42 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Drosophila Melanogaster Sebagai Organisme Model Untuk Mempelajari Pengaruh Faktor Lingkungan Terhadap Ekspresi Sifat Makhluk Hidup Pada Perkuliahan Genetika

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    The interaction between genetic and environmental factors in determining the characters of living organism is one of the main concepts in biology nowadays, and it becomes one of the main topic that students learn in genetics lecture. However, the observation result showed that regulation of gene expression in eukaryotes was considered to be a quite difficult topic for the students. The utilization of Drosophila melanogaster through practical activities can be used as an instructional media to help students understand the effect of environmental factors on the characters of living organism. This research aims to prove that through the crossbreeding of D. melanogaster for several generations, the effect of environmental factors on the characters of living organism can be observed. In this research, three strains of D. melanogaster were used to reveal the effect of dark environment on fecundity, which is one of the determinant factors of fitness in insects. The results showed that D. melanogaster treated in dark condition had lower fecundity than that in the control condition. The results of the comparison among the strains also showed that the strains of wild-type had higher fecundity than the white eyed color and ebony strains. The interaction between light conditions and generation and the interaction between light, strains, and generation also had an effect on the fecundity

    Pengembangan Buku Suplemen Mutasi Gen pada Matakuliah Genetika

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    Nontext book are books which are not used directly as a book to study particular subject in educational institution. One of nontext books is a supplementary book. Genetics course is a course taught in Biology Education Program of Jember University. There are several problems in the lecture based on the analysis of teaching materials needs. These problems are such as the source of many teaching materials that use English, so the students get difficult in understanding the material, students are looking forward to the material with a simple language and easy to understand, and having interesting illustrations. The purpose of this study is to produce a supplementary book of Genetics in Biology Education Program in University of Jember. The supplementary book which was being developed is a research-based supplementary book with development model R&D Borg and Gall. The supplementary book was validated by a material expert, a development expert, and tested on a small group of 15 students. The result of material validation showed the value of 81,39%, developing validation 97,96%, and the result of reading test 73,66%. Overall, the supplementary book is valid enough with a little revision. The revised book is based on suggestions and comments provided by validators and test of small group of students.Nontext book are books which are not used directly as a book to study particular subject in educational institution. One of nontext books is a supplementary book. Genetics course is a course taught in Biology Education Program of Jember University. There are several problems in the lecture based on the analysis of teaching materials needs. These problems are such as the source of many teaching materials that use English, so the students get difficult in understanding the material, students are looking forward to the material with a simple language and easy to understand, and having interesting illustrations. The purpose of this study is to produce a supplementary book of Genetics in Biology Education Program in University of Jember. The supplementary book which was being developed is a research-based supplementary book with development model R&D Borg and Gall. The supplementary book was validated by a material expert, a development expert, and tested on a small group of 15 students. The result of material validation showed the value of 81,39%, developing validation 97,96%, and the result of reading test 73,66%. Overall, the supplementary book is valid enough with a little revision. The revised book is based on suggestions and comments provided by validators and test of small group of students.Buku nonteks pelajaran merupakan buku-buku yang tidak digunakan secara langsung sebagai buku untuk mempelajari salah satu bidang studi di lembaga pendidikan. Salah satu jenis buku nonteks adalah buku suplemen. Matakuliah Genetika adalah matakuliah yang diajarkan di Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi Universitas Jember. Terdapat beberapa permasalahan didalam perkuliahan tersebut berdasarkan analisis kebutuhan bahan ajar. Permasalahan tersebut diantaranya adalah sumber bahan ajar banyak yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris sehingga mahasiswa merasa kesulitan dalam memahami materi, mahasiswa sangat mengharapkan materi dengan bahasa yang sederhana dan mudah dipahami, dan disertai ilustrasi menarik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan buku suplemen bahan ajar mata kuliah Genetika di Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi Universitasi Jember Buku suplemen yang dikembangkan merupakan buku suplemen yang berbasis penelitian dengan model pengembangan R&D Borg and Gall. Buku suplemen divalidasi oleh ahli materi, ahli pengembangan, dan diuji coba pada kelompok kecil dengan 15 mahasiswa. Hasil validasi materi menunjukkan nilai 81,39%, validasi pengembangan buku 97,96%, dan hasil uji keterbacaan 73,66%. Secara keseluruhan buku yang dikembangkan dalam kategori valid dan cukup valid dengan sedikit revisi. Revisi buku dilakukan berdasarkan saran dan komentar yang diberikan oleh validator dan mahasiswa uji coba kelompok kecil

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran Project Based Learning (PjBL) pada Materi Ekosistem terhadap Sikap dan Hasil Belajar Siswa SMAN 2 Malang

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    The objective of this research was to know the effect of Project Based Learning (PjBL) to the attitude and student cognitive achievement in SMAN 2 Malang. This research applied quasy experimental with non-equivalent control group design. The populations of this research is all student of class X SMAN 2 Malang on academic year 2008/2009. The samples of this research were class X7 as experimental (PjBL) and class X8 as control (conventional). The instrument of this research namely cognitive achievement test and attitude scale questionnaire to river ecosystem. This research data are quantitative data consisted by score cognitive achievement and attitude scale questionnaire to river ecosystem, collected on 14 Maret until 31 May 2009. Data were analysed by bilinear covariant statistical analysis (Ancova), continued with LSD test. The result of this research indicated that there were PjBL toward the cognitive achievement and student attitude to river ecosystem. Students with PjBl having attitude higher 11,65% from conventional students. Beside, students with PjBl having cognitive achievement higher 81,05% from conventional students. Based on this research, the researcher suggest to the teacher that this strategy can be implemented in biology learning. Kata kunci: Project Based Learning, sikap terhadap ekosistem sungai, hasil belaja

    Potensi Strategi Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (Pbl), Reading Questioning And Answering (Rqa) dan Kombinasi Memberdayakan Karakter Siswa Putra dan Putri Sman Kota Malang pada Pembelajaran Biologi

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    The aims of this research were to investigate: 1) The effect of Problem Based Learning (PBL), Reading Questioning and Answering (RQA), and PBL integrated with RQA learning (PBL+RQA) on students' characters, 2) The effects of gender on students' characters, and 3) the effect of the interaction between learning strategies and gender on students' characters. The population of this research was all the tenth grade students of state senior high schools in Malang. The results showed that 1) There was not any effect of biology learning strategies on the students' characters. 2) There was an effect of gender on the students' characters. The average of the characters of the female students was 2,81% higher than that of the male students. 3) There was no interaction effect of learning strategy and gender on the students' characters.Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji: 1) Pengaruh strategi pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL), Reading Questioning and Answering (RQA), dan PBL dipadu RQA terhadap karakter siswa, 2) Pengaruh gender terhadap pembentukkan karakter siswa, dan 3) Pengaruh interaksi strategi pembelajaran dan gender terhadap karakter siswa. Populasi penelitian ialah seluruh siswa kelas X SMAN Malang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hal-hal berikut. 1) Tidak ada pengaruh strategi pembelajaran terhadap karakter siswa. 2) Perbedaan gender berpengaruh terhadap pembentukkan karakter siswa. Nilai rerata terkoreksi karakter siswa putri lebih tinggi 2,81% dari siswa putra. 3) Interaksi strategi pembelajaran dan gender tidak berpengaruh terhadap pembentukkan karakter siswa

    Pengaruh Strategi Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Dan Inkuiri Terbimbing Terhadap Keterampilan Metakognitif, Berpikir Kritis, Dan Hasil Belajar Kognitif Siswa SMA

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    : The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of Problem Based Learning (PBL) strategy and guided inquiry towards metacognitive skills, critical thinking, and cognitive learning outcomes students. This research uses an experimental class that uses Problem Based Learning (PBL) strategy and guided inquiry, and class control using conventional learning strategy. Analysis of data using Anacova after normality and homogeneity test carried out. The results showed that: (1) Problem Based Learning (PBL) strategy influenced the metacognitive skills of students at SMAN Ambulu-Jember, (2) Problem Based Learning (PBL) strategy to influence critical thinking of students at SMAN Ambulu-Jember, (3) Problem Based Learning (PBL) strategy influenced the cognitive achievement of students at SMAN Ambulu-Jember

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Mutasi Genetik pada Matakuliah Genetika

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    Teaching materials is one of the important components in learning that can help the smooth learning of students. The purpose of this research is to produce teaching material of genetic mutation in genetics course in State University of Malang. Development of teaching materials using Four-D development model. Data analysis is descriptive qualitative and quantitative descriptive. The result of development of teaching materials in the form of Module Genetic of mutation. The instructional materials in the form of modules have been revised based on the assessment of expert validators and small group trials. Based on the percentage of validity obtained from material expert validators, media experts and small group trials, the developed Module Genetic of mutation has met the valid criteria and can be used with the acquisition of percentages of 86.00%, 88.38%, and 88.38%. Product revisions are made based on comments and suggestions provided by validators and small group trials. Module Genetic of mutation comes with instructions for use, discussion, tasks, summary, test questions, reflections, answer keys, ratings, and glossary.Bahan ajar merupakan salah satu komponen penting dalam pembelajaran yang dapat membantu kelancaran belajar mahasiswa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan bahan ajar mutasi genetik pada matakuliah Genetika di Universitas Negeri Malang. Pengembangan bahan ajar menggunakan model pengembangan Four-D. Analisis data berupa data deskriptif kualitatif dan deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil pengembangan bahan ajar berupa Modul Genetika Mutasi. Bahan ajar berupa modul telah direvisi berdasarkan hasil penilaian validator ahli dan uji coba kelompok kecil. Berdasarkan persentase kevalidan yang diperoleh dari validator ahli materi, ahli media dan uji coba kelompok kecil. Modul Genetika Mutasi yang dikembangkan telah memenuhi kriteria valid dan dapat digunakan dengan perolehan persentase masing-masing 86,00%, 88,38%, dan 88,38%. Revisi produk dilakukan berdasarkan komentar dan saran yang diberikan oleh validator dan uji coba kelompok kecil. Modul Genetika Mutasi ini dilengkapi dengan petunjuk penggunaan, diskusi, tugas, rangkuman, soal tes, refleksi, kunci jawaban, penilaian, dan glosarium

    Pengaruh Strategi Pembelajaran Cooperative Script Dan Think-pair-share Terhadap Sikap Sosial Siswa SMA Samarinda Multietnis

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    Sebuah penelitian eksperimen semu dilakukan pada siswa kelas XI IPA SMA multietnis di kota Samarinda. Penelitian ditujukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh strategi pembelajaran, etnis, dan interaksi strategi pembelajaran-etnis terhadap sikap sosial siswa. Strategi pembelajaran meliputi Cooperative Script (CS), Think Pair Share (TPS), CS+TPS, dan pembelajaran konvensional. Sementara itu, etnis terdiri dari etnis Jawa, Bugis, Banjar, dan Kutai. Penelitian dilakukan selama semester ganjil, tahun pelajaran 2012/2013. Enam kelas yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah setara berdasarkan skor Ujian Akhir Nasional. Analisis data menggunakan ancova faktorial pada taraf signikansi 5% (p<0,05). Berkaitan dengan interaksi antara strategi pembelajaran dan etnis, hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa interaksi berpengaruh terhadap sikap sosial; sikap sosial pada kombinasi TPS+CS Kutai tertinggi, yaitu 39,9% lebih tinggi dari sikap sosial pada kombinasi pembelajaran konvensional Jawa (terendah). Penelitian sejenis perlu dilakukan di masa yang akan datang disamping untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih

    Analisis Perbandingan Hubungan antara Keterampilan Metakognitif terhadap Hasil Belajar dan Retensi Siswa SMA pada Pembelajaran Biologi Berbasis Pbl

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    Metacognitive skill is one important indicator within learning that required to be empowered. Several factors within learning have proven that were influenced by metacognitive such as learning outcomes and retention. This research aims at discovering a comparison on the correlation and contribution between metacognitive and learning oitcomes as well as the retention in Biology learnyng based on PBL. This research employed descriptive-correlational design. The population of this research was the entire students of XI graders of Senior High School in Malang academic year 2016/2017. The sample of this research was XI graders of Science students 1 SMAN 7 Malang consisted of 32 stuednts and students of 6.F.3 SMAN 9 Malang consisted of 29 students. The data obtained was analyzed using liniear regression analysis. The result showed that contribution of metacognitive to learning outcome is higher than to the retention.Keterampilan metakognitif merupakan salah satu indikator penting dalam pembelajaran yang perlu diberdayakan. Terdapat berbagai faktor dalam pembelajaran yang telah terbukti dipengaruhi oleh keterampilan metakognitif diantaranya hasil belajar dan retensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan hubungan dan sumbangan yang diberikan antara keterampilan metakognitif terhadap hasil belajar serta terhadap retensi pada pembelajaran Biologi berbasis PBL. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif-korelasional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI SMA di wilayah Kota Malang semester ganjil tahun pelajaran 2016/2017. Sampel yang digunakan adalah siswa kelas XI MIPA 1 SMAN 7 Malang yang terdiri atas 32 siswa dan siswa kelas 6.F.3 SMAN 9 Malang yang terdiri atas 29 siswa. Data penelitian dianalisis menggunakan analisis regresi linier. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, sumbangan keterampilan metakognitif terhadap hasil belajar lebih besar dibandingkan dengan sumbangan terhadap retensi

    Kadmium dan Efeknya terhadap Ekspresi Protein Metallothionein pada Deadema Setosum (Echinoidea; Echinodermata)

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    Logam berat kadmium (Cd) bersifat karsinogen, mutagenik dan teratogenik pada beberapa jenis hewan. Ketika berada di dalam sel, Cd akan menginduksi berbagai jenis mekanisme signal transduksi serta mengaktifkan banyak gen. Salah satu efek langsung yang ditimbulkan oleh Cd adalah mengganggu proses homeostasis sel. Mekanisme homeostasis sel terlaksana dengan keberadaan protein metallothionine (MT) yang berperan sebagai protein pengikat logam dan mengurangi efek toksik. Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui konsentrasi Cd pada kompartemen tubuh Deadema setosum sekaligus mengkaji efek Cd terhadap ekspresi protein metallothionein pada D. setosum. Hasil analisa kandungan Cd dalam kompartemen tubuh D. setosum menunjukan rerata kadar Cd bervariasi namun pada cangkang (0.67) < duri (0.75) < gonad (1.35) < usus (1.63). Hasil pemulasan imonohistokimia menggunakan antibodi rabit anti MT-1 D. setosum menunjukan sel yang mengekspresikan MT-1 berwarna coklat. Ekspresi protein MT-1 pada gonad, usus, dan hepar menunjukan perbedaan morfologi sel, dimana Cd yang terakumulasi pada setiap sel tergat tergantung pada jenis dan fungsi organ selnya