133 research outputs found

    Crescimento fisico e desempenho motor em crianças de 6 a 12 anos de condição socio-economica media da area urbana da provincia de Arequipa-Peru

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    Orientador: Miguel de ArrudaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação FisicaMestradoCiencia do DesportoMestre em Educação Físic

    Physical growth in children and adolescents of moderate altitude : physical growth in children and adolescents

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    Orientador: Miguel de ArrudaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação FísicaResumo: O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar o crescimento físico de crianças e adolescentes de moderada altitude. Foram selecionadas de forma probabilística estratificada 955 crianças de 6 a 12 anos, sendo 473 homens e 482 mulheres provenientes de escolas públicas da área urbana da região de Arequipa (Perú) localizada a 2320msnm. As variáveis mensuradas foram a massa corporal (kg), estatura (cm) e as circunferências corporais do braço relaxado, tórax e a panturrilha (cm). Para a relação da massa corporal com a estatura, utilizou-se o [IMC=Peso (kg)?Estatura (m)2]. As variáveis de massa corporal, estatura e o IMC foram comparados com a referência internacional da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS). Os valores das circunferências corporais foram distribuídos em percentís e escores Z, com a tentativa de propor curvas e tabelas referenciais para o monitoramento do crescimento e o estado nutricional das crianças de moderada altitude. A análise estatística descritiva utilizada foi de média, desvio padrão, percentis, e escores Z, e para avaliar as diferenças entre as crianças de moderada altitude e a referência internacional (OMS) utilizou-se o teste "t" para amostras pareadas, com uma probabilidade de p<0,001. Os resultados mostram que as crianças do estudo apresentam menor estatura que a referência. Os valores do IMC propostos pela OMS não pode ser aceito para crianças e adolescentes de moderada altitude, dado que superestima o excesso de peso e obesidade. Por tanto, as curvas e tabelas construídas com base nas circunferências corporais podem ser usadas junto às curvas de massa corporal e estatura propostas pela OMS para o seguimento do crescimento físico em crianças e adolescentes de moderada altitudeAbstract: The aim of this study was to analyze the physical growth of children and adolescents of moderate altitude. Were selected so stratified 955 children aged 6 to 12 years old, 473 boys and 482 girls from urban public schools in the region of Arequipa (Peru) located 2320 meters above the sea level. The variables measured were body mass (kg), height (cm) and body circumferences relaxed arm, chest and calf (cm). For the relationship of body mass to height, we used the [BMI = weight (kg) / height (m)2]. The variables of body weight, height and BMI were compared with the reference of the international World Health Organization (WHO). The values of body circumferences were divided into percentiles and Z scores, with the attempt to propose curves and reference tables for the monitoring of growth and nutritional status of children from moderate altitude. Descriptive statistical analysis was used to mean, standard deviation, percentiles and Z scores, and to evaluate the differences between children with moderate altitude and the international reference (WHO) used the t test for paired samples, with a probability p <0.001. The results show that children in the study have a lower height than the reference. BMI values proposed by the WHO cannot be accepted for children and adolescents of moderate altitude, because it overestimates the excess weight and obesity. Therefore, the curves and tables constructed on the basis of body circumferences can be used along the curves of weight and height proposed by WHO for monitoring the physical growth in children and adolescents of moderate altitudeDoutoradoCiencia do DesportoDoutor em Educação Físic

    Relationship between age and handgrip strength: Proposal of reference values from infancy to senescence

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    Introduction: Measurement of hand grip strength (HGS) has been proposed as a key component of frailty and has also been suggested as a central biomarker of healthy aging and a powerful predictor of future morbidity and mortality. Objectives: (a) To determine whether a nonlinear relationship model could improve the prediction of handgrip strength (HGS) compared to the linear model and (b) to propose percentiles to evaluate HGS according to age and sex for a regional population of Chile from infancy to senescence. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was developed in a representative sample of the Maule region (Chile). The volunteers amounted to 5,376 participants (2,840 men and 2,536 women), with an age range from 6 to 80 years old. Weight, height, HGS (right and left hand) according to age and sex were evaluated. Percentiles were calculated using the LMS method [(L (Lambda; asymmetry), M (Mu; median), and S (Sigma; coefficient of variation)]. Results and discussion: there were no differences in HGS from 6 to 11 years of age in both sexes; however, from 12 years of age onwards, males presented higher HGS values in both hands (p < 0.05). The linear regression between age with HGS showed values of R2 = 0.07 in males and R2 = 0.02 in females. While in the non-linear model (cubic), the values were: R2 = 0.50 to 0.51 in men and R2 = 0.26 in women. The percentiles constructed by age and sex were: P5, P15, P50, P85, and P95 by age range and sex. This study demonstrated that there is a nonlinear relationship between chronological age with HGS from infancy to senescence. Furthermore, the proposed percentiles can serve as a guide to assess and monitor upper extremity muscle strength levels at all stages of life

    Correlation between body mass index and body circumference in children 4 to 10 year-old

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    Objetivos: Correlacionar el índice de masa corporal (IMC) con las circunferencias corporales de niños brasileros de 4 a 10 años. Diseño: Estudio de tipo descriptivo correlacional. Institución: Universidad Estatal de Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brasil. Participantes: Niños de 4 a 10 años de edad. Intervenciones: Se seleccionó 517 niños de ambos sexos de manera probabilística (estratificada), siendo 256 niños y 261 niñas. Se evaluó las medidas antropométricas de peso corporal (kg), estatura (cm), IMC [IMC=peso (kg)∕estatura (m)2] y las circunferencias corporales del brazo relajado, muslo y pantorrilla media (cm). Para el análisis de los datos se utilizó la estadística descriptiva de media aritmética (X), desviación estándar (DE) y el coeficiente de correlación producto-momento de Pearson (r), así como para inferir el análisis de regresión múltiple stepwise paso a paso. Principales medidas de resultados: Correlación del índice de masa corporal con las circunferencias corporales. Resultados: El IMC muestra elevados coeficientes de correlación (r) con las tres circunferencias corporales. Sin embargo, cuando se aplicó la regresión estadística simple, los mejores valores fueron observados a partir de la circunferencia del brazo relajado (R2=0,74) para niñas y la pantorrilla media para niños (R2=0,70). A su vez, cuando se utilizó la regresión múltiple (brazo y pantorrilla) el nivel de explicación para las niñas aumentó a (R2=0,80) y para los niños a (R2=0,75), respectivamente. Conclusiones: Las circunferencias corporales del brazo y la pantorrilla en forma individual y conjunta podrían ser utilizadas como variables independientes del IMC, puesto que este índice por sí solo no podría distinguir el sobrepeso y exceso de grasa en niños de ambos géneros de 4 a 10 años, sobre todo cuando se encuentran en fase de crecimiento y desarrollo somático.Objectives: To compare body mass index (BMI) with body circumferences in 4 to 10 year-old Brazilian children. Design: Descriptive correlational type study. Setting: Universidad Estatal de Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Participants: Children 4 to 10 year-old. Interventions: We selected in a probabilistic (stratified) manner a total of 517 children both sexes, 256 boys and 261 girls. We evaluated anthropometric measurements of body weight (kg), height (cm), BMI [BMI = weight (kg)/height (m)2] and relaxed mean arm girth, thigh and calf (cm). For data analysis descriptive statistics were used for arithmetic mean (X), standard deviation (SD) and Pearson’s coefficient correlation product moment (r) as well as to infer step by step the stepwise multiple regression analysis. Main outcome measures: Correlation of body mass index with body circumferences. Results: BMI had high correlation coefficients (r) with the three body circumferences. However, when simple statistical regression was applied, the best values were observed with the relaxed arm circumference (R2=0.74) for girls and children half calf (R2=0.70). In turn, when multiple regression was used (arm and calf) the level of explanation for girls increased to (R2=0.80) and children (R2=0.75), respectively. Conclusions: Arm circumferences and calf individually and together could be used as independent variables of BMI, since this index alone can not distinguish between overweight and excess fat in both gender children 4-10 year-old, especially when they are in the process of growth and somatic development

    Estimation of Pubertal Growth Spurt Parameters in Children and Adolescents Living at Moderate Altitude in Colombia

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    Objective: Knowledge of the biological parameters of pubertal growth spurt allows verification of secular changes and exploration of the timing of puberty. The aim of the study was to estimate final height, age at peak height velocity (APHV), and peak height velocity PHV (cm/y) in children and adolescents living at moderate altitude in Colombia. Methods: A cross-sectional study was designed in 2.295 schoolchildren from Bogotá (Colombia) with an age range from 5.0 to 18.9 years. Height (cm) was assessed. Preece–Baines model 1 (1PB) was used to make inferences about mathematical and biological parameters. Results: The five mathematical parameters estimated in general have reflected quality in the fit to the model, reflecting a small residual error. Final height was reached in boys at 170.8 ± 0.4 cm and in girls at 157.9 ± 0.2 cm. APHV was estimated at 12.71 ± 0.1 years in boys and 10.4 ± 0.2 years in girls. Girls reached APHV 2.2 years earlier than boys. In relation to PHV (cm/y), boys reached higher growth speed in height (7.4 ± 0.4 cm/y), and in girls it was (7.0 ± 0.2 cm/y). Conclusion: It was determined that final height was reached at 170.8 ± 0.4 cm in boys and 157.9 ± 0.2 cm in girls, and APHV (years) and PHV (cm/ye) were reached relatively early and with average peak velocity similar to Asian and Western populations. A large-scale longitudinal study is needed to confirm these findings

    Aspectos demográficos del envejecimiento

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    This article aims to analyze the demo- graphic aspects of aging. Through documentary analysis, we have studied the demographic variables that characterize aging in different countries and analyzed the &nbsp;particular &nbsp;situation of Brazil. Among the demographic variables analyzed, are the demographic transition, birth rate, fecundity, mortality, migration and life expectancy, respectively. This study shows the demographic transition as an important factor that is influencing in developing societies and developed in a different&nbsp;way, but with an undeniable impact, since as a social phenomenon of multiple dimensions determined the socio- demographic transformation, &nbsp;initially Of European countries and is currently affecting countries in Latin America and the Caribbean and specifically in Brazil. The results of the review point to the presence of a population that is older and with a very low or perhaps even negative growth rateEl presente artículo, tiene como objetivo analizar los aspectos demográficos del envejecimiento. Mediante análisis documental, se han estudiado las variables demográficas que caracterizan el envejecimiento en diferentes países y se analizó la situación particular de Brasil. Entre las variables demográficas analizadas, están la transición demográfica, natalidad, fecundidad, mortalidad migración y esperanza de vida, respectivamente. En este estudio aparece la transición demográfica como un factor importante que está influyendo en sociedades en vías de desarrollo y en desarrollado de manera distinta, pero con un impacto innegable, ya que como un fenómeno social de múltiples dimensiones determinó la transformación sociodemográfica, inicialmente de los países europeos y actualmente está afectando a países de América Latina y El Caribe y específicamente en Brasil. Los resultados de la revisión apuntan a la presencia de una población más en- vejecida y con una tasa de crecimiento bajísima, o tal vez hasta negativa

    Crecimiento físico y estado nutricional de adolescentes escolares

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    Objectives: To determine physical growth parameters and to assess nutritional status of school adolescents. Design: Descriptive comparative study. Institution: Liceo Naval Admiral Lizardo Montero, Lima, Peru. Participants: Adolescents aged 12-15 years. Interventions: A non-probability selection of 501 school children of both sexes (251 men and 250 women) was done. Variables determined included weight and height. Mean, standard deviation, percentages, t-test for independent samples and paired (p &lt;0.05) and chi-square (p&lt;0.05) analysis were done. Main outcome measures: Variables of growth and nutritional status. Results: Compared to international references, there were no significant differences (p &lt;0.05) in weight and height by sex in adolescents. The nutritional status showed higher proportion of well nourished subjects (74.5% in men and 75.6% in women) compared with low birth weight (2% in men, 0.8% in women), overweight (16.3% in men and 20.4 in women) and obesity (7.2% in men and 3.2% in women). Conclusions: Physical growth pattern was similar to international reference values but the high prevalence of overweight in both sexes suggests a public health problem.Objetivos: Determinar los parámetros del crecimiento físico y valorar el estado nutricional de adolescentes escolares. Diseño: Descriptivo comparativo. Institución: Liceo Naval Contralmirante Lizardo Montero, Lima, Perú. Participantes: Adolescentes de 12 a 15 años. Intervenciones: De forma no-probabilística (accidental) se seleccionó 501 escolares de ambos sexos (251 hombres y 250 mujeres). Los escolares pertenecían al Liceo Naval Contralmirante Lizardo Montero de Lima. Se evaluó las variables de peso y estatura. Los datos fueron analizados a través de la media aritmética, desviación estándar, porcentajes, prueba t para muestras independientes y apareadas (p&lt;0,05) y chi cuadrado (p&lt;0,05). Principales medidas de resultados: Variables de crecimiento y estado nutricional. Resultados: No hubo diferencias significativas (p&lt;0,05) en peso y estatura en adolescentes de ambos sexos respecto a la referencia internacional. En el estado nutricional se observó mayor proporción de eutróficos (74,5% en hombres y 75,6% en mujeres), teniendo peso bajo 2% de los hombres y 0,8% de mujeres, sobrepeso 16,3% varones y 20,4 mujeres, y obesidad 7,2% hombres y 3,2% mujeres. Conclusiones: Los resultados sugieren similar patrón de crecimiento físico que la referencia internacional y elevados valores de prevalencia de sobrepeso en ambos sexos, lo cual sugiere un problema de salud pública

    Proposed equations for predicting body composition of male wistar rats

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    Introducción: La evaluación de la composición corporal es importante, porque permite conocer el fraccionamiento del peso corporal en peso muscular, peso graso, peso residual y peso óseo, tanto en humanos, como en animales. Objetivos: Validar ecuaciones somáticas para predecir la composición corporal de un modelo tri-compartimental (peso graso, peso libre de grasa y peso residual) de ratas machos wistar. Diseño: Estudio de tipo descriptivo de corte transversal. Institución: Facultad de Biología de la universidad estatal UNICAMP, Sao Paulo, Brasil. Material biológico: Ratas machos wistar. Métodos: Se estudió a 10 ratas machos wistar, con un promedio de edad de (X=98,00±10,40 días), se les evaluó el peso corporal (g). Enseguida fueron sacrificados y se procedió al fraccionamiento del peso graso (piel), peso libre de grasa (músculo y hueso) y peso residual (PR) (g). Los resultados fueron analizados por estadística descriptiva de media aritmética (X), desviación estándar (DE) y correlación producto momento de Pearson (r). Para predecir los componentes, se aplicó regresiones estadísticas simples y múltiples, a partir del peso corporal (g) y la edad (días) como variables independientes. Por otro lado, para verificar la concordancia entre el método directo de disección in vitro con las ecuaciones de regresión, se utilizó el plotaje de Bland y Altman. Principales medidas de resultados: Validación de ecuaciones somáticas para predecir la composición corporal de ratas. Resultados: Se verificó altos coeficientes de correlación (r) con el peso corporal y edad, los cuales dieron origen a ecuaciones que permitieron predecir el peso graso (PG = -31,6+(0,361*PT)-(0,345*edad) (R2=0,73) y peso libre de grasa (PLG = 19,9+(0,453*PT) + (0,114*edad) (R2=0,94). Sin embargo, el peso residual (PR) fue obtenido por medio de una deducción matemática (PR=peso total-(PLG+PG)). Así mismo, el plotaje de Bland y Altman permitió determinar alta concordancia entre ambos procedimientos. Conclusión: Las ecuaciones de regresión como método doblemente indirecto (modelo tri-compartimental) permiten predecir la composición corporal de ratas machos wistar en una fase etárea de 84 a 112 días de edad.Introduction: Assessment of body composition is important as it allows splitting body weight in muscle weight, fat weight, bone weight and residual weight, both in humans and animals. Objectives: To validate somatic equations to predict a tri-compartment model of body composition (fat weight, fat free weight and residual weight) in male Wistar rats. Design: Descriptive transversal type study. Setting: Faculty of Biology, State University UNICAMP, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Biological material: Male Wistar rats. Methods: The study evaluated body weight (g) in 10 average age (X = 98.00 ± 10.40 days) male Wistar rats. They were sacrificed and splitting of fat weight (skin), fat free weight (muscle and bone) and residual weight (PR) (g) was done. Results were analyzed by arithmetic mean (X), standard deviation (SD) and Pearson product moment correlations (r) descriptive statistics. To predict components single and multiple regression statistics were applied, with weight body (g) and age (days) as independent variables. On the other hand, to verify agreement between in vitro method of dissection and regression equations Bland and Altman’s plotting were used. Main outcome measures: Somatic equations validation to predict rat’s corporal composition. Results: We observed high correlation coefficients (r) with body weight and age, which led to equations to allow prediction of the fat weight (PG=-31.6+(0.361*PT)-(0.345*age) (R2=0.73) and fat free weight (PLG=19.9+(0.453*PT)+(0.114*age) (R2=0.94). However, residual weight (PR) was obtained by mathematical deduction (PR = total weight -(PLG + PG)). Additionally, the Bland and Altman’s plotting allowed determining high concordance between the two procedures. Conclusion: Regression equations as doubly indirect method (three-compartment model) allow predicting 84 to 112 day-old male Wistar rats’ body composition

    Reproductibilidad de un cuestionario que valora la actividad física en adolescentes escolares

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    Introducción: Los cuestionarios de actividad física por lo general son los instrumentos más sencillos y fáciles de aplicar a grandes poblaciones, sin embargo, la capacidad de reproductibilidad varía entre las poblaciones. Objetivo: Analizar la fiabilidad de un cuestionario que valora la Actividad Física en una muestra de escolares adolescentes que viven a elevada altitud por medio de consistencia interna y test re-test. Diseño: Descriptivo-Transversal (Survey). Institución: Universidad Nacional del Altiplano, Puno, Perú. Participantes: Adolescentes escolares de 12 a 17 años. Intervenciones: Fueron seleccionados de forma sistemática 109 escolares de ambos sexos. Se valoró las medidas antropométricas de peso, estatura, estatura sentada y circunferencia del abdomen. Además se aplicó un cuestionario de actividad física con 11 preguntas (test y re-test) con un intervalo de 7 días. Principales medidas: Valoración de la capacidad de reproductibilidad por consistencia interna y estabilidad. Resultados: Los valores de alpha de Cronbach (Consistencia interna) mostraron valores de 0,73 a 0,77 para ambos sexos. El Error Técnico de Medida (ETM) fue de 0,50 a 1,61% y el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman  osciló entre 0,91 a 0,95. Conclusión: El cuestionario de actividad física muestra altos valores de confiabilidad, tanto en su consistencia interna como en la estabilidad de las medidas. Introduction: Physical activity questionnaires usually are the most simple and easy to apply to large populations, however, reproducibility capacity varies between populations. Objective: To analyze the reliability of a questionnaire to assess physical activity in a sample of school adolescents living at high altitude through internal consistency and test re-test. Design: Descriptive, transversal (Survey). Institution: Universidad Nacional del Altiplano, Puno, Peru. Participants: School Teens 12 to 17 years. Interventions: There were systematically selected 109 students of both sexes. We evaluated anthropometric measurements of weight, height, sitting height and circumference of the abdomen. In addition we applied a physical activity questionnaire with 11 questions (test and re-test) with an interval of 7 days. Main measures: capacity rating for internal consistency, reproducibility and stability. Results: Cronbach's alpha values ??(internal consistency) showed values ??from 0.73 to 0.77 for both sexes. Measuring technical error (SEM) was from 0.50 to 1.61% and the Spearman correlation coefficient ranges from 0.91 to 0.95. Conclusion: The physical activity questionnaire shows high values ??of reliability, consistency both internally and in the stability of the measures