216 research outputs found

    A glottalized tone in Muong (Vietic): a pilot study based on audio and electroglottographic recordings

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    Proceedings of ICPhS XIX (19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences). Melbourne.International audienceThe combination of pitch and glottalization (glottal constriction or lapse into creaky voice) as relevant phonetic/phonological dimensions of lexical tone is found in several language families in Asia. The Vietic subbranch of Austroasiatic stands out in that all its languages have at least one glottalized tone. Vietnamese is a well documented example, but the others remain little studied. The research reported here contributes experimental evidence on one of these languages: Muong (Mường). Excerpts from a database of audio and electroglottographic recordings of twenty speakers allow for a characterization of this dialect's glottalized tone, as contrasted with the four other tones of this five tone system. The ultimate goal is to determine what (sub)types of glottalized tones exist in the world's languages, bringing out typological differences in terms of (i) phonetic realizations and (ii) degree of importance of glottalization as a feature of linguistic tones

    Vocal Registers Transitions Phenomena in trills used in Mongolian Long Song productions

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    Résumés longs et références publiés dans les actes du congrès.International audienceThis paper presents the results of a fiberoptical and acoustical analysis of "Mongolian Long song". Our goal is to quantify the vocal registers transition phenomena during the trills that occur during these Mongolian Long Song productions. The study includes: 1) videofiberoptic laryngeal data of the 61 ornaments of a song produced by a famous Mongolian singer, Narantuya, with quantitative analysis (distance between the left and right arytenoids); 2) an acoustical analysis of the fundamental frequency F0 and intensity I curves of the ornaments. The fiberoptic analysis showed two main laryngeal behaviour in producing ornamentations, with a leitmotiv: 1) "lyrical" vibratos mobilizing the entire laryngeal block; 2) "Mongolian" trills with essentially supraglottic movements, the left arytenoid being mobilized independently of the rest of the laryngeal block. The acoustic analysis showed: 1) for the "lyrical" vibrato: F0 and I were in-phase, with a moderate extent ; 2) for the "Mongolian" trill: F0 and I were in opposite phase, with an important extent. Although we didn't have electroglottographic recordings to verify this, the acoustical indications of changes of laryngeal vibratory mechanisms are 1) frequency jump values situated between 2 and 7 semitones; 2) the time separating the two frequency jumps between 40 and 80ms; 3) according to Neumann et al. 2005, the amplitudes of H2 and H4 are smaller than those of H1 et H3 for the head register part in "a" trills; it's the opposite case for the chest register part in those ornaments.Cette étude présente les résultats d'une analyse vidéostroboscopique et acoustique du "Chant Long Mongol". Notre but est de quantifier les passages registraux durant les trilles qui se produisent dans cette technique vocale. Cette étude inclut: 1) des données vidéostroboscopiques du larynx de 61 ornement d'un chant produit par une chanteuse mongole célèbre, Narantuya, avec une analyse quantitative (distance entre les aryténoïdes droit et gauche); 2) une analyse acoustique des courbes de fréquence fondamentale FO et d'intensité I des ornements. L'analyse en vidéostroboscopie montre deux principaux comportements laryngés dans la production des ornementations, avec des données reproductibles: 1) les vibrati "lyriques" mobilisant le bloc laryngé entier; 2) les trilles "mongols" avec des mouvements essentiellement supraglottiques, l'aryténoïde gauche étant mobilisé indépendamment du reste du bloc laryngé. L'analyse acoustique a montré: 1) pour les vibrati "lyriques": une F0 et une I en phase, avec une étendue des modulations modérées; 2) pour le trille "mongol": F0 et I étaient en opposition de phase, avec une étendue importante. Bien que ne disposant pas d'enregistrements électroglottographiques pour vérifier cela, les indications acoustiques de changement de mécanismes vibratoires laryngés sont: 1) des valeurs de sauts de fréquence situés entre 2 et 7 demi-tons; 2) le temps séparant les deux sauts de fréquence est situé entre 40 et 80 ms; 3) en accord avec les résultats de Neuman et al. 2005, les amplitudes de H2 et H4 sont plus basses que celles de H1 et H3 pour les trilles produits en mécanisme 2 sur la voyelle "a"; c'est le cas inverse pour le mécanisme 1 dans ces ornements

    Articulation silencieuse vs. vocalisée pour une "communication parlée silencieuse" : implications des différences articulatoires

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    National audienceDans la présente étude, nous décrivons des tests de reconnaissance de mots produits à la fois en parole silencieuse et en parole vocalisée dans les phases de tests et d'entrainement. Dans un premier temps [6], un système d'acquisition fixe a été comparé à une ébauche de système portatif avec des scores de reconnaissance très similaires, permettant de valider l'efficacité d'un système portatif, et ainsi d'envisager l'utilisation dans un avenir proche de tels systèmes pour utilisateurs handicapés. Les résultats du système de reconnaissance à base de modèles de Markov [6] ont mis en avant une part beaucoup plus importante de la langue - comparée aux lèvres - dans le score final. Malgré tout, les modèles de Markov ne permettent pas de décrire les mouvements des lèvres et de la langue effectués par les informateurs. Nous montrons ici des différences quantifiées d'aperture, d'étirement et d'arrondissement des lèvres, ainsi que des mouvements d'inflexion, de hauteur et d'antériorité de la langue pour la parole silencieuse comparée à la parole vocalisée. Les résultats montrent pour la parole vocalisée des stratégies similaires au renforcement des traits distinctifs des phonèmes pour la parole hyperarticulée, à savoir des phonèmes arrondis plus arrondis, des voyelles ouvertes plus ouvertes, etc. dans le cas de la parole vocalisée. En [4], nous mettions en avant la nécessité d'entrainer le système de reconnaissance sur des productions silencieuses. Cette étude permet d'en comprendre les raisons et pourquoi pas, de mieux les appréhender. Le travail final présentera également une discussion du type de corpus à utiliser et de la méthodologie des interfaces de communication parlée silencieuse

    Videofiberoptic laryngeal data and acoustic analysis of the ornamentations used in Mongolian Long Song

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    International audienceThe paper presents the results of a multiparametrical analysis of "Mongolian Long song", a long and slow versified melody with multiple ornamentations. The study includes: (1) a physiological analysis (videofiberoptic laryngeal data of the 61 ornamentations of a song produced by a famous Mongolian singer, Narantuya, and video recordings of the singer); (2) an acoustical analysis (fundamental frequency and intensity curves of the ornamentations). The fiberoptic analysis showed two main laryngeal behaviour in producing ornamentations, with a leitmotiv: (1) "lyrical" vibratos mobilizing the entire laryngeal block; (2) "Mongolian" trills with essentially supraglottic movements, the arytenoids being mobilized independently of the rest of the laryngeal block. These movements contrasted with the absence of cervico-scapular movement of the singer. The acoustic analysis showed: (1) for the "lyrical" vibrato: the fundamental frequency and the intensity were in-phase, with a moderate amplitude (1 to 3 semitones for the fundamental frequency, 4 to 6 dB for the intensity; 5 to 6 modulations/s); (2) for the "Mongolian" trill: the fundamental frequency and the intensity were in opposite phase, with an important amplitude (3.5 to 4.5 semitones for the fundamental frequency, 6 to 10 dB for the intensity; and 6 to 7 modulations/s) and acoustical indications of changes of laryngeal vibratory mechanisms. So in this multiparametrical study of Mongolian Long song with previously unpublished physiological data, we defined two ornamentations used by the singer in the same melody, corresponding to different laryngeal movements and different acoustic characteristics: "lyrical" vibrato and "Mongolian arytenoidian" trill

    Towards a Practical Silent Speech Interface Based on Vocal Tract Imaging

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    Intégralité des actes de cette conférence disponible au lien suivant: http://www.issp2011.uqam.ca/upload/files/proceedings.pdfInternational audienceThe paper describes advances in the development of an ultrasound silent speech interface for use in silent communications applications or as a speaking aid for persons who have undergone a laryngectomy. It reports some first steps towards making such a device lightweight, portable, interactive, and practical to use. Simple experimental tests of an interactive silent speech interface for everyday applications are described. Possible future improvements including extension to continuous speech and real time operation are discussed.Cet article décrit les avancements dans le développement d'une interface ultrasonore de parole silencieuse, pour des applications en communication silencieuse ou comme une aide pour les personnes laryngectomisées. Nous rapportons les premiers pas pour réaliser une telle interface portable, interactive, et pratique à utiliser. De simples tests expérimentaux de cette interface pour des applications quotidiennes sont décrits. Des améliorations futures possibles incluant l'extension à la parole continue et aux traitements en temps réels sont discutées

    Developing an acoustic-phonetic characterization of dysarthric speech in French

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    - ISBN: 2-9517408-6-7 - Domaines: Phonetic Databases, Phonology, Person IdentificationInternational audienceThis paper presents the rationale, objectives and advances of an on-going project (the DesPho-APaDy project funded by the French National Agency of Research) which aims to provide a systematic and quantified description of French dysarthric speech, over a large population of patients and three dysarthria types (related to the parkinson's disease, the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis disease, and a pure cerebellar alteration). The two French corpora of dysarthric patients, from which the speech data have been selected for analysis purposes, are firstly described. Secondly, this paper discusses and outlines the requirement of a structured and organized computerized platform in order to store, organize and make accessible (for selected and protected usage) dysarthric speech corpora and associated patients' clinical information (mostly disseminated in different locations: labs, hospitals, ...). The design of both a computer database and a multi-field query interface is proposed for the clinical context. Finally, advances of the project related to the selection of the population used for the dysarthria analysis, the preprocessing of the speech files, their orthographic transcription and their automatic alignment are also presented

    European white paper : oropharyngeal dysphagia in head and neck cancer

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    Purpose To develop a European White Paper document on oropharyngeal dysphagia (OD) in head and neck cancer (HNC). There are wide variations in the management of OD associated with HNC across Europe. Methods Experts in the management of specific aspects of OD in HNC across Europe were delegated by their professional medical and multidisciplinary societies to contribute to this document. Evidence is based on systematic reviews, consensus-based position statements, and expert opinion. Results Twenty-four sections on HNC-specific OD topics. Conclusion This European White Paper summarizes current best practice on management of OD in HNC, providing recommendations to support patients and health professionals. The body of literature and its level of evidence on diagnostics and treatment for OD in HNC remain poor. This is in the context of an expected increase in the prevalence of OD due to HNC in the near future. Contributing factors to increased prevalence include aging of our European population (including HNC patients) and an increase in human papillomavirus (HPV) related cancer, despite the introduction of HPV vaccination in various countries. We recommend timely implementation of OD screening in HNC patients while emphasizing the need for robust scientific research on the treatment of OD in HNC. Meanwhile, its management remains a challenge for European professional associations and policymakers.Peer reviewe

    Modélisation de la Parole Normale

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