4,171 research outputs found

    GG-odometers and their almost 1-1 extensions

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    In this paper we recall the concepts of GG-odometer and GG-subodometer for GG-actions, where GG is a discrete finitely generated group, which generalize the notion of odometer in the case G=\ZZ. We characterize the GG-regularly recurrent systems as the minimal almost 1-1 extensions of subodometers, from which we deduce that the family of the GG-Toeplitz subshifts coincides with the family of the minimal symbolic almost 1-1 extensions of subodometers.Comment: 18 page

    Uniqueness of the Fock quantization of the Gowdy T3T^3 model

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    After its reduction by a gauge-fixing procedure, the family of linearly polarized Gowdy T3T^3 cosmologies admit a scalar field description whose evolution is governed by a Klein-Gordon type equation in a flat background in 1+1 dimensions with the spatial topology of S1S^1, though in the presence of a time-dependent potential. The model is still subject to a homogeneous constraint, which generates S1S^1-translations. Recently, a Fock quantization of this scalar field was introduced and shown to be unique under the requirements of unitarity of the dynamics and invariance under the gauge group of S1S^1-translations. In this work, we extend and complete this uniqueness result by considering other possible scalar field descriptions, resulting from reasonable field reparameterizations of the induced metric of the reduced model. In the reduced phase space, these alternate descriptions can be obtained by means of a time-dependent scaling of the field, the inverse scaling of its canonical momentum, and the possible addition of a time-dependent, linear contribution of the field to this momentum. Demanding again unitarity of the field dynamics and invariance under the gauge group, we prove that the alternate canonical pairs of fieldlike variables admit a Fock representation if and only if the scaling of the field is constant in time. In this case, there exists essentially a unique Fock representation, provided by the quantization constructed by Corichi, Cortez, and Mena Marugan. In particular, our analysis shows that the scalar field description proposed by Pierri does not admit a Fock quantization with the above unitarity and invariance properties.Comment: 14 page

    A unique Fock quantization for fields in non-stationary spacetimes

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    In curved spacetimes, the lack of criteria for the construction of a unique quantization is a fundamental problem undermining the significance of the predictions of quantum field theory. Inequivalent quantizations lead to different physics. Recently, however, some uniqueness results have been obtained for fields in non-stationary settings. In particular, for vacua that are invariant under the background symmetries, a unitary implementation of the classical evolution suffices to pick up a unique Fock quantization in the case of Klein-Gordon fields with time-dependent mass, propagating in a static spacetime whose spatial sections are three-spheres. In fact, the field equation can be reinterpreted as describing the propagation in a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker spacetime after a suitable scaling of the field by a function of time. For this class of fields, we prove here an even stronger result about the Fock quantization: the uniqueness persists when one allows for linear time-dependent transformations of the field in order to account for a scaling by background functions. In total, paying attention to the dynamics, there exists a preferred choice of quantum field, and only one SO(4)SO(4)-invariant Fock representation for it that respects the standard probabilistic interpretation along the evolution. The result has relevant implications e.g. in cosmology.Comment: Typos correcte

    Quantum unitary dynamics in cosmological spacetimes

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    We address the question of unitary implementation of the dynamics for scalar fields in cosmological scenarios. Together with invariance under spatial isometries, the requirement of a unitary evolution singles out a rescaling of the scalar field and a unitary equivalence class of Fock representations for the associated canonical commutation relations. Moreover, this criterion provides as well a privileged quantization for the unscaled field, even though the associated dynamics is not unitarily implementable in that case. We discuss the relation between the initial data that determine the Fock representations in the rescaled and unscaled descriptions, and clarify that the S-matrix is well defined in both cases. In our discussion, we also comment on a recently proposed generalized notion of unitary implementation of the dynamics, making clear the difference with the standard unitarity criterion and showing that the two approaches are not equivalent.Comment: 18 page

    A uniqueness criterion for the Fock quantization of scalar fields with time dependent mass

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    A major problem in the quantization of fields in curved spacetimes is the ambiguity in the choice of a Fock representation for the canonical commutation relations. There exists an infinite number of choices leading to different physical predictions. In stationary scenarios, a common strategy is to select a vacuum (or a family of unitarily equivalent vacua) by requiring invariance under the spacetime symmetries. When stationarity is lost, a natural generalization consists in replacing time invariance by unitarity in the evolution. We prove that, when the spatial sections are compact, the criterion of a unitary dynamics, together with the invariance under the spatial isometries, suffices to select a unique family of Fock quantizations for a scalar field with time dependent mass.Comment: 11 pages, version accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Quantum Gowdy T3T^3 model: A uniqueness result

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    Modulo a homogeneous degree of freedom and a global constraint, the linearly polarised Gowdy T3T^3 cosmologies are equivalent to a free scalar field propagating in a fixed nonstationary background. Recently, a new field parameterisation was proposed for the metric of the Gowdy spacetimes such that the associated scalar field evolves in a flat background in 1+1 dimensions with the spatial topology of S1S^1, although subject to a time dependent potential. Introducing a suitable Fock quantisation for this scalar field, a quantum theory was constructed for the Gowdy model in which the dynamics is implemented as a unitary transformation. A question that was left open is whether one might adopt a different, nonequivalent Fock representation by selecting a distinct complex structure. The present work proves that the chosen Fock quantisation is in fact unique (up to unitary equivalence) if one demands unitary implementation of the dynamics and invariance under the group of constant S1S^1 translations. These translations are precisely those generated by the global constraint that remains on the Gowdy model. It is also shown that the proof of uniqueness in the choice of complex structure can be applied to more general field dynamics than that corresponding to the Gowdy cosmologies.Comment: 28 pages, minor changes, version accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Criteria for the determination of time dependent scalings in the Fock quantization of scalar fields with a time dependent mass in ultrastatic spacetimes

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    For Klein-Gordon fields, it is well known that there exist an infinite number of nonequivalent Fock representations of the canonical commutation relations and, therefore, of inequivalent quantum theories. A context in which this kind of ambiguities arises and prevents the derivation of robust results is, e.g., in the quantum analysis of cosmological perturbations. In these situations, typically, a suitable scaling of the field by a time dependent function leads to a description in an auxiliary static background, though the nonstationarity still shows up in a time dependent mass. For such a field description, and assuming the compactness of the spatial sections, we recently proved in three or less spatial dimensions that the criteria of a natural implementation of the spatial symmetries and of a unitary time evolution are able to select a unique class of unitarily equivalent vacua, and hence of Fock representations. In this work, we succeed to extend our uniqueness result to the consideration of all possible field descriptions that can be reached by a time dependent canonical transformation which, in particular, involves a scaling of the field by a function of time. This kind of canonical transformations modify the dynamics of the system and introduce a further ambiguity in its quantum description, exceeding the choice of a Fock representation. Remarkably, for any compact spatial manifold in less than four dimensions, we show that our criteria eliminate any possible nontrivial scaling of the field other than that leading to the description in an auxiliary static background. Besides, we show that either no time dependent redefinition of the field momentum is allowed or, if this may happen, the redefinition does not introduce any Fock representation that cannot be obtained by a unitary transformation.Comment: 37 pages. Modified title. Improved discussion concerning the spatial symmetry group. New section (section VI

    Massless scalar field in de Sitter spacetime: unitary quantum time evolution

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    We prove that, under the standard conformal scaling, a massless field in de Sitter spacetime admits an O(4)-invariant Fock quantization such that time evolution is unitarily implemented. This result disproves previous claims in the literature. We discuss the relationship between this quantization with unitary dynamics and the family of O(4)-invariant Hadamard states given by Allen and Folacci, as well as with the Bunch-Davies vacuum.Comment: 23 pages. Typos corrected, matches published versio

    Florida Reconstruction Impeachments

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    The impeachment of Governor Harrison Reed not only contributes an interesting chapter to the history of Reconstruction but it also offers a number of novel precedents to the history of American impeachments. Throughout his gubernatorial term (1868-1872), Reed fought a consistent and courageous struggle against carpetbag politicians in Florida. I know of no other state or national civil officer against whom the impeachment remedy was so frequently attempted. On four occasions, he was threatened with legislative removal. Twice the lower house passed impeachment resolutions. Finally, in the last year of his term, his enemies voted a bona fide and legal impeachment against him; reported it to the senate in due form; suspended him from office; and, after all these apparent indices of triumph, they had to return him to power on account of an unusual and embarrassing political situation
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