8,571 research outputs found

    Are Voters Rationally Ignorant? An Empirical Study for Portuguese Local Elections

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    The application of the rational choice postulate to a political context invariably leads to the conclusion that most voters are ill informed when making the decision for whom to vote. In this paper, the authors do an empirical evaluation of the rational ignorance theory, based on the results of the 1997 Portuguese Local Elections. The results only partially sustain the hypothesis of rational ignorance, although it is also possible to identify several limitations that prevent the establishment of definite conclusions in this specific field.JEL Classification: H7 Key words: Voter’s Behaviour; Local Elections; Local Governments; Portugal.

    To Be or Not To Be in Office Again: Political Business Cycles with Local Governments

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    Most opportunistic-type models of political business cycles tend to posit a given objective for incumbents: maximisation of re-election chances. Though taking an opportunistic view too, we suggest a new explanation for a fiscal policy cycle: the incumbent’s concern with her own welfare in cases of victory and defeat. This rationale addresses local policy-making in particular. An equilibrium perfect-foresight model is designed which totally dispenses with any form of irrationality (namely, on the part of voters) or the common objective functions (re- election chances). Being well grounded in basic microeconomic theory (welfare maximisation by the individual agent), our model provides another foundation for the emergence of political business cycles at the local level. The empirical plausibility of theoretical predictions is then tested on Portuguese municipal data. The estimation of an error- components econometric framework finds evidence in favour of the proposed explanation during the period 1986 to 1993, and enlightens the role played by several politico-economic determinants of local governments’ investment outlays, such as electoral calendar, re- candidacy decisions, political cohesion and intergovernmental capital transfers.local public finance; public choice; political business cycle; elections; Portugal

    Pequeñas e Médias Empresas e Incentivos ao Investimento. O caso do PEDIP2

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    Nesta comunicaçâo analisamos criticamente o programa PEDIP2 à luz das necessidades das |)cquenas e medias empresas tomando como referencial o conhecimento disponível sobre o tecido empresarial da regiáo Norte de Portugal. Defendemos nesta comunicaçâo que o programa PEDIP2 eonstitui urna experiéncia importante de programa integrado orientado para as empresas industriáis. Tem sido equacionado que a ambiçâo deste programa poderia constituir urna das suas limitaçôes pois poderia rcvelar-se desajustado das necessidades de muitas PME . Neste sentido, fazemos um levantamento das eventuais dificuldades de implementaçâo. Em gérai, concluimos que a estrutura do programa é adequada e que houve o cuidado de salvaguardar a maior dificuldade das pequeñas e médias empresas em terem •icesso a um sistema de incentivos mais exigente. Procedemos, igualmente, a urna avaliaçâo das soluçôes técnicas adoptadas na concessâo de incentivos ao investimento. colocando-nos primordialmente na perspectiva de saber em que medida este programa vai influenciar a prática dos analistas de projectos. Embora identifiquemos alteraçôes, concluimos que as soluçôes adoptadas vém na continuidade duma prática progressivamente implantada desde o programa Siii, passando pelo SIBR c PEDIP1

    Performance of local governments and electoral results

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    Are Voters Rationally Ignorant? An Empirical Study for Portuguese Local Elections

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    The application of the rational choice postulate to a political context invariably leads to the conclusion that most voters are ill informed when making the decision for whom to vote. In this paper, the authors do an empirical evaluation of the rational ignorance theory, based on the results of the 1997 Portuguese Local Elections. The results only partially sustain the hypothesis of rational ignorance, although it is also possible to identify several limitations that prevent the establishment of definite conclusions in this specific field.JEL Classification: H7 Key words: Voter’s Behaviour; Local Elections; Local Governments; Portugal

    Viabilidade económica de projectos de investimento : um confronto entre a teoria e a prática2

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    Apesar da Análise de Investimentos constituir urna técnica bem conhecida pela generalidade dos profissionais Portugueses, há um desconhecimento quase total sobre quais os critérios usados pelas empresas Portuguesas e sobre quai é a sua real importancia na análise e selecçâo das alternativas de investimento. Neste trabalho pretendemos colmatar esta lacuna, estabelecendo urna comparaçâo entre a evidencia empírica sobre os métodos de selecçâo de projectos de investimento mais seguidos por grandes empresas Portuguesas e resultados similares obtidos por outros autores para outros países.Despite Capital Investments Analysis being a technique well known by Portuguese professionals, there is a lack of knowledge concerning the criteria that are used by Portuguese firms and their real importance in the selection of investment alternatives. In this work we intend to fill up this space by comparing empirical evidence for Portuguese firms with similar results obtained by other authors for other countrie

    To Be or Not To Be in Office Again, That is the Question Political Business Cycles with Local Governments

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    Most opportunistic-type models of political business cycles tend to posit a given objective for incumbents: maximisation of re-election chances. Though taking an opportunistic view too, we suggest a new explanation for a fiscal policy cycle: the incumbent’s concern with her own welfare in cases of victory and defeat. This rationale addresses local policy-making in particular. An equilibrium perfect foresight model is designed which totally dispenses with any form of irrationality (namely, on the part of voters) or the common objective functions (re-election chances). Being well grounded in basic microeconomic theory (welfare maximisation by the individual agent), our model provides another foundation for the emergence of political business cycles at the local level. The empirical plausibility of theoretical predictions is then tested on Portuguese municipal data ranging from 1977 to 1993. The estimation of an error-components econometric framework finds evidence in favour of the proposed explanation and enlightens the role played by several politicoeconomic determinants of local governments’ investment outlays, such as electoral calendar, re-candidacy decisions, political cohesion and intergovernmental capital transfers.N/

    What explains cross-country differences in the gender happiness gap? : does gender inequality matter?

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    Subjective well-being (SWB) serves as an important measure of development and social progress. There has been considerable progress in achieving gender parity in individual outcomes across various domains of life, including education, economics, and health. As individual SWB is impacted by contextual factors such as objective conditions, it is important to examine whether this progress towards “objective equality” has resulted in an increase in gender equality in SWB. Using data from 8 rounds (2006-2020) of the European Social Survey across 36 different countries, this study aims to investigate the relationship between societal gender equality, which is measured by the World Economic Forum’s Gender Gap Index (GGI), and the gender gap in subjective well-being. To this end, we employ a two-stage empirical strategy. In the first stage, we use the Oaxaca-Blinder method to decompose the gender gap in subjective well-being in each country/survey year into two parts: a part that is explained by gender differences in observable characteristics and a part that remains unexplained. In the second stage, we explore the relationship between the unexplained part of the gender gap and our societal gender equality measure (GGI). The estimation results indicate that there is no statistically significant association between GGI and the unexplained part of the gender gap in subjective well-being. This finding is robust to several sensitivity checks.O bem-estar subjetivo apresenta-se como uma medida importante de desenvolvimento e progresso social. Tem existido um progresso considerável na procura de alcançar paridade de género nos indicadores individuais em vários domínios da vida, incluindo na educação, na economia, e na saúde. Na medida em que o bem-estar subjetivo é impactado por fatores contextuais como as condições objetivas de vida, é importante examinar se este progresso no sentido de alcançar “igualdade objetiva” tem resultado num aumento da igualdade de género ao nível do bem-estar subjetivo. Recorrendo a dados de 8 rondas (2006-2020) do European Social Survey relativos a 36 países diferentes, este estudo procura investigar a relação entre igualdade social de género, medida através do Gender Gap Index (GGI) do World Economic Forum, e a disparidade de género no bem-estar subjetivo. De forma a examinar esta relação, este estudo utiliza uma estratégia empírica com duas etapas. Na primeira etapa, utilizamos o método Oaxaca-Blinder para decompor a disparidade de género no bem-estar social em cada país/ronda em duas partes: uma parte que é explicada pelas diferenças de género nas caraterísticas observáveis e uma parte que se mantém inexplicada. Na segunda etapa, exploramos a relação entre a parte inexplicada dessas diferenças e a nossa medida de igualdade social de género (GGI). Os resultados estimados indicam que não existe uma associação estatisticamente significativa entre a nossa medida de igualdade social de género (GGI) e a parte inexplicada da disparidade de género no bem-estar subjetivo. Esta descoberta é robusta a vários testes de sensibilidade

    Characterization of novel antibodies and glycan binding proteins against cancer

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    Cancer is the largest cause of death worldwide and it is increasingly urgent to develop new approaches to diagnosis and therapy. The glycosylation pattern of the cancer cells differ from that of healthy cells and therefore the aberrant expression of glycans are promising targets for diagnosis and therapy. Sialyl-Tn (STn) is a glycan, whose expression is increased in cancer cells and almost absent in normal cells. It is involved in processes such as cancer growth, progression and metastasis. In addition to STn other glycans present an aberrant pattern in cancer. As is the case of Sialyl Lewis X (sLeX) shown overexpressed in tumors. The objective of this work consisted in the characterization of monoclonal antibodies against STn and sLeX produced through the hybridoma technology. The antibodies’ affinity and specificity were tested by flow cytometry and ELISA. In case of STn, different batches of a L2A5 antibody were tested. To select and isolate a better performant hybridoma the original L2A5 hybridoma population was subcloned. Cancer cell lines expressing STn and bovine submaxillary mucins expressing STn, were used for screening by flow cytometry and ELISA, respectively. Both techniques showed that the antibodies produced by the L2A5 hybridoma had affinity and specificity for STn, although these were slightly different between batches. We then cloned the hybridoma cells by limiting dilution. The results allowed selecting the subclone 4E11 which produce antibody with the optimized characteristics. In case of sLeX, a novel antibody is being developed by immunizing mice with glycoproteins carrying sLeX. Mice serum was screened by ELISA and results showed the presence of sLeX-recognizing antibodies. Then the supernatants of hybridomas were screened by ELISA to select those producing a candidate monoclonal antibody that recognize sLeX . Both studies have contributed to the development of new monoclonal antibodies with potential use in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer


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    The present article develops a post-keynesian macrodynamic model in which the growth rate of real income is an endogenous variable in order to analyze the effects of capital controls over macroeconomic performance of emergent economies. For such we start from the models developed by Oreiro (2004) and Oreiro and Guerberoff (2004). I this framework is possible to reevaluate the impact of capitals controls over long-term dynamics of emergent economies, taking in account possible interactions b capital controls and economic growth. The first important conclusion is that the capitals controls do not affect the stability properties of the long-run equilibrium positions of the model. The simulation results show that introduction of capitals controls is a useful policy to reduce the level of domestic interest rate, to raise economic growth, to increase the degree of capacity utilization and to reduce the level of external indebtedness. However, the deficit in current account was relatively higher with capitals controls.