211 research outputs found

    Common internal parasites of cattle (1993)

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    Although there are many species of worm parasites harbored in the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts of cattle, only a few target species are clinically and economically important. These include the brown stomach worm Ostertagia the coccidia Eimeria bovis and the lungworm Dictyocaulus. These are of great significance throughout the United States and worldwide, with Ostertagia considered the single most important parasite of cattle. And this is true for native Missouri cattle as well as for cattle imported into Missouri

    Common internal parasites of swine (1993)

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    Swine performance is influenced by internal parasites, most dramatically in the young, growing pig. Parasites reside in the stomach and intestinal tract of the pig, causing irritation, impaction, indigestion and lack of appetite. Parasites cause loss of nutrients from feed consumed by competing with the host, and by causing poor digestion, gut ulceration and even blood loss


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    On the Mechanism of Action of Growth Regulators

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    The Evolving Practice of Medicine: A View from the Front Line

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    The health care system in the United States has been experiencing rapid change for decades. Beginning after World War II, the health care system grew and expanded. Change was driven by advances in technology, shifting demographics, and increases in the supply of physicians and hospitals, all fueled by supportive public policy and governmental funding. While change continues today, new dynamics drive the direction of change. These new dynamics generally share a common theme of cost containment. The purchasing power of buyers, both industry and government, has overshadowed the historical power of providers. Managed care financing mechanisms have changed provider behavior by introduction of utilization management mechanisms and shifted incentives through assumption of insurance risk by providers. The role of patients has also changed as the consumer has become more knowledgeable and empowered. There are large and growing numbers of uninsured Americans. There is growing discontent around the quality of care being provided by the health care system. All these factors, and more, drive today\u27s changes in the organization, delivery, and financing of health care in the United States. However, the change we see in each community varies in terms of its pace and in how the parts of the health care delivery and financing system have organized and reorganized. There appears to be no clearly articulated public policy that is shaping the structure and function of the health care system of the future. This symposium explores the issues behind the variability of the change observed in the health care system from community to community, and particularly to place Syracuse, New York, in the context of these changes

    Direction Of Hepatitis Supported Research At Namru-2

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    Titik berat penelitian hepatitis di NAMRU-2 pada saat ini adalah: I) penelitian binatang untuk mengetahui populasi reservoar HEV; 2) penggunaan model hewan untuk lebih diketahuinya transmisi HEV pada populasi reservoar yang dicurigai; 3) diketahuinya akurasi alat diagnostik yang digunakan (untuk semua marker); 4) diketahuinya lama pengeluaran virus hepatitis E pada kotoran manusia yang menderita hepatitis akut maupun dari model hewan; 5) diketahuinya insidens hepatitis E akut melalui pencarian kasus dengan menggunakan metode penelitian lapangan di masyarakat; dan 6) serokonversi infeksi hepatitis E pada anak-anak. Hubungan erat dengan berbagai universitas dan instansi pemerintah yang terkait dengan penanganan kasus-kasus hepatitis, telah dan masih menjadi bagian penting bagi suksesnya penelitian hepatitis di NAMRU-2. Hasil yang dicapai berdasarkan program penelitian di atas antara lain: 1) seminar hepatitis E di Kalimantan Barat; 2) tersedianya kemampuan diagnostik pada laboratorium setempat; 3) pembinaan peneliti di Indonesia dan Asia Tenggara dalam hal epidemiologi; serta 4) alih teknologi dalam pelaksanaan penelitian yang dapat melibatkan minat para peneliti pada penyakit hepatitis di Indonesia

    Revealing the Specificity of Human H1 Influenza A Viruses to Complex N-Glycans

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    Influenza virus infection remains a threat to human health since viral hemagglutinins are constantly drifting, escaping infection and vaccine-induced antibody responses. Viral hemag-glutinins from different viruses display variability in glycan recognition. In this context, recent H3N2 viruses have specificity for alpha 2,6 sialylated branched N-glycans with at least three N- acetyllactosamine units (tri-LacNAc). In this work, we combined glycan arrays and tissue binding analyses with nuclear magnetic resonance experiments to characterize the glycan specificity of a family of H1 variants, including the one responsible for the 2009 pandemic outbreak. We also analyzed one engineered H6N1 mutant to understand if the preference for tri-LacNAc motifs could be a general trend in human-type receptor-adapted viruses. In addition, we developed a new NMR approach to perform competition experiments between glycans with similar compositions and different lengths. Our results point out that pandemic H1 viruses differ from previous seasonal H1 viruses by a strict preference for a minimum of di-LacNAc structural motifs.R.P.d.V. is a recipient of an ERC Starting grant from the European Commission (802780) and a Beijerinck Premium of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences. The glycan array setup was supported by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO, TOP-PUNT 718.015.003 to G.-J.P.H.B.). Dr. Lin Liu (CCRC) and Dr. Margreet A . Wolfert (Utrecht University) developed, printed, and validated the glycan microarray. We would like to thank Nikoloz Nemanichvili for technical assistance. A.C. acknowledges funding from Agencia Estatal de Investigacion "Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation" (MICINN) project PID2019-105237GB-I00. J.P.C. acknowledges funding by the Spanish MICINN, grant no. RTI2018-095588-B-I00 (co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund/European Social Fund, "Invest-ing in your future"). JJB also tha n k s funding by the European Research Council (RECGLYCANMR, Advanced grant no. 788143), the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (Spain) for grants RTI2018-094751-B-C21 and C22 and PDI2021-1237810B-C21 and C22, and CIBERES, an initiative of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Madrid, Spain. The NMR spectra were acquired at the NMR service of CIBMargarita Salas and in the NMR faci l i t y of the UCM. We also acknowledge Prof. Robert Woods group for sending us the coordinates of a glycan-hemagglut i n i n model