14 research outputs found
Spatial models for architectural heritage in urban database context
Despite the GIS (Geographic Information Systems/Geospatial Information Systems) have been provided with several applications to
manage the two-dimensional geometric information and arrange the topological relations among different spatial primitives, most of
these systems have limited capabilities to manage the three-dimensional space. Other tools, such as CAD systems, have already
achieved a full capability of representing 3D data. Most of the researches in the field of GIS have underlined the necessity of a full
3D management capability which is not yet achieved by the available systems (Rahman, Pilouk 2008) (Zlatanova 2002). First of all
to reach this goal is important to define the spatial data model, which is at the same time a geometric and topological model and so
integrating these two aspects in relation to the database management efficiency and documentation purposes. The application field
on which these model can be tested is the spatial data managing of Architectural Heritage documentation, to evaluate the pertinence
of these spatial models to the requested scale for the needs of such a documentation. Most of the important aspects are the integration
of metric data originated from different sources and the representation and management of multiscale data. The issues connected
with the representation of objects at higher LOD than the ones defined by the CityGML will be taken into account. The aim of this
paper is then to investigate which are the favorable application of a framework in order to integrate two different approaches:
architectural heritage spatial documentation and urban scale spatial data management
Reading the crisis: legal, philosophical and literary perspectives
Almost a decade has passed since the outbreak of the economic crisis; from its original nucleus, its effects have quickly affected the social and geopolitical fields. Such wide impact and its complex implications make the crisis an object susceptible of multiple readings.
The particular aim of the studies collected in this volume is to explore the impact of the crisis on law, culture and society, in order to test the depth of the problem, by comparing the analytical perspectives obtainable from legal and human sciences. The book focuses on three main issues: the crisis as a social object, in order to consider the crisis in terms of its attributing force; the problem of democracy, which is becoming an increasingly central question now, as the changes imposed by the crisis have begun to settle down; the interdisciplinary challenge that, in time of crisis, questions paradigms of knowledge, competences and methods, in order to enable an heuristic dialogue between human, social and legal sciences.Introduction / Massimo Meccarelli (pp. 9-12). -- The Crisis as a Social Object : -- Narrating the Crisis: Fictions of Finance in Contemporary British Novels / Silvana Colella (pp. 15-37). -- Social Rights in Crisis: Any Role for the Court of Justice of the EU? / Francesco Costamagna (pp. 39-64). -- Ripensare la nazione ottocentesca. Vecchi e nuovi paradigmi tra storia, diritto e globalità / Eliana Augusti (pp. 65-97). -- Ma cos'è questa crisi? / Carla Canullo (pp. 99-113). -- The Problem of Democracy : -- Defending Collective Sociality: The Oresteia at Shakespeare's Globe / Louise Owen (pp. 117-131). -- Representation of the Crisis vs Representative Democracy in Italy / Roberta Calvano (pp. 133-148). -- The Unbearable Lightness of the Freedom of Movement: An Analysis of the Relationship Between Brexit and Inmigration / Lucia Barbone, Erik Longo (pp.149-174). -- Représentation, perception de la crise et modification de la «sécurité sociale». Entre prédiction et anticipation, que signifie agir das un monde incertain? / Jean-Philipe Pierron (pp. 175-188). -- The Interdisciplinary Challenge : -- Intercultural Categories of Thought in Times of Crisis: The Challenge of Inter/Multi-discipinary Research / Flavia Stara (pp. 191-198). -- An Interdisciplinary Approach to International Law? Some Cursory Remarks / Paolo Palchetti (pp. 199-208). -- Rights in Times of Crisis: An Interdisciplinary Issue for Legal Studies / Massimo Meccarelli (pp. 209-219). -- Contributors (pp. 221-224)
CityGML for Architectural Heritage
Standardization in spatial data and Cultural Heritage management is one of the main issues in this field of study and the efforts in this direction are twofold, data models and technological development. Regarding the first aspect some preliminary steps towards definition of common vocabularies and conceptual schemas for semantic classification will be analysed and discussed in order to define the open issues and the development strategies. On the side of the modeling languages and data manipulation tools the recent standard definitions and the research efforts are starting to provide a set of application tools for the semantic and spatial data modelling and information retrieving and manipulation. An application of these notions and tools will be performed on an Architectural Heritage case-study and the preliminary results will be expose
Semantic models for Architectural Heritage documentation
In the field of CH metric documentation management the development of GIS tools has radically improved the capability of handling complex geometric models and the quantity of the semantic values of spatial data. These improvements in GIS tools have been followed by the development of data models and data definition languages able to manage such a complexity through a set of open rules and vocabularies. We need to change the application-driven practice of the GIS to a common set of rules and frameworks through the adoption of open-standards and languages. The aim of this study is to showcase the results of the test of framework for the management of a 3D metric survey archive by means of CityGML standar
La correlazione di immagini per la generazione di modelli 3D per il patrimonio costruito - Passive optical sensors and related image-matching methods for 3D modelling
I modelli dettagliati 3D derivati dalle tecniche di rilievo metrico digitale vengono impiegati con crescente sviluppo in moltissimi campi applicativi, dal rilievo del territorio e delle aree urbane, per i quali sono stati testati e messi a punto processi di elaborazione di dati satellitari o aerei, ai beni paesaggistici strettamente correlati al territorio fino alla sfera dei Beni Cultrali. L'elevato dettaglio ottenibile delle superfici e la loro accuratezza li rende particolarmente stimati per un largo insieme di finalizzazioni. Questo contributo esamina in particolare i cosiddetti sensori passivi e i relativi sistemi di correlazione d'immagine, poiché l'efficacia dei modelli ottenibili, il basso costo e la ricchezza d'informazione offerta, rende questi modelli di importanza strategica nei settori caratterizzati da scarse risorse come quello dei Beni Culturali. Dopo una breve rassegna dei metodi disponibili, è riportato un esame dell'applicazione degli algoritmi di base implementati in due diffusi software; a corredo alcune valutazioni circa le strategie di matching in riferimento alle geometrie di acquisizione, alle tipologie di materiali e finiture superficiali degli oggetti rilevati. Una sezione sperimentale finale descrive alcuni test ed una loro lettura critica per la comparazione di differenti soluzioni da riferire a diversi casi studio. 3D detailed models derived from digital survey techniques has increasingly developed and focused in many field of application, starting from the land and urban areas survey, with remote sensed data, to landscape assets and finally to Cultural Heritage items. The high detailed content and accuracy of such models makes them so attractive and usable for large sets of purposes. The present paper focus on passive sensors techniques and related image matching systems since the profitable results, the low cost nature and the rich content of derivable information are extremely strategic in poor available resources sectors. After a brief review of approachable methods, some comments about the need of accurate cameras calibration and about the best choices of matching strategies related to the configuration of shooting geometry and to the features of shape and materials of surveyed objects are referred. An experimental section provide some critic descriptions of applied tests, purposed to compare different solutions in diverse featured study case
Modello ricostruttivo della via porticata
Con il supporto di misure derivate da tecniche di rilievo topografico-fotogrammetrico tradizionali, che consentono un opportuno controllo, sono state realizzate elaborazioni fotogrammetriche a diversa scala con l\u2019obiettivo sia di analisi delle effettive potenzialit\ue0 di questi strumenti per l\u2019esecuzione di rilievi a diversa scala (ambientale ed archeologica), sia la realizzazione di una ortofoto multi risoluzione dello scavo di via Gemina. Disponendo del modello triangolato della superficie dello scavo e dell\u2019ortofoto, \ue8 facilmente ottenibile un modello texturizzato che consente di valutare le discontinuit\ue0 di superficie della domus con la rappresentazione fotografica. Per rendere pi\uf9 fruibile e chiaro il modello della domus sono state realizzate alcune elaborazioni che sovrappongono alla rappresentazione dell\u2019esistente una planimetria ricostruita della struttura abitativa e delle adiacenti botteghe affacciate su un tratto di strada. Durante la campagna di misure 2013 il rilievo laser scanning dello scavo \ue8 stato aggiornato per modellare e rappresentare le aree di recente scavo, in particolare l\u2019area del cosiddetto peristilio e quello delle botteghe, nella zona orientale dello scavo. Le prime elaborazioni della campagna di misure 2013 sono state finalizzate a fornire la descrizione aggiornata del peristilio. In sintonia con le nuove interpretazioni derivate dall\u2019approfondimento dell\u2019indagine archeologica e delle possibili ipotesi formali, distributive e morfologiche dei diversi ambienti, sono state realizzate rappresentazioni riguardanti una possibile volumetria degli alzati degli ambienti che costituivano la domus
Urban transformations and architectural heritage
Il contributo tratta in modo sintetico un’esperienza didattica di un Atelier di Restauro del Corso di Laurea Magistrale “Sostenibilità ” del Politecnico di Torino in cui il Rilievo urbano e dell’architettura, la geomatica e il restauro, strutturano insieme un percorso progettuale di recupero e riqualificazione di settori della città o di edifici di Carmagnola, legando la fase conoscitiva e critica a quella delle proposte d’intervento, nel rispetto dei valori storico-architettonico-ambientali relativi a varie epoche costruttive e di trasformazione
Very close nadiral images: a proposal for quick digging survey
The main goal of our activity has been the testing of a system for quick and non invasive images acquisition and their suitable processings aimed to obtain 2Do 3D models for archaeological diggings documentation. This purpose has implied the analysis and the selection of a simple and efficient data processing system for the generation of metric products such as digital elevation models and orthophotos, featured by an high level of detail regarding the excavated areas. The acquiring system has to be quick to meet the excavation requirements and the processing system has to be featured by good quality in terms of accuracy and information richness to ensure suitable final products. The objective of acquiring very close nadiral images is made up by a mobile framework easily assembled directly on site. The production of orthophotos was carried out starting from the generation and comparison of three different DEMs, originated from different source data and defined by dissimilar accuracy; the evaluation of DEMs is aimed to single out which kind of them, sufficiently meet archaeological excavation requirements, or better, which level of automation fulfil the overall quality reached by more time-spending and traditional methods. The first DEM (a) has been obtained by a traditional method, i.e. a non-gridded DTM, acquired by topographical method directly on site (by a total station), which has been integrated by breaklines and scattered points measured by stereo-plotting. The second DEM (b) has been derived from a DTM automatically obtained by a robotic total station scanning, whereas the last, DEM (c), was produced by image matching solely. The evaluation of the accuracy of the three different DEMs and related ortho projections let us testing some different kinds of elevation models generation and their suitability for antropic nature objects: the Inverse Distance Weighting algorithm processed with dense break-lines; mesh generation, based on Delauney triangulation, from dense DTM, and the epipolar geometry solution applied to correct nadiral and well textured images. Two commercial software we used are Z-Map (by italian Menci Software) and Photomodeler Scanner (by canadian Eos Systems). The last goal was to test the results in relation with the archaeological diggings context and documentation purpose
Advanced non-destructive techniques for the diagnosis of historic buildings: The Loka-Hteik-Pan temple in Bagan
The archaeological site of Old Bagan, located in the centre of Myanmar, is one of the most remarkable and ancient Asian site with over three thousand monuments, scattered in an area of about 80 km(2). The site was hit in 2016 by the last of a series of earthquakes. The Loka-Hteik-Pan is a hollow-core temple featured by a small elegant curvilinear tower. It was significantly damaged by the event, losing the upper part of the tower, as many other temples of the area. Emergencies like seismic events generally require quick responses and targeted solutions. When a built area is involved, damaged buildings need structural assessments with a special focus on space and time occupancy, without compromising the reliability of the results. A workflow for data acquisition and analysis is proposed, using non-destructive techniques to evaluate the materials performances and measure spatial changes over times. Deformation analysis is performed on LiDAR data, acquired prior and after the earthquake, with the goal of measuring small changes occurred in the wall surfaces. The preliminary results of the tests are presented with the purpose to provide a knowledge base, useful to guide the interventions for preserving the monument and its heritage.UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(undefined