477 research outputs found

    Sexualidade em adultos com paralisia cerebral

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    Orientação: Patrícia Pascoal ; co-orientação : Ana PriosteDada a escassez de estudos sobre a sexualidade em pessoas com paralisia cerebral, este estudo pretende, com recurso a uma amostra de adultos (N = 19): (1) explorar as perceções, necessidades e os conhecimentos associados à sexualidade; (2) identificar os fatores associados à satisfação na vida afetivo/relacional e sexual de adultos com paralisia cerebral. Foi conduzido um estudo qualitativo transversal e exploratório. A amostra foi recolhida através de um pedido de colaboração com associações que apoiam pessoas com paralisia cerebral (e.g., Associação de Paralisia Cerebral, em Lisboa, Associação Centro de Vida Independente, Associação Mithós e Associação Salvador). Como critérios de inclusão na amostra foram estabelecidos: (1) compreender e escrever em português; (2) viver em Portugal; (3) ter mais de 18 anos; (4) ter um diagnóstico de paralisia cerebral, sem alterações cognitivas; (5) responder de forma individual, i.e., sem a presença de outras pessoas. Os participantes responderam a um questionário on-line, numa plataforma de opensource, com cinco perguntas abertas focadas nas perceções e necessidades relativas à sexualidade. Os dados foram analisados através da Análise Temática que conduziu à identificação de diversas propriedades do construto “prazer sexual” permitindo a identificação das significações que lhes estão associadas funções, contextos, processos e fontes.Given the scarcity of studies on sexuality in people with cerebral palsy, this study intends, with the help of a sample of adults (N = 19): (1) to explore the perceptions, needs and knowledge associated with sexuality; (2) to identify the factors associated with satisfaction in the affective / relational and sexual life of adults with cerebral palsy. A qualitative transversal and exploratory study was conducted. The sample was collected through a request for collaboration with associations that support people with cerebral palsy (eg, Cerebral Palsy Association, Lisbon, Independent Living Center Association, Mithós Association and Salvador Association). As criteria for inclusion in the sample were established: (1) understand and write in Portuguese; (2) live in Portugal; (3) be over 18 years of age; (4) have a diagnosis of cerebral palsy, without cognitive alterations; (5) respond individually, i.e. without the presence of other persons. Participants responded to an online questionnaire on an opensource platform with five open-ended questions focused on perceptions and needs related to sexuality. The data were analyzed through the Thematic Analysis that led to the identification of several properties of the "sexual pleasure" construct, allowing the identification of the meanings associated with functions, contexts, processes and sources

    Gaseous Hydrocarbon Separations Using Functionalized Ionic Liquids

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    International audienceThe functionalization of the side chains on the cation or the anion of an ionic liquid is a common approach to tailor its properties for different processes including the separation of gases. In this paper, we present the current state of the art concerning the usage of ionic liquids for hydrocarbon separations. We also show how the functionalization of ionic liquids or the appropriate anion/cation combinations can contribute to the increase of the performance of the ionic liquids for the separation of gaseous hydrocarbons – either by improving the capacity of the ionic liquid to absorb a given gas or by increasing the selectivity towards a particular hydrocarbon. Original results concerning the usage of olefin-complexing metal salts of lithium (I), nickel (II) and copper (II) dissolved in ionic liquids for selectively absorbing light olefins are presented. It is observed that the absorption capacity of an imidazolium-based ionic liquid is doubled by the addition of a copper (II) salt. This result is compared with the effect of the functionalization of the ionic liquid and the advantages and difficulties of the two approaches are analyzed.La fonctionnalisation des chaînes latérales sur le cation ou l’anion d’un liquide ionique est une approche commune pour adapter ses propriétés pour les différents processus, y compris la séparation de gaz. Dans cet article, nous présentons l’état actuel des recherches concernant l’utilisation de liquides ioniques pour les séparations d’hydrocarbures gazeux. Nous montrons comment la fonctionnalisation de liquides ioniques ou des combinaisons d’anions/cations appropriées peuvent contribuer à l’augmentation de leur performance pour la séparation des hydrocarbures gazeux – soit par l’amélioration de la capacité du liquide ionique pour absorber un gaz donné ou en augmentant la sélectivité pour un hydrocarbure particulier. Des résultats originaux concernant l’utilisation de sels métalliques de lithium (I), le nickel (II) et le cuivre (II) dissous dans des liquides ioniques pour absorber sélectivement des oléfines légères sont présentés. On constate que la capacité d’absorption d’un liquide ionique à base d’imidazolium est doublée par addition d’un sel de cuivre (II). Ce résultat est comparé avec l’effet de la fonctionnalisation du liquide ionique. Les avantages et les difficultés de ces deux approches sont analysés

    Synthesis, structure and non-linear optical properties of L-argininium perrhenate crystal

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    A new hybrid organic–inorganic non-linear optical crystalline material, L-argininium perrhenate has been synthesized. The crystal belongs to P212121 space group, has a good optical quality and high transmission in the visible and near infra-red spectral regions. L-argininium perrhenate has high birefringence and is more than four times as efficient as KDP in second harmonic generation, making it a potentially attractive material for non-linear optical applicationsThis work was financially supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade (COMPETE: FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-014628) and the Portugal Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (PTDC/CTM-NAN/114269/2009, PTDC/CTM/105597/2008 and Pest-C/FIS/UI0036/2011)

    Electrospun silk-elastin fibres functionalized with silver nanoparticles as antibacterial wound dressings

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    [Excerpt] Silk-elastin-like proteins (SELPs) are a class of bioinspired, genetically engineered block copolymers, composed of silk and elastin repeating units. As base materials for biomedical purposes, SELP nanofibre mats demonstrate potential to be applied as wound dressing materials [1]. The increasing antimicrobial resistance associated with the excessive and inappropriate use of antibiotics demands the research for new pathogen-free healthcare polymeric materials with enhanced biological performance. [...]This work was supported by the strategic programme UID/BIA/04050/2013 (POCI-01- 0145-FEDER- 007569) through FCT I.P. and by ERDF through COMPETE2020 - POCI. The authors are grateful for funding from FCT (project “FunBioPlas” ERA-IB-2-6/0004/2014) and a fellowship to RM (SFRH-BPD/86470/2012). The authors also thank support from the COST Action MP1206

    Facial Hyperpigmentation Induced by Combination Therapy with Olmesartan Medoxomil- -Hydrochlorothiazide

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    A hiperpigmentação cutânea com fotodistribuição pode ser despoletada por vários medicamentos. Descrevemos o caso de uma mulher de 69 anos que desenvolveu hiperpigmentação facial após tratamento com olmesartan medoxomilo- hidroclorotiazida e melhorou após a sua suspensão, sugerindo fortemente que a hiperpigmentação foi induzida pelo fármaco. O olmesartan medoxomilo-hidroclorotiazida deve ser adicionado à lista de medicamentos que podem induzir hiperpigmentação cutânea com fotodistribuição.Photodistributed hyperpigmentation has been associated with several drugs. We describe a 69-year-old woman who developed facial skin hyperpigmentation starting after treatment with a combination of olmesartan medoxomil and hydrochlorothiazide and improving following its withdrawal, suggesting drug-induced dyspigmentation. Olmesartanmedoxomil-hydrochlorothiazide should be added to the list of drugs that can induce photodistributed cutaneous hyperpigmentation

    Protein-engineered polymers functionalized with antimicrobial peptides for the development of active surfaces

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    Antibacterial resistance is a major worldwide threat due to the increasing number of infections caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria with medical devices being a major source of these infections. This suggests the need for new antimicrobial biomaterial designs able to withstand the increasing pressure of antimicrobial resistance. Recombinant protein polymers (rPPs) are an emerging class of nature-inspired biopolymers with unique chemical, physical and biological properties. These polymers can be functionalized with antimicrobial molecules utilizing recombinant DNA technology and then produced in microbial cell factories. In this work, we report the functionalization of rPBPs based on elastin and silk-elastin with different antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). These polymers were produced in Escherichia coli, successfully purified by employing non-chromatographic processes, and used for the production of free-standing films. The antimicrobial activity of the materials was evaluated against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, and results showed that the polymers demonstrated antimicrobial activity, pointing out the potential of these biopolymers for the development of new advanced antimicrobial materials.This work was supported by the “Contrato-Programa” UIDB/04050/2020, project FunBioPlas (ERA-IB-2-6/0004/2014) and project FUN2CYT (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030568) funded by Portugal national funds through the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT I.P.). A.M.P. acknowledges the Doctoral Programme in Applied and Environmental Microbiology (DP_AEM) and FCT I.P. for the PD/BD/113811/2015 grant. R.M. acknowledges FCT I.P. for funding in the scope of the Scientific Employment Stimulus instrument (CEECIND/00526/2018)

    Creation of antimicrobial biopolymers by the use of recombinant DNA technology

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    [Excerpt] The spread of antimicrobials resistant microorganisms has triggered the search for new ways to treat infections. One of these ways is the creation of antimicrobial devices and surfaces that kill or prevent the spread of microorganisms. In the present work we explored the properties of different antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) for the creation of biopolymers with broad antimicrobial activity. Antimicrobial recombinant protein-based polymers (rPBPs) were designed by cloning the DNA sequence coding for the different AMPs in frame with the N-terminus of the elastin-like recombinamer consisting of 200 repetitions of the pentamer VPAVG, here named A200. [...]This work was supported by the strategic programme UID/BIA/04050/2013 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007569) funded by national funds through the FCT I.P. and by the ERDF through the COMPETE2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI). By the Spanish Minister of Economy and Competitiveness (MAT2012-38043-C02-01) and Junta de Castilla y León-JCyL (VA152A12-2 and VA155A12-2), Spain. AC and RM, acknowledge FCT for SFRH/BD/75882/2011 and SFRH/BPD/86470/2012 grants, respectively

    Genetically engineered Silk-Elastin-Like Proteins as a versatile platform for the development of new biomaterials

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    [Excerpt] Throughout evolution nature created and refined proteins for a wide range of functions, working as structural components or as molecular motors. In this sense, the natural fibrous proteins represent the utmost case of function specialization and high performance materials. The remarkable mechanical properties of proteins like elastin or silk are founded on conservative blocks of amino acid sequences that propagate through the natural protein. These repetitive amino acid sequences are arranged in a way that creates flexible, rigid or tough domains, which are responsible for the physical and mechanical properties of the natural protein. Indeed, the recognition of the mechanics linking the nano- and micro-scale structure with the macromolecular assembly and organization, enabled molecular biologists to understand nature’s refined ways of creating high performance structural materials. Advances in synthetic protein biotechnology, emerging from the increase of knowledge in structural and molecular biology, combined with the use of recombinant DNA technology and biotechnology processes, made possible the advent of a new class of artificial biomacromolecules, the recombinant Protein-Based Polymers (rPBPs). This new class of protein-based materials, inspired in nature and with precisely controlled amino acid sequences, mimic the properties of their natural counterparts but can also combine in the same polypeptide chain the properties of two or more different proteins, creating copolymers with distinct properties from their native equivalents. Indeed, by recombinant DNA technology, it is possible to design and produce tailored synthetic genes, allowing for the creation of multifunctional complex PBPs with absolute control of its composition, structure and molecular weight. [...]This work is supported by the strategic programme UID/BIA/04050/2013 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007569) funded by national funds through the FCT I.P. and by the ERDF through COMPETE2020 – Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) and by the project EcoAgriFood (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000009), supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). It is also supported by FCT within the ERA-NET IB, project FunBioPlas with grant number ERA-IB-15-089 and FCT reference ERA-IB-2-6/0004/2014. AMPereira acknowledges DP_AEM and FCT for the PD/BD/113811/2015 grant

    GACE - Um portal de Apoio Ă  Consultadoria EstatĂ­stica em SaĂşde

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    A sociedade actual, baseada na tecnologia e na comunicação, obriga a uma reformulação dos conteúdos e da metodologia de ensino-aprendizagem da estatística e, simultaneamente, reforça a necessidade de uma formação mais profunda, uma vez que a capacidade estatística é uma competência nuclear para o exercício pleno da cidadania. Emerge, assim, uma mudança de rumo, da transmissão mais ou menos passiva de conhecimentos para a construção activa de uma cultura estatística. A Internet e as novas tecnologias de comunicação despoletaram um novo paradigma, modificando a tipologia das relações, entre os diversos actuantes no campo educativo. Os professores especialistas em estatística deverão assumir o papel de consultores e facilitadores das tarefas de investigação. Neste trabalho é apresentada a metodologia de construção de um portal colaborativo de apoio à interacção entre consultores e investigadores, no âmbito do desenvolvimento de projectos de investigação. contribuindo assim com uma ferramenta potenciadora da capacidade estatística e de comunicação entre consultores e investigadores.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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