31 research outputs found

    Corruption: Transcending borders

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    Is corruption capable of spreading across national borders? This paper uses panel data for 120 countries from 1995 to 2012 to evaluate whether the corruption levels ofneighboring countries, as weighted by the relative joint border length, affects domestic corruption. Including country fixed effects allows us to control for unobservablecountry specifc aspects and our results suggest a positive and statistically signifcant relationship. In general, a ten point increase in the weighted freedom from corruption index of neighboring countries is associated with a one point increase of the domestic freedom from corruption index. This result is robust to a variety of alternative specifcations, such as a GMM estimation or including additional control variables. The proposed effect becomes stronger as income increases and the relationship is only positive for countries with a GDP per capita above US1,600(in2000US1,600 (in 2000 US). For the richest countries, the estimated coe cient rises up to 0:43.Is corruption capable of spreading across national borders? This paper uses panel data for 120 countries from 1995 to 2012 to evaluate whether the corruption levels ofneighboring countries, as weighted by the relative joint border length, affects domestic corruption. Including country fixed effects allows us to control for unobservablecountry specifc aspects and our results suggest a positive and statistically signifcant relationship. In general, a ten point increase in the weighted freedom from corruption index of neighboring countries is associated with a one point increase of the domestic freedom from corruption index. This result is robust to a variety of alternative specifcations, such as a GMM estimation or including additional control variables. The proposed effect becomes stronger as income increases and the relationship is only positive for countries with a GDP per capita above US1,600(in2000US1,600 (in 2000 US). For the richest countries, the estimated coe cient rises up to 0:43

    Ānāpāna: Neuro-engineering of Mindfulness

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    Meditation benefits have been widely supported by many research works. It is considered a natural way of reducing stress, depression, and other anxiety disorders. However, meditation process is a breathe pursuing task that requires long time training to avoid the so-called mind wandering. In this work, we propose a neural-feedback system that detects when mind wanders and generates an audible signal, this way patient’s attention is recovered back again. Finally, we support our approach by testing the system on novice and advanced meditators

    Calculo del nivel de conciencia utilizando computación paralela

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    En patologías neurológicas existe un estado conocido como sindorme de “Locked-in” en el cual el paciente tiene conciencia pero es incapaz de comunicarse con el mundo exterior. Este trabajo en progreso, muestra una aplicación innovadora de computación paralela, para optimizar de la implementación del algoritmo de cálculo de conciencia propuesto por Tononi [2]. Describe el algoritmo del cálculo y propone una metodología innovadora para involucrar computación paralela en su implementación.

    Calculo del nivel de conciencia utilizando computación paralela

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    En patologías neurológicas existe un estado conocido como sindorme de “Locked-in” en el cual el paciente tiene conciencia pero es incapaz de comunicarse con el mundo exterior. Este trabajo en progreso, muestra una aplicación innovadora de computación paralela, para optimizar de la implementación del algoritmo de cálculo de conciencia propuesto por Tononi [2]. Describe el algoritmo del cálculo y propone una metodología innovadora para involucrar computación paralela en su implementación.

    Ānāpāna: Neuro-engineering of Mindfulness

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    Meditation benefits have been widely supported by many research works. It is considered a natural way of reducing stress, depression, and other anxiety disorders. However, meditation process is a breathe pursuing task that requires long time training to avoid the so-called mind wandering. In this work, we propose a neural-feedback system that detects when mind wanders and generates an audible signal, this way patient’s attention is recovered back again. Finally, we support our approach by testing the system on novice and advanced meditators

    Relaciones entre proyecto de vida y organizaciones: una mirada metafórica desde la planeación, la formación y la contabilidad

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    It is important that companies carry out proper planning and training in order to have favorable financial results. Thus, the objective was to analyze the relationships between planning, business formation and accounting process in financial results, using the human life project as a metaphor for organizations. Interviews were conducted with seven businessmen from organizations in the municipality of Andes (Antioquia), located in four groups called entrepreneurship, in growth, sustainability and consolidated.Finally, it was concluded that there is the proposed metaphor of organization with its relation to the life project of the human being, starting from relating the planning and training processes to obtain positive financial resultsEs importante que las empresas realicen una debida planeación y formación con el propósito de tener resultados financieros favorables. Así, se planteó como objetivo analizar las relaciones entre la planeación, la formación de las empresas y el proceso contable en los resultados financieros, utilizando el proyecto de vida del ser humano como metáfora para las organizaciones. Se realizaron entrevistas a siete empresarios de organizaciones del municipio de Andes (Antioquia) ubicadas en cuatro grupos denominados emprendimiento, crecimiento, sostenibilidad y consolidación.Finalmente se concluyó que sí existe la metáfora propuesta de organización en relación con el proyecto de vida del ser humano, partiendo de relacionar los procesos de planeación y formación para la obtención de resultados financieros positivos