), and for 44, out of the 398 analyzed cases, it has been included in both types of statements (11, 1%).El presente estudio es de carácter empírico y busca establecer —mediante el análisis de contenido de la visión y la misión de las 500 empresas más grandes de Colombia— si la internacionalización hace parte o no de los planteamientos estratégicos de dichas organizaciones. Para ello se analizó la visión y la misión de 398 empresas determinando si la internacionalización es para éstas un fin, que aparece explícitamente en la visión, o si es un medio, y por lo tanto aparece claramente incluida en la misión. Como resultado de dicho análisis se encontró que la internacionalización aparece en la visión de 151 empresas (37,9%), en la misión de 70 empresas (17,6%), y para 44 de los 398 casos analizados, aparece incluida tanto en la visión como en la misión (11,1%)

    Factors Relating go the Acqusition Of CQ Insights for the recruitmentand selection of interns and Young graduates form international Business Programs

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    Cultural Intelligence (CQ) has been defined as the ability of an individual to effectively interact in culturally diverse contexts (Earley & Ang, 2003), which may result in improved performance at the personal and professional level (Ang, Van Dyne, NG

    Individual potential and its relationship with past and future performance

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    The need for companies to compete globally for the available talent results in the individuals’ need to develop and compete themselves in the global job market. Thus, an individual’s potential represents the degree to which characteristics of employees may result in enhanced future development of a professional. By means of a longitudinal research, the authors study the effect of previous individual performance on potential and the impact of potential on future performance. A short theoretical-based measure of potential has been developed resulting in four different subdimensions of individual potential. © 2019, © 2019 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC