2,431 research outputs found

    Monitoring urban heat island through google earth engine. Potentialities and difficulties in different cities of the United States

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    The aim of this work is to exploit the large-scale analysis capabilities of the innovative Google Earth Engine platform in order to investigate the temporal variations of the Urban Heat Island phenomenon as a whole. A intuitive methodology implementing a large-scale correlation analysis between the Land Surface Temperature and Land Cover alterations was thus developed. The results obtained for the Phoenix MA are promising and show how the urbanization heavily affects the magnitude of the UHI effects with significant increases in LST. The proposed methodology is therefore able to efficiently monitor the UHI phenomenon

    Threshold nets and cell-assemblies

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    Motivated by the cell-assemblies theory of the brain, we propose a new formal model of threshold nets (TN). TN are patterned after Petri nets, with a very different firing rule, which removes all tokens upon firing of a transition. The generative power of threshold nets, with and without inhibition, is compared with traditional families of languages. Excitatory TN languages are included by the noncounting regular languages and form an infinite hierarchy for increasing values of threshold. Inhibitory nets are included by the context-sensitive languages. Two new net operators, motivated by the phenomena of growth, learning and brain damage are introduced and compared with Boolean operators

    Linking behavior in the physics education research coauthorship network

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    Citation: Anderson, K. A., Crespi, M., & Sayre, E. C. (2017). Linking behavior in the physics education research coauthorship network. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 13(1), 10. doi:10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.13.010121There is considerable long-term interest in understanding the dynamics of collaboration networks, and how these networks form and evolve over time. Most of the work done on the dynamics of social networks focuses on well-established communities. Work examining emerging social networks is rarer, simply because data are difficult to obtain in real time. In this paper, we use thirty years of data from an emerging scientific community to look at that crucial early stage in the development of a social network. We show that when the field was very young, islands of individual researchers labored in relative isolation, and the coauthorship network was disconnected. Thirty years later, rather than a cluster of individuals, we find a true collaborative community, bound together by a robust collaboration network. However, this change did not take place gradually-the network remained a loose assortment of isolated individuals until the mid 2000s, when those smaller parts suddenly knit themselves together into a single whole. In the rest of this paper, we consider the role of three factors in these observed structural changes: growth, changes in social norms, and the introduction of institutions such as field-specific conferences and journals. We have data from the very earliest years of the field, a period which includes the introduction of two different institutions: the first field-specific conference, and the first field-specific journals. We also identify two relevant behavioral shifts: a discrete increase in coauthorship coincident with the first conference, and a shift among established authors away from collaborating with outsiders, towards collaborating with each other. The interaction of these factors gives us insight into the formation of collaboration networks more broadly

    Variability of orographic enhancement of precipitation in the Alpine region

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    Climate change impacts are non uniformly distributed over the globe. Mountains have a peculiar response to large scale variations, documented by elevation gradients of surface temperature increase observed over many mountain ranges in the last decades. Significant changes of precipitation are expected in the changing climate and orographic effects are important in determining the amount of rainfall at a given location. It thus becomes particularly important to understand how orographic precipitation responds to global warming and to anthropogenic forcing. Here, using a large rain gauge dataset over the European Alpine region, we show that the distribution of annual precipitation among the lowlands and the mountains has varied over time, with an increase of the precipitation at the high elevations compared to the low elevations starting in the mid 20 century and peaking in the 1980s. The simultaneous increase and peak of anthropogenic aerosol load is discussed as a possible source for this interdecadal change. These results provide new insights to further our understanding and improve predictions of anthropic effects on mountain precipitations, which are fundamental for water security and management

    AGATA: Performance of γ\gamma-ray tracking and associated algorithms

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    AGATA is a modern γ\gamma-ray spectrometer for in-beam nuclear structure studies, based on γ\gamma-ray tracking. Since more than a decade, it has been operated performing experimental physics campaigns in different international laboratories (LNL, GSI, GANIL). This paper reviews the obtained results concerning the performances of γ\gamma-ray tracking in AGATA and associated algorithms. We discuss γ\gamma-ray tracking and algorithms developed for AGATA. Then, we present performance results in terms of efficiency and peak-to-total for AGATA. The importance of the high effective angular resolution of γ\gamma-ray tracking arrays is emphasised, e.g. with respect to Doppler correction. Finally, we briefly touch upon the subject of γ\gamma-ray imaging and its connection to γ\gamma-ray tracking

    Modelling Analytically the Dynamic Response of Thermo-Optic Phase Shifters

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    Thermo-optic phase shifters are widely adopted to achieve dynamical reconfiguration of integrated waveguide circuits [1], with applications encompassing diverse fields, ranging from free-space beam steering and shaping [2] to quantum information experiments [3]