104 research outputs found

    Annual Report of the Netherlands to the European Commission on the implementation of Council regulation 812/2004 on cetacean bycatch

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    This report contains the results of the ongoing monitoring programme on the incidental bycatch of cetaceans in Dutch pelagic fisheries in 2009

    Report of species diagnosis of a tuna at Queens Products B.V. on 23 December 2009

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    According to a company in the same marketsegment as Queen Products B.V. part of the tuna filet sold by Queens Products B.V. does not consist of the species that is mentioned on the label. According to DNA analysis filets were not from the species on the label, Albacore (Thunnus alalunga), but from Yellowfin tuna (T. albacares). The present intention of Queens Products is to check by means of DNA analysis of different lots of filets the originating species. A Spanish expert on DNA analysis who has travelled to the Netherlands to collect samples, has requested species identification by an independent scientist on the basis of morphological features as back up of the findings by means of DNA analysi

    Annual report on the implementation of council Regulation (EC) No 812/2004-2010

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    This report contains the results of the ongoing monitoring programme on the incidental bycatch of cetaceans in Dutch pelagic fisheries in 2010. EU Council Regulation 812/2004 requires observer coverage in ICES areas VI, VII and VIII in the period 1 December – 31 March (fleet segment LND003 and NLD005) and outside this area in all areas year round (fleet segment LND004 and NLD006). In the Dutch situation the monitoring is integrated with the collection of discards data under the EC Data Collection Regulations 1543/2000 and 1639/2001

    Beknopt overzicht van kennis en onderzoek naar bijvangst van bruinvissen in de visserij in Nederland

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    De afgelopen jaren zijn enkele honderden bruinvissen per jaar aangespoeld aan de nederlandse kust, met name in de voorjaarsperiode. Sinds halverwege de jaren negentig is het aantal strandingen sterk toegenomen met een voorlopige piek in 2006. In dit rapport wordt ingegaan op de populatie van de bruinvis, in hoeverre de huidige sterfte deze populatie zouden kunnen bedreigen, en in hoeverre er een relatie gelegd kan worden tussen strandingen en visserij. Het onderzoek is verricht op verzoek van de Tweede Kame

    Base line studies North Sea wind farms: strategy of approach for pelagic fish

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    The Dutch Government has decided to allow the construction of a Near Shore Wind Farm (NSW) demonstration project under the condition that a monitoring programme on - among other things - the ecological impacts is carried out. The Dutch government is responsible for providing a thorough description of the ecological reference situation in order to evaluate future effects of planned wind farms. This report describes the detailed plan of approach to establish the occurrence, density, population structure and migration patterns of pelagic fish fauna in the Dutch coastal zone. Sampling sites have been selected such that they cover the planned location of the Near Shore Wind Farm, cover reference sites and provide representative data of the pelagic fish community in the Dutch coastal zone

    Discards monitoring in the Gillnet Sole Fishery

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    The Gillnet Sole Fishery Study Group started discards monitoring. Data were supposed to be collected in three different ways: Self-sampling, catch monitoring by means of onboard cameras (CCTV) and monitoring under the Data Collection Regulation

    Internal RIVO report Number: 04.001

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